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20266461 No.20266461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Moldbug gets a neutral-positive article in Vanity Fair
Bros... His 'rogue elites' strategy is working isn't it. He will end up almost single-handedly fixing everything just as people were saying.

>> No.20266482

How different is this "new strain"? If it was actually conservative in any sense of the word they would/will hit it with the same slanderous bullshit.

>> No.20266484

I had no idea Peter Theil was this type of person.

>> No.20266497

See that's Curtis' plan. Most of his circle are coastal elites so he's using his connections to get a better hearing in the press when there's no avoiding them. As a result the last two articles about him are positive. He even converted his current gf. Read the VF article, even the author seems way more open to NRx tier shit now.

>> No.20266519

Who the fuck is Peter Theil? Who the fuck is Curtis Yarvin?

>> No.20266527

The Moldbug-Thiel-BAP connection has been known years now, he also funded that TFWNOGF movie.
His shadow was a constant presence, felt not seen initially, in NRx and then "Weird Right" Twitter.
His vision for the future is Post-Democratic yet soundly Libertarian, but subject to open ended speculation on what forms something like that could take.
To this end he has been gifting funds to various "thinkfluencers" , be they consultants, bloggers, artists, or just popular twitter accounts, to hedge his bets across multiple potential vectors that could amplify and mainstream compatible values and ideas. Basically treating them like ideological startups that may or may not go anywhere but are worth having some measure of influence over and favor owed if they do.

>> No.20266568

i vaguely remember a decade ago being unemployed, playing videogames and listening to the 'moldbug/cathedral/nrx' stuff but i forgot all about it
wasnt it just 'democracy bad, equality bad' essentially? and mainstream media lying to people, that's all i remember from that time..
is yarvin on youtube? did he mention race and got banned from the internet? i am a whole decade out of the loop

>> No.20266572

Is getting pegged by a BDSM enthusiast libtard chick part of his master plan?

>> No.20266573

I got filtered by Urbit

>> No.20266613

He's all over YT as an interviewee and writes at graymirror.substack.com

Yeah that was a sussy choice. Might as well have gotten engaged to a professional orgy coordinator.

>> No.20266633

Amen. I'm an EE Linux geek and don't know wtf is going on

>> No.20266644

The NRX is basically a FAQ page for right wing "why your plan won't work". It investigates the conditions exhaustively.
It gives a solid timeline of persevering austerely past the racket foolery.

>> No.20266664

Anyone with 2 brain cells can see the propaganda has stopped working intuitively. The left went full trannypilled and now rappers like Tom Macdonald get 30 millions views on YouTube which is more than all the fake inflated astroturfed views of major label fags. Every time the slightest amount of redpills accidently leaks into the mainstream it’s overwhelmingly popular. Dave chappelle for example. Everyone knows trannies need to be genocided but nobody wants to get their hands dirty because they’re too busy going to work and taking care of their families. Peter is just doing this so when the time comes he’ll be spared as a “ based gay” Since those faggots at gawker outed him.

>> No.20266669

it's a grifter scam

>> No.20266711

It used to be a lot more opaque back in the day, it's come a long way.

>> No.20266718

I don't care. I'll gladly take LGBs and limited medically-affirmed Ts on if it means creating effective opposition to the intersectional progressives and anti-cultural globalists. If the scope of your politics is emotionally grounded hatred for specific orientations and skin tones you're welcome to go hang out with the groypers and let us know how that works out.

>> No.20266729

I've unironically come to belive yarvin's strain of thought is the only chance the right has. Recommend watching some YouTube interviews with him, he's weirdly compelling and comes off better than in his writing--even though he's a stuttering autist.

>> No.20266756

Heh truth will triumph guise anytime now. Surely our fasted and serious erudite public will learn all about our scary hard homework soon as they're sick of tranny foulness. Theyre so sensitive to disgust because they must be like me! Theyre so inquisitive and intelligent like me because EQUALITY uh humanity uh I uh uh uh uh uh...
Post truth, man. Very few are strategizing correctly. Lucky for me I had enough DnD psychadelic renunciation in the neckbeard computer geniuses I grew up on the other side of the playground from to see one day a good post will come to influence me and it will have frogs better than I can draw. Life imitates lies instead of art now.

>> No.20266768

You sound kind of mad.

>> No.20266776

You sound kind of gay

>> No.20266797

Might be a good time to revisit it.

>> No.20266851

How does he compare with Nick Land? I've tried reading Land but it's more out there for me.

>> No.20266858

It feels like Peter Thiel is the new Soros. Everybody is accusing people they disagree with of being a shill paid off by Thiel.

>> No.20266861

American midwits I assume. They're probably funded by jews

>> No.20266868

Rockbridge is the Peter Thiel and Mercer family far right funding outfit. Thiel et al are the Soros for causes a little too out there for the Kochs.

>> No.20266873

nick land writes about capitalism being an invention of time travelling ai from the 16 century europe, the ai overlord from the future will require capitalism and schizophrenia for its creation so it keeps sending us these things

moldbug just says that democracy isnt ideal because different human races have different iq and therefore different value/voting power

>> No.20266874

Land was influenced by Moldbug, and is/was to a degree the schizo cyberpunk version of him. Moldbug is a lot more straightforward & easy to read (although he's verbose).

>> No.20267002

Unironically yes, the truth never went away. What I’m saying is people already know all of this but simply ignore it because they have more important things to do. It effected artists and people of taste and substance first since they killed having fun and culture more broadly. Trannies are finishing the job Reagan started of killing Fun. Most people don’t have time for fun because they have children but as children continue to be molested I think more guns will find their way into mens hands.

>> No.20267259
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>Most of his circle are coastal elites so he's using his connections to get a better hearing in the press when there's no avoiding them.
That's exactly why I find these people uninteresting. They all come across as a spitting image of the urban yuppie liberals sitting around sniffing each others farts that they're nominally against.

>He even converted his current gf.
I looked up her magazine and there's a featured article about why the insurance industry can become Climate Change Heroes. It's fine, there are a lot of magazines out there, but this posture about being "dissidents" against the "cathedral" is like, pfeh. I can't take that seriously.

>Trannies are finishing the job Reagan started of killing Fun.
The Buddha teaches that people are dissatisfied all the time and suffering is caused by a tendency to crave or desire things. Sorry to ruin your fun.

>> No.20267286

How do you live walking a tightrope like that?

>> No.20267327

Mercers aren't that much of a far-right funders, it's just that unusually for this kinds of people they gave Trump 2016 campaign about the same as they did to Hillary 2016. Which is also why you have to dig quite deep to figure out what they're up to - had they been full blown RW supporting old money you'd hear moaning about influence of big money on politics all the fucking time.

>> No.20267334

Very easy. You make common interests the center of the movement rather than identity and don't for e people to associate. People are great at avoiding conflict situations unless placed in such by the political commissars at corpos/government.

>> No.20267343

Peter Thiel cofunded ebay. Rich as fuck. Famously helped Hulk Hogan take down Gawker as revenge for Gawker having outed him as a homo. He’s more of a libertarian Ayn Rand guy IIRC.

>> No.20267344

I remember reading Moldbug a little bit when 'dark enlightenment' was a new term for the media to beat people with. That was just before the 'alt right' term took off and became the new scare word. I learned about monarchism from him, I think, and took it seriously, and read Kuehneldt-Leddihn who was influential for me. But from what I remember he went into some strange technopolitics involving corporations that was bizarre and distasteful to me.

>> No.20267348
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>Every time the slightest amount of redpills accidently leaks into the mainstream it’s overwhelmingly popular. Dave chappelle for example. Everyone knows trannies need to be genocided but nobody wants to get their hands dirty
I'm amazed that people think this. A Dave Chappelle comedy is evidence to you about people craving genocide? It's absurd. His comedy is tame, really. But I guess those pretty mild jokes got a lot of views on YouTube so the revolution is nigh, man.

>> No.20267363
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>But from what I remember he went into some strange technopolitics involving corporations that was bizarre and distasteful to me.
Well, they're rich and powerful people or they're funded by them and they want to rule the world. There's no mystique about it.

>> No.20267364

>you'd hear moaning about influence of big money on politics all the fucking time.
Not true. Moldbug himself makes a good point about this, Tides Foundation still out raises all similar RW organizations combined. That's part of the reason the mainstream Left moved away from econ issues.

>> No.20267380

>I'm amazed that people think this.
They don't. You're either genuinely retarded or a deliberately obtuse concern troll.

>> No.20267388

No, I'm amazed that people somehow think that Dave Chappelle is the harbinger of the Fourth Reich, either because they're afraid of it or because they're hoping for it.

>> No.20267394

But they don't think that. That's my fucking point.

>> No.20268100
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This is a rare but valueable take. I held it long and far alone.
I hear podcasters like Milleniyule and OREL say that they have no serious committed people to the movement evidenced by losing their following as they migrate to Odysee. No one can keep up with the latest weekly e celeb bitch fit like Thomas Baden vs Edward Dutton whine about camera positioning or Molyneux's new dollar donation hemorrhoid. Even serious organizations of people actively building communities with literal construction and physical meet ups are anemic yet haughty with this feminine attitude. High expectations for horrible times. The average American is ill educated overworked unskilled and our country is mired in obstacles like being able to troubleshoot a starting car or AC vent or stove or anything useful that gets outsourced to IOU INC. Princess Podcast cannot rally the troops from her ivory tower.

>> No.20268125
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Have you taken the Academic Agent pill yet? Clear Them Out.

>> No.20268132

Not the person you are replying to but that is exactly true and I'm relieved to see someone else saying it, down to calling it feminine. It is feminine, it's feminized and oversocialized to the core. Bunch of faggot zoomers LARPing to soothe the pain of being wagies. The same impulse that creates trannies and wannabe twitter ecelebs is the one that creates perpetual podcast-listening LARPing fags, a childish desire to remain in fantasy forever and never translate it into reality.

What should be happening is people with good heads on their shoulders should be creating incipient movements and coalescing around shared interests like self-sufficiency, so that when the coming economic collapse happens (any day really), they will naturally weather the shocks of it and be prepared to rebuild, in the new space of opportunity that is opened up once the smoke clears. Instead what's going to happen is the shocks are going to hit everyone, and it's going to be come tranny zoomers vs. tranny right wing LARPers vs. confused latinos and blacks in a Mad Max deathmatch scenario where everybody's a fucking retard who can't function or feed himself without the internet and his GPS telling him where to go first.

Look into Ouranienberg. Those are the kinds of people who will survive. I say move to a small town and start a family, integrate into the community, and regard everything else as dangerous LARP shit. Dangerous because it poisons your mind and turns you into a delusional fag. Still keep up with it if you want, but someone seriously needs to start a trend of separating what is valuable from this stagnant podcast and streamer zeitgeist and throwing the rest in the dumpster. Someone needs to find a way of "looking at" the whole zeitgeist in a critical, appropriative way, which then spreads to other people who are susceptible to this higher standard of conduct, so that they tend over time to separate and form an elite.

Until that happens it's going to be a soup of retards following ecelebs.

>> No.20268146

Sorry I mixed this up with a German town

>> No.20268149

Yeah they've been astroturfing Yarvin for the last few years. He suddenly started appearing on a lot of podcasts and shows, even shit like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. Nobody has really cared about NRx since 2015, but they're trying to bring out a new round of gatekeepers to lead people away from antisemitism and white nationalism.

BAP is also astroturfed. I remember seeing someone point out that most google searches for "BAP" were coming from Washington DC.

>> No.20268152

you win, conservagoyim. here is your new Jewish hero Moldbug and your new Homosexual hero Thiel

>> No.20268168

This, they are going to use the milder and tamer alt right figures to create a libertarian variant of present anti-establishment feeling that is also easily controlled by being grounded in "influencer" celebrity clout (helps steer zoomers where you want them to go, since they only understand personalities and bombastic Youtube freaks)

>> No.20268193

Isn't the prescription of NRX now and always "just do nothing"? Of course it is a useful release valve

>> No.20268259
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>> No.20268313

Masses don't matter. All that matters is organization. And the "New Right" seems to be forming their own exclusive ideology, fit to insulate the coming Vanguard from the consumer masses.

>> No.20268318

It's about making alternative institutions+bringing elites to your side.

>> No.20268439
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Keith and Joel are the only worth wild figures on the dissentient Right, their presuppositions are always about keeping in tact the Nation and it’s people in all of their discussions, in fact, their trying to create a new theory of “Ethnogensis”, which is a revaluation of the European Identity in a technocratic “liberal” modernist landscape.

BAP was never interested in Nationalist political theories or it’s historical roots, he’s the libertarian version of Evola, he’s only interested in discussing solphist-mysticism, i.e divine make up your own divine truths, basically an atomized autist. And Yarvin will never get on bored because he’s Jewish and feels it’s his divine obligation to take the European identities for granted for his own kabbalah enlightenment, Jews are agents of Modernity and will make a pack with any G-d or Devil to put down any movement that seems Nazistic. Yarvin literally admitted that a future European Nationalist movement keeps him up at night and as written CNN tier blog posts on how we need to defend “ our democracy” away from a real, pragmatic movement.

>> No.20268538

Yarvin is just a conservative anti-fascist ideologue much like Buckley during the Cold war. Yarvin Is the Zoomer version of The National Review, which is an alliance of beltway libertarians, insane Cold War hawks and, let us just say intense fans of Israel.

The meta of Western Politics is centered around preventing another Austrian painter moment by changing our statecraft into a therapeutic, liberal Machiavellian police state; which is entirely to prevent the structures of these populist movements. It’s supposed to be incompetent and demoralizing by design to filter out ambiguous, and hopeful people.

The ultimate evil in this regime is represented by the Mid-Century Germans and their terrible monstrous leader Moustache Man. This would not be so much of a problem if the concept remained tied to that old and discredited regime but, as Paul Gottfried has shown at length in two excellent books it has expanded to include almost anything Christian, white, European, and heteronormative. Which is huge red flag for European people.

>> No.20268564
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I find the unironic monarchists on the "dissident right" more interesting than the guys who just want to win elections and affect culture. Yarvin's main interest for me is precisely that. Those guys really ARE profoundly anti-American, and that intrigues me. They want to see the United States governed in a different way. They're not just another flavor of Republican.

The Integralists are interesting to me for that reason as well, though they're usually not lumped in with this crowd.

>> No.20268591

>Peter Thiel
You do realize that Peter Thiel is out for the same shit as the WEF but with him at the helm?
You must already be eating fucking bugs to be this delusional. The people's revolution is the only thing that can save us. Use everyone besides the elites and WEF supporters. Motivate the disgruntled middle class, the lower class and workers, speak even to the immigrants, and assure the 'elites' who work for the actual elites, I'm talking higher bureaucrats, academics, that this whole thing is for their benefit also.
The future needs no ideologies but a reform in government, a reform in republicanism away from neo liberalism, speculative monopoly capitalism and unregulated democracy and lobbying. Politician as leaders ought to be held accountable in office just as any bureaucrat, ought to have the same prerequisites in education, training, study as them. The most able should manage, the most able should lead, and not those who join a party in their teens, not those who are agreeable, not those who are looking out for opportunity and profit.

>> No.20268673

>Here's your new atheist jew "far right" controlled opposition, goy.

>> No.20268684

Maybe Peter Thiel's philosophy will continue to create man-made horrors beyond our comprehension (that you can speculate on via blockchains and decentralized exchanges)

>> No.20268718

If by verbose you mean he writes like an absolute faggot, then yes.

>> No.20268919

What alternative institutions are they building?

>> No.20268952

Well Curtis is clearly building his 'antiversity' - I.e. an alternative 'brain'. Thiel has been experimental in his approach, which is understandable given how early into the game we are.

>> No.20268981
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> Anyone and everyone who's famous is controlled opposition
> we should just be insular, fringe groups with no affect on the public and give up on changing the world.

>> No.20268992

> Anyone and everyone who's famous is controlled opposition
Yes? Why else would they be publicized? Do you think it's a coincidence that all these dark web/new right types are secular jews?

>> No.20268997

I love this thread
Academic Agent is my Jordan Peterson father figure cult godhead

>> No.20269009

>dark enlightenment
Emo Buddhism will prevail.
This is the culmination of completing German Idealism, swallowing every last black pill, and nofapping your way to unsexing your masculinity to robotic iceman grandpa levels

>> No.20269011

Anyone who actually does anything other than shitpost and whine is controlled opposition. If that weren't the case, I might have to do something other than shitpost and whine.

>> No.20269018

Controlled opposition is still life beyond the dead static bitching sidelines. Hitler, Bonaparte, Christ, all "controlled oppostion" because this word is so poorly defined and emotionally abused.

>> No.20269029

This raises the question on a Christ to Hitler Continuum one must redpill me on the Bonaparte middle.
>hardmode shut the fuck up about Evola's smoke and mirror word salad

>> No.20269055

>word salad
I knew people here don't read, but wow.

>> No.20269131

Moldbug shilled for the vax and Thiel is a literal faggot.

>> No.20269180

>The ultimate evil in this regime is represented by the Mid-Century Germans and their terrible monstrous leader Moustache Man. This would not be so much of a problem if the concept remained tied to that old and discredited regime but, as Paul Gottfried has shown at length in two excellent books it has expanded to include almost anything Christian, white, European, and heteronormative. Which is huge red flag for European people.
Pretty much accurate, the ultimate goal of the right post-WW2 is to wage counter-revolution against radicalized concern for victims, inaugurated by the Nuremburg Trials and Civil Rights/Decolonization.

>> No.20269539

Go on... I'm intrigued

>> No.20269600
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Got any ontological suppositories no one in the right wing will circulate? Do you really need Evola to explain Plato and Nietzche on the Overman essence? Evola is a distraction for the right wing currently. Guenon is salient where Evola provides us no Revolt Against the Modern World and absolutely nothing but empty intellectualizing of intellectualizing for a disgrace excuse "Survival Guide of the Soul". Youre left scratching your chin thinking yourself a fancy mountain climber after slogging through Evola and discussing it with the Keith Woods and Philosophicat who gave it far more study and arrived at even less fruit! Yet Guenon, oh Guenon my kingdom for a Guenon! This board is incendiary with Guenon threads! The dissident right has now encountered the East and has escaped its colloquial politic to truly arrive at a self discounting accounting perspective of the global world the global enemy rules. But nooo lets go back to pretending some stern pablum will help us do anything but collect dust!

>> No.20269628

Evola is the Hegel of Trad circles

>> No.20269642

Evola is pure copium.

>> No.20269678

Basically Kant allows you to categorically fly through your cognition hovering over it without being lost in the stream of it and then it allows you to willfully immerse or extract yourself from it. This I know because I do not speak Pali yet found deep correspondence between the Post Kantian phenomenologists and the Five Aggregates of Buddhism.
Meditate on the five aggregates. Not easy. Kandas translates to volumes. Similar to truth tables no? Let's consider tables of conditions and volitional formations. They can be infinite but Buddha asserts they are empty of inherent essence. This all or nothing approach clues you into the lightning.
The Five Aggregates as an elephant foot to phenomenological study allows ones mind to run through arrays of several instances of states of consciousness in comparative sequence. Vijnana, Vijnanas. Just so you now beg the question for your immersion in mindfulness, energy aroused rapture, and equanimity.

Take a state of mind from a scene in your life and recognize that it is discrete it has ended and has no continuity to the next jarring scene that wipes the prior state of mind.
This is just my current off the cuff spurious gleaming but I believe the bridge between East and West will pull us into this Eurasian event horizon.

>> No.20269689

The manifold of consciousness rings a bell with the elephant foot of Buddhism but I have yet to explore this with any textual analysis.

>> No.20269715

The most interesting part I believe is the joy of Ascesis found in the severity of German warriors and Theravada Monks. I have to offer is in my meditations on chastity and virility and the saintly serious severity that arises from these Ojas. This iceman sage is one who ages in a longevity stream like a mountain, quiescent. His words carry power like an attenuated crisp signal unlike the mere symbols and prefunctory motions others parlay. It shocks people. It has preeminence and premotion.
The robotic detail is the spooky austere almost tonsure like offensive based attitude one walks in and is not recieved warmly but briskly. This is a danger on my practice that runs me into trouble from how I pilot this practice. Each day women are less relevant yet easier to renounce and thus easier to manage respectfully where otherwise they are heat sinks and time sinks.

>> No.20269721

Many typos my bad

>> No.20269752

Some skandas for my global quest stew:
This Time The World by Rockwell
Crisis of the Modern World by Guenon
Academic Agent's Substack Article:

>> No.20269807

Buddhism is complete but historically depleted. Germans.. please. Build me a stair case to heaven

>> No.20269840

More buttboy misdirection to paralyze the right from action. Moldbug is controlled opposition.

>> No.20269847

moldbug, thiel and the WEF have the exact same vision for the world

>> No.20269854

Everything about the dark enlightenment is gay. His ideas about some weird computer monarchy is gay. Thiel is gay.

>> No.20269864

It's missing keto broscience and activated almonds

>> No.20269974


>> No.20270127


>> No.20270740


>> No.20270742

It's all about shifting the vibe. It's all about becoming unreadable. It's all about extinction.

>> No.20270817

One of his "Neoabsolutist" fanboys called me a fed on Twitter for advocating "non-capitalist" economics. Thank fuck I don't use Twitter anymore, dumb popularity contest

>> No.20270821

I had a brief feud with Academic Agent over his reading of Rousseau.

>> No.20270836

They are fucking bizarre dude, not exactly representative of the Average Moldbug reader, but one of those strange little spin-offs that you can't believe are still around all these years later despite gaining absolutely no ground, kind of like the Curt Doolittle propertarians. I remember both groups fighting it out in the Xenosystems comment section.

>> No.20270840

>becoming unreadable
No. It's about using the same retardation that hounds us to paralyze them while obviating the absurdity to our favor.
If you don't catch the drift its not for you.