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/lit/ - Literature

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20255186 No.20255186 [Reply] [Original]

how do you know if you're a great writer?

>> No.20255189

By writing, holy shit, frogposters really are retards.

>> No.20255225

i suck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gret writer

>> No.20255226

dumb answer from an incel

>> No.20255228

compare your works to my diary desu

>> No.20255278

Easy way to tell if you're a bad writer is if you post on /lit/

>> No.20255283

when you get memed on /lit/

>> No.20255463

post it here, we'll decide for you

>> No.20256279

((orgies per year*cocaine lb)+(number of hats+number of glasses+ number of scarfs)*times family member groomed you) / times you eat per day + pages you write per day

If the number is greater than 100; you are a great writer.

>> No.20256282
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Do you write?

>> No.20256294

>give people excerpts from great books
>give them my fragments
>they don't see the difference, can't tell what is mine and what is from actual authors
That was the moment for me.

>> No.20256308

I did this. It worked. Then I showed someone my writing while telling them it was as much. They shat all over it :(
The disconnect? Someone whose really a good writer can take creative liberties with the fundamentals. A nobody cant. Greatness is harder to discern out of context and if someone assumes your writing is that if a notable writer they'll extend that leeway, regarding creative liberty, to you even though you've no claim to it.

Don't overestimate you who are, it leads only to THE SICKNESS UNTO DEATH >>>::((((

>> No.20256335

don't worry; you're not

>> No.20256345

This doesn’t operate with literature because unlike the other arts, you need a mind which has cultivated an understanding of its tastes and the differences of superior and inferior literature in order to properly analyze. Painting is easier for we constantly see a flood of images, music is easier for we constantly have a flood of sound, and both have endless amounts of art consumed by the average person daily, prose and verse however are only encountered in their most barbaric and common everyday usages such as within 4chan or twitter or technical manuals. For this reason if your prose is coherent and isn’t found lacking in grammar, and if it does seek to produce any type of beauty, they’ll just assume it is of this type and move on. And when you have said it is your piece of art, they will know it is not the work of a person with so many years of established prestige, giving them an incentive to find flaws.

If you want to know if you’re a great writer, read much and write, and after you’re done writing read some more then return to your writing to see if it holds up, continue this process. Do this until you can no longer refine your writing style and ability, then you may compare your peak to the authors you love, and determine if you are great by your own standard.

>> No.20256348
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Yuo just know

>> No.20256357

I wish you'd leave again.

>> No.20256950

What the heck Frater we seem to agree, based on the first part or your post, yet you tag me in what seems to be a statement with which you disagree! No fair >:(

>> No.20256955

If you get published by the New York Times.

>> No.20256972

When I feel the hand of God working through me.

>> No.20256973

have sex

>> No.20256978

I'm godawful. Need more coke

>> No.20257007

( (0 * 0) + 3 + 0 + 0) * 0) / 2 + 5 = 5

>> No.20257018

And if the number of bipolar disorder diagnoses is > 0 cube the result.

>> No.20257025

If you can come up with poetic lines on the spot in front of cute women that makes them want to suck your dick.

>> No.20258100

People have told me, sorry we don't all have it that way, bigman.

>> No.20258245

I think we all think it, but only a few of us truly are. It helps to be delusional, I'm sure

>> No.20258284
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If people fellate your work for decades if not centuries after your death, then you are a good writer

>> No.20258529

If you're on here, you're not one

>> No.20258967
File: 16 KB, 229x332, 229px-Flaubert-Giraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will just know — by that I mean you will be able to point exactly what you are doing tecnically well.

>> No.20259599

Have accomplished people critique your work. Dont let /lit/ do it, they're nobodies who have shit opinions.

Also, read your writing aloud. If some parts feel unengaging or queer the you know something is off.

Writing is less about technical skill like art or programming, but more of a creative skill, a people's skill (if you're writing fiction.) The more you understand people, the more you understand emotions, the better writer you'll be because of the emotions you'd erect out of your reader. Some technicality is involved in this line paragraph breaks and the right words to use but overall...

Its feeling, ya know? Feeling.