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File: 37 KB, 317x475, merchants of sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20246568 No.20246568 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better, this or Libido Dominandi?

>> No.20246870
File: 250 KB, 678x461, ben.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both inane conservatard cope but one has a picture of Kurt Cobain in an Orgone accumulator and the other doesn't

>> No.20246877

>which incel cbud book is better?
None, read Freud

>> No.20246882
File: 303 KB, 1200x503, libido-dominandi-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20246897
File: 108 KB, 1188x498, Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 8.38.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20246903

sk any queer person and they will tell you pornography is a liberating force, a weapon in the war against the patriarchy. Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, pornography, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristokkkracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movement, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sexwork is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.20246956
File: 1.75 MB, 2592x1944, YOCKEY - Samuel Roth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to add to this I've been working on a revisionist history of the new world order and some of the names dropped by Garland such as the Jewish pornographer Samuel Roth strangely tie into underground American National Socialist networks (pre and post WWII). Pic related, I just opened my copy of "Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International" and Roth and some early German transexual researchers who relocated after Hitler came to power but tied into ultranationalist German networks in America are covered to some deal in it but Garland of course wouldn't touch on this aspect

Well that's kind of strange because pornography and prostitution was criminalized in basically every socialist state. All the big classical Jewish feminist names in America claimed patriarchy was enforced by pornography and prostitution and the Jews that defended it were more Jewish libertarian men. Anyways the problem with the likes of Garland is they intently misrepresent things on a number of levels

>> No.20247047

sexual labor predates Capitalism and will last long after the Revolution since sexual liberation is a essential to cultural decolonization. anti-SW rhetoric is a common vector for counter-revolutionary sentiment and red brown subversion

>> No.20247182

Christcuck "researchers" lmao

>> No.20247206

lgbt is a fundamentalist religion just like christianity but with quintuple the child raping.

>> No.20247239

Clearly the answer is to legalize, then regulate and commodify sex work!

>> No.20247259

>lgbt is a... ...religion
Maybe the community ideology as a whole? Honestly this could be solved normal representation of lgbt relationships as being integrated and not an outlier, while keeping traditional values present in that relationship (polyamory doesn't count, nonmonogamous go fuck yourself with your ever-expanding family unit, division of trad gender roles doesn't need to be gendered in its expression to exist)
The main issue is that romantic and sexual attraction are very real but due to censorship had stay underground and so became radicalized as a result of rejection, there's a reason it was seen in just the New Age hippies, that's also where we see furry shit start

>> No.20247285
File: 128 KB, 960x960, u7v8bn4v1rh31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LGBT merely want to replace the family and the church with psychiatrists, public schools NGOs, bluecheck journalists, the woke pimps and pornographers of the sex industry, what amounts to a snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, an effectively totalitarian bureaucracy of experts and managers dedicated to ensuring people are properly ''liberated''. These is not a small minority o harmless perverts who just want to be left alone, but NPC who have been programmed through propaganda and pornography, to serve as attack dogs for the corporate state's putrid totalitarian ideolgy.

>> No.20247305

destigmatize and normalize!

>> No.20247312

I am NOT reading all of that cringe shit.

>> No.20247329


>> No.20247339


>> No.20247343

I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up any books around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been watching CNN reading the NYT streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.20247825

this igra fellow seems based

>> No.20247842

>that pic

>> No.20247876
File: 63 KB, 593x584, 72d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still going to be jerking off to a video of a conventionally attractive woman playfully forcing a man to lick her asshole later tonight.
Don't care about degeneracy, still gonna coom, nothing you can do or say to change it.

>> No.20248024

Gotta search the internet for this dude, because there's nothing but his quote, not even his full name on the that book
>Samuel Igra

>In 1945, Samuel Igra, a German Jew who had spent the war in England,[38] published a book, Germany's National Vice, claiming that "there is a causal connection between mass sexual perversion" and German war crimes during both world wars.
>British scholar Gregory Woods describes Igra's book as "a sustained and obsessive pursuit of the myth of Fascistic homosexuality".[39] Igra's argument is undermined by his failure to explain the Nazi persecution of homosexuals or to justify his claim that homosexuality increases antisemitism. According to Woods, Igra's claims have "reappeared at regular intervals ever since the war"

follow the money,
follow the (((early life)))

>> No.20248656

Fake quote. I searched the book.

>> No.20248917

This quote wasn't in the book, you jew.

>> No.20248927

You think we're losing when you do that? The only person you're harming is yourself lol.

>> No.20249246

>Far from persecuting homosexuals, the Nazi leadership was almost
exclusively homosexual, and struggles in the Weimar Republic during the
’20s amounted, according to the Abrams and Lively’s reading, to a battle
between two groups of homosexuals: the “butch” faction under SA leader
Ernst Roehm, and the “femmes” under Magnus Hirschfeld. Because the
courts referred violators of Paragraph 175 to him for treatment, Hirschfeld
came into possession of large amounts of incriminating evidence
concerning the sex lives and homosexual proclivities of prominent Nazis.
Hirschfeld, apparently no respecter of professional confidentiality, worked
hand-in-glove with the SPD, the Social Democrat Party in Germany, during
the Weimar Republic, releasing to their newspapers selected details about
the perverted sex lives of Nazi luminaries. Ernst Roehm had to make an
impromptu trip to Bolivia as the result of Hirschfeld’s sexual-science
archives making their way into SPD newspapers. The Nazis bombed in the
next elections, as a result, and Hitler was furious. Hirschfeld, as a result,
became not only the essence of everything Hitler hated - the Jew, the phony
scientist, the queer, the Kulturbolschewist, and social engineer - he became
a potent political enemy as well, and denunciations of Hirschfeld, as the
typical Jew, began to figure prominently in Hitler’s speeches from then on.
>Hitler, according to Igra, was a homosexual prostitute in Vienna. The Nazis
were also notoriously homosexual, so much so that Mussolini
was scandalized by their behavior. As a result the homosexual issue was
something that he would have to use against his opponents lest his
opponents used the issue against him. Politically, however, the situation
was unambiguous. The major parties of the Left, the SPD and the
Communists, both espoused gay rights and came close to fulfilling
Hirschfeld’s dream in the late ’20s of abolishing Paragraph 175. This left
Hitler only one option in exploiting the average German’s revulsion at the
Weimar Republic’s version of gay liberation. In addition to that, Hitler,
largely as the result of his stay in prison following the abortive Munich
Beer Hall putsch, had decided that he needed to come to power in Germany
by democratic means, not by military force. That meant taking into account
public opinion and manipulating it to his advantage. That meant tapping
the huge amount of resentment against the punitive Versailles Treaty, the
threat of Communist revolution, and Kulturbolsche-wismus or modernity
of the sort practiced by Schoenberg in music, Gropius in architecture, and,
most of all, Hirschfeld in sexology



page 256, have a bit of page 255 for context

>> No.20249253

Looks like it was literally written by a computer full of go-to buzzwords.