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/lit/ - Literature

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20287880 No.20287880 [Reply] [Original]

Why so many booktube retards, wokies and women hate Holden? sure he is an annoying teenager, but he has troubled home life and deep down he is a kind person which is shown many times in the book

>> No.20287888 [DELETED] 

>deep down he is a kind person
doesn't matter, if you're not actively sucking a niggers dick you're a nazi

>> No.20287947 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 216x324, Bobdobbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salinger lost.

>> No.20287955 [DELETED] 
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J.D. Salinger LOST

>> No.20287962 [DELETED] 
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Mr. Salinger has been defeated.

>> No.20287964

Anyone who likes this book is automatically a friend to me

>> No.20287971
File: 35 KB, 630x416, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salinger lost.

>> No.20288384

Because they not only lack any basic understanding of literary form and meaning, they also lack basic empathy for other people, which is ironic because the same people will turn around and tell you that feeling empathy is the point of reading fiction.

>> No.20288395

I like this book

>> No.20288401

This. I once had a university literature class where we read this book; all the other students couldn't discuss jack shit except Holden's white privilege and toxic masculinity.

>> No.20288441

who tf dislikes Holden? pretty sure you are making this up

>> No.20288446

It's because those female book readers hate any book that doesn't have a female protagonist. Because they can't as easily see the world from the male protagonist's perspective, they automatically hate the character. It's an ease-of-use issue. If they can more easily see through the eyes of a character, they like it more because it takes less energy.

>> No.20288497

Not really looks at goodreads or any other booktube videos where they talk about red flag books

>> No.20288512

Totally true

>> No.20288518
File: 38 KB, 500x450, EEDDA7A8-3CD8-4AFD-B544-AC55CEF8C2A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s literally because it’s a book about a teenage boy, and because they’re oh so phony

>> No.20288524

why would I mess with this, you are on a hell of your own making, ASCEND

>> No.20289092

It should come as no surprise to any man who has read this book that women would hate it. You ever tried talking to a woman about the evils of society? They ain't havin that.

>> No.20289101

I feel so bad for you zoomers.

>> No.20289412

Millennials are no better. Everyone has been trained to interface with both literature and the world by focusing on their narrow acceptable ideology and pointing out when the narrative touches on that territory. There is no contemplation of the gestalt everything is organ level or lower.