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/lit/ - Literature

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20284671 No.20284671 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that are pure fun

Pic related and Count of Monte Cristo are peak entertainment lit

>> No.20285323

in no particular order:

-Winter's Tale
-Howl’s Moving Castle
-Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
-Jurassic Park
-His Majesty's Dragon
-City of Thieves
-The Three Musketeers
-Emotionally Weird
-The Haunted Forest Tour

>> No.20285496

Isn't this the book where the main character is just a self insert and as soon as he gets to Japan a bunch of girls start fawning over his penis because it's bigger than the average Jap's? You have a weird definition of pure fun if reading some old guy's wet dreams is at the peak

>> No.20285503

sounds based. Imma read it now

>> No.20285522

read the fucking book

>> No.20285523
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If you’re not a seething hapa it’s fucking great

>> No.20285541
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Treasure Island

The Riddle of the Sands

The Sword in the Stone

Pic related

>> No.20285547

Sounds absolutely wonderful

>> No.20285556
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>> No.20285563

yellow hands typed this post
if you liked shogun read gai jin. its nearly as fun i had a great time with gai jin.

>> No.20285590

Basically everything by Jack Vance, but especially:
Planet of Adventure
Demon Princes

>> No.20285782

I will now read your book

>> No.20285786
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I've seen this exact same thread made before.

>> No.20285789

must be a coincidence. I'm the OP of this thread and this is the first time I've ever made a thread like this.

>> No.20285836
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>read monte cristo as a kid
>probably didn't understand a lot of it, but remember it being kino anyway
>now in my adult years, having learnt french
>read it again (in french) to see if it's as good as i remember it being
>it is
Feels fucking good, bros

>> No.20285855
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Funchads RISE UP

>> No.20285903

wow, a thread about good books on a literature board. but since this is /lit/, I can understand why this seems so notable to you.

>> No.20285984

I’ve seen threads asking for nautical books or adventure books. And one specifically asked for swashbucklers.

There’s some overlap.

Books young men enjoy are going to show up repeatedly on a books board frequented mainly by young men.
You can always seethe and dilate on discord

>> No.20286003

Lonesome Dove

>> No.20286033

Pynchon is both FUN and LITERARY

>> No.20286040

Lot of fun in Lonesome Dove but it also rips your heart out four or five times and feeds it to a pack of hyenas who devour it while you watch in anguish.
Make it four times. Number five sort of didn’t deserve it but sort of did.

>> No.20286046

Oh no... I've been wanting to read Lonesome Dove, but I have a weak heart...

>> No.20286150
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Idk about pure fun but its pretty entertaining so far

>> No.20286183

Transman of Gor

>> No.20286189

I love it, but I don't know if you could call it "fun"

>> No.20286226
File: 47 KB, 367x499, miyamoto-musashi-novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this one out if you like those. You might also like The Last of the Mohicans.

>> No.20286322

It's not that good, if it helps

>> No.20286333

Memoirs of Casanova. Especially to anyone who enjoyed Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.20286405

Great fucking list

My picks:
Bridge of Birds
The Stars My Destination
Treasure Island

>> No.20286478

huh, this happens irl, jap women are whores jsut like any other women

>> No.20286511

Just added this book to my "to read" list thanks anon

>> No.20286522

If you get emotionally attached to characters it’s pretty rough.
Cattle drives are dangerous. Back in that era just wandering around Oklahoma and Montana was pretty dangerous
The death toll in Lonesome Dove is pretty high.

>> No.20286591
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>> No.20286875
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>> No.20287257

try musashi. similar flavor to shogun but much cooler. have you seen the old shogun tv miniseries? it's pretty good.

>> No.20287438

Nice OP, Shogun and Count of Monte Cristo are the two books that really pushed me to read more back in high school. Shogun is so fun, Clavell was a great adventure novelist. I recommend Tai-Pan as well.

>> No.20287466
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>> No.20288020

King Solomon's Mines was way better than I was expecting it to be. Crazy climax.

>> No.20289313

Bengtsson's The Long Ships is great fun
Bulgakov's Master and Margarita
Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat
Dumas' D'Artagnan Romances (Three Musketeers, 20 Years After, etc.)
Twain's Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Stephenson's Cryptonomicon
Pynchon's Crying of Lot 49
Clancy's Red Storm Rising
Pretty much any Crichton

I've got a ton of SFF that I could add to this list, but tried to steer away from that since it's a bit of an acquired taste for some.

>> No.20289318
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>> No.20289540

Mind adding the SFF? I’m a fan but have been on a bad streak lately.

>> No.20289720

I read Whirlwind by the same author and it was terrible. It was like something an /int/ poster would write.
>australian character whistles Waltzing Matilda when he's happy
>finnish characters builds a sauna in Iran for some reason.
>french character is brusque and arrogant

>> No.20289729
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Sherlock Holmes is fun.