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20249372 No.20249372 [Reply] [Original]

What's the consensus on outdoor reading? Lcd's are shit, but is paper really worse compared to eink?

>> No.20249373

Paper is superior to muh screen when it comes to memory retention as well.

>> No.20249390

maybe if you're retarded

>> No.20249393

No, it's been scientifically proven.

>> No.20249418
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>> No.20249422

pros v negatives
e-ink ereader
>more portable than a book
>multiple reads in one
>inbuilt dictionary
>able to read any book without getting stabbed by a nigger for racist book or screamed at by a feminist
>notetaking is significantly harder
>if you break it or lose it you literally lose your whole library
>doesn't have that nice paper feel
>doesn't smell like paper

>easier to take notes
>less distraction by other books
>paper feels nice and smells nice bro
>you can show off how smart you are to passerbys
>easy to damage
>people can see what you're actually reading

>> No.20249428

he's talking about e-ink screens you drooling retard, studies have shown that there is virtually no difference in reading speed and retention between paper and ink and e-ink displays. Normal displays like the ones on most smartphones and computers are the ones that fuck up your retention

>> No.20249552

E Ink is awesome who the fuck says otherwise?

>> No.20249590

>studies have shown that there is virtually no difference in reading speed and retention between paper and ink and e-ink displays
No, they have proven there is a considerable difference in information retention. I'm not talking about smartphones at all.

>> No.20249619

Real paper glares more. Eink has perfect glare to brightness ratio, it was made for space, after all. Eink is a bit better in my opinion for reading in the sun. When it's overcast, paper has an advantage that goes down when it becomes even darker. Since einkers usually have backlight screens, they allow reading in darkness as well.

>> No.20250776

source plz. I searched through several studies and didn't find any quantifiable data

>> No.20250786

>it you literally lose your whole library
no? If you get it off libgen then it's on your computer. if you got it off amazon, then it's on your account. where the hell are you getting your books?

>> No.20250790

you forgot that ereaders have lights, and vocabulary builders.

>> No.20250823

If you actually read those studies you would see they are heavily skewed, the test groups were largely people with little to no experience with such things. Studies done with groups who grew up with computers have the opposite result, they have better retention with the screen. Ultimately it is what you are used to and people quickly adapt, a few weeks of regular use and there is no verifiable difference.

>> No.20250826

The built in dictionaries (and support for custom sideloaded ones) are what convinced me to bite the bullet and get a cheap Kobo Clara HD. One of the best purchases I've made in the last decade or so

Also iirc the backlights aren't necessarily 'backlights' in the traditional sense; they're placed on their sides illuminating the screen from the edges rather than from behind and towards the face

Wish Kobo would update the Clara already but I'm not holding my breath

>> No.20250851

you're lying, eink is literally just ink inside or a liquid that either floats or sinks based on the cell being given a positive or negative charge, you can use eink with 0 backlight and you're looking at ink the same as on paper

>> No.20250866

>able to read any book without getting stabbed by a nigger for racist book or screamed at by a feminist

why do i get the feeling that you haven't left your house for anything but groceries and laundry in over a week and de facto never read outdoors

>> No.20250880

same as >>20250776, plz giv links cuz I cant find any studies about that

>> No.20250935

y-you're right...
but does that actually happen?

>> No.20251942

Not him but I've never been accosted for reading in public before. I did occasionally get asked about what I was reading at beer gardens, but it was usually people who were curious or trying to start a conversation. The most radical thing I ever read in public that got a comment was Milo Y's Diabolical. It's not like I was out reading Mein Kampf or On the Jews and their Lies in public. Most SJWs don't read and wouldn't recognize anti-liberalist books on sight anyway.

>> No.20252023
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This. People don't care. I read pic related on the London underground (I ordered online thinking I would receive another edition) and didn't receive any stink eye whatsoever.

>> No.20252049

>"pros v negatives"
>not "pros v. cons"
>not "positives v. negatives"

>> No.20252051
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Don't you trust le science?

>> No.20252085

>Reddit posts
>Uses a screen
I bet you don't even use a quill to meditate on your experiences. Take two laps.

>> No.20252145

It doesn't looks like there's much decent evidence on this. There are several studies, but results are inconsistent. All the metastudies I can find suggest that reading on paper has a small benefit over screens; but they don't distinguish different types of screens.

>> No.20253071

What surprises me about readers is how long they last. I guess that low battery consumption does wonders for battery life. I had my kindle shelved for two whole years. I was reading a lot of pdf's and normal books, so I was using my larger einker and laptop and lcd pads for those. I had a mood for pulp, so I dug it out. Battery was completely discharged for at least a year. I charged it, it booted up, and everything works as I left it. I guess that it holds charge slightly less than it did when it was new, but battery life is still extremely good. Screen is as good as it was, I booted some new fonts to it, and it performs flawlessly.

>> No.20253081

Yeah, they'll last forever. I kept my first one until I finally upgraded to paperwhite, and that was after something like 7 years, and this one I've had for 5 or something. It still works like new. There was this one short phase it had where it would freeze up, but that just... went away on its own. Really hardy little things.

>> No.20253112

>stabbed by a nigger for racist book or screamed at by a feminist
Please go outside, not even in muttland such a fantasy of yours happens