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File: 358 KB, 940x705, cornel-west-1_png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20254503 No.20254503 [Reply] [Original]

his books are pretty shallow but I like him anyway
he's the black physics popularizer except for philosophy and religion huh

>> No.20254514

Hes mulatto.

>> No.20254519

if you put even one drop of black dye in a glass of clear water, it ceases to be a glass of clear water and is then considered black water

>> No.20254547

When I read his apologetics regarding why affirmative action should be kept in place, even though it doesn't do anything, I realized his ideology is dangerous. He offers no solutions except demonizing the right and making sure the left gets as much power as possible (keeping any social programs in place regardless of how ineffective they are).

>> No.20254551

Literally a shabbos goy pet nig for the left. Who hates whites. There is not much more too it than that.

>> No.20254553 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking a nigger can think

>> No.20254554

People arent glasses of water.

>> No.20254556

Black nationalists want to make everyone who is part black as black so they can up their numbers, that’s the reason people like Obama who are half white are considered black. In Africa and other places with a true black majority this man wouldn’t be considered black.

>> No.20254559

Ur on 4chan

>> No.20254561

>le edgy poster

>> No.20254608

You’re confusing black water with grey water

>> No.20254626

His debate with Peter thiel was embarrassing

>> No.20254632

For Peter, I gather.

>> No.20254694

No, west was borderline incoherent during the whole conversation. Hed respond to factoids or arguments with weird opinions on chekov or dante quotes

>> No.20254996

Okay I listened to an hour of this and it was just Peter and a few questions. He’s all over the place thinking if we could just fix the transportation here, and no the financial crash wasn’t the local banks or even the national banks fault and on and on he goes with his half backed ideas.
I don’t know what West could say to any of this guy’s ideas that I hadn’t heard David Graeber already do in their “debate”. West can be lucid and a little weird to hear for some, but I can guess what his polite food for thought about the plight of the people might sound like, and I don’t think I need to hear it. Nothing can be more embarrassing than listening to Peter Thiel defend systems and suggest little tweaks here or there to get more GROWTH, which he feels is good

>> No.20256426

He wrote a pretty good review of Cedric Robinson's Black Marxism back in 85. Haven't read a lick since.

>> No.20256512

The right-wing are bad and need to be eradicated. Never, once, in the history of our species has progress been won by a CONSERVATIVE kek - it's always the progressives. Remember that, faggot. Your liberty was a left-wing invention.