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/lit/ - Literature

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20275553 No.20275553 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever feel like you're just too stupid for the book you're reading?

>> No.20275558

Yes but never with fiction. You're either a good writer or not.

>> No.20275563 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20275568

Yeah but I just look up other peoples opinions once I'm finished the book so I seem more smarter :)

>> No.20275569

Unless it's a book about Science or Math, that's the author's fault.

>> No.20275577

Not when I close it

>> No.20275578

You successfully comprehended Ulysses' deeper ideas like the "Remorse of Conscious"?

>> No.20275583

yeah I keep getting filtered.

Kant understand Kant.

>> No.20275586

I never feel stupid because I'm an objectively smart boy, easily top percentile of the human race. Of course I frequently feel lacking specific knowledge necessary to appreciate a book sufficiently in which case I conclude that the book is not for me and put it down.

>> No.20275594

Just can't understand Lacan, I can't Lacan.

>> No.20275621

Not stupid, but I just can't focus like I used to. I have to reread paragraphs sometimes because my mind will wander or my brain is constantly looping music in the background.

>> No.20275639

I can totally empathize with this. When I got back into reading I'd be hearing the words in my head but thinking of something totally else. After a few years of trying it went away, it also helped me to read things I actually was interested in rather than what I felt obligated to because of its "importance,". Yes, I am Low Iq.

>> No.20275727
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This book right here made me cry because it's so fucking full of nautical cant that I literally went pages and pages without understanding a single sentence.

>> No.20275778

With math, yes. With fiction, I blame the author not myself.

>> No.20275807

How egotistical can you be

>> No.20275818


>> No.20275830
File: 3.71 MB, 2048x3914, Miguel-Serrano-Savitri-Devi-Mein-Kampf-Ch2-3858393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scored a 35/36 on the ACT reading portion. If something is entirely convoluted, it's probably bullshit, a bad translation, or heavily Math/Science.

>> No.20275841

That's not the best example, it's pretty easy to follow

>> No.20275844

>heavily Math/Science
I'm not saying you were using an exclusive 'or' but STEM fags usually can't write worth a shit and end up making bad science.

>> No.20275855

What the fuck is he on about?

>> No.20275858


>> No.20275866

>more smarter

>> No.20275874
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220424-224056_Kobo Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gifted Mind by Raymond Damadian has some challenging parts, but he writes well. Pic related.
Trying to be smart. Instead of saying "The Hindus believe", he jumps into foreign words.

>> No.20275879

Ironic given that your post reads
>end up making bad science

Like lol bro. Like rofl.

>> No.20275894

I'm posting on 4chan.

>> No.20275979
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I started reading Pynchon's GR a couple days ago and I'm averaging two pages a day on my large monitor.

>> No.20275993

>large monitor
Understanding Pynchon should be the least of your worries

>> No.20276027

it's only 32inch nothing crazy

>> No.20276045

They're normally pretty clear, it just takes a lot of pre-reading to get the references. The difference between science and humanities is that science is actually difficult, words have a lot of meaning encoded within them. With humanities, you can just say "like Solomon..." and reference the story of solomon, and that's basically their equivalent of density. When you unpack it, the difference between an educated and uneducated humanities major is that the educated one has read more children's stories. Of course I'm glossing over a lot of other aspects, but most of it deals with stories, which are considerably easier to grasp than abstract ideas with dense physical meaning.

>> No.20276083

No. You'll get there eventually. You can't understand everything on first reading either. Sometimes you need to go away, read some secondary material and give it a careful re-read.

>> No.20276135

Godtier cover design

>> No.20276137
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>identifying muh themes
Is this really how people read books?

>> No.20276139

Overall no, but that's because of the fact I read mostly history books and middle-level theology. I felt like an ass when reading Saint Gregory Palamas' treaty about the Procession of the Holy Spirit, though.

>> No.20276142

How do you read books?

>> No.20276148

I just take it in, there's no analysis as such. Words, images evoke a response and then I think awhile.

>> No.20276152

I often feel I am too smart for the books I read, and then I stop reading and imagine my own, better version of that same book.

>> No.20276167

The make several mistakes in this page.
Lilith is never mentioned in the Bible. The story of Adam and Lilith come from the Talmud. Atlantis is obviously located in the Atlantic Ocean. There are probably more, but these are the ones I know about.

>> No.20276330

Kek. Based delusion-chad.

>> No.20276390

by reading them. sort of like how you "listen" to music, if youve tried that before.

>> No.20276391

you lacan't

>> No.20276428

no, all books are easy to me. how low is your IQ that you find books "hard"?

>> No.20276942

>literal ghost of his mother attacking Stephen
Not him but the remorse theme wasn't very subtle. .

>> No.20277933

welcome to this shitty board/zoomers and millenials in general

>> No.20277951


>> No.20277956

Yep, this is me. I've strongly considered taking ADHD drugs just for this but I'm scared of what might become of me.

>> No.20278032

meds, now

>> No.20278121

Based retard

>> No.20278146

A few people told me I've got ADD, but I dont think it has impeded me in any severe way. If anything, its helped me filter out bullshit I'm not drawn to on an intuitive level.

>> No.20278154

>Remorse of Conscience
u mean agenbite of inwit

>> No.20278239

>4th grader
>be ESL
>look in the school library for something to read
>teacher hands me Wuthering Heights
couldn't get through the first few pages

>> No.20278269

Except that was mostly cohesive. Just because you don't know words like 'hyperborean' or whatever doesn't mean the author is retarded. I'm steadily begininng to think this series of posts are bait

>> No.20278278

It's how I watch movies now. My brain thinks it's fun to turn over details in set design and world-building and whatnot, and I do sometimes apply it to things like books or video games. It just lets me get to a more surface level within the world the author or whatever is trying to build

>> No.20279210

You are reactive rather than interpretive. No higher than an animal.

>> No.20279222

I bought GR in my teens because of /lit/ memes almost 10 years ago. My interests shifted pretty wildly not long after. Right now I'm reading niche comparative religious texts on Manichaeism in Ming China. GR is still on my shelf, unread.

>> No.20279318

>then I think awhile
He's just saying he doesnt analyze and list out themes like its a high school essay (which is whats pictured in the OP image misunderstanding Joyce). He just has personal reflections on the literature. Im thinking anon is based

>> No.20280031

I'm not sure I'd hand a middle schooler Withering Heights, let alone an elementary student

>> No.20280896

Stupid not so much as completely green in the area -- French Revolution by Carlyle jumps right in and speaks of many matters and individuals as though they are familiar to the historically lacking (in european post rome but fixing it). also a lot of words i've never seen used; used the way they are; and probably wont ever see them used again. but the picture he paints keeps me in check.

>> No.20280912

Sometimes I catch myself boiling the entirety of the treatise or whatever down to some basic points then I will assure myself it couldn't really be that simple. Kant's critique of pure reason can't really boil down to a drawn out explanation on the limits of human understanding based on the senses and what the senses can experience. Surely it's not a book that essentially pissed in the cereal of the utopians and idealists of the renaissance who following Newton and other's systemisation of knowledge of the physical world assumed that progress was eternal and it was only a matter of following our Blessed Science.

No i need to read more than the prologue because there has to be more i don't know

>> No.20280930

How the fuck is a book "hard"?
Like nigga, just read lol

>> No.20282160

I sorta get this feeling with Bolaño but I think it's because the guy doesn't give you anything to hold on to, making you feel lost. I don't think he's all that

Also higher math books are the definition of filtering

>> No.20282183

send it to me

>> No.20282196

>suboptimal saccades

>> No.20282207

Yeah sometimes I don't really get sentences. I understand what the sentence is trying to say and I get the idea, but I get lost in the grammar and can't figure out by what mechanism the sentence is saying what it means. This only happens with long-winded writers. I could go back and reread the sentence until I get it on a literal level but I usually don't feel like it

>> No.20282211

Oops don't know why this was a reply, I guess I really am retarded

>> No.20282378

At first I thought I was just retarded, but now to me this says the author lacks mastery over the English language or even the basic ability to organize their thoughts coherently.

>> No.20283233

same bro

>> No.20283753

if you can't follow that you're an actual retard

>> No.20283844

Correct. Writing in the sciences is bad and the foundations are not properly established in undergrad.
t. STEMfag

>> No.20283883

dont do it bro, that shit can make you into a zombie. id rather be manic all the time than another medicated consumer

>> No.20283926
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>watch LOTR films in middle school
>fall in love, immediately run out and get dvds and books
>100 pages into fotr, have absolutely no idea what I'm reading
>I'm totally buried in genealogies, diversions, poems, info dumps
>get to the prancing pony before concluding I'm not having fun
I still love the LOTR films to pieces.

>> No.20283941
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Feel like I understood about 20% of the references in this

>> No.20283977

This was me kinda but I think I finished the books. I liked the part in the woods and tom bombadil actually
I should reread the books, in english this time

>> No.20284018

i've really only felt this way twice.
the first was moby dick. i read it on kindle and had to look up seemingly multiple words per page. i read a lot and couldn't even follow language with context without using a dictionary.
second was ulysses. i paused it and bought a book of annotations to get me through.
those are both good books by the way, fellow brainlets.

>> No.20284078

Yeah it sucks, and IQ has nothing to do with it. You have to remove all distractions, including music. The worst thing for me that my brain is constantly generating new trains of thought from what I'm reading about, which sends me to wikipedia or whatever, and only hours later do I remember that I was supposed to be reading a book. Now I keep a paper notepad to jot down anything I want to look into later and go right back to reading.

>> No.20284103

I got about half through LOTR 1 before getting bored by all the "unnecessary" details about their slog through the wilderness. I came back to it a year later in a different mindset and really enjoyed the rest of the book. I guess I would describe that mindset as more patient and more apt to savor things unknown and incomplete.

>> No.20284193

>ackshually *snort* my neurotic intellectualizing makes me so *adjusts glasses* smart that I am superior to you lesser mortals, who are but mere beasts before me *sucks teeth*
we should swing narcissistic pseud wankstains like yourself from lamposts and trees

>> No.20284204

no you are actually just retarded, writers have no obligation to dumb down their thoughts to fit inside your empty slopehead

>> No.20284242


Anything Lacan has to say, Freud already said and said better.

>mfw Verification not required

>> No.20284314

I'm sure you'd find it difficult to read a book written in a language you don't know.

>> No.20284330

baalbuddy is such an annoying faggot and he must really think he's so clever and subversive

>> No.20284615

>make sweeping assertion about childhood conditioning
>back it up with obviously fake anecdotes
>draw a graph that "represents" the metaphysical structure
>ignore all data that shows what a poor predictive tool your system is
Wa la, you've written a lacanian essay

>> No.20284663

>t. Ogre

>> No.20285388

He is pretty subversive, though I do agree he isn't nearly has clever as he thinks.

There is no real creativity in subersion.

>> No.20285425

nta but he's completely right. The entire point of literature is to write around themes and identify them for a learning experience. You're not sincerely reading if you aren't actively thinking about these things while reading and trying to understand it on a level deeper than plot happenings. Maybe a little less shitposting with every meme buzzword you learned this week and more reading and actually learning something, I think that'd help.

>> No.20285623
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I feel like I'm just too stupid in general.

>> No.20285769

Many times, but I find it humbling rather than embarrassing.

>> No.20286963

This has to be the worst fuckin book I've ever read. If you're too stupid for that book I would assume you don't know how to read