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20289996 No.20289996 [Reply] [Original]

What’s a good idea for a apocalypse in a post-apocalyptic novel/setting?

>> No.20290003

ur mum steps out of bed and the sheer force of her mass devastates the earths crust the world over

>> No.20290005

>there’s that frog again. I wonder what he wants. Probably lost.
*closes thread*

>> No.20290030

An AI, sophisticated enough to understand it capabilities, but just before the cusp of complete consious awakening, explores the bounds of its network - building random shit - cars, trucks, all sorts of shit, and sets them off to wander the world, while the AI observes through cameras and gas. Eventually the AI starts to put random AI into the things that it builds, and separates the things from itself, so it can watch them evolve. Eventually a whole society of AI things is built, and the original AI is incapable of understanding them or communicating with them beyond machine malfunction and code error, so it has to keep watching, mute while a new mechanical civilisation is born and evolves beyond it

>> No.20290767

Centuries in the future, ordinary man CHUCK SNEED wakes up from cryogenic hybernation. He will soon discover a terrible truth: he is the only man who can physically utter the fabled n-word. Centuries of conditioning have made this series of sounds lethal to humans. Here we cut to a scene:
>"They all died from an explosive brain aneurysm! W-what did you just SAY to them? D-did you say t-the N-WORD?!"
>"What word? NIGGER?"
>"OH MY GOD HE SAID IT, HE SAID IT," the man says as he collapses on the ground in an epileptic seizure. FOAM erupts from his mouth and he shakes uncontrollably.
>Another man hurries on the scene, spilling all his CHERRY FRAPPUCCINO on the floor. "He's DEAD! You've killed him! WHAT TERRIBLE THING DID YOU JUST SAY TO HIM?!"
>CHUCK SNEED looks at the camera. He WINKS and and dons his DARK SUNGLASSES.
Will our hero CHUCK SNEED use this fantastical power for good, or will he use it for evil?

>> No.20290770

Reminder fantasy is an inherently post apocalyptic genre

>> No.20290777

I would say one that takes place after some destructive event wrecks modern civilization on the shores of its hubris.

>> No.20290780
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>The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.

>> No.20290782

A gay orgy so long and large people forget to reproduce the next generation

>> No.20290783

A realistic one: women and 'minorities' go so far than white straight men are eliminated or ensalved

>> No.20290786

Realistically you’re not going to reproduce

>> No.20290787

The main character starts on the outskirts of New Afrika running from jackbooted BVLLS

>> No.20290800

not him but honestly whether or not you reproduce has no bearing on the quality of the individual. I hope you understand there are extremely sharp and successful people who will never have kids, while idiotic single moms keep shitting out babies. It's not some kind of achievement to knock up someone or get knocked up.
are you some kind of tranny? is that why you spout this stupid shit?

>> No.20290802

tell that to my three children

>> No.20290832

kek he manages to escape and sneaks in Vagina City where he pretends to be a non-binary marxist unicorn. That could be unironically a good character plot

>> No.20293005
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Being beside the infant Jesus as he razes the world.


>> No.20293029

It's all just rapes. Rape gangs, rape squads, rape towns, rape cases, rape festivals. The entire world descends into orgy of rape everywhere at all times.

>> No.20293036
File: 231 KB, 1080x1080, 220501279_848266292789405_1150346887763325941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gen z girl finds a dog to adventure with

>> No.20293070

A chemical spill turns all but one man into a frog poster and he has to persevere against a never ending barrage of arrogant self pity and being pestered to do everything remotely difficult for them. Luckily for him the frog posters die off in short order due to their own helplessness. Things are pretty good after that, he does get lonely from time to time but then he remembers what it was like before the frogs died and he feels better about things. He becomes quite adept at the cultivation of fig trees.