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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2028019 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever do ASoIaF threads?

If so let's get this started.
Getting close to the end of AFfC, Cearsi is arrested, I fucking lol'd.

Oh and I hope Victarion and Bryden Blackfish kick some ass in ADwD.

>> No.2028043
File: 366 KB, 710x720, donotwant2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the TV series of a Game of Thrones just a while ago, and it was okay. Then I tried to read the book, but found the colour and vivacity of the language used and the emotional depth of the text to be on the level of a telemarket catalogue. The plot is interesting and all that, but how anyone can derive pleasure from this autistic, emotionally stunted phone book is beyond me.

>> No.2028045

Nah, we here on /lit/ don't like taht book. We prefer proper literature. You'd probalby be better off discussing it on /tv/ or something

>> No.2028050

It seems GRRM is all we talk about, we just had a thread couple of hours ago

>> No.2028055
File: 775 KB, 1011x1362, grrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the 7 stand for the number of books you've read in your entire life or what

>> No.2028061
File: 92 KB, 500x500, 1313442564821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you guys are no fun.


Okay, have fun being a pompous ass.

>> No.2028068

What the heck, the Mahabharata is a lot longer than that.

>> No.2028070


Well for starters I've read almost everything that Orson Scott Card has ever written, so a few more books than 7.

But I'll hazard a guess that you guys think OSC is trash writing as well.

>> No.2028071

You'd guess correctly.

>> No.2028076


Wow, what a sour patch of grapes.

>> No.2028085

Sorry OP, this board is for the hipsters of literature. No fun allowed. Srsly.

>> No.2028086
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I was disgusted by the writing after a few pages.
I'll keep to the classics from now on. Nothing good comes out of fantasy.

>> No.2028087
File: 11 KB, 258x314, 1312831278996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It certainly does seem that way.
Guess what /lit/, I've read the entire Dark Tower series AND I LIKED IT.

>> No.2028091

I honestly liked the books. They were good entertainment literature. The same goes for The Malazan Book of the Fallen.

Sure these books aren't masterpieces, but its fun to read them. Honestly, I am reading a lot of classic literature or philosphy related stuff. But once in a while simple fantasy that is entertaining is fun too.

>> No.2028097

>comparing a contemporary fantasy series to ancient classics

Oh /lit/, I almost forgot why I almost never visit this board.

>> No.2028099

What does /lit/ think of the Dresden Files? Other than it was written in the last 800 years so it's shit.

>> No.2028127

this thread would be hilarious if it wasnt so sad. I for one dont give shit things like colour and vivacity of the language, but about the story and what it is saying. it's like all these whiners about tv/movie resolution.

>> No.2028149

OP, the key to a good ASOIAF thread is to ignore the haters. As soon as you start responding to them everything goes to shit.

I read the first five books a few years ago, just after AFFC came out, and when ADWD was released I realized that after all the waiting I'd forgotten most of what had happened (like, I couldn't remember if Arya was still alive or not), so I spent the last couple of weeks rereading them and I just started on ADWD yesterday. I, too, am hoping for some ass-kicking.

>> No.2028155



yeah AFfC was weird because of the new character perspectives introduced. For a while I felt like it was going backwards, but the second half of the book has been filled with intrigue and plot developments, it's been a rollercoaster, Can't wait to start ADwD.

>> No.2028206

I'm confused. I thought Westeros was a lot bigger than Essos? Why is Essos so much bigger than Westeros on that map? Of course, there's a lot I don't know about ASOIAF.

>> No.2028210


This isn't an "official" map.

I don't know if it's ever stated in the books which is bigger- maybe ADwD mentions it but I'm not that far yet.

>> No.2028211


My copy of A Game of Thrones has a map right at the beginning, like most fantasy (lol) books. Westeros is quite a lot better than Essos.

>> No.2028213


Hm I always thought that Essos was a lot bigger than westeros, but I don't remember it being mentioned so far. It just felt bigger with the dothraki sea and the red wastes and all that.

Also I enjoyed the books a lot, but when rereading them, somehow everything felt a little to rushed. It was like wow so Tyrion got captured in the Aerie. A short time after wow he is hand now and so on. The same with some of the other characters.

>> No.2028305

I think the best books were either Storm of Swords or Game of Thrones. Much asskicking. Also what do you think is going to happen to Brienne? That whole encounter at the inn when she got her face bitten off GODDAMN. Also, zombie Catelyn is a fucking bitch.

>> No.2028311


Oh god never frequented /lit/ before and this is fucking laughable. I like want to laugh.

>> No.2028316

The truth can often be quite funny

>> No.2028359


Yeah but the books don't show the whole of Essos, right?

(my copies don't)