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20270890 No.20270890 [Reply] [Original]

I have two of his works The Economic Consequences Of The Peace and The General Theory Of Employment, Interest and Money, and was wondering where to start since someone (not sure if on here or elsewhere) mentioned he was the heir to Friederich Lists economic line of thought. Where do I start and should I read anything else?

>> No.20270921

I don't read economists who have nigger lips.

>> No.20270929

Suit yourself, I guess

>> No.20270933
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Also I once heard them referred to as "banjo lips"

>> No.20270935
File: 931 KB, 1200x800, sowell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20270949

hahahahahahaha. but really...

>> No.20270970

No, he was an idiot and a fraud. He literally advocated inflation to "encourage" workers to spend their money and discourage saving - that is to pauperize them and funnel all resources to business owners. Make people behave like fucking African niggers (which, btw. had started to immediately spend all their income in the colonial times to make it impossible to be stolen by their new masters)

>> No.20270990

I like List so what should I read instead?

>> No.20270999

fr fr tho...

>> No.20271011

The time-proven starter-pack is Hazlitt's "Economics in one lesson" followed by Sowell "Basic Economics" and then Rothbard "Man, Economy, and State".
People generally need some gentle introduction (Hazlitt) because economics is totally ignored in all common school programs - coincidentally or not.

>> No.20271056

Those lips sucked a lot of cock.

>> No.20271284

I'm pro tariffs so that wouldn't work.

so I've heard

>> No.20271410

>I'm pro tariffs so that wouldn't work.
If you're pro-poverty then look for political texts, not economic ones.

>> No.20271414

didn't say I was pro-poverty numbnuts I was in favor of militarizing the economy. I also like Cole in his conception of guilds

>> No.20271420

Rothbard is completely irrelevant in economics. OP, just read a textbook

>> No.20271422

As I said, you need the basics. Pure and simple.

>> No.20271423

well I'm not looking to become a libertarian if that's what you're going for

>> No.20271429

You fucking asked for recommendations, and asked if Keynes is worth reading in the first place.
Now, kindly fuck off and delete this thread.

>> No.20271432

I did, I wanted to be directed towards lit in a similar vein that might be worth reading, not a bunch of 50000 words on why we should let corporations control us.

>> No.20271484

>is [economist] worth reading?
The answer is always no.