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20242013 No.20242013 [Reply] [Original]

I've always found difficult to connect with my peers and enjoy the "little pleasures" about life. Not to mention the fact that I love astronomy and observing the universe and its giant scale makes it difficult to not feel completely worthless about myself, I feel like my life is as valuable as an ant's.
Do you guys have any recommendations for books that could help me dealing with those things? Philosophy is primarely what I'm looking for but fiction works could also help I guess

>> No.20242036

If you're between the age of 20-30, I recommend a book on picking a useful skill that you can use as a artistic outlet but also help you put food on the table. If you're under 20, you'll get over it. If you're over 30, I recommend suicide.

>> No.20242048


Life is possible after 30, just a lot less possible. There truly is no reason for idleness though, either act now or kill yourself

>> No.20242206

Unironically: have sex

I was like you until i started having sex with women. It is enough to fill your heart.

>> No.20242264

Read about existentialism and then pick a creative hobby (photography or drawing).
Also you should realise that while the universe is vast and out lives are insignificant in the grand scheme, very few living beings are able to contemplate it. You are one of them.

>> No.20242516

Books about how to have sex?

>> No.20242519

By rejecting abject existentialism wholesale

>> No.20242524

just wait, it'll pass

>> No.20242537
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>> No.20242554

What are you afraid of? Death? Life? Pain? Suffering?
Generally low self esteem?
>do occult shit for lulz until you get over it

>> No.20242558

read nietzsche. you are experiencing a sickness of life.

>> No.20242791

Another anon has shilled it and is definitely a good one. Myth of Sisyphus by Camus.

>> No.20242793

could be because a self-absorbed person and take yourself way too seriously.

could be you just need exercise, diet and sleep for more energy.

could be you need a job or hobby as an outlet/distraction/whatever.

learning where to focus your mental energies and learning where it is wasted is part of growing up. these lines are different for all...and maybe even different from the last time you checked yourself but they're there.

>> No.20242803

>Not to mention the fact that I love astronomy and observing the universe and its giant scale makes it difficult to not feel completely worthless about myself, I feel like my life is as valuable as an ant's
This view feels bizarre to me. Do the important things in your life stop mattering because there are very large objects very far away? Do you stop caring about the important people you know or stop pursuing your goals because somewhere out there a big gas cloud is spinning around?
Acting like your life is insignificant just because the universe is very large is saying that you, one of the only beings capable of perceiving and judging the significance of anything at all, have as much power to decide such things as an unconscious rock or nebula. It's a non-sequitur. You are an extremely rare thing in the universe, a conscious being, and what is important and meaningful to you is in no way diminished simply because it takes place at a particular scale.

>> No.20243067

proust or dosto

>> No.20243561

Actually, I see your life as less valuable than an ant. An ant's life is infinitely valuable whereas yours is infinitely worthless.