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/lit/ - Literature

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20290970 No.20290970 [Reply] [Original]

I have abandoned by people in my whole life. Certain family members, friends, girlfriends, every kind of people abandoned me somehow. Sometimes it was because of personal reasons, sometimes not, yet I do not have any tiny bit of trust to people anymore.
I would be happy if you recommend Literature books about abandonment, abandonment trauma and issues.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.20291002

>abandonment, abandonment trauma and issues.
The Old Testament I guess?

>> No.20291016

Hate to break it to you, but you can't rely on people. Your experience is normal. Besides your parents (and children, if you have any) everyone else is expendable. Women especially, because they'll ditch your ass without warning if it's convenient for them.

>> No.20291058

I have only read the first 5 chapters, I will continue then.

>> No.20291224

Well, I am aware of that but my almost all recent relationships has ended with instant abandonment. I would not consider myself "problematic" beforr but I started to feel responsible after what happened yesterday.
After my father abandoned us, I got into total isolation for years. At the beginning of this year, I thought things would be okay from now on but I realised I was wrong. I'm considering getting into isolation again.

>> No.20291230

I know getting into isolation is not going to fix things but I would be more emotionally stable in that way. By the way, do you have any book recommendation?

>> No.20291359

Shameless self bump. Reccomend me books.

>> No.20291381


>> No.20291610

Metamorphosis is a short read and might be able to help - other than that, people are people so i wouldnt take it personal, make sure to keep your fitness up for the feel good chems and self-esteem boost. gl

>> No.20291618

>yet I do not have any tiny bit of trust to people anymore.
Mental formations are still cease-able, just learn proper Buddhism and practice it. No weird trauma reliving journey is as good as some samatha and vipassana.

>> No.20291800
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The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi is pretty good; looks like self help trash but don't be fooled (though it does read like baby's first Socratic dialog). How Does Analysis Cure by Kohut is also pretty decent for building a relational model but is 70s psychology... IDK maybe some stoicism to

>> No.20292020

Merton, No Man is an Island
You cannot flee from others doing it to you, you can only bring the antidote into being from within yourself
>t. had been saying the same thing my entire life, adoption is a hell of an abandonment genesis myth

>> No.20292073

I have abandoned people for ages and they manage to find me and pester me wanting to get in touch years after. You must be truly insufferable while I must be adorable somehow (even though I don’t like people). Such is life.

>> No.20292198

Buddhism is not really my thing to be honest but I will look into that, thank you.

>> No.20292211

I was not taking personal until yesterday. It was so disgusting yet interesting.

>> No.20292263

I'm not insufferable for sure, I'm talking about certain people that I would not expect that they cut their ties for no reason that I understand I get compliments everytime if you wonder.

>> No.20292269

*I don't understand,

>> No.20292300

Thank you for recommendation. I'm aware of that but sometimes it hits hard and I get unreasonably emotional.

>> No.20292519
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you go girl

>> No.20292561


>> No.20292935


The History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche
Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche
The Ego and Its Own, Max Stirner
Tao te Ching, Lau Tzu
Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes
The Ego and It's Own, Max Stirner
Ecco Homo, Nietzsche
Five Dialogues, Plato
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle


Loserthink, Scott Adams
The Self-Talk Solution, Shad Helmstetter
Your Brain Explained, Marc Dingman
The Power of Habit, Patrick Duhigg
Deep Work, Cal Newport
Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill
177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class
Designing the Mind, Anon
7 Habits of Highly Effecitve People, Stephen R. Covey
How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams
Can't Hurt Me, David Goggins
Discipline Equals Freedom, Jocko Willink
Extreme Accountability, Jocko Willink


The Myth of Mental Illness, Thomas S. Szasz
Rite of Passage Parenting, Thomas Moore
Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions, Russell Brand
Man and His Symbols, Jung et. al
Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Carl Jung
Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Carl Jung
The Red Book, Carl Jung

Spirituality/New Age

The Holy Bible, KJV
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall
The Ra Contact, Elkins/McCarty
The Way of Initiation, Rudolph Steiner
Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power, Rene Guenon
Initiation and Its Results, Rudolph Steiner
12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson


>> No.20292990

You’re right, it does get hard from time to time — that’s when it’s best to go out to somewhere new and talk to a stranger with your most sincerely loving self. Could be a bar, a bookstore, or anywhere that corporate policy doesn’t disallow employees & patrons from speaking frankly (with what time they have to spare), but I strongly encourage those little wanderer’s trips of “catch & release” with life’s characters. Even if you meet someone cool, don’t feel bad that you’ve set a limit on your engagement — I’d strongly recommend containing your autism and never giving out your contact info unless they explicitly ask for it — but the sting of abandonment & rejection tends to dull its edges when you learn to enjoy the rotating cast of characters all around you. You don’t even have to be interested in what they’re interested in, just ask them about it — interested people make for interesting experiences, and the speaker is often far more enjoyable than the content.

>> No.20293026

Idk man all I have is you guys

>> No.20293102

Great! I have read some of those already.

>> No.20293129

it takes saturation, anon. my parents hated me, kicked me out at 17. was a rough life but im successful now, millionaire, kids, etc. you can do it.

>> No.20293880

Behead All Satans

>> No.20294788

Pretty much this.