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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 470 KB, 747x710, Tao_Lin_1m0s_(cropped).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20266424 No.20266424 [Reply] [Original]

i am forgotten

>> No.20266437

>leaves society
>Named Tao
Sounds pretty based

>> No.20267656

Taipei is the best novel of the 2010s

>> No.20267670

This looks like one of those AI generated portraits

>> No.20267695

>be tao lin
>get in on ground floor of "what if stream of consciousness + 80s/90s self-aware american pomo lit + oversharing neuroticism + internet zeitgeist" pseudosynthesis
>create short lived "all too timely" genre that survives on the backs of new york hipster wannabe "writer" queers who are only into it because they think they could do it too
>very briefly become famous chinaman about town, with clout to blow
>have sex with as many daddy's girl art hoes as possible by promising them "you can be a writer too. ive seen your twitter poem about how you do drugs and have sex, it's very 'authentic' and 'real', i think you've got chops kid, let me hook you up with my fake publisher"
>leave scene when it becomes undignified to participate in it any longer (hipster critical mass reached)
>genuinely mildly talented, can rest on clout laurels for years to come, transition to other things presumably
>all those art WHORES have nothing else in their lives or personalities except the brief moment they were almost sort of famous for being tao lin's groupie
>they all get left behind and have to go on weed podcasts and write "dude i smoked weed... FROM A COPY OF [book art hoes read in college in 2012]" articles on medium.com until time ends
TAO LIN's greatest work of art was his life, and the suffering it caused to aging 420 art hoes.

>> No.20268576

I haven’t seen this in a long time

>> No.20268719
File: 82 KB, 716x855, Screenshot_20220423-155639_Twitter_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip gian

>> No.20268751

The only thing that kept giant bomb alive was a basedboy that wrote about rot and decay. Poetic shit

>> No.20269213
File: 109 KB, 482x791, witches .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt-lit is facile and empty

>> No.20269220

We may have forgotten his name
But we will always remember all the people he shot at Virginia Tech

>> No.20269267

Tao can take solace in the fact that he still has the solo American non explosive high score.

>> No.20269609

yes tao now move on

>> No.20269905
File: 170 KB, 788x1325, pic0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw another dmt psychonaut gets headcrabbed

>> No.20269916
File: 104 KB, 1024x993, 1631944602640m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tao deserves more credit.

>> No.20270326


>> No.20270367
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 1582602552285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss you, tao truck

>> No.20270948


Did he ever actually post here or was that just a meme?

>> No.20272139

there's a chapter in Taipei where he writes about opening up /lit/ at a coffee shop and seeing multiple threads all hating on him and i think he ends up posting in them to defend himself from the haters... all the while feeling autistically nothing and sipping on (insert brand) iced tea. He also reccomends his art hoes to read /lit/ books like the book of disquiet.

>> No.20272233

>book of disquiet
>/lit/ book
That’s normie core, you entrylevel fag

>> No.20273316
