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File: 233 KB, 287x403, Sloterdijk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20267496 No.20267496 [Reply] [Original]

Read Sloterdijk.

>> No.20268996
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>> No.20269205

Sheer autism also can I get a qrd on this dude and what he's about

>> No.20269262

Why don’t you slaughter THIS dick?

>> No.20269275

His name is a nickname.
He literally turns bitches out with his formidable meat.

>> No.20269289
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What book of his would you recommend as a starting point?

>> No.20269303

Sloterdijk is German philosopher that writes across a really wide range so it's hard to sum up. Stylistically he is a cheeky exaggerator who takes art, life and space seriously. Zizek called him a conservative (in terms of personality not politics), he's been said to 'do to space what Heidegger did to time' ie: invite us to take it seriously. He might be described as a Nietzschean is the sense that he loves life - in a Vitalist way.

>> No.20269315

Because he writes across a lot of topics read the book that wrote on a topic you are interested in. There's many collections of his essays - Rules for the Human Zoo is a good starting essay. Or, start with 'You Must Change Your Life' (Du mußt dein Leben ändern).

>> No.20269437


>> No.20269504


>> No.20269796

Can someone talk about "You Must Change Your Life?" I'm interested but don't really know what he's doing with the book.

>> No.20269858

Send me his complete works and I will.

>> No.20269861

run-of-the-mill eugenicist-class european globalism

>> No.20269863


I haven't read any of Kant's critiques so I'd feel dishonest for skipping ahead to the Critique of Cynical Reason (I have a copy on hand).

>> No.20269907
File: 338 KB, 2966x1304, ymcyl contents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the contents page.

The title is a deliberately insolent manoeuvre, the book is really not an answer to Kant. You can go straight into it. A basic familiarity with 20thC cultural politics, particularly with regard to the 68ers and the 'failure of communism', is more important.

>> No.20269912

You really are an embarrassment to literacy.

>> No.20269929

incredibly cringe description. also the names you mentioned are all pathetic

>> No.20269931


>> No.20270070
File: 204 KB, 975x2887, Wiglaf Droste on Sloterdijk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Sloterdijk genuinely worth reading? The impression I have of him is closer to what Wiglaf Droste wrote about him twenty years ago (a terminally middlebrow pop philosopher).

>> No.20270200

I think he's worth reading. He's open to the criticism of pop philosophy only because 'the Philosophical Quartet' tried to take philosophy to a larger audience but there's nothing middling about his ideas and arguments.

>> No.20270224

Haha, typical TAZ, starting with being all scared about genetic modifications

In parts I agree with the assessment of Sloterdijk, for a long time he tried to position himself as what Reich-Ranicki was for literature - the go-to name, the philosophy-daddy of Germany.

He has some original points but like other typical German philosophers, he has very little clue of modern technology, internet/ethics of huge companies, where he can present only the old 68-Germans contra-ideologies, nothing new. So he's not very relevant.

Byung-Chul Han positioned himself better in that space but also became too German too fast, he has little clue of the technical details so he runs into cliches.

>> No.20270289
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I've flipped through it enough to know it's a fun "meme theory"* book not directly related to Kant, I was having a giggle. I realize I didn't put much context to the earlier post but I thought anons might have picked up on the dry humor, seems not.

*Amusing illustrations throughout the text include several edgy/ribald items, including well-known early 20th century modernist artworks (the sort of thing familiar to art hoes both male and female alike and their "mood boards"), Nazi imagery (a still from Salo is included, 260), and political cartoons. The book's visuals seem to rely more heavily on this "Boing Zoom hey guys what about this interesting image over here too" method of scholarship than A Thousand Plateaus (which only has like 14-15 pictures when I checked), but nevertheless the two works seem on the surface to be of a piece in how they go about things. One section is titled "Minima Amoralia", a play on Adorno's "Minima Moralia" which was itself originally a play on the Pseudo-Aristotle's Magna Moralia. You know, the more I leaf through it again, this book looks like it's fun as fuck. I should read it!

>> No.20270631

Oops! Yeah his image selection is always top notch. It's really is funny.

>> No.20270983
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Don't tell anyone I said this, but I got filtered 20 pages into You Must Change Your Life. My only cope is that I was sleep deprived which is true but still, feels bad.

>> No.20270996

I've heard 'Nietzschean' thrown about with him. I have two of his tomes. Also he has the physionomy of my female cousins

>> No.20271005
File: 464 KB, 2320x2320, GU6WnUccEQNNQkSCNgq_oy8z7VxszIB_raKGR-0s1k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slaughter Dike
I wish he would write a treatise against lesbianism just for the sake of nominative determinism.

>> No.20271240

>reading it in translation

>> No.20271242
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>> No.20271287

>he's been said to 'do to space what Heidegger did to time' ie: invite us to take it seriously.
Space as a bubble and its atmosphere means a particular relation to Time. In other words, atmosphere is a rendition of Time in a spatial fragment.

No wonder that he's accused of being on the right: his ontology has a strong sense of property and because that of responsibility (but in a vitalist sense as possibilities). Once the connection with an aids-ridden common-communitarian guilt-producing sphere is severed — time (Time) to build yer citadel where at the heart of it is Love, Joy and Meaning, i.e. all that which has been forbidden by the logic of common-sphere mixture.

>> No.20271361 [DELETED] 

Here's a podcast relevant to memes and bubbles

>> No.20271382

About memes and bubbles

>> No.20271598
File: 3.49 MB, 4608x2592, IMG_20220424_105808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much read all of his bigger stuff. My absolute favourite philosopher besides Deleuze but unlike the French he is actually easy to read and understand.
Quite a lot of his bibliography is sadly not available in english. Otherwise I would have made a more indepth reading-guide for him already.

>> No.20271628

He looks like Brautigan

>> No.20271687

based. how do you think his philosophy could be realised? image his concepts becoming widespread and understood here on /lit/, would it make any difference?

>> No.20272577

Extremely jealous, I hope to do this one day.

>> No.20273348
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>how do you think his philosophy could be realised?
In my opinion his framework that is being laid out in his spheres trilogy is quite easy to adapt for the average reader and whoever wants to delve deeper into the underlying ontology can do so by studying Heidegger further provided by the sources P. SL. usually gives in his footnotes. (One of the points I really like in his writing. The easy to follow and extensive footnotes that make the text more digestible)
I think his theories do give a lot of very well devised tools to navigate and explore all kinds of different events, philosophies and general circumstances.
> image his concepts becoming widespread and understood here on /lit/
There is already quite some overlap with /lit/ related topics. Throughout his writing SL has some bigger dives into Gnosticism, strong emphasis on the Greeks as starting points for ideas in european philosophy and even connecting points with the Bhagavad Gita from his time in India. All things /lit/ tends to be interested in too and more. I'd like to see him discussed more.

>> No.20274064

>Read Sloterdijk.
Which Sloterdijk tho?

>> No.20274142
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>Whiskey bottles behind german Sloterdijk section in black IKEA Billy bookshelf with plants

WTF ?????

>> No.20274453
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>> No.20274707

Slaughter? Sister, I SLAY

>> No.20274711

dangerously based ikea hat man

>> No.20275946

Kek. It's Rum in my pic aside from that pretty similar.
How is der ästhetische Imperativ btw? I've usually enjoyed the art and architecture critiques in Spheres. I've been thinking off getting it next.

>> No.20275960

why though, he's boring

>> No.20276018
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No. I don't think I will.

>> No.20276504
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>> No.20276516

Been meaning to take a look at Critique of Cynical Reason, but I suspect it will likely be a bit too obtuse and irrelevant to what I'm actually looking for. It might be better for me just sticking to Aristotle's critiques of cynicism, which I presume will be more grounded.

>> No.20277360

It's an honor to post with you boys.

Critique of Cynical Reason was soulful and basically about how philosophy has just become complaining vs. pondering the eternal.

Yeah definitely

Mach was auf deutsch - es gibt Amis die Detusch lesen koennen

He is a really lovely philosopher - he reminds me of the wharlock philosopher who just genuinely loves his field with a deep passion. I would recommend him if you want philosophy that will put you in a good mood.