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20282413 No.20282413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20282418


>> No.20282421

there isn't one retard

>> No.20282426

Absolutely everything we know of had a cause.
Therefore Universe must've had a cause.
Whichever caused the Universe can be defined as God.

>> No.20282430

I'll let that sink in as far as you like, retard

>> No.20282435

Remy LaCroix in Big Anal Asses 4. There is a moment when she's getting drilled from behind and she looks straight at the camera and gives this lazy smile and then a little grunt and it's the most perfect thing imaginable. Only a perfect being with an incomprehensible plan could have brought that about.

>> No.20282437

What caused God?

>> No.20282441

>we don't know everything
>there's a possibility that in the things that we don't know there is things that don't have a cause
>Therefore the universe MIGHT had have a cause. Not must.

>> No.20282443

proof of causality?

>> No.20282444

>Absolutely everything we know of had a cause.
>Therefore Universe must've had a cause
>Whichever caused the Universe can be defined as God.

>> No.20282453

There isn't any.

>> No.20282454

calm down there, buckaroo. you seem triggered

>> No.20282459
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fuck around and find out

>> No.20282517

If I can perceive that I exist that means I exist.
Even if my perception is an illusion there has to be some form of perception present, so no matter how I may exist I can be sure that I exist.

God has to be over and also encompassing of all things because if he is less than x then he can't be God. Keeping this in mind, then I can deduce that God exists since I exist. This we must concede for sure.

We can never be sure of God's true form or will however so it's impossible to say "X religion/belief is right about God"
My personal belief is that there is a benevolent God that does interact with us in just the right ways.

>> No.20282528

I have a photograph

>> No.20282537

There’s nothing. It’s exactly like asking for the best proof of Santa Claus. You believe it or you don’t.

The universe is where everything is. It just is. If there’s a god that goes around creating people, the universe came before this god.

Catch me outside

>> No.20282539

>God has to be over and also encompassing of all things because if he is less than x then he can't be God
Never change /lit/.

>> No.20282547
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>Catch me outside
you have to go outside first

>> No.20282550

>God has to be over and also encompassing of all things because if he is less than x then he can't be God. Keeping this in mind, then I can deduce that God exists since I exist. This we must concede for sure.
This is just the ontological argument and you definitely don't have to concede this since it lets you pull whatever you want out of thin air. Take Barney the anthropomorphic purple dinosaur that is defined to be the most ridiculous example of the ontological argument creating bullshit. The existence of Barney is more ridiculous than his non-existence therefore Barney must exist since he is defined as the most ridiculous

>> No.20282565

this thread is ALWAYS this same fucking nigger who is having an existential crisis. Jesus, get a room dude

>> No.20282654

How else could you define God? We aren't talking about some character, the features I mentioned are mandatory to define God in a human sense.
Why are you so upset at this fact? Simply acknowledge that some sort of God exists, not like it means anything for you. I think you just don't want to accept the truth

>> No.20282667

Definitions and logic games don't make reality,

>> No.20282694

And you're upset that your argument allows the creation of obviously stupid shit
> the features I mentioned are mandatory to define God in a human sense.
Dictionary definition. A superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. Note there is nothing there about encompassing all things. In polytheistic traditions gods definitely didn't encompass all things. If you can make your own specific definition for God I can do so for Barney

>> No.20282718

That's why I specified "human sense" Instead of seething how about you define God since you seem to be so knowledgeable on the subject
>B-b-but in X culture God is a hecking superhero!
Ok idc? Anything less than an all encompassing existence is less than the sum of everything, such a thing can neither be omnipotent nor omniscient. I'm not making up a definition of God I'm pointing out features that must be a part of "God" for it to be God in the human sense

>> No.20282729

>I'm not making up a definition of God I'm pointing out features that must be a part of "God" for it to be God in the human sense
I have no idea what you mean by in the human sense. Do you think words have objective definitions apart from people? Like there is a definition of God that no one made up? If I say God is defined as a banana what are you going to point to and say that is not the definition of God?

>> No.20282754
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The goblin finally and absolutely btfod all arguments that try to prove or disprove God in Critique of Pure Reason. All you can do is believe in him.

>> No.20282768

To know him personally, as revealed by study of his word and prayer from the heart.

>> No.20282769

I am

>> No.20282770

If you act like a literal child we can't communicate at all you know
>Do you think words have objective definitions apart from people?
They do, actually. Yes
>Like there is a definition of God that no one made up?
We can argue about the definition of God all day but there are some aspects of him we have to agree on, like him being all-encompassing because if he isn't all-encompassing he can't be omnipotent etc

God by nature must be incomprehensible by humans, that's why I specify "human sense" We can't talk about him otherwise

>> No.20282775

>We can argue about the definition of God all day but there are some aspects of him we have to agree on, like him being all-encompassing because if he isn't all-encompassing he can't be omnipotent etc
We don't agree on that and the fucking dictionary definition I gave doesn't agree on it. You have a definition of God specific to you and people who like the ontological argument. Fine I have a definition of Barney specific to people who like to make fun of believers in the ontological argument.

>> No.20282793

Actual sincere question: Have you yet taken PHIL 101 Intro to Moral Philosophy?
Some of your faggotry could be solved by some coursework, though I do think that the rest might require shock treatment

>> No.20282801

The objection to the ontological argument i gave is common to Phil 101 classes.

One of the earliest recorded objections to Anselm's argument was raised by one of Anselm's contemporaries, Gaunilo of Marmoutiers. He invited his reader to conceive an island "more excellent" than any other island. He suggested that, according to Anselm's proof, this island must necessarily exist, as an island that exists would be more excellent

>> No.20282806

beautiful women existing

>> No.20282817

QTs existing is proof that God both loves and hates us. Truly the Divine Comedy.

>> No.20282827

A God is not the same as The God, you are desperately trying to shift what I'm talking about so you can say that I'm talking about some cartoon character. There is an all encompassing being that is conscious and benevolent, the proof of that is the existence of any will at all. That is God, nothing else can be properly defined as God as any other definition will produce a lesser being.

>> No.20282828

>Whichever caused the Universe can be defined as God.
>can be defined as
So it's cute wordplay and the end result has almost nothing to do with the practical vision people have of God.

>> No.20282833

>That is God, nothing else can be properly defined as God as any other definition will produce a lesser being.
So you have a definition of God then? I gave my definition of Barney. The ontological argument proves the existence of both of them

>> No.20282884

God has proof, which is me. If you define Barney as a being based on an undeniable truth then yes we can say that Barney is real but we can't make any rational assumptions of his being

So "Barney is the aspect of God which likes to make fun of believers in the ontological argument." would be correct as God DOES have such an aspect to himself, you just put a name on it. You would have to give enough proof of Barney's existence if you define him any other way

>> No.20282900

Barney is defined as making believers in the ontological argument look maximally stupid. You've admitted to Barney's existence. You are a fucking retard