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20273622 No.20273622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In a time when the literary world is attempting to shift away from privileged white voices, saboteurs undermine the process by appropriating PoC names.


Michael Derrick Hudson, a white man from Fort Wayne, Indiana, published several poems under the female, Chinese pen name Yi-Fen Chou. One of those poems, The Bees, the Flowers, Jesus, Ancient Tigers, Poseidon, Adam and Eve, was selected by guest editor Sherman Alexie for the prestigious Best American Poetry anthology, which holds only seventy-five of the year’s poems.

When Hudson’s poems were originally published by Prairie Schooner in Fall 2014 (Vol 88.3) his bio only listed his pen name, allowing readers and the journal’s editors to believe that Yi-Fen Chou was the author’s real name:

However, the acknowledgement entry in BAP 2015 notes both names:

In his BAP bio, Hudson said that he considered making the nom de plume into a persona, “but nothing ever came of it.” The one thing he did notice was that poems sent out under Yi-Fen’s name seemed more likely to be accepted:

In all literary magazines, space is limited and competition is high. It’s under these circumstances when cheating — if one can “cheat” at poetry other than outright committing plagiarism — becomes incentivized because the “game” of getting one’s work published is difficult to say the least.

>> No.20273627

Is a white writer using an ethnic name cultural appropriation?

Using the name “Yi-Fen Chou” in an attempt to be published at first glance may not look like cultural appropriation. Hudson’s is a different case than transracial Rachel Dolezal, former head of the NAACP in Spokane, who is of Caucasian descent but decided to transition to Black.

But Hudson hasn’t transitioned into a Chinese person. In fact, his poems have nothing to do with Eastern history, culture, or politics. For instance, The Bees, the Flowers, Ancient Tigers, Poseidon, Adam and Eve looks nothing like the following exotic Updike poem (Americana and Other Poems):

Hudson’s case looks more like the appropriation of our expectation of ethnicity than a textbook scenario of cultural appropriation. In Sherman Alexie’s announcement about the poem, he says he was expecting a poem by a Chinese author to talk more about Chinese identity, which was a conceptual contradiction and therefore interesting and enticing:

>> No.20273632

>I only learned that Yi-Fen Chou was a pseudonym used by a white man after I’d already picked the poem and Hudson promptly wrote to reveal himself.

>Of course, I was angry at the subterfuge and at myself for being fooled by this guy. I silently cursed him and wondered how I would deal with this colonial theft.

>> No.20273633

God, do mutts have nothing better to do with their time? Truly a decadent age.

>> No.20273644
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The slave revolt in morality rolls on.

>> No.20273649

So now you're appropriating even slavedom from the PoCs.

>> No.20273654

So these people get caught out doing exactly what /pol/ says they do, white-discrimination, and it’s still just a conspiracy theory?

>> No.20273662

based. I don't think we'll be seeing art being lauded for art's sake anytime soon. Might as well take advantage of the favoritism like this. Isn't Alexie retarded anyways?

>> No.20273663

They're not 'caught', that's just what the system is doing and they are supporting. Everyone knows this is what's happening, the only question is if you're for or against it, and if you're against it if you're brave enough to say it.

>> No.20273669

Go back to /pol/, you dumb retarded piece of shit. No one wants you here, undesirable fuck.

>> No.20273670

Good. Accelerate it. Just highlights the jewish mafia’s strangulation over the literary world. Truman Capote called this out.

>> No.20273681

How can these people justify white privilege being real when they admit you have better chances to succeed if you're a minority?

>> No.20273682

People have specifically denied this sort of behaviour in all facets of society - I have been called racist and a conspiracy theorist, and now I am supposed to just swallow the “everyone knew about this” line?
It’s funny how people acknowledge that
Conservatives are just yesteryear’s progressives. But most people are just yesteryear’s conspiracy-theorists.
Things that we have noticed for a decade are now just shrugged off like this.
It is so enraging.

>> No.20273688

You are retarded if you don't understand that the point of favoring minorities is to counter white privilege

>> No.20273689

Post chin and wrist

>> No.20273694

post wife and backyard

>> No.20273696

When does it stop though? When do minorities have enough representation that it's enough?

>> No.20273704

This. Black people are 16% of the population. Should they really make up almost 50% of published poets?

>> No.20273712

there isn't really a good answer for this, I see it as a temporary solution until we reach a more equitable society.
The same issue exists with gender. Look at women vs men in higher education in the last few years.

>> No.20273713

So that means their the privileged one since they have race based programs?

>> No.20273716

Not only do you have to swallow it but you being upset about it is pathological. Of course everyone knows it happens just as everyone knows they're supposed to say it doesn't happen while knowing that it does. It's not some genius insight, normies just get pissed off because you're interrupting their virtue signalling and therefore derailing their career ambitions. Do you think whatever editor gives legit a flying fuck about whatever Shaniqa or Chi Poo Poo wrote? Of course not, they do it to keep a lock on their comfy gig.

>> No.20273720

>mfw not american and not a poet so don't have to deal with this

>> No.20273722


So when will white privilege dismantled, no need to favor minorities, and perfect equilibrium between all races achieved?

>> No.20273724

yes, it's meant to "level the playing field". It doesn't eliminate the privileges of whites though.

>> No.20273726

How is Yi-Fen Chou a black name?

>> No.20273729

I'm no fortune teller. It's about gradual change, social and political

>> No.20273733

That’s right. I’m the sick one. The one who wants literature to be judged on its own merit.
Lock me up with the feces-munchers!

>> No.20273737

No. They don't want equity but to become a new ruling class. It's just an alliance of minorities against the majority led by an elite who find homogenous normative societies an obstacle to their goals. Once that majority is definitively out of power, the alliance will break up.

>> No.20273739

He's right though. This is discrimination against whites.

>> No.20273740

Based, I have submitted manuscripts with a slightly altered poc name. I mainly go for Indians, as I find there is more plausible deniability.

>> No.20273744

It will never stop because white supremacy will never stop. I know some leftists like to think one day we will beat the white heteronormative patriarchy and we'll live in a truly post-racial world where minorities will be able to feel proud of their heritage without being discriminated because of it. But the truth is that it will never happen, because white people won't let it happen. This doesn't mean they are evil nor anything like that though, just that white supremacy is inherent to them, even when they want to be allies, so we push be always pushing and reminding them that they need to make space for everyone else.

>> No.20273753

>literature to be judged on its own merit.
No such thing. By the way, I was being facetious, so you should probably read more if you didn't pick up on that.

>> No.20273759

People might not consciously understand it, they don't really understand their beliefs, they just speak and act on behalf of them. It's like when if you talk to a liberal on immigration, they'll talk about how it's actually good for our culture and economy but when pressed retreat to "well yeah but white people invaded the land first so can they complain? they deserve it". He might not even understand it himself but the whole belief structure rests on an anti-white premise.
Conservatives understand it too, obviously, but they're just too scared and misled to make the right arguments, like how they always make tactical universalist arguments to be indirectly pro-white (but then it always gets misapplied). An easy example is how they'll support anti-welfare policies: everyone knows it's about not taking your money and giving it to shitty blacks and puerto ricans and whatever else but it gets turned into this universal anti-socialist position. Gun control too of course another easy example. Point is that everyone fucking gets it because if you actually inspect the political conversation in the united states it's completely centered around race either directly or indirectly. You're right to be angry. Quite simply the left is malicious towards whites and the right is too cowardly, paid off, and controlled to defend them.

>> No.20273762

>the point of favoring minorities is to counter white privilege
no, the point of favoring minorities (and, let's say it plainly, condemning whites -- white privilege does not exist and therefore cannot be condemned) is to gain recognition and advancement in the literary commissar career field. simple as.

>> No.20273764

Or you are simply retarded and incapable of communicating effectively

>> No.20273770

>"well yeah but white people invaded the land first so can they complain? they deserve it"
But we did invade the land first, moron. Hypocrite much?

>> No.20273771

If you assimilated the best white cultural practices, you could out-white the whites, especially with your unique perspectives white privileged people have no access to for the most part. Instead you are being led like cattle to be butchered by fake left wing privileged whites who are using you not to help you but to establish themselves in power.

>> No.20273777

No, he's kind of right. You need to learn how to control your anger, if jokes that obvious fly over your head. Look at where you are. Even playing alone just as a way to vent your frustrations is worrying enough.
Look inside and face maybe some of your own mediocrity. Realize not all of it is the fault of the evil Jews and the dumb niggers. Realize, too, that most people don't quite understand or appreciate talent or even art at a glance, let alone many.

>> No.20273779

>fake left wing
So much fucking this. The real left would never do this identity bullshit. We're all about dismantling power structures, not creating new ones that benefit us.

>> No.20273785

This shit wouldn't happen if white publishers didn't actively exhibit bias against white people's submissions though?

Why don't they just remove the names from the submissions and read the poetry entirely based on merit?

>> No.20273792

Um, sir I mean madame, I consider myself a trans-nigger and there's nothing you can do about it...

>> No.20273798

By discriminating against people with otherwise merit and enthusiasm? gotcha.

>> No.20273802

>entirely based on merit
Because that's impossible, einstein. People are ALWAYS biased and they will unconsciously favor white males, even if they are trying to be objective.

>> No.20273815


>whote guy exposes racist, unethical system
>hoes mad

many such cases!

>> No.20273825

yes. I don't agree with it but some people in this thread are too stupid to understand the motivation behind these things.

>> No.20273829


Name one privilege exclusive to whites worldwide and provide evidence

>> No.20273830

I do think this casual racism is only a misunderstanding of a much more important point: individuals from a society will actively select for expressions of art that fit their cultural sensibilities, and in turn reflect those of the majority. It just so happens that for two whole American centuries those metrics were always white.
There's also the arguing for beauty in art and the commonly shared human experience, but who am I kidding, that's "reddit shit" even for the recliner/keyboard intelligentsia who also bitches about systematic racism and blames it for their 300 pounds of McChicken and their socially artistic inadequacies.

>> No.20273835

It isn't worldwide, this is primarily an American issue.

>> No.20273838

Ah, so your an emotional conspiracy theorist, is never going to be enough unless we just separate then, right? this is the type of self defeating mindset thats plages Black people that this social group inevitably has, it’s all self inflating racial hangups which ruin the relationship. My family never said anything nasty about the black girls I dated because they were all polite and well emoyed. However, either the girl thought everything I did was subtly racist, or her friends and family gave her so much shit and/or filled her head with doubts that either they dumped me or I dumped them because the relationship was so stressful. Of course, if I did the dumping, it was proof for the family and friends that I was a racist or something.

Black people get in their own way, water is wet, news at 11.

>> No.20273853

I really hope this post is a joke.
I wouldn't even mind seeing such a response on literally any other board, but /lit/ should know better than this. For as much as it pretends to hate postmodernism.

>> No.20273854


Then that is MAJORITY privilege. White privilege would be a privilege exclusive to whites. If Juanita in Mexico City and Zhou in Shanghai have the same privilege, then it isn't white privilege as they are not white.

>> No.20273861

Stop associating the English language with globalism

>> No.20273869

Leftists in my country are obsessed with calling out white privilege, but we're not a white country to begin with.

>> No.20273920


Do all whites speak English? Do ONLY whites speak English?

>> No.20273928

"White supremacy" will never end because it's too effective of a control mechanism by the elites.
Jews and Indian are already ahead of whites and soon Chinese will be as well.
I grew up with a bunch of Asian kids. My Chinese neighbours and the Filipinos down the road. We were all of roughly equivalent SES, though the Filipinos clearly we're doing better than my family. As adults, from what I've gathered seeing bits of their lives on Facebook, we all wound up comfortably middle class.
Never once has there been any indication that I have enjoyed some privilege that these people haven't. It's clear that I'm not in a superior position, if anything, the Filipinos are doing a bit better than me. It's also clear that I didn't enjoy any advantage that has been denied of these people on the basis of ethnicity.
"White privilege/supremacy" is the noble lie of leftism.

>> No.20273947

>if anything, the Filipinos are doing a bit better than me

>they work twice as hard and do slightly better

>> No.20273974

Where do you think you are, retard?

>> No.20273993

What's a "more equitable society"? One in which Whites are a minority in every way? You dodge the question every time it's asked because there is no definite, real end goal. Without a concrete end goal you will continue the crusade until White culture and history are not just gone but forgotten. You're already part of the way there.

>> No.20274003

>assuming the non-whites always work harder than white people

>> No.20274008

why do leftists are so sex addicted that they cram sex in any topic? also why are leftists with politics instead of a jewish god?

>> No.20274012

>White culture and history are not just gone but forgotten
NTA, but what is so terrible about this? It would not be the first time that an ethnic group is replaced, and I'm white myself, but let's be real, we have been an evil force for thousands of years.

>> No.20274021

>When Chuds do well it’s because of power structures and heckin Racism.
>When non-whites do well it’s because of hard work and discipline.
So non-Whites are just political unable to be privileged then?

>> No.20274024

This is the kind of insane babbling that everybody hates Americans for. A true loony bin of a country.

>> No.20274025
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>minorities writing with white names is evidence of racism, the system is rigged, bigotry is institutionalized
>whites writing with minority name is evidence of..???
Race theory sisters.. I’m scared. What is our official cope?

>> No.20274036

Progressives want equity in outcome (education, income, infrastructure, etc.) I don't think it's realistic to get there 100% but it's nice to strive for.
No one wants to get rid of white culture in it's entirety or change history when they are celebrating non white figures.

>> No.20274037

Maybe if these idiots would stop prioritizing race over quality this issue would not exist.

Equity is just a bureaucratic idealism. Think about even the idea of needing quotas about representation, or whatever marketing category such consumerist theologians consider in vogue.

Sounds, and is, cringe. The cry of the narcissists lamenting they've not been commodified.

>> No.20274041

Articles like this always fail to arrive at the obvious conclusion: publishers are prioritising the race/gender/sexuality of writers rather than the quality of the book itself, so writers who aren't in those groups (e.g. straight white guys) are adapting to get noticed. The exact same book that wouldn't get published if it was presented as being by a straight white guy would get published if it's presented as being by someone who is black or Asian.

>> No.20274042

> I'm white myself, but let's be real, we have been an evil force for thousands of years.
My fellow whites, isn’t it time we all committed suicide for our meshuggane crimes? Truly the age of white people is over and that’s a gut zakh! Only when white goys like us accept oblivion will the world thrive.

>> No.20274060

'White privilege' seems like a fabrication to justify discriminatory policies

>> No.20274101


>but let's be real, we have been an evil force for thousands of years

Heh a pro slavery post baka
What race has donated resources, time and bled for other races more than anyone else

>> No.20274102

LMAO seething isn't an argument, groomer

>> No.20274104

>16% of the population

>> No.20274108

>we'll just tell women and black people they're as smart as white men until it comes true
literal magical thinking

>> No.20274160

another non issue that /lit/ will have a thousand threads on because muh idpol

>> No.20274167

Source on that?

>> No.20274168

Making you eternally dupes. Destined to be the wreckers of the ones that profit from disunity.

>> No.20274170


>> No.20274176
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Has anybody else read Disorientation? It's based on the Yi-Fen Chou scandal. I can't get over the resemblance between Mieko Kawakami and one of Disorientation's characters: a Japanese woman who writes an autofiction about sex work and seduces the main character's boyfriend. The main character is a stand in for Disorientation's Taiwanese author.

>> No.20274182

>stop talking about the ruling state ideology you guys geeze

>> No.20274190


>> No.20274197

>I don't think it's realistic to get there 100% but it's nice to strive for.
I think even striving for it is unrealistic. People are inherently unequal in terms of both genetic potential, cultural upbringing, and environment. The best we can do, and what we should do as a society is to strive for equal opportunity. Give as many opportunities as possible on the front end (ie during pre-K & K-12 education), but ultimately the best and brightest should get ahead regardless of anything else. Obviously even thats a pipe dream, but trying to make up for it on the back end with things like diversity quotas just screws over people who are a.) legitimately more qualified to be in a particular institution or position, b.) places individuals (POC usually) in places above their skill level where they dont do as well as they could have done had they gone somewhere less high profile (a HBCU or local business instead of Yale or a F500), and c.) breeds a culture of victimhood and resentment which is fundamentally incompatible with popular democracy and self-government. There also need to be more avenues to go from school to a trade and some way to claw back the workforce participation rate so that single income households can be a thing again, but those are only tangentally related to the topic at hand, in that they would decrease the amount of people competing for these positions/honours to only the most gifted and qualified while giving the rest of the populace a sense of financial and social security.
But I digress. Equality of outcome bad. Equality of opportunity good.

>> No.20274214
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An extra cherry on top with the Michael Derrick Hudson/Yi-Fen Chou story is that Sherman Alexie, the guy who selected the poem and expressly stated he was looking for work by women and POC (no white guys need apply), later got metoo'd and cancelled in 2018. He hasn't published anything since.

>> No.20274218

Well said. Manipulating the outcomes is easier but a very inelegant solutions.

>> No.20274224

kek, that's why I recognized the name. Had to read his part time indian book in high school and really hated it.

>> No.20274274

lmao how do I support this?

>> No.20274282

Become a transracial and support fellow transracials. Unleash the afrolesbo.

>> No.20274292

How common is this actually? I've been thinking about it a lot.

>> No.20274305

Stop proving /pol/ right.

>> No.20274340
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make retarded rule not to publish white people get upset when they game to get published anyway

>> No.20274802

reminder that blacks had enslaved each other for thousands of years before whites got there. reminder that mansa musa (a black muslim king) had slaves in salt mines. reminder that all blacks who are here were sold by other blacks in rival tribes. reminder that native americans owned black slaves. reminder that natives raped and skinned alive white farmers. reminder natives planned genocides to whites. reminder muslims invented slavery. muhamad owned slaves. reminder Germans, Irish and British were slaves. reminder mexicans enslaved their neighbors. reminder "slavs" were made slaves by muslims. reminder that blacks rape 25,000 white women a year, while whites rape 0 black women a year.

reminder that asians make more, live longer, go to college more, are assaulted less than whites. reminder that palestinians, israelis, phillipinos, indians, japanese, chinese, taiwanese, laosians all make more or as much as whites. Even though they're all descendants of colonies and slaves.

>> No.20274850

>white writers get discriminated based on their name
>start adopting foreign names and winning prizes
Just proves the system is racist towards whites

>> No.20274863

Wardine cry

>> No.20274864

not disputing any of that. This isn't about moralizing history or calling any group of people good or evil. It's about the lasting effects of all that in America, which seems to benefit white men.

>> No.20274900

>seems to benefit white men
Prove it. All I see is that the white man is the only one who has to make it on merit and now even that's not enough.

>> No.20274905

The article itself. Read it?

>> No.20274911

Jesus dude, this has to be bait. He's clearly in the right.

>> No.20274921

>they work twice as hard and do slightly better
They don't. We all grew up middle class, we all got university degrees, we all got white collar jobs.

>> No.20274922

>benefit white men
you're retarded. re-read the last sentence. It's a system that is benefiting Asians and Jews. philipinos, indians, japanese, pakistanis, palestinians, israelis, etc. all of which had slavery or were colonized. They're all making as much or equal to whites. (in terms of median household income)

look up "cognitive dissonance." i'm presenting you with contradictory evidence that is going against your set idea. Ask yourself. why? why is it that all these ethnicities are outperforming whites in america. why is it that hong kong, Taiwan, singapor, which were all colonies have higher per capita GDP than the US? don't just ignore the question. Why? ask yourself, if philipinos extinguished slavery after the US did, why do philipinos have the same or higher median household income than whites in america? is there any chance, any chance at all, that if black worked as hard as asians, they'd be succesful?

>> No.20274941

These people unironically believe in an invisible and inscrutable hand of structural racism that will forever oppress everyone until there are no white men left.

>> No.20274946


Why shouldn't systems be in place to benefit the people that built the country, the institutions and the government that make up these systems?

>> No.20274951

OP is too afraid to reply to your sound logic because they are realizing how coked out they sound.

>> No.20274952

Its ironic that the opposite is reality.

>> No.20274960

It is not nice to strive for. Some people are born more intelligent, more hardworking, and more naturally ethical than others.

They deserve the "unequal outcome" of greater success.

>> No.20274963

and dropping.

>> No.20274967

HAH fucking justice.

>> No.20275029
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memes and culture war aside, Sherman Alexie is legitimately a good writer though

>> No.20275049

My nom de plume is Laq'uarius Watermelon Chickenfryer Jefferson Jr.

Perhaps you've read me.

>> No.20275064
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>> No.20275226

it’s paradoxical, white men need to pretend to be women minorities to get published, but at the same time I won’t read women or minorities
this will lead to a death spin for publishing

>> No.20275234

46 unique posters ITT and nobody can tell a good story about having done this? It's like you want to fail.

>> No.20275250
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It's unfortunate that there are actually people who think like this. Leftists ascribe blood guilt to all Europeans based on the actions of their ancestors while saying that it's evil to do so

>> No.20275260

You people are seriously a plague on this world.

>> No.20275282

And the natives would have been right to oppose us.

>> No.20275402
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>Zero (0) results

You guys realise this website is a satirical publication, the name is "lulz.com".

>> No.20275410

Trans women are women terf nazi. Black lives matter. Kill yourself.

>> No.20275431


>> No.20275499

this is editorials and readers fault
they are quick to discard le white man work but will pick anything about by shaniqua bei-fong hernandaz and call it a masterpiece

>> No.20275513

That doesn't mean it's satire (looks legit). But even if it were, the article is a straight recounting of events we all already know about.

>> No.20275519

But that doesn't matter because it COULD be real!!!!! Imagining something bad and then getting upset about it is political activism, now.

>> No.20275526

What in the fuck are you claiming is fake? Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.20275528

I almost spit out my milk at this

>> No.20275534

I'm pissed about the legions of men transitioning their genders to sell more books, that's what I'm talking about. Keep up, bud.

>> No.20275545

What's the % of trannies in publishing?

>> No.20275547


>> No.20275564
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America is still a big player. The culture will spread and it's not just limited to one industry.
>The real left would never do this identity bullshit.
But they are, its the big issue in the party. No true Scotsman.
>evil force for thousands of years.
Name one race that hasn't done horrible shit.
Glad this doesn't happen, haha.

>> No.20275567 [DELETED] 
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Because then white people could still pretend to be minorities by writing about life in Africa or whatever.

>> No.20275644

Hawaiians did nothing wrong and we stole their land.

>> No.20275673

we wuz colonizers n shiet

>> No.20275707

It's not a made-up story though, Michael Derrick Hudson did publish poetry under the pen name Yi-Fen Chou and got published in a Best American Poetry anthology under that name. Look up his name and there's articles about it in the New Yorker, NY Times, and others, all of them tut-tutting about him while ignoring that it reveals publishers use identity - not quality - when choosing what to publish.

>> No.20275717

>equitable society.
Explain what this means concretely.

>> No.20275719

Yeah, okay. When do white people get their own societies, then?

>> No.20275720

>white supremacy is inherent to them
Sounds like original sin. Progressives really are the new Christcucks

>> No.20275723

When they can make one not built off the back of nonwhite labor

>> No.20275724

Why should white people "make space" for people in white societies?

>> No.20275731

Ideas like this arise from a myopic American viewpoint. People who are classed as 'ethnic minorities' in the USA are not minorities when you look world-wide. Do you know how many people there are in Asia? Check out the populations of even just China and India.

>> No.20275732

>We're all about dismantling power structures, not creating new ones that benefit us.
Good luck with that lol. Sounds like a recipe for accomplishing nothing.

>> No.20275738

Oh, you're one of those. I thought this was a real conversation. I'll show myself out.

>> No.20275744

Hey, CHAZ/CHOP had some really heckin epic gardens.

>> No.20275749

>steals land from indians
>imports blacks
>"integrates" indians into society with failed education programs
>imports more blacks
>use blacks and indians to run economy and build infrastructure

>> No.20275750

Wow I didn't realize enjoying a basic middle class lifestyle was "white supremacy". Jesus you're brainwashed.

>> No.20275751

OK, lets create a black state in liberia or something. Or give them Mississippi.

Also, we should probably also give the cattle a state since whites also built their society on cattle labor.

>> No.20275753

Amerimutts aren't white

>> No.20275755

> steals land
trading Manhattan for beads and firewater is not stealing

>> No.20275757
File: 10 KB, 257x388, Human_stain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP's scandal and this novel makes me think of The Human Stain, a Roth novel where a biracial black guy pretended to be Jewish and then was accused of racism for using the word "spooks."

>> No.20275758

Public education, everyone.

>> No.20275763

>what is so terrible about this? It would not be the first time that an ethnic group is replaced,
When you're so woke that you support ethnic cleansing...

>> No.20275764

No, how about you start over and try again without importing negroes to do all the real work?
Not an argument, desu senpai

>> No.20275766

It is, actually.

>> No.20275768

I'll throw my anecdote into the mix here. I was recently in a literary contest. The judge was an Indian-American immigrant with strong social justice views, and the winner just so happened to be an Indian-American woman with strong social justice views who is currently living abroad (and whose social media reflects a myopic obsession with desi culture and a disdain for "white dudes"). Although it was a blind contest, the title of the winner's novella indicated her background, so presumably the story itself did with even more detail.

>> No.20275779
File: 101 KB, 396x385, 1626572452416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le minority benefit
I am a palestinian american, I wrote an epic on 17th century Naples. It is astounding, top tier work that would be a crime if not published. And yet it has been rejected by every publisher I sent it too. Finding an agent once I give my name is even more difficult
THEN I look up these publishing houses and they are all run by jews ore shabbos goy. I am being DISCRIMINATED because I am not white, jew, or black. This is the silent censorship that dominates this country

>> No.20275782

Why would he choose to be Chinese? Black is where the popularity is.

>> No.20275785

>No, how about you start over and try again without importing negroes to do all the real work?
you mean growing tobacco and sugar and grunt work to make sure rural colonel sanders types had good quality tee in their estates?

All the real work was done in semi industrial cities like boston or philly or by independent farmers who actually grew food instead of luxurary goods. the only real work the slaves did was in the transition to cotton. and even then, the real magic there happened in cities again.

>> No.20275817

kek, good post

>> No.20275900

I'll be Chin Cheng Hanji

>> No.20275901

No, think I'll stay here and despise negroes on your precious board and there is nothing you can do about it except
seethe, cope, dilate

>> No.20276136

>transitioned into a Chinese person

>> No.20276141

Indians are utterly shameless in their relentless bias for other Indians