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[ERROR] No.2027876 [Reply] [Original]

On the Creation of Niggers (1912)
by H. P. Lovecraft

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Has there ever been a moment when you had to re-evaluate your love for a particular author?

>> No.2027881
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>> No.2027885

It made me love him even more.

>> No.2027887


>> No.2027889

Yes. When I found out HP Lovecraft was a crazy racist.

>> No.2027891

Nope, that kind of thing is irrelevant. So what if Wagner supported the Nazis? So what if Ezra Pound was a Fascist? It doesn't affect the quality of what they produced.

Plus, let's face it - Lovecraft's poem is hilarious.

>> No.2027892

Hah, yeah. I was just joking around. I don't care if he was into farts. It's actually even a little endearing.

Something I'd seriously note, though, is that I became a little disappointed when I found out Langston Hughes had a rich, white patron. I know it shouldn't make any damn difference, but somehow I can't read his poetry the same way, anymore.

>> No.2027897


Wagner died in 1883.
learn2history before you spout bullshit about him "supporting the nazis"

>> No.2027899

I actually was pretty soft on Ayn Rand until I found out she's a massive whore easily manipulated by her lust.

>> No.2027900


In Lovecraft case it kinda does effect it. I mean, in the call of Cthulhu, the basic message was: "negroes and their crazy jiggaboo shenanigans will summon forth monstrous space abominations"

>> No.2027902

Oh yeah, I completely misremembered it. It was actually just Hitler who used his music. Sorry about that. I think he published anti-Semitic stuff though.

>> No.2027903

It's a lesson we'd do well to learn from.

>> No.2027905
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>> No.2027906

I think this only adds a very interesting context to his stories. That would explain his descriptions of natives being bloodthirsty savages, and also a reason for his focus on cosmic horror and fear of the unknown.

>> No.2027909


But Cthulhu is awesome...

>> No.2027913

Lovecraft stories may be filled with fears about miscegenation and "lesser races" undermining the status quo, but they're still good stories. He was writing horror. and those are the things he was afraid of.

>> No.2027916

I can't remember which story it was, but the "villain/monster" was a female vampire.... but the end revelation went something like "her dark and twisted secret wasn't that she was the dead, returned to life.... but that she was, in actuality, a Negress!"

I'm not sure you understand how time works...

>> No.2027929

In 'Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family', the protagonist discovers that his mother (or is it grandmother?) was actually an ape (and not just portuguese, as his father claimed).

>> No.2027946

He was right about Wagner publishing anti-semetic writings though. He was a German nationalist and his political ideas resemble those that Hitler would later turn into Nazism. Even if Wagner wasn't a Nazi, he didn't exactly have political ideals that would be acceptable today.

>> No.2027952


oh Christ, how I lol'd.

>> No.2027957


>> No.2027958


george bernard who also was a writer, was stating things like this.

was he not ironic?

people dont seem to understand this:lovecraft had a jewish wife, made fun of her for not understanding basic wit infront of people when he made "anti semetic remarks"

and he said in 1937 how he felt bad how badly the jews were treated in germany.

>> No.2027962

>I'm not sure you understand how time works...
Umm, what? What did I write to make you understand this?

>> No.2027965

Toward the end of his life he started to realize how fucking insane he was/must have sounded to his friends. There are multiple sources that point out that even in his less than enlightened times.... he was considered an extreme racist. I think he used to go on rants in teh middle of NYC. If you have other races... why the hell would you go to NYC?

>> No.2027971

You said that Hitler used his music, which practically makes Wagner himself a Nazi. In the proper progression of time, if someone creates something, and then someone else later comes and puts that invention or creation to a sinister purpose, the originator of the piece isn't confirmed for being in league with that other asshole.

Arguing he said some things when he thought noo ne was listening that would be considered similar is another conversation entirely.

>> No.2027974
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When DFW killed himself.

>> No.2027983

he was ironic, he didnt hate uneducated people, he hated people who lacked the simple understanding of ironi like bernard shaw.

people believed shaw was a proponent of mass extermination with a "humane gas" and thus thought he helped with the zyklon b gas in the holocaust. he was ironic about it, read about it on wiki

the second fact is that there is a crystal clear fact that lovecraft had a cat named Nigger man

he loved his cat, so no he wasnt a racist. he had a wife and didnt have alzheimers to forget his wife was JEWISH, so its almost obvious he was ironic by doing RANDOM rants infront of people about jews with having a JEWISH wife.

its like a alex jones being married to his jewish wife going random rants about killing the jews, he uses more sarcasm then irony though, and is more overdramatic in his tone.

>> No.2027993
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personally i could care less about this guys racism. It was highly prevalent up unto maybe a decade or so past the civil rights movement. I dont doubt one bit that several other authors before the mid 20th century were racist as fuck.

>> No.2027997

>You said that Hitler used his music, which practically makes Wagner himself a Nazi
Nice strawman. That Hitler used his music was only half of my post.
>he said some things when he thought noo ne was listening
That downplays it, to say the least. Look at the Wiki:
"Under a pseudonym . . . Wagner published the essay "Das Judenthum in der Musik" in 1850 . . . The essay attacked Jewish contemporaries . . . and accused Jews of being a harmful and alien element in German culture

As for "he thought no one was listening" (I'm not sure what you meant by this): "Wagner republished the pamphlet under his own name in 1869".

>> No.2028000




>> No.2028001

Sounds about right to me.

>> No.2028002

Sorry for the typos.

Also, people publish things... when they feel no one is listening to them. A "they think I'm a crazy person screaming about the juden, but if I write it all down, they will plainly see the sense in my musings!" kinda thing.

>> No.2028012
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dont worry bro, i'd be angry if i got trips and didn't call it either.

>> No.2028015

maybe he was doing a chris rock thing

>> No.2028024

racism is the hate for another race and justifying opression of it because of hate of another racism. I dont hate cats and arent a "speciests" but I do think cats are inferior to humans but dont want them exterminated and I LOVE THEM.

I think cats are inferior but I LOVE them and want them PROTECTED and would MURDER people that hurt them
I think they are inferior.

so no your statement is insane

that would also be if he thought they are inferior instead of being ironic.

so your argument about inferior is racism is like saying you think if racism would be applied to cats, and you LOVE them and not HATE them ,which hate constitutes racism, would contradict your statements.

cats are inferior to humans, and people LOVE them and will protect them. and certainly dont HATE them and want them exterminated.

You can think a black man is the same equal to you but you hate them and want them exterminated

>> No.2028032
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>racism is the hate for another race and justifying opression of it because of hate of another racism
So Joe P Racist is a racist because.... he hates blacks... and he justifies his hatred of blacks... because he hates... uh... other racists.. .. .which are ... what we were... meant to be explaining... in the... first place

>> No.2028031

Cats are not human beings and are therefore not subject to the same qualifications for an -ism. There is (or ought not to be) no such thing as a speciest.

The difference between the absolute bullshit you are spouting and racism is that all races are human beings, yet some are perceived as inferior which is called racism.

>> No.2028036

>racism is that all races are human beings
haha no its the hate for other races of humans.

racism is the hate for another race and justifying opression of it because they are inferior#


>> No.2028044

actually they are, now you are racist and a speciests against other species. your racism by your own logic, haha oh god.

is it more fun this guy is admitting he is insane by his own logic or or just drunk?

>> No.2028046

Nice bullshit greentext taking part of the sentence to alter its meaning because you are retarded.

Learn to read.

>> No.2028047

Every heard of something called a typo???

>> No.2028048

so much samefag in this retarded argument

>> No.2028049

I know, guy's trying way too hard. Time to go somewhere else.

>> No.2028053

Amusing as always to see people get mad over racism, social engineering at its finest.

>> No.2028057

the question is how can we use it to make lots of dosh(ps dosh mean money in british)

>> No.2028072

I only just read the Fart Letters for the first time...Jesus. My missus would kill me if I sent her a letter like that.

>> No.2028074

Your missus does not really love you.