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[ERROR] No.2026592 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite true crime books?

Pic related, Bully. Fuck yes this book is awesome.

>> No.2026601


Wasn't that book made into a movie from Larry Clark?

>> No.2026604


Yes, it was.

>> No.2027735
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This books is awesome. I lived where this took place most of my life, have since moved, that city is a fucking shitshow.

The book however stirred up lots of controversy in this area. Still a good read even if you aren't from around here.

They found on girl's head under the bleachers at a high school, the killers were playing kickball with it.

>> No.2027737

I've hear In Cold Blood is really good

>> No.2027774

Bullying is an overblown issue and anyone who cares about it is an idiot.

>> No.2027777
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>> No.2027786

I assume you got your ass busted the first day of school this year because you're bad at being inconspicuous?

>> No.2027802

No, I'm not a bully, but I know innocent people who have been victimized by the bullying witch hunt that mainstream America is currently going through because they made a joke that someone overheard and called it bullying and then they got expelled from high school in the middle of their senior year and didn't graduate and now will never live a productive life.

>> No.2027820
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So it's an overblown issue because one guy got misjudged.
I bet you think rape is an overblown issue too, it's all just lies and feminism.

>> No.2027824

Well I guess that's too bad for him, huh? I'd like to know the actual story behind that instead of an online spiel.

>> No.2027920


What high school did you go to? People get expelled for bullying? I fucking wish.

>> No.2027934


Weak beta male detected. The only reason you got bullied was because you are too much of a pussy to stand up for yourself.

>> No.2027942


The only true crime I've read is Truman Capote. I thought it was excellent.

>> No.2027972


Yes, and you, who acts tough over the internet is no doubt the pinnacle of manly achievement.

>> No.2027990


The way I act on the internet is identical to the way I act in real life.

>> No.2028021


Of course it is. I'm surprised you haven't challenged me to a fight yet. Although I'm sure if I keep at this you will.

>> No.2028027


>> No.2028029


I have no excuse.