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20243461 No.20243461 [Reply] [Original]

The violence was excessive. There's no debate.

>> No.20243479

Why do you think a thinly-veiled critique of consumerism might describe violence excessively?
>filtered by a mid-tier book.

>> No.20243730

Would you recommend reading it?

>> No.20243754

Okay, there's no debate. That was the point. It was meant to be excessive. The book succeeded.

>> No.20244158

still yes

>> No.20244164

The anon who got into it with his professor did nothing wrong

>> No.20244172

>critique of consumerism
only stupid fags take it as a critique. It's a display, nigger. Consumerism at its peak. It's great.

>> No.20244179

to what? "excessive" means nothing on its own

>> No.20244265

Jean as a character confuses me - why does she like bateman? Is she just another person blinded by his superficial traits and status? If this is the case then why does bateman treat her so differently to every other character if she's only attracted to him for the same reasons as everyone else in his circle? She's the only character he seems to have genuine conversation with and maybe even feel some sort of repressed affection towards. No other character is like that in the book for him. What makes jean different in bateman's eyes?

>> No.20244283
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They fall for "it's a satire bro" bullshit. Ellis backtracked many times about the meaning of AP because he was getting death threats. He wants to write fucked up things, but he's terrified of the backlash. He's not even gay.

>> No.20244292

American Psycho was fucking hilarious at parts

>> No.20244340

>>filtered by a mid-tier book.
I would be surprised if he actually read it.

>> No.20244343

>He's not even gay.
Come on now. He sounds like a proper faggot when he speaks.

>> No.20244347


also he likes to mention bateman's hot asshole a lot

>> No.20244516

I can't read this book in public because the sex scenes get me hard

>> No.20244794

It's impossible to get hard when all of the porn is interrupted by brand names in the middle of the sentences.
>Sarah's pussy was glistening like my
SILVANO Lattanzi Black Cap Toe Oxford Shoes in the morning. I took off my Winter Wool Thick Warm Coat I bought last month and threw it on the mahony wood chair that I'm still paying with my VISA card. I slapped her across the face but made sure not a single one of her atoms touched my ROLEX watch and then I fucked her silly with my MASSIVE cock until midnight. I'm going to kill her with a M&G 100 Sheets Heavy Duty Effortless Stapler later btw.

>> No.20244872

Flitting back and forth between calling yourself by all these different identity labels is gayer than sucking cock and AP is riddled with references to closeted homosexuals

>> No.20244881

>and AP is riddled with references to closeted homosexuals

source? and don't bring up luis because that's explicit

>> No.20244953

Why did he need that spermkilling lube when fucking luis' gf after putting on the condom already?

>> No.20244958

What do you mean? he's not getting a whore pregnant.

>> No.20244965

Wasnt condome enough?

>> No.20244966

spermkilling lube is ((their)) fictional invention

>> No.20244967

Idk, why?

>> No.20245268

It was to put a humorous light on bateman's obsessive compulsions and the effect it has on his relationships. In the middle of an act of passion all he can focus on is that he missed a step in the routine.

>> No.20245282

shouldnt be reading ellis after high school m8

>> No.20245637

It was fucking gross.

I liked it.

>> No.20245652


Bret Easton Ellis is THE gay.

American Psycho is a profoundly gay book. As in it's literally about being gay, and realizing this profoundly opens up the work:


Especially since Ellis later revealed he was lying when he said Patrick was based on his father. Patrick was based on himself.

>> No.20245699

You didn't like the part where he killed a kid with a razor?

>> No.20245750

Anon, one is based on its own father.

>> No.20245844

This is exactly how Ellis said people would interpret his work if he publicly stated he was gay lmao retards start to see everything as gay subtext

>> No.20245964


Except the story only makes sense if it's interpreted this way. If it were merely all in his head, why would there be such an emphasis on graphic murder? If it weren't in his head, why is there so little interest from just about everyone in looking into Bateman's activities?

If Bateman's indeed gay, and has HIV, gradually turning into AIDS, as the theory proposes, then he's still a psychopathic murderer, rather than a man who's merely imagining himself to be such. He's both voluntarily hiding the truth and incapable of really telling it, because nobody who matters wants to hear it, and even when he does confess, he only tells part of it, because he's more ashamed of being a fag than being a murderer.

>> No.20246096

excessive or essential, the violence was the least interesting aspect of the novel imo.

>> No.20247529

Things like that are to show that while Patrick thinks of himself as cool and suave and attractive, he can only barely stumble through actual social interactions like an autistic retard. Just read the scene where he meets Tom Cruise

>> No.20247555

I liked the part where he went "I am going to kill you because I am the American Psycho"

>> No.20247575

yes? that was the point

>> No.20247578

not for anon, obviously

>> No.20247584

no, no, that was in the sequel...

>> No.20248312

What do you guys think of the character Price? He was around near the beginning, Patrick said he was his best friend and the only guy he found really interesting (or something to that effect). He leaves for most of the book and comes back near the end (after being sick, right?), and it seems like he has sort of had an "awakening" to the world they all live in (ex: "how can the president just get up there and lie to everyone?"), but unlike Bateman he rose above it, while Bateman fell into becoming a serial killer. I am picking up on something the author intended? I barely read fiction.

Yes, gross is the word I would use to describe the way it made me feel as a whole. Not even disturbed, shocked, sickened, etc., just gross. Also, at times it made me feel like I was going crazy while reading it. I especially liked the last quarter or so, where he has a complete meltdown and he's sitting in his apartment filled with gore, with a femur baking in the oven. So absurd and disgusting.

The part where he kills the gay dude and his dog is pretty funny tbqh. The part where he kills the kid is sad. Also the hobo arch was great too.
>Do you know what a fucking loser you are?
Just a totally superior predator.

>> No.20248339

I was thinking about how materialistic people are in his circles, but it's not like the average nigger mutt slave in the US is any better. In fact they're worse, since their's is just a cruder sort of materialism and consumerism. At least Bateman and the boys have more refined tastes, even if all they are doing is satisying the senses and their egos.

>> No.20248430

because jean doesn't like him for his superficiality, she likes him for himself, at least what she believes to be him. it's likely she simply developed feelings for him being so close to him, being his secretary and all. she would have more 1-on-1 interactions with him than anyone else in the office on a daily basis. even if the superficiality is what initially drew her in, she shows that she wants to actually get to know him. it's the same reason bateman can't bring himself to kill luis despite hating fags and being disgusted by him. luis shows what seems to be genuine affection for him.

of course both of these characters' ideas of what kind of person bateman actually is are misguided, but in a completely different way than everyone else. where everyone else is fine to accept bateman at his most surface-level facade, luis and jean want to get to the man underneath all of his posturing. they just don't understand that there is actually very little underneath it all. bateman subconsciously recognizes this and doesn't know how to react when his "true" self is confronted. it's also possible that him sparing both of them is an expression of a subconscious desire for actual human connection that he wants but is incapable of having or understanding.

>> No.20248955

Yeah and thats the point you fucking midwit

>> No.20249003

Someone explain to me exactly why excessive violence is a bad thing?

>> No.20249044

>refined tastes

All consoomerism is the same, you’re just buying into artificial hype for “refined” vs “common” tastes.

True refinement is rejecting all consumerist programming.

>> No.20249097

Shut up fag

>> No.20249159

I'm not into gore.

>> No.20249169
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>t. GQ reader

>> No.20249198

Funny thing is fag is I own a copy of How To Bonny The Us Governemnt, fag

>> No.20249530
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is any of his other work worth reading? i enjoyed american psycho pretty well

>> No.20249545

>All consoomerism is the same
That's so fucking stupid. The consumerism one finds in a nigger is miles off from the one found in AP. You're fucking stupid, style is the substance in this discussion.

>> No.20249690

I think you're right about Price. He goes to a hospital in Arizona, likely Phoenix. His false self dies, and a caring person with feelings is born from the ashes. Luis wants to do the same thing, and wants Bateman to come too. But Bateman can't do this, because the false self is all he has. If it died, there's nothing to be reborn.

>> No.20249705

>it’s different when I spend thousands on Italian loafers vs when Jamal buys Jordan’s…… BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK?!

>> No.20249718

the difference lies on what one does and what the other does. One is a nigger that produces violence, the other produces wealth. Style is substance, and you are not far from the niggers that would not get it.

>> No.20249778

>One is a nigger that produces violence, the other produces wealth.

Did you even read the book?

>> No.20249782

we're talking about consumerism, you nigger.

>> No.20249785

Yes, and Wall Street niggers (who practice “high class” consumerism) pull the strings of the violent ghetto niggers

>> No.20249788
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wall Street niggers (who practice “high class” consumerism) pull the strings of the violent ghetto niggers
Stop reading fiction, you dumb fuck

>> No.20250862

It's just words nigga. Stop being such a bitch.

>> No.20250951

>Wall Street
Hey buddy, wrong coast; Hollywood is 2.7k miles away.