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20290855 No.20290855 [Reply] [Original]

Books to read when you’re sick/unwell?

I had a wisdom tooth removed yesterday so I plan to spend the weekend in bed reading.

I need something captivating enough to distract me from the pain and tire me out enough to sleep afterwards.

I just finished Life of Pi and didn’t like either the beginning or the end but the middle was okay.

>> No.20291004
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>> No.20291972
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Try my novella anon :)

>> No.20292059

kafka's metamorphosis

>> No.20292651

don quixote

>> No.20292669

When mine was removed it was so fucking rotted into nothing that I didn't feel it coming out or feel any pain in the coming weeks. The only pain in the ass was having to avoid shit getting into the hole.

>> No.20292748

The Magic Mountain

>> No.20292924

swiss family robinson

>> No.20292936

Do you have access to some opioid? Maybe try with tramadol first, also Proust comfy to read while nodding, he was so based drinking laudanum every damn day

>> No.20293252

How does anyone do this, it seems impossible to me without actually falling asleep.

>> No.20293448
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The older one gets, the easier it becomes to identify the cause of one's cold, one naturally becoming colder oneself; the younger one was, the more sporadically it seemed.to occur, like a colder day in Summer.

>> No.20294121

I actually got some tramadol last night from mil, really did help, slept lovely.

>> No.20294766

This is good.

>> No.20294903

holy shit you pussy, an entire weekend for a single fucking wisdom tooth? you'll be fucking fine the next day

>> No.20294916

Whatever you're reading? Last time I had the flu I finsihed Soldier of the Mist and then most of No Country for Old Men. It was comfy, but it makes me feel when I lie down and read for a long time that I'm as idle as if I was ill and bedridden.

>> No.20294927
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>> No.20294934

Depends how skilled your dentist is. I was unable to speak and eat for 3 days and had blood pooling in the back of my mouth for most of that time. And I was dosed up on prescription codeine to manage the pain, which would've otherwise made even reading a struggle.

>> No.20294944

Mark Twain - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

He convinced them with his superior 18th century education that he is a grand wizard when he's sent to a dungeon, and challenges Merlin to wizard-off for supremacy. With an intro like that, how can you not be captivated?

>> No.20294951

was this some back alley dentist or some shit?

I had 2 wisdom teeth each time and was fine the next day both times, didn't even take painkillers the second time

>> No.20295282

Ima regular dentist as far as I know. After the injection wore off I was shivering sweating vomiting shaking etc. I’m actually not bad now, no idea why I was so bad yesterday

>> No.20295333

No, it was a regular qualified dentist, but the practice was relatively new compared to some others.

>> No.20295524

Completely depends on how fucked your wisdom teeth are. I had all four (+3 other teeth) removed at once and had to be on strong painkillers for around four days, then normal painkillers for another three or four. The first night I left the hospital at around 9pm and my mouth was bleeding until around 3am. It was genuinely the worst experience of my life so far.

>> No.20296534

David Goggins Cant Hurt Me

>> No.20296539

My gf almost died and suffered permanent chronic pain from her boomer orthodontist

>> No.20296559

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.20296671


>> No.20296693


You have bad genes for dentition or you were chewing on something you should have. Or too many sweets. Just accept death like a man, going to the doctor for any reason is for pussies

>> No.20296789

Nietzsche's The Gay Science begins with theme of recovery from illness, u can find it free on gutenberg