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/lit/ - Literature

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20286086 No.20286086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>First Person

>> No.20286141
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Correct opinion, this is why I wrote my novella in third person

>> No.20286180

i also don't like it but i read two books in first person that didn't feel bad
the shadow of the torturer by wolfe
and white noise by delillo

>> No.20286191

It’s a sign of mental weakness and inflexibility. True literature uses free indirect discourse in the third person.

>> No.20286241

Wolfe is a good at making his characters narrow views on the world seem wider than they are

>> No.20286296
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>Second Person

>> No.20286313

*First person present tense
First person retrospective is kino

>> No.20286317

whats this about?

>> No.20286332

It’s about two pilgrims going on a journey, one is a beautiful girl, the other a mishimian schizoid. It’s about his philosophic infatuations and their chaste but horny romance.
Read the description on amazon, it’s A Viennese Pilgrim And Her Guardian

>> No.20286495

You moron, don't post the cover, post pictures of choice excerpts. No one is going to buy your shit if they can't see your writing

>> No.20286502
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>Book switches between first and third person randomly

>> No.20286725


>> No.20286983
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>Second person epistolary novel

>> No.20287003

Excerpts, retard, excerpts. I

>> No.20287015
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*don't mind me*

>> No.20287025

literally first person narratives are best suited to mentally unwell people like Notes From Underground or Lovecraft

>> No.20287819
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Thanks for the advice anons, here you go

>> No.20288471

Boring as hell and cliched

>> No.20288558
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>Book switches between first and second person seemingly at random, sometimes referring to the reader, sometimes referring to people in general, sometimes even referring to the narrator with varying tenses in the same paragraph
gao, I kneel....

>> No.20288604


>> No.20288605

Too bad. Its philosophy not a novella

>> No.20288610

I've been writing in first person and changing it to 3rd person to give the narration a weird keen eye

>> No.20288638
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>books narration cannot be trusted

>> No.20288667
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>found footage transcript

>> No.20288735

>Yup, that’s me

>> No.20288772
File: 140 KB, 323x356, Pepe drops drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Third-person omniscient
>Present tense
The only narrative style that is "instantly-trashed" worthy. First and third person can be done well, but third person in the present just sounds like a movie script, and for whatever reason it curses the mind to write the most mediocre and pedestrian prose, as if it naturally makes you write sparsely, like a screenplay.

>> No.20288914

It’s called a journal, not “found footage”

>> No.20288993
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>second person

>> No.20289063

>free indirect discourse
Do people like free indirect? I write that way on instinct but have been trying to stop because I worry that it seems lazy and frivolous.

>> No.20289070
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>4th person

>> No.20289094

Self publishing killed literature. Should've known from the font on the cover it would be like this.

>> No.20289121
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>fourth person

>> No.20289201
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>> No.20289204

how do you achieve this level of pretentiousness?

>> No.20289207

you just figured out fiction

>> No.20289233

third person present tense is an insufferable gimmick and i refuse to read a great many books because i cannot stand that. no i will not be taking any questions, thank you.

>> No.20289235

For the most part you're right, but All Quiet On the Western Front is first person kino

>> No.20289260

Dumbfuck hive mind

>> No.20289299

The Great Gatsby is first person as well, and it's form the perspective of someone other then the protagonist at that.

>> No.20289325

The Great Gatsby is written in first person by a character so beta that it might as wel be third person

>> No.20289328
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>all books are first person

>> No.20289335

some of this is good but there are definitely cliches as the other reply said

>> No.20289353

Come to think of it, what's an example of a no-person or zeroth-person book?

>> No.20289374


>> No.20289376
File: 210 KB, 1200x1200, 910C23D3-507C-4A63-890E-3EF43B6D991D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hasn’t read As I Lay Dying.

>> No.20289392
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>He hasn't died as I lay reading

>> No.20289394

>For it be true, that God is the first person, if indeed we are all created in his image!

>> No.20289398

Abstract poetry. >>20289374 is wrong, non-fiction is third person, unless it's autobiographical, in which case it is often first person.

>> No.20289399

Boring, but I appreciate the effort. The second sentence is all about vivacity, but the way it's written is cliché to the point that it erodes all the energy, and it stalls.

>> No.20289483

10/10 if trolling

>> No.20289492

Do you know what a transcript is you fucking mongoloid

>> No.20289503

Do you know what a script is you fucking mongoloid

>> No.20289909

A lot of Haikus

Haikus are most beautiful when unread

>> No.20289913

i like first person because its like seeing the world through the eyes of the person. you may not understand it but its not about you understanding him/her. i think of it as a different perspective

>> No.20289928

stories told erratically between 2nd and 3rd person, and occasionally 1st.

you WILL obey

>> No.20289931
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>third person but brain reads it in first person

>> No.20289954

name three.

>> No.20289961

How does that not also apply to the third person? You're literally seeing the world through the eyes of the author?

>> No.20289994

If you think any person, any tense, or any perspective cannot be pulled off, you haven't read enough to be here.

>> No.20290220

I have never been convinced by second person.

>> No.20290228

Second-person is where it's at.

>> No.20290233

Moby Dick is written in first person.

>> No.20290249

well, what have you read in second person?

>> No.20290310

And it’s american trash, what’s your point?

>> No.20290576

First person is the best for books about a mentally ill person to have a deeper more profound view on his outlook. It's kino.like the notes from underground or steppenwolf.

>> No.20290639

Third person, past tense - usually omniscient, is the preferred choice of an average midwit. That will never change. In Search of Lost Time, Lolita, Moby Dick, Journey to the End of the Night are all in the first person. There are no better novels.

>> No.20290654

>second person
>future tense
>on bug diets

>> No.20290669

I will buy it if it has explicitly described sexual scenarios.

>> No.20290670

There are many thousands of good pieces of correspondance. Do you avoid them out of principle?

>> No.20290692

elegant and underrated

>> No.20290850

I find first person to be exhausting. I can read a book in third person for hours, but if it’s in first person I’ll have to take a break every thirty minutes.

I wonder sometimes if it’s related to my social anxiety

>> No.20291500
File: 250 KB, 987x422, AVinnesePilgrimAndHerGuardian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cheap

>> No.20291510

I'm autistic but why not write say the last sentences as
>Stepping forward, shaking, his eyes alive with illumination
Too much stuff starting with HE

>> No.20291522

empty sentences
since you've posted it here, im gonna assume this is the best excerpt of the book, sad
btw that is 'false' third person, you're literally describing the feelings of the guy so it is first person written in a third person style

>> No.20291539


>> No.20291553

>I wonder sometimes if it’s related to my social anxiety
yes, it is, clearly

>> No.20293010

Is it really?