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File: 230 KB, 1100x865, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20250974 No.20250974 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, why did he do it?

>> No.20250975


>> No.20250985

To send a message, and to die heroically. These two motivations became synonymous in the action.

Some say it was as much an insult to the Emperor as an honour.

>> No.20250991

It's pretty fucking obvious why he did it
I'd suggest you read his writings and an account of his life

>> No.20251015

Maybe his butt hurt

>> No.20251047

He wanted fo die relatively young while his body was still beautiful because he was scared of his body growing old. He was extremely vain and obsessed with his appearance. Gay men have even more body issues and insecurities than women.

>> No.20251053

The most central and foundational part of his life, from which everything else flowed, was that he was a giant attention-whoring faggot queen.

This is not to be confused with his homosexuality; his homosexuality is incidental rather than constitutive, but nonetheless derived from the fact that he was a giant attention-whoring faggot queen, namely via the fact that women are not capable of the boundless adoration and worship that men are, necessitating that Mishima become a homosexual to satisfy his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses by being adored and worshipped by those most capable of it, i.e. men.

The same fundamental explanation goes for his books, with all their boring bourgeois pseudo-transgression, expertly tip-toeing the exact line between a harmless eccentricity vis-a-vis social norms, attracting large crowds on account of its peculiarity and shocking nature to pearl-clutching normies, but never once crossing the line into real transgression, something that would alienate the normie crowds in his book. Oh wow, the character killed a cat and seems indifferent, very transgressive, such symbol.

However, this not being enough to satisfy his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses, he established the perfect situation for himself with his poorly attempted coup: either he would succeed and be the primus motor of a return to imperial Japan, or he would fail and spectacularly kill himself. Both options would secure him a place in the history books, satisfying his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses. It could not fail, or so Mishima thought.

In a pure show of ironic force crafted by the hand of God himself, his feeble 5'1 body was not capable of producing enough volume in his voice, in the speech to instigate the coup, for the soldiers below the balcony to hear him - it cannot be stressed enough what a fundamental and metaphysical failure this was for the faggot queen who craved nothing but attention. One can only speculate, but it is possible that this alone was enough for his seppuku to be motivated by more than attention-whoring, that he felt, for once, actual shame. Even further getting blown the fuck out by God, his backup plan, that would honorably remove him from this world in a faggy-aesthetic way, failed - his secondary, who was to decapitate him after he had disemboweled himself, was too weak to do so, and tried three times to separate head from body, failing each time.

In short: he did it to satisfy his narcissist, faggot queen urges; what he attained instead was becoming a joke so sophisticated and perfect that it must have come about by divine intervention.

>> No.20251138

I was not expecting a diss this hard... I'm actually speechless.

>> No.20251165

Really? Because it’s projection from someone that never did anything.

>> No.20251188

For sure, but the last paragraphs, especially the part about the failed decapitation, makes me want to cry or throw up.

>> No.20251211

>The same fundamental explanation goes for his books, with all their boring bourgeois pseudo-transgression, expertly tip-toeing the exact line between a harmless eccentricity vis-a-vis social norms, attracting large crowds on account of its peculiarity and shocking nature to pearl-clutching normies, but never once crossing the line into real transgression, something that would alienate the normie crowds in his book. Oh wow, the character killed a cat and seems indifferent, very transgressive, such symbol.
huh, i've always struggled with putting into words just why i dislike his books so much and this perfectly captures it

>> No.20251237

To cum

>> No.20251468

>its true
Holy lmao this nigga really was 5'1. I thought he was tall (for asian) because he lifted natty and still remained a dyel. Apparently he was just terrible at fitness. Imagine failing to put on any bulk as a hypermanlet. His anus was probably the only muscle he worked out for real.

>> No.20251532

Well, anon, you speak like someone who actually did something. Committed sepukku perhaps?

>> No.20251545
File: 277 KB, 1149x1416, Rene Magritte Ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some merit in what you say, but I don't think you've ever really read Mishima's novels, plays and essays. There's a lot more to him than
>bourgeois pseudo-transgression
Jut because he prefers a more subtle aesthetic approach over a Patrick Bateman-like gore fest doesn't mean the transgression isn't there. Presumably, you're American, and as such are used to constant sensory overload in media.

>> No.20251580

How do people have the gall to write such tripe like this. This is a 'male' website but in temperament it is absolutely female, vindictive, and 'gossipy'.

I'll tell you why he killed himself. Because the world has changed, and he could not recognize himself in it. Japan did a cultural 180 after being conquered by the Americans. He was a romantic and poetic soul who regretted not dying on the battlefield with the rest of his countrymen. He chose to die, rather than to live in a world he does not recognize as his. It's Tragic.

>> No.20251586

>huh, i've always struggled with putting into words just why i dislike his books
If you're not reading his books in Japanese then you're not reading Mishima.

>> No.20251595

He was so obsessed with death to the point where he wanted his death to be as cinematic as possible. He couldn't die in a war obviously and dying old in a retirement home wasn't cinematic so he had to do this crazy shit.

>> No.20251599

He was horny

>> No.20251600

I mean, if you just use your brain for 10 seconds it should be obvious. The guy almost certainly suffered from some kind of neurotic disease, either an anxiety disorder or something worse like schizophrenia, and on top of this disorder he was indoctrinated into Shinto militarism and god-emperor worship at a very young age, dreaming that he would die in war against the great Satan America.

Since he didn't die a glorious death in battle clearly he spent the remainder of his life trying to create a fiction where he did instead.

>> No.20251638

Lack of big gaijin cock.

>> No.20251747

Pls read a book lol this is embarrassing

>> No.20251777

>It's True
What makes you unquestioningly believe Google is the supreme authority on people's height, or on anything else for that matter? Take it from a height autist, Mishima was not 5'1, he was about 5'4, still small, but about average for a Japanese man of his era.

>> No.20251778

>Words, Japan
Suck my dick weeb bitch

>> No.20251788

Incredible levels of seethe and cope.

>> No.20251793

You clearly haven't read any of his books nor his autobiographies anon. Half his own books are about a sad weak teenager not having the guts to be a faggot, or they are about how beautiful it is to die.

He was obviously mentally ill.

>> No.20251798

>He was obviously mentally ill.
Name one author who isn't.

>> No.20251823

You just don't understand how prose works.

>> No.20251910
File: 211 KB, 640x640, 5868f2108ca86a3ecadfabb3f91b65b4-116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishima is the only man in history who I found I every really related to.
Championing virile masculinity and the virtues of conquerers and those who respond as dionosyis would to the call of the struggle of life—yet ourselves being the complete . Romantic dreamers who live mostly in the images created in our heads. Delicate in both the physical and spiritual sense, dainty and yielding.

At least Mishima was a homosexual, and he could allow a man to 'conquer' him. I am however destined for solitude.

>> No.20251919

>Mishima is the only man in history who I found I every really related to.
Then you're a larper.

>> No.20251931
File: 124 KB, 600x904, MishimaIsPureHeterosex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mishima is the only man in history who I found I every really related to.

>> No.20251970
File: 66 KB, 662x828, Yukio-Mishima-graduate-Japan-1947.-Photo-unkown_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishima was no LARP. He was caught in between two civilizations with completely different values. Most of his childhood friends died in a war he was prohibited from participating due to his health. Everything which to him is virtue was not valued in the new post war society. He could not cope with it. I doubt he even wanted to start a 'coup'. But to give a really public statement of how shameful he thought the situation of Japan was. He died in a way which was honorable to the laws he felt were sacred. There is definitely something to respected in that.
I wouldn't mind being gay. It would make some things easier. Though I most certainly am not. [I checked!]

>> No.20252069

>I'll tell you why he killed himself. Because the world has changed, and he could not recognize himself in it. Japan did a cultural 180 after being conquered by the Americans. He was a romantic and poetic soul who regretted not dying on the battlefield with the rest of his countrymen. He chose to die, rather than to live in a world he does not recognize as his. It's Tragic.
Nigga, he used to have men tie him up so he could pretend to seppuku and he would cum from that alone. Plenty of people (i.e. 90% of anons) hate modernity but don't commit ritualized suicide after romanticizing and sexualizing it their entire lives.

>> No.20252216

>Nigga, he used to have men tie him up so he could pretend to seppuku and he would cum from that alone.
That's a /lit/ meme

>> No.20252300

>Plenty of people (i.e. 90% of anons) hate modernity but don't commit ritualized suicide after romanticizing and sexualizing it their entire lives.
That's because they're LARPers. They don't have what it takes.

>> No.20252438

you have been
>retroactively refuted
by one of his aphorisms:
_The cynicism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority_
It was one of the greatest works of art in the latter half of the 20th century

>> No.20252467

There isn't a person who posts any of these youth pictures of this kid in his little sailor outfit who is not a pedophile. You're a dirty pervert, anon. Don't get close to boys now, will you.
That aside, Mishima is nothing like you. He wasn't some pathetic slug, some hypocrite, who idolized struggle yet was himself soft; he actualized those ideals, even unto death, he turned himself from soft to hard.
Lastly Mishima had a family, and he had friends and admirers and I highly doubt he was the passive participant whenever he would visit those bars and brothels.

>> No.20252503
File: 23 KB, 600x400, ms3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he looks nice when he's young.
When he gets older, he looks kind of lonely.

>> No.20252529

>a sense of physical inferiority

>> No.20252765

Unironically screencapping this to make Mishimafags seethe in all their threads in perpetuity.

>> No.20252826

Lots of reasons. The guy was suicidal, self-hating, larped as someone from older times and was even more fascinated with death than the average jap artist.
Also, he was obsessed with the frontier between concepts he saw as opposite and his whole suicide represented a lot of them in ways both symbolic and literal.

>> No.20252831

its a pretty cringe post, where he just says the word faggot a bunch of times incessantly to make his underdeveloped point seem worthwhile.

>> No.20252842
File: 161 KB, 909x1079, chad mish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite the sperg.

>> No.20253098

How did a fag like Mishima manage to write such a masculine book like "The sailor who fell from grace with the sea" ?

>> No.20253108

In fairness, it is actually a pretty comphrensive argument as to why Mishima is indeed a faggot (although the term is overused), and the point about "a show of ironic force crafted by God himself" is pure kino.

>> No.20253140

>fails decapitation 3 times
>slaughtering him like an underdeveloped teenage greenhorn farmhand would a pig

>> No.20253346
File: 1000 KB, 1000x667, imageedit_3_9223406199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[cums violently]
Grab your facial expression flashcards and look up the closest thing you can think of to
"sublime bliss." Get it now, autist?

>> No.20253397

Masculinity is not at odds with bisexuality.

>> No.20253403

Ah, so the unironic use of this word basically means that you're a seething tranny. Stopped reading right there.

>> No.20253413

Kino (Mishima's life, not your post).

>> No.20253420

its really is actually not.
mentions a scene in sailor, makes some strawmans about what he thinks mishima thought,mentions the obvious that mishimas suicide was botched (how this makes mishima an attention whore is unclear) without any real evidence from mishimas text or any understanding of what mishima wanted to accomplish with his so called "transgressions". He basically made zero argument and has zero basis and just made random facts cohere to an argument not based in any sort of truth or evidence

>> No.20253500

>The same fundamental explanation goes for his books, with all their boring bourgeois pseudo-transgression,
Mishima's purpose was never to portray transgression, either pseudo or real. Claiming otherwise is is like saying Dostoevsky wanted to shock people with the "transgressive" murder scene in Crime & Punishment, an utterly insipid and dull interpretation that misses the whole point, only the most uninspired and banal can come up with retarded critique such as that. You're saying a lot of empty words and I'll prove it by asking you the following question, what exactly do you define real transgression to begin with and how can somebody portray it to your satisfaction?

>or he would fail and spectacularly kill himself. Both options would secure him a place in the history books, satisfying his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses.
Death undoes all and you're too much of a blind faggot pseud to realize that all these sorts of illusions fall flat on their face in your mind when you're looking death in the eyes. You are so safe and complacent that you can't even imagine that a man staring death in the face would have a different way of viewing things then someone sitting comfy in his armchair like you are. The fact that Mishima looked death in the eyes and still chose to proceed is proof that he was being led by something more elemental in his spirit, something you assume doesn't exist because you've never felt it in your life being a boring lukewarm spineless faggot.

Rest of your post is bait that I won't bother responding to. You said a whole lot of nothing and retards here eat it up because you mingled your words with le ebin maymays. This place is truly shit.

>> No.20253643

>namely via the fact that women are not capable of the boundless adoration and worship that men are
t. incel

>> No.20253671

>confused with his homosexuality
>homosexuality is incidental rather than constitutive
>boring bourgeois pseudo-transgression, expertly tip-toeing
>but never once crossing the line into real transgression
>the fact that women are not capable of the boundless adoration and worship that men are
>feeble 5'1 body was not capable of producing enough volume
>by the hand of God himself
>blown the fuck out by God
>a joke so sophisticated and perfect
Anon is insecure about his own homosexuality.

>> No.20253796

his life was pretty cool lol, he based and cute

>> No.20253804

this, the post sounds like a women trying to diss someone

>> No.20253965


This is one of the best explanations for why he did it. He already knew it would fail. It was an action in line with other Japanese historical figures, and it made his pp hard.

What do you mean by this? His approach to violence was never to transgress or offend people, that's an American thing. It (was) common in Japanese culture to merge eroticism with violence. That's what he was aiming for, spirituality and ecstasy tinged with pain. In the West, I'd imagine it was something shocking, but not in Japan.

Mishima can be many things. It's already been observed by himself that he was a narcissist and all that, but he remains sincere in his beliefs nonetheless. I mean, he died for them.

>> No.20254003

Mishima was Japan's Byron. As with all things in Japan, they overdid it.

>> No.20254011

He had borderline personality disorder.

>> No.20254019

If you haven't seen the last debate don't even bother to talk. It's a shame it only came out recently but it explains much of his thought process, if you're not a brainlet and can listen and understand that is.

>> No.20254862

The sheer amount of seethe and cope from weebs who think dying is cool is astounding. 10/10, excellent piece of Mishima scholarship.

>> No.20254887
File: 57 KB, 437x578, Mishima_Yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>_The cynicism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority_
Here's a picture of Mishima very seriously squatting what appears to be about 25 pounds.

>> No.20254891 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)16:44:22 No.20254747▶>>20254752 >>20254790 >>20254810
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All three of my romance novels flopped Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:22:09 No.20252862▶>>20252871 >>20252912 >>20252961 >>20253180 >>20253185 >>20253203 >>20253219 >>20254711 >>20254724 >>20254731 >>20254740 >>20254742
>friend is a romance author
>made $100,000 last year
>decide to become a romance author myself
>challenging and time consuming
>work 3 months straight
>my books totally flop.

I am currently trying to do a fourth but it is seeming very futile at this stage. How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:23:51 No.20252871▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
You have to pick one, it's impossible to appeal to both in significant numbers
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:24:46 No.20252877▶
Write a book about a handsome gay man who gets seduced by an aged hagraven.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:31:06 No.20252899▶
What's your friend's name? I'm genuinely curious to read their work now kek.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:32:54 No.20252912▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Women love rape and someone to take care of them. Also pirates

Gay men are like men and they like physical things
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:40:11 No.20252944▶
Just get the bestsellers, distill their formula and archetypes and just fill the rest for your books. Don't tell me you're actually trying to make up shit.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:43:42 No.20252961▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
It's all about marketing and not how you write.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:45:18 No.20253180▶>>20253220 >>20254726
File: men vs womyn.png (2.67 MB, 1328x1254)
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>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Write abusive smut. That's what holes like. Arrogant bullies who are also tall, muscular, rich, and for some reason obsessed with them even though they're mediocre females.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:46:40 No.20253185▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
are you using a female pseudonym? if not, use it.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:51:26 No.20253203▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Maybe you're a shit writer.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:54:36 No.20253219▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Why did you post a picture of a convicted child molester. What kind of romances are you writing?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:55:15 No.20253220▶

>> No.20254954


>> No.20254979

Hara-kiri is profoundly based. I always viewed suicide as not nearly as terrible as many in the west would have you think, but the japs really take it to the next level. I do wish they weren't so barbaric in history though.

>> No.20255031

>Mishima's purpose was never to portray transgression
I never claimed it was. Reread the very first sentence of the paragraph. The pseudo-transgression is merely incidental, much like the homosexuality, something that flows from the faggot queen attention whoring, which was his sole substantial and constitutive raison d'etre. The point is rather clear.

>what exactly do you define real transgression to begin with and how can somebody portray it to your satisfaction?
Real transgression leads to ostracization. Mishima chose pseudotransgression. You are misunderstanding me; I am not particularly compelled to place any superior aesthetic weight on real transgression - I am merely saying that pseudo-transgression, which is mostly boring, was the only choice Mishima had - the root from which this determinism grew is, again, his faggot queen impulses.

>Death undoes all [...] The fact that Mishima looked death in the eyes and still chose to proceed is proof that he was being led by something more elemental in his spirit
Indeed, which actually gives rise to a very interesting point, namely that Mishimas attention-whoring was so metaphysically extreme that it actually transcended death itself. A worthwhile addendum to my thoughts on Mishima, and I thank you for midwifing it.

>> No.20255139

>Mishima chose pseudotransgression
Actually, you're right. He even mentions this himself with displeasure. And that's another motivation behind the coup, to bring what he wrote into reality. Unfortunately, he's been regarded as persona non grata in Japan for a long time.

>> No.20255156

All for that ultimate warrior cumshot.

>> No.20256805


>> No.20256818

seems possible yea