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/lit/ - Literature

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20290956 No.20290956 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve never read a book more than once. Am I the only one?

What books do you read repeatedly?

>> No.20290991

I’ve re-read my favourite books several times because the predictability of knowing exactly what will happen is comforting.

>> No.20291000

I read the fun ones and my childhood favorites, repeatedly. Every couple years, sometimes more.

The Lost World (Crichton)
Howl's Moving Castle
Emotionally Weird
Swiss Family Robinson
various fanfic

>> No.20291010

i read twilight everyday, i hope this comment helps you in some way

>> No.20291052

If you never read a book twice then you’ve never really read a book

>> No.20291107


>> No.20291114

I don't read

>> No.20291131

Probably 75% of what I read is rereads. If you’ve been reading long enough, you know your tastes change and it’s worth re-examining what you already have, or already read and know. It’s a great feeling to give a book a second chance that you hated years ago, and find out it’s worth it.

>> No.20291211

The Bible, Shakespeare's major tragedies, Paradise Lost, the Divine Comedy, Ulysses, Moby-Dick, Metamorphoses (Ovid's, not Kafkas)

>> No.20291240

I used to re read books when I was younger but it was partly because they were comfy and partly because I was afraid to branch out.
Now I long to return to some of my favourites a lot but I have so many new books to read and so little time.
Part of the reason I want to return to books I like a lot is to see how well they hold up now that my brain is more developed, part of it is just wanting to experience it again.

>> No.20291558

I read the Bible everyday
Aside from that I've re-read some books I read in high school to see if they were as good as I remembered like The Stranger by Camus and Anthem by Rand

>> No.20292070

i dont reread. only if there was an incentive for me to find a source

>> No.20292076
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I haven't yet but I want to read pic related again because there was a really good quote that I wanted to make into a sharable image.

>> No.20292138

What quote

>> No.20293196 [DELETED] 
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I seldom rewatch anything, much less reread; I only do so with more complex, and/or especially relevatory, things.

Everything has its season; with revolution, you merely further interiorize —resurface, and reestablish—, what you have already envolved/traversed, not needing to redo so.

>> No.20293199

What's your gif from?

>> No.20293203
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I seldom rewatch, much less reread, anything; I only do so with more complex, and/or especially relevatory, things.

Everything has its season; with revolution, you merely further interiorize —resurface, and reestablish— what you have already envolved/traversed, not needing to redo so.

>> No.20293211


"Armitage III" (1995).

>> No.20294769

I barely read them.

>> No.20295543

I usually don't, the exception is some web novel stuff I reached the latest chapter, coming back to it a few years later. Usually I can skim from the start or just start from 50 or so chapters before I last left off, but if I have no recollection at any point I'll start from the beginning.

>> No.20295546


>> No.20295580

The Gospels are basically the only things I've found worth rereading.

>> No.20295605

I haven't found it yet that's the problem.

>> No.20295611

The biggest problem is people that read the popular books in their teens or younger, and they then make assumptions about those books based on their memory. In truth they don't remember most the book. That's half the faggots on this board.