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File: 48 KB, 1280x960, Discworld Reading Order Guide 1-25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2026333 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Discworld? What have been your favorite and lest favorite books?

The checks are the one's I've read.

My favorites have probably been The Fifth Elephant, Thief of Time, The Hogfather, Feet of Clay, and The Truth

My least favorites have probably been Mort, Reaper Man, The Light Fantastic, and Maskerade.

>> No.2026340
File: 16 KB, 300x360, Samuel_Vimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Pic

I need to read Night Watch. It's the only Watch book I haven't read and I've liked those stories the best.

The Witches are great, but I like you wasn't such a fan of the Death books. Moving Picture sucked.

>> No.2026358

I am reading Making Money at the moment. It's passable. I'm not really a fan of moist. Plus, it was more fun when you had to work at it a bit to see what the allegory was supposed to be, rather than being so direct as the more recent more steampunk ones have been.

>> No.2026438

It's good stuff, but I don't know if I would like it as much if I had gotten into it as an adult rather than as a teenager.

>> No.2027571

I never liked Rincewind, most of the other books are pretty good.

>> No.2027879


>> No.2027886

I actually preferred Rincwind, he's far more realistic a character compared to Vimes, Weatherwax and the rest

>> No.2027896

I love most all of the books that are set in Anhk-Morpork. The city just feels real, with all the detail given throughout the books. Uberwald is cool too, but since it's whole bit is that it's cliche, there's not much to expand upon. I'm not a Ramtops fan, though I kinda wish he would do a book about the Copperhead dwarfs. All the dwarf books have been about crazy Orthodox religious nut dwarfs. They're interesting sure, but I want to see the lighter side.

>> No.2027914

Is Discworld still funny? I imagine you eventually outgrow those novels. I need to revisit them otherwise.

>> No.2028158

I think it's still funny, it's just different now..
It used to be that the satire was part of the story, now the story is more a setting for the satire.

I guess that started way back with Soul Music, but it's more obvious now.
This ain't a bad thing, it's just different

>> No.2028260

So are they making that Watch crime drama, or what?
I've not heard anything about it since it was first announced like 5 months ago.

>> No.2028375

So many of those books have ridiculous deus ex endings. Yes I get that it's "justified" in that setting but man, it gets old.

Hasn't stopped me from reading like 20 of them though.

>> No.2028383

Yeah, the plots are generally meh to shit tier. The wordplay and lighthearted satire are the reasons people read Pratchett.

My preferences for characters/arcs from what I've read so far:

Great tier: Witches, Watch, Misc books (pyramids, small gods)
Good tier: Death, "Industrial Revolution"
Annoying as fuck tier: Wizards, Rincewind

>> No.2030669
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Favorite Book(s): Monstrous Regiment and Fifth Elephant
Least Favorite Book(s): Light Fantastic(sorry it just never clicked for me)

Favorite Story Arch(s): The Watch, Industrial Revolution, and Ancient Civilizations
Least Favorite Story Arch(s): Rincewind, Tiffany Aching

>> No.2030698

I only read Colour of Magic (bad) and Night Watch (good).

>> No.2031235

Agreed, I get why others like him but i just can't stand the books. They just drop you in and expect you to have read the last one. If you read 1 Rincewind novel you have to read all of them just to get some closure. The Watch novels are much better imho.