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/lit/ - Literature

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20257396 No.20257396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20257417
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Gravity's Rainbow on mushrooms

>> No.20257443

Genuinely wracking my brain trying to think of fiction, poetry, or drama that has changed my life in a way that I can articulate. Plenty of politics, history, and philosophy books have changed the way I see the world and how I choose to act but with proper literature it's more of a cumulative thing, you know? The more that I read the more I cultivate that part of myself which allows me to be perceptive of what's going on around me and able to interpret it. I don't mean to answer with such a cop-out, but that kind of change hasn't been gained by a single book and rather through a lifetime of reading. So what I'm trying to say is read broadly, find something that catches your attention and then proceed from there

Also phenibut rocks but using it too often just makes me sleepy

>> No.20257488
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Weightlifting should be way higher. If you think the way you look doesn't affect the way people treat you then think on this. Would you date a fatty? Or a fit lady?
In this way it has quantifiably changed your life.
>Doing math is higher

>> No.20257536

Nah pure math is mindfucking and life changing.
It's like getting deep into metaphysical philo. It fucks with you and if you transcend it you'll be a hundred times more centered.

>> No.20257579

Probably a History book. You’ll think about day to day events in the news with much more perspective. You’ll be more worldly. People in western society respect knowledge of the Romans and Greeks, as well as the Egyptians for that matter. In addition, there is an entire world of ancient civilization we aren’t totally aware of, so it’ll pique your curiosity. You will also think of philosophical and religious texts with much more context. For instance, much of the surviving Ancient Greek philosophy was written near the end of their society. Some scholars argue that it was only during a state of political and social turmoil that these ideas were worth pursuing.
Also, reading a history book will make you realize that either a lot very valuable historical artifacts and treasures are either hidden at the bottom of a river or collapsed structure somewhere, or are in private collections. I’d wager if the Ark of the Covenant was real, it belongs to some rich Arab.

I’d recommend Egypt, Greece and Rome by Charles Freeman

>> No.20257616

Stoic authors are incredibly humbling, and if you manage to absorb their lessons fully, they can change you rlife for the better.

>> No.20257641

It might make you feel a little smarter sure, my point was that weightlifting changes the people around you as well as yourself. Until you tell people that you've mastered pure math they'll never know, and even when you do I doubt most people will care

>> No.20257672

So to you it's all performative? The only reason you do things is to impress other people? That's what you lift for?

>> No.20257688
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>t. mathlet

>> No.20257706

I never said this, I was just suggesting ONE of the ways it will chance your life. The idea that anyone who doesn't also do maths will care remotely that you "mastered pure math" is a complete meme.
I point was that weightlifting wont just change your mind and body but the environment around you as well.
here (you) go

>> No.20257710

My point*

>> No.20257741
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nice cope

>> No.20257827

Siestachads can't stop winning

>> No.20257838

The complete works of Rene Guenon

>> No.20257840

this post gave me schizophrenia

>> No.20257860
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You underestimate how long it takes to make a significant change if you're not on steroids. 1 year MINIMUM and I mean that if you are quite literally a NEET who works out 5 days a week and gets 9 hours of quality sleep every single day. For most people it's closer to three years.
People try hard for 6 months and look exactly the same. Makes sense why people wouldn't think it's life-changing.

>> No.20257882

how is pure math life changing

>> No.20257888

Nofap is the real game changer. You are what you do. None of these mean anything of garbage is flowing around your brain. Watching porn and having sex have a profound influence on the the background activity of the mind. The mind dwells on it and it results in habit. Motivational pathways are limited and are squandered on sexual pursuits. Without abstinence most of these are just crutches to make up for the cognitive and behavioral deficits of being sexually active. On nofap you're a literal superman if you add nootropics and stimulants on top of it. You can read 500 pages a day and play instruments and just have your mind filled with good stuff. There is something I call agency of will and it's lost when you're a slave to competing drives. It's like Aquinas said when he quoted augustine. Nothing takes the mind from lofty thoughts as the fondling of women"

>> No.20257889

feels like a big boost when you're a insecure kid but for a normal person it's whatever

>> No.20257913

>be patient and consistent for 1-3 years and live the rest of your life proud of what you’ve earned
>help drug smugglers buy mansions as you transmute into a Charlie Hebdo caricature of yourself that can’t sleep, can’t fuck, has issues with everyone all the time, has his skin marred by acne and/or wrinkles to the point of looking like a botched excoriation effort, and is one injection away from looking at 32B bras at the local Victoria’s Secret
Yeah I think I know what I’m going with, thanks

>> No.20257920

what the fuck are you talking about faggot

>> No.20257946

Your reading comprehension is retard-tier buddy, I don’t even know why you’re on this board, to torture yourself or something?

>> No.20257994
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It never ceases to amuse me that as soon as you say "steroids" people think of Mr Olympia physique. Retard, EVERY actor in Hollywood needs to take steroids to look like pic related. To the point that when the guy didn't do it for batman everyone lost their shit.

>> No.20258010

>teehee everyone is doing it, so should you!
Spoken like a true addict huh

>> No.20258066

Coming from rock bottom status being fit can impress people but if you’re insecure like most people then you will just be fit and insecure after. Will it attract some more people? Yeah. But there is a guy out there who doesn’t exercise much who people respond too much better. Back in the caveman days you probably had a point but status has little to do with your body, unless it’s something YOU value lot. That’s good for you then. Not everything is about image though. Maybe if you are a woman.. And don’t get me started on the “lifting solves depression” memes. It’s an activity that you can’t prescribe to everyone though you retards are so lost you group around the same concepts for support. Imagine if you had peers that wanted the best for you instead.. and maybe you do because of lifting. But my point is that what you think of an activity and the emphasis you and others put on it is what’s important

>> No.20258076
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>Also Sprach Zarathustra
>Untergang des Abendlandes
>Fröhliche Wissenschaft
>Goethe's Italienische Reise
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Moby Dick
I am a Nietzsche fanboy so maybe that is the reason why they changed my life so much.

>> No.20258089

My friend, we all know few people have the discipline to “try hard” for six months. And if they actually do have the discipline, six months is plenty of time to change how you look. It’s unlikely they can workout intense enough to get results though. Do sit-ups for 5 minutes everyday for a month. Your abs WILL look different if you aren’t fat.

Most people will need a trainer or coach to discipline them and actually show them how to gain muscle. Yeah it’s not going to happen overnight but you can look significantly different in a year if you aren’t “just going” to the gym.

>> No.20258098

I became religious because of an experience I had while learning category theory.

>> No.20258126

The KJV Bible

>> No.20258440
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>lifting for her

many such cases! sad!

>> No.20258872

>doing math
1+1=2, 1+2=3
Life changed.

>> No.20258905

Its high enough, consider the number of ratings also. Why do weight lifters think lifting the ultimate life changing activity? One would think it was like experiencing the miracles of a saint first hand or something.

>> No.20258929
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>> No.20258943

8+5+5=18, 1+8=9


>> No.20258958

bolaño, savage detectives
it lit passion in my soul. I knew what passion was, i could hold it

>> No.20258975

phenibut is overrated, it's giving me headaches half the time

>> No.20258980

>Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Herman Hesse - Steppenwolf
>Aristotle - Nichomachean Ethics

A lot of other books have gradually shaped my worldview and behavior, but these ones I had the most immediate and emotional reaction to.

I fucking love neech, anon. It spoke to me at a time where I really needed it. It’s astounding to me that such a fucked up chronically ill incel coomer would write something that abounds with so much love for humanity and its virtues.

>> No.20258996
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>mfw I.I. Rubin's "Essays on Marx's Theory of Value"

>> No.20259000

Meditations on the Tarot, I made the mistake of reading it before more introductory texts but it provided an excellent basis for further study and practice in a digestible manner.

>> No.20259260

Just did this on a bunch of numbers. What is this phenomenon called, and what is its explanation?

>> No.20259281

this is bullshit I started a basic bitch bodyweight routine and got comments about looking different after 3 months
if you want to get huge of course it'll take time but "visible results" don't take long at all

>> No.20259361


>> No.20259458

bruh it literally sounds like penis butt

>> No.20259460

What’s up sridhar

>> No.20259593
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and here's the why

>> No.20259643

Unironically the Bible and what >>20258076 mentioned

>> No.20259650

>Bright lights in morning
Is this supposed to be good? Seeing the sun shining in my eyes on the way to work makes me want to kill myself. Every day should be cloudy

>> No.20259859

>much of the surviving Ancient Greek philosophy was written near the end of their society
maybe why so much of it is cucked and unfit for what the west needs now. It was a bunch of degenerates shitposting.

>> No.20260038

meaningless pseud comment
>It's like getting deep into metaphysical philo
uh huh yeah sure bro, stop smoking weed

>> No.20260135

Every book changes my life a little, but the biggest change was The Brothers Karamazov.
It is no surprise to me that the book ends with Aliocha and the kids, there is no better manifestation of hope in this world than kids.

>> No.20260276

Post body

>> No.20260353
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