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/lit/ - Literature

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20283062 No.20283062 [Reply] [Original]

>You must read x before reading y
>You must read z before reading x
>You must read a before reading z
Does anyone actually do this? Who has the time to all the prereadings of an author? What a waste. You should be able to understand most of what the author has to offer without doing hundreds of prereadings. I know you probably won't get the full experience but it is what it is

>> No.20283076

I usually read volume 1 before volume 2

>> No.20283113

>You must read x before reading y
>You must read z before reading x
>You must read y before reading z
wat now?

>> No.20283124

Stop falling for memes you retard. Just read. And delete your thread, it stinks.

>> No.20283142

What's the problem with that? A writer writes whatever he wants and if he chooses to write a book that to understand it you have to read others books, what's wrong with that? In fact, I think it's even good because the writer has more writing variety available and he can write less because it suposses that you know what happens in any other book, all advantages. The only issue is that readers have to make more effort with isn't inherently a bad thing

>> No.20283149
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Hell yeah brother, just jump into fanged noumena as your first philosophical work, don't understand a thing, and feel welcome to spew your shit opinions on /lit/ like the pseud you are.

>> No.20283157

It makes sense if you only read philosophy and getting into arguments on /lit/ is your main past time.

>> No.20283187

As if there is anything significant to take away from Fanged Noumena.

>> No.20283362

you must learn counting before arithmetic
you must learn arithmetic before algebra
you must learn algebra before calculus

just as you must read hume before kant before fichte.

>> No.20283483

>Does anyone actually do this?
I do it all the time, when I started reading more regularly I asked for recommendations before tackling Ulysses. Of course the Odyssey, Dubliners, Portrait (and I can't remember if some anon said Hamlet) were mandatory reads to better grasp it. Alright, but it'd be a shame to skip the Iliad, so I started there and dear Lord I almost skipped one of the best books I've ever read. Thanks anons for the memes, they lead me to a great place.

I'm in a similar situation with the Divine Comedy: since the Bible and the Aeneid are mandatory, I'm reading the OT (and soon I'll read the Aeneid).
Same with the greek historians, after Herodotus I was really into the greco-persian wars, so the Anabasis caught my eye, but it cronologically it came after two other works, History of the Peloponnesian War and Hellenica, so I picked those first and it was a great decision

>> No.20284254

It's over

>> No.20285204

yes i do.
it`s called fucking education. To not be a midwit without knowing contexts YOU MUST read or at least read ABOUT whole genealogy of the point.

>> No.20285210

I don't care about that. The most important thing to me when reading philosophy is my own interaction with what's written. I couldn't care less about how precisely my comprehension is of another person's ideas. My own ideas are strictly equal.

>> No.20285217

You must read mythology before you can understand modern literature.

Kind of an unspoken rule that really does need to be followed.

>> No.20285219

Without knowing classics you always be a half-educated midwit nigger. And second (most important) you can`t even properly ENJOY the philosophy without understanding of terms and problematic.

>> No.20285227
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>you must learn arithmetic before algebra
false, pe pic reated. A link to the book (not piracy, it's from the university of chicago):

>> No.20285229

You would accept those premise if there were mathematics or physics text books, so why not literature?

>> No.20285236

>without understanding of terms
You say that as if terminology is impossible to understand intuitively from context, or failing that from just rudimentary research.