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20253975 No.20253975 [Reply] [Original]

books that are anti-political and/or anti- the people who care about politics?

>> No.20253980

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.20253984

Didn’t Simone Weil write a book for the abolition of political parties also published by NYRB

>> No.20253995
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look like it

>> No.20254243

that's just communist rhetoric

>> No.20254309

Ellul makes the argument in "The Political Illusion" that geopolitics functions autonomously due to the principle of necessity, where there is only real choice in any scenario, mostly determined by a group of specialists. The central example he uses is the French decision to withdraw from Algeria: There was no real consideration for the actual complexity of the issue, no hangups over the morality of French Algeria; it merely became the case that French Algeria as a colony was untenable, and letting it go became far and away the best option.

For a current example, look at Sweden trying to join NATO. There is something that feels a bit inevitable about this. I would relate this to Dialectical Materialism, but also that idea of Moloch and how the world seems to be moving in some vague direction, not by the will of one man or even many, but on some predefined path that already exists and simply took until the human race had enough people and enough technology to happen.

>> No.20254340

You mean what the US wants gets done?

>> No.20254417

No. Each nation generally only has one goal, which is to maximize its own power. From there springs forth every political action. America does what it does to stay powerful, every other nation does the same. The only difference comes as a result of differing positions on the global stage. Iceland can't exert any power over other countries because it simply doesn't have the ability to, but it also doesn't have the need to. America exerts power over other countries because it has both the ability to, and also the need to. Etc.

>> No.20254427

The political illusion

>> No.20255095
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>that geopolitics functions autonomously due to the principle of necessity, where there is only real choice in any scenario, mostly determined by a group of specialists
Directionbrained retards get to push a button every 4 years that's connected to nothing. The agenda continues no matter what. The best thing Trump did was to turn the establishment from screaming that the deep state didn't exist to writing about how good it is the deep state exists and could work against Trump.

You'll also note nobody reflected at all about the idea of unelected bureaucrats and a shadow government subverting the democratic process just does away with the fig leaf of it mattering in the first place.

The saddest thing to see is the struggling midwits who get "involved in politics" and think it matters. People with Funko Pop collections spend their time more wisely and have less anxiety in their life from their pointless hobby.

>> No.20255250

Have you actually read this? Im not being dismissive, it's just thats it's a nightmare of a book, and because Mann later considered it his most politically involved. In a way it is, as it's trying to justify the politics of the war on cultural and ethnic grounds. His argument is that the democratic state is inherently unGerman (and unmusical), and that politics will inventively attempt to involve itself in ,and reform the, the German character . This is a political book.

In his American years he wrote: ABWENDEN, ABWENDEN!, turn aside, turn aside!, in that writers should endeavour to ignore politics, in the way he didn't early on.

>> No.20255836

No. Just needed an image

>> No.20255840

>subverting the democratic process
The democratic process was never good, being subverted is it's nature.

>> No.20256166
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Refuted by Schmitt. To be apolitical requires the existence of a bourgois private sphere that is outside of public life, but in order to maintain that private sphere from intrusion it needs a public political order that creates, respects, and sustains that private sphere, which only come into existence with bourgeois cowardice and apathy.

>> No.20256167

Stopped reading right there. No one cares about that seething propgandized machine

>> No.20256172
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20256174

I haven't read that particular volume, but I wanna say Thomas Mann got pretty political during the war...

>> No.20256291

>Have you actually read this? Im not being dismissive, it's just thats it's a nightmare of a book, and because Mann later considered it his most politically involved.

I hate books with unreliable narrators.

>> No.20256577

simone weil was a socialist/syndicalist.... in the trash it goes.

>> No.20256592

actually verily based

>> No.20257848
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>> No.20257898

What's her argument? Everyone votes what their parents vote more or less (or sometimes the complete opposite out of spite).

>> No.20257905

>Are you political?
>No, in fact I think people who don't believe what I believe are stupid!

>> No.20258067
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>> No.20258769

>seething propgandized machine

How so?

>> No.20259118

anon is probably a seething atheist.

>> No.20259143

It's interesting just how many media studies academics are Catholic: Ellul, McLuhan, Postman, probably many more.

>> No.20259394

Candide - Voltaire

>> No.20259436

Doesn't make much sense, everyone has beliefs that can potentially have political application or can be "opened up to politics" when they're challenged. The way I see it politics is just the extreme edge of any debate. Nonpolitics would just mean total apathy and complacence in every sphere. Even more ridiculous is when people make some political judgment and then say it isn't political just because most people agree with it. Although today everyone is cribbing Schmitt on this stuff so I have to namedrop

>> No.20259441

Is violence political?