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20241153 No.20241153 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good novels that depict a loving relationship from a woman's point of view written by a woman? Sometimes I wonder if women are only capable of maternal love.

>> No.20241156

Molly's soliloquy.

>> No.20241160

Joyce was a man. I want to know how women experience love.

>> No.20241217

We'll never know, because women can't write about it without being oversentimental. That's why a man like Joyce was needed.

>> No.20241230

Women don't truly "love" men, at least not in the same intoxicating way men can. Woman's "love" is either a respect for his social standing and material resources, or a primal infatuation with his physical masculinity and sexual prowess.

>> No.20241235

Any women (not trans - no offence) that can chime in?
I am very curious.

>> No.20241404

Where do you think you are

>> No.20241412

Woman here. He’s wrong we truly love men and we don’t care about stuff like money or social status or even height or physical attractiveness. What matters most is a good man who can make us laugh.

>> No.20241455

>or a primal infatuation with his physical masculinity and sexual prowess.
ye its totally not like that for men -.-

>> No.20241515

>What matters most is a good man who can make us laugh.

define a good man.

>> No.20241542

Someone who treats me like a lady

>> No.20241574

define a lady

>> No.20241610

Women don't love at all, women have accessories. An accessory for every hole and a hole for every occasion. Men can't be friends with women, even when they become women themselves. This lack of friendship means that partnership isn't possible.

>> No.20241653

A woman who deserves respect

>> No.20241717

respect is earned. How would you earn it?

>> No.20241780

my diary

>> No.20241786

this woman is wrong >>20241412

another woman here, women as a group absolutely care about money, social status, height, and physical attractiveness, and also if he's a good man who can make us laugh. GET TO IT, BOYS

>> No.20241787

I love my husband dearly and am extremely loyal to him. desu, I don't know exactly why. He wasn't very attractive when we got together (changed with maturity), not successful (unemployed and still is) and has no social status. But we have the same moral standards, the same hobbies and interests, can talk for hours and have the same humour. Basically, we've been sitting in the same room for 18 years and don't get bored of each other.
Can't imagine ever being with someone else.

>> No.20241811

So we need money, social status, height, and physical attractiveness in order for you to give us the time of day. May I ask, what do you have to offer in return, besides from your ass? You’re lucky women look and smell nice because everything else about you guys is detestable and utterly repugnant. I didn’t even mention the speed with which you would abandon a man if a taller, richer, more attractive one came along. I hate you.

>> No.20241814

Correct, I hate women too.

>> No.20241821

Based and go to r9k pilled

>> No.20241848

>you would abandon a man if a taller, richer, more attractive one came along. I hate you.

i think if she has developed a deep emotional bond and she has associated your approval with her well being then you can probably weather that storm.

>> No.20241849

>May I ask, what do you have to offer in return, besides from your ass?
Nothing ofc, which is why you only rejoice in being free from this horrible scam, right?


>> No.20241852

Folks, this is what severe mental illness looks like.

>> No.20241856

0 pussy take

>> No.20241905

The fact it’s even considered a storm is reason enough to hate women. They have no sense of loyalty.
Not sure what you’re trying to do here. “Incels are mad they don’t have sex with women and therefore women are good.” Is this the product of women trying to be clever? Most “incels” you see online are upset about women because they’re hedonistic, superficial, and no longer see value in being a wife or a mother. They only people that are happy with the situation are hedonistic men who enjoy casual sex and don’t want the responsibility of a committed relationship or parenthood and are therefore as detestable as women.

>> No.20241909

Sigma male

>> No.20241917

Most women who write usually suffer from mental illness or neurodivergency, the ones who are actually happily in a relationship doesn't write books about it

>> No.20241920

>you would abandon a man if a taller, richer, more attractive one came along
Perhaps you're just a stagnating piece of shit and the woman you ended up with is beyond your league if she's able to get somebody better than you with such ease. Or what, she's supposed to sacrifice herself out of some nebulous sense of charity? Love you just the way you are? What the hell does that even mean. Such things lead to resentment in a relationship and hardly love. At most the love would be performative and nothing more. Same goes for her, of course, if she's shooting above her weight and can't really give back or be of use to this hypothetical more successful male. Pragmatically speaking, one should strive to improve, to remain interesting for ones partner and expect for the partner to do the same.
No matter how much you try and dress it up, all these in-concrete morals are there to hide the weaselly nature of an underachiever who's using them as leverage in hopes of gaining more than giving. Such a relationship is simply bad business for one and a bargain for the other.

>> No.20241945
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>Or what, she's supposed to sacrifice herself out of some nebulous sense of charity? Love you just the way you are?
Holy fuck, please kill yourself immediately. Yes, isn’t the whole point of love is meant to be mutual sacrifice and mutual acceptance of one another as they are? I guess not, it’s just about pragmatic hedonism to you guys. I suppose all the romance literature gave me the wrong expectations about love. Wouldn’t you at least consider being loyal to your partner if you had kids, for their sake? Islam is right about women.

>> No.20241956

Men can literally only love a woman if they're attractive.

>> No.20241960

I actually did just that, although I can't imagine to ever want it published.

>> No.20241968

>Not sure what you’re trying to do here
Pointing out that if women have nothing of value to offer you, then you have no reason to be upset about them not giving you anything.

>They only people that are happy with the situation are hedonistic men who enjoy casual sex and don’t want the responsibility of a committed relationship or parenthood and are therefore as detestable as women.
Well, there are also the men and women who are actually married.

>> No.20241969

Yeah, and what do men consider attractive vs what women consider attractive? Men just want a woman who isn’t fat or unhygienic which isn’t a high bar. Women want men to be tall, which isn’t in control, and muscular, which isn’t just being not fat. Women are much harsher on men when it comes to appearance.

>> No.20241973

>Pointing out that if women have nothing of value to offer you, then you have no reason to be upset about them not giving you anything.
That’s not really how it works. Women are incapable of giving me what I want, but the abstract ideal still exists in my mind, and so when reality falls short of that I can still feel disappointment.

>> No.20242002

The storm referred to temptation of attractive people. Men face these temptations too, and can choose to be loyal their woman, or cheat. The same as a woman can be loyal to a man, or leave him.
We have free will.
The reality is there are a lot of attractive people in the world, some of them more attractive than you, but if you have a foundation like i said:
>she has developed a deep emotional bond and she has associated your approval with her well being
Then maybe she will find you a more life affirming option?

>> No.20242007

>women have free will
That, right there, is the problem.

>> No.20242010

you dont need it all at once, what you do is pick what your strengths are and focus on that, and find women who are attracted to that

there are absolutely women out there who are actually attracted to social status, money, and "success" and go after a man with those even though he is a disgusting pale lizardskin, with a cowardly small soul, shirking from any danger or risk, aspiring only for bugman consumerism

and there are women who won't give a shit how much money a man makes if he's not a tanned muscular chad

pick what your strengths are

>> No.20242012

Ah yes, trying to leverage the authority of a horde to pressure others to accept your shitty scams. Because without that you "as you are" aren't worth shit. You simply are an underachieving greedy commie.

>> No.20242018

You can tell this anon hit a nerve in the femoid "soul" by all the seething roastie (You)s he's getting.

>> No.20242023

>complain about women being morally detestable
>people reply with advice on how to impress women
Why the fuck are you people like this? Whenever someone criticises women you just assume they can’t get laid and try to help them with unsolicited advice. I have had sex before. I literally just hate women and no amount of sex can change that. The fact you think having sex will change my opinions about women just proves my point that they have nothing to offer but sex.

>> No.20242026

She was cucking him.

>> No.20242028

If she didn't have free will her love would mean nothing.

>> No.20242043

The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West and To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
Women experience love much the same way as men.
My wife loves me. I am poor, I live frugally with few possessions and I work a humble job as a teacher. I am also impotent. We've been happy for eight years.
Respect is not earned, it's something you give to everyone. Your level of respect can increase or decrease based on experience with an individual, but respect should always be anyone you meet.

>> No.20242061

Only to realise in the end that he was the best of all of them. Sure, she doesn't seem remorseful, but you can't say she doesn't love.

>> No.20242069

Spoken like someone who's never had sex.

>> No.20242073

>but the abstract ideal still exists in my mind, and so when reality falls short of that I can still feel disappointment
Well that means you only have yourself to get angry at.

>> No.20242102
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Nah, I would like to raise kids with a woman who has a sense of empathy without having to worry about her cheating on me, divorcing me, taking half of what I own, and raising my children in a way I disagree with. A society that can’t offer me that isn’t a society worth participating in. That’s exactly why pic related is an issue.

>> No.20242119

These "men" are addicted to video games and porn, unwilling to behave like adults and CHOOSE to exploit their doting parents. Why should any woman want to be with them?

>> No.20242127
File: 132 KB, 625x615, CF61D637-8623-45DE-9B28-B438E3D43D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When ancient Rome gave women equal rights they started being hedonistic and irresponsible. No men had any motivation to get married and single motherhood was rampant. A few centuries later, Rome collapsed back into the stone age. Women literally cannot be trusted with equal rights and need to be subservient to men for the good of society.

>> No.20242134

everything in life comes with risk, it is unavoidable. there is a problem with modern society, but there is also a problem with some of your expectations and thinking.

read a book called practical female psychology for the practical man.

>> No.20242137

The men are addicted to videogames because men want a predictable result from engaging in activity. Play game = points. Participate in society =/= loyal wife and profitable career. Also, men becoming like this comes after the sexual liberation of women. This generation of men has been raised by the single mothers who were sexually irresponsible in their youth. It’s just further proof of why monogamy is necessary and women’s tendency to trade up for a better partner is detrimental.

>> No.20242146

it is a little bit more complicated, i can assure you. although a certain percentage of them are certainly what you accuse them of, a significant amount of them genuinely are in a tough spot in a variety of unfortunate ways.

>> No.20242207

Everybody has their weaknesses and addictions, some are more socially acceptable than others. If the person has potential and you offer them a better deal beyond addiction, it's possible to convince them that they profit more from moving on. If, on the other hand, you offer nothing but guilt, judgement and resentment then there is no point for them to abandon more pleasurable activities for your sake.

>> No.20242242

>Islam is right about women.
islam is pragmatic hedonism tbf.

>> No.20242269

>Respect is not earned, it's something you give to everyone.


spoken like a woman. respect is absolutely earned.

>> No.20242283

>but respect should always be anyone you meet
or what, motherfucker?

>> No.20242290
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Really makes you think. Does this mean that woman is a whore by nature?

>> No.20242313

I can't wait until the day that consent is no longer needed. Its just a spook

>> No.20242321

Pol Pot had the right idea

>> No.20242446

The material base of patriachy hasn't existed since the 1970s but the social/cultural spheres still act like it is here. We get millennial women who've never lived in it using it to exalt their "oppression" while regulating and enforcing it to keep power socially and culturally and obsuce the fact they're the systems new favourite. Men are still seen as requiring to provide to be valuable and also disposable if failing to, while we complain about rising wealth/income equality but making sure to never compare the two. Men escape in to porn and video games to deal with reduced life circumstances.

TLDR: Most people, especially women are refusing to adjust to the last fifty years, and in most cases are intentionally lying to keep power/

>> No.20242465
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>> No.20242521

don’t tell him that consent was invented in the 1960s

>> No.20242533


>> No.20242557

I'm calling bullshit. The 1st Century BC was rampant in civil war and strife

>> No.20242625

>read a book called practical female psychology for the practical man
Kek. There it is again. "Read this book to get women!" He already said he's not interested. And it's telling that you're suggesting he needs to take classes and study to do what millenia of people did as a matter of natural course. Shit is sad man. My grandparents just met and married. My grandfathers could easily support large families on a single income. Women have both taken half of our jobs AND now refuse to engage with us socially. An absolutely terrible situation that breeds nothing but >>20242102 picrel.
Coupling will soon be the purview of initiates and government-appointed 'experts'. How far from nature and God have we fallen?

>> No.20242716

The book was for his thinking and his expectations of women. He is critiquing a gender he does not have a complete understanding of (neither do i). It was not recommended to him for dating advice.

We live now, not a millennia ago. Men have to overcome life's struggles to get where they want to be - as has always been true. I agree that society is not in a good situation in regards to dating, but resenting women will not solve the issue.
>Women have both taken half of our jobs AND now refuse to engage with us socially
Women have choice now, and you need to be worthy of that choice if you want a woman.You are not entitled to a women, or anything else for that matter. The universe owes you nothing. I don't say this to be mean, either.

>> No.20242726
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Ok roastie

>> No.20242732

doesnt the author of the notebook think hes the next shakespeare or some shit?

>> No.20242733

tell me you're an incel without ......

>> No.20242736

Based and I hate women-pilled.

>> No.20242740

>He already said he's not interested
>he is critiquing a gender he does not have a complete understanding of
I understand them well enough to dislike them. Simple fact is their natures are incompatible with the ideals I have regarding relationships.

>> No.20242763

i am not a woman, and yes, the halo effect is real.
The universe doesn't owe the handsome guy anything either. It will however, be much easier for him - life is unfair. You have no choice about this fact.
>Simple fact is their natures are incompatible with the ideals I have regarding relationships.
I used to wrestle with the same sentiments, but i have learned more about psychology and i recommended that book for a reason.

>> No.20242783

>Women have choice now
Yeah and they're making the wrong choices. Most of them aren't built for being 'girlboss CEO's' and will end up doing some shitty non-job, collecting cats, and voting for more woke neoliberalism. Also they will be miserable. Sure they'll get to fuck Chad once or twice after a drunk night at the bar because women hold all the power sexually these days but he won't settle with them. As soon as they hit 30 and start the inevitable physical decline they will get less and less sex (something seen as little more than a cheap source of dopamine to them) and become more and more hysterical as their body cries out for children. But they won't come. If they're lucky they will settle for some soulless beta bugman who works a similar non-job.
>Men have to overcome life's struggles to get where they want to be
And where is that? If you aren't top 20% of sexual attractiveness you will be left by the wayside. A man's only hope these days with women is to become that beta bugman she settles for. Fuck that. And you ask why the OP and others don't want to partake in this shitty game? Fuck you.

>> No.20242792

God damn this thread is fucking sad.

Here's the truth of it, from someone who has recreationally crushed mad puss.

Women are perfectly capable of profound love. They just love in different ways. Women will love the image of you. They love the future you as much as they love the present you, if not more, and the present you and the future you are deeply interconnected. If the image of future you begins to wither in their heads, the image of present you withers likewise. They are an immutable dyad.

To put it in more concrete terms, a woman can love you greatly and profoundly, but if she finds out what some great prospect for future you has faltered, she will behold present you in much lesser esteem. So, to use an example, if future you had a great prospect, such as a career opportunity, but that prospect falters, then she will see present you as lesser.

Men behold women on a singular timescale; the present. They love a woman in the now, and become infatuated with the very moment in which they are in love. Women, on the other hand, perceive you as both a tangible entity and an abstraction.

This is also why women can settle for a 'lesser' choice, because she believes him to hold some future potential; i.e, the future you can compensate for what present you lacks. This is why women will latch onto artists, like musicians, because they may believe that one day, he will break through and future him will subsume present him, even if he's living out of a cardboard box.

Hence, women will also latch onto men they believe they can 'fix,' because they see in the present abuser a future man who is refined and reformed.

And this different way of loving is frequently confused with selfishness and greed, especially by men who do not understand women (mostly due to inexperience). Women do not love money, so much as they love a man either *with* money or with the potential to acquire money. They love in him the ability and potential to succeed.

If it were the case that women are just garbage subhumans incapable of love, humanity wouldn't have in its wake a history of lifelong loves and marriages. The predominant problem is that men today are just entirely ignorant of how women think and how they love, and because of the pervading belief that men are women are the same, men approach love with the expectation that women will love as they do. They don't, and so they are oblivious, and end up bitter and demoralized when expectations are not only unmet, but often brutally subverted.

So blame not women. Blame the society that has deprived you of wisdom that less than a century ago was entirely commonplace.

>> No.20242811

>i recommended that book for a reason
You think women are out there reading books on male psychology? Fuck no. Why should the onus be on us to do that? Do you realize how pathetic it is to read a book like that? You've literally cucked your own mind.

>> No.20242817

Is this in the context of practical dating? How do I hint to women that I will have a sound future without being cheesy then?

>> No.20242828

All that text walling and you could have simply said men don't have the economic stability and mobility they had in years past. Imagine trying to "understand women". You people are pathetic. Not men.

>> No.20242829

I agree with you completely. This is the position i have come to as well.

Men marry women in the hopes that they will never change, and women marry men in the hopes that they can change him.

this saying has helped me a lot in the past:
You don't need to accept women for who they are, but you need to accept them for what they are.

>A man's only hope these days with women is to become that beta bugman she settles for. Fuck that. And you ask why the OP and others don't want to partake in this shitty game? Fuck you.
i never encouraged you to partake in anything, this is /lit/, your reading comprehension should be better. I suggested you learn the psychology behind the genders and accept the unfairness of reality.

>> No.20242837

And I suggest that you fuck off

>> No.20242841

Speak of ambitions. Speak of prospects. Don't overdo it, but show her that you have a map and you know where you're going.

>Imagine trying to "understand women"
Enjoy your porn.

>You don't need to accept women for who they are, but you need to accept them for what they are.

Pretty much. Crude as it is, if you get a dog, you can expect it to behave like a dog. Expect it to act like some other thing and you're both in for a miserable relationship with one another.

>> No.20242843

I have sisters and a mother. i wanted to also understand how women in general think, not just ones i want to date.

>Do you realize how pathetic it is to read a book like that? You've literally cucked your own mind.
It is pathetic to not seek the truth. It is pathetic to not accept that you may have some misunderstandings or an incomplete picture of something.

>> No.20242847
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>Do you realize how pathetic it is to read a book like that? You've literally cucked your own mind.

>> No.20242848

>Here's the truth of it, from someone who has recreationally crushed mad puss.
1. You’re part of the problem by engaging in the modern dating scene. By taking their virginities and not marrying them you have reduced their potential quality as wives for other men. The fact you are benefitting from it doesn’t make your opinion any more valid. Please kill yourself, you degenerate hedonist.
2. If you’ve “slayed mad puss” that just means women found you fun at the time, it does not mean they loved you. There’s a difference between loving someone and experiencing a dopamine response from your interactions with them. The difference is that with love you stay around once the initial passion fades.
3. Your entire argument about “women fall in love with your future potential” doesn’t apply anymore. Women don’t date men that can potentially provide for them long term since they can earn money themselves now. Many cases of women opting for tall tattooed drug addicts over engineers and doctors.

>> No.20242858

>1. You’re part of the problem by engaging in the modern dating scene. By taking their virginities and not marrying them you have reduced their potential quality as wives for other men. The fact you are benefitting from it doesn’t make your opinion any more valid. Please kill yourself, you degenerate hedonist.


>2. If you’ve “slayed mad puss” that just means women found you fun at the time, it does not mean they loved you. There’s a difference between loving someone and experiencing a dopamine response from your interactions with them. The difference is that with love you stay around once the initial passion fades.


>3. Your entire argument about “women fall in love with your future potential” doesn’t apply anymore. Women don’t date men that can potentially provide for them long term since they can earn money themselves now. Many cases of women opting for tall tattooed drug addicts over engineers and doctors.


Die mad, handhumper.

>> No.20242883

The funny thing is that most of the people who think they’re females and bash incels in these threads have an x and y chromosome .

>> No.20242894

No response then, huh? Just resorting to “I have sex with women and you don’t, haha!” Fucking pathetic. Imagine basing your self worth on the amount of sexual validation you get from females. You’re such a fucking slave to your primal instincts that you can’t even fathom not wanting anything to do with women. Lowly beasts like you will never understand the mindset of those capable of overcoming their base desires.

>> No.20242907

God this rage is so delicious. I wish I could bottle it and have it with my tea. Please, give me more, you dysgenic, chronically embittered woman repellant.

>> No.20242934

I may be a woman repellent but I got lucky with crypto and with some of that money I fucked some of the best models around. Hell, I even pissed and shitted in one of them. The truth is that they’re not worth of time unless you’re a two digit iq troglodyte. I feel more aroused with vr hentai porn than with those fish and shit smelling holes. Thinking you’re better than other men because you have something which EVERY MAN even the most disgusting of us can buy at ANYTIME for the right price is fucking laughable.

>> No.20242945

he was describing desire - which cannot be negotiated.
You had transactional sex.

>> No.20242951
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>I may be a woman repellent but I got lucky with crypto and with some of that money I fucked some of the best models around. Hell, I even pissed and shitted in one of them. The truth is that they’re not worth of time unless you’re a two digit iq troglodyte. I feel more aroused with vr hentai porn than with those fish and shit smelling holes. Thinking you’re better than other men because you have something which EVERY MAN even the most disgusting of us can buy at ANYTIME for the right price is fucking laughable.

Since you'll never hear it from anyone else:
I love you.

>> No.20242953

anyone can pretend to be chads on the internet

>> No.20242969

You sound awful. Most likely a tranny.

>> No.20242972

What a fucking cope uh? It doesn’t matter if the women I fuck think I’m repugnant what does matter is that they’ve accepted to be bought and are made into begging for my cock. Do you think I’m some kind of sissy who cares what a female wants? If I’m getting my rocks off I could honestly not give a single damn my dear. My cock inside their mouths, assholes or pussies feel the same whenever they desire or not lol.

>> No.20242982

You sound like a literary tragedy. You should genuinely consider offing yourself.

>> No.20242985

Possession: A Romance by A.S Byatt

>> No.20242993

>The truth is that they’re not worth of time unless you’re a two digit iq troglodyte.

>> No.20242995

> Since you'll never hear it from anyone else:I love you.

Are you a legitimate autist? Hell, I bet even your own mother would get in her knees and say she loves me if I gave her a thousand bucks, and that money is pennies for me now. I think you really don’t understand how the real world works and think we’re living in some kind os Disney movie or something.

>> No.20243001

>You should consider offing yourself because women aren’t sexually attracted to you.
This speaks VOLUMES about how you judge your own self worth. You basically think the justification of your existence is your capability to fulfil the carnal desires of females. How pathetic and retarded.

>> No.20243028

>all these triggered replies
Good job

>> No.20243036

Outlander by Diane Gabaldon

>> No.20243054

>This speaks VOLUMES about how you judge your own self worth. You basically think the justification of your existence is your capability to fulfil the carnal desires of females. How pathetic and retarded.

You misunderstand. You can be plenty worthy without validation from women. I recommended you off yourself because you are very evidently a fucking mess, who has resigned himself to a life of complete and lonesome emiseration. Even at the mention of someone else's success, you reflexively begin to fume and seethe and spill over in anger. Merely at the very notion of someone acquiring what you could not do you explode forth with hyperbolic vitriol. The sheer exposure of your tragedy is Biblical in parabole. You are Cain in a world of Abels.

>> No.20243058

Lmao, the one where she goes on a honeymoon to Scotland, gets transported back in time, falls in love with a younger guy, and also gets raped a gorillion times? Truly, romance for women gives you a glimpse into their foul souls.

>> No.20243069

>Even at the mention of someone else's success, you reflexively begin to fume and seethe and spill over in anger.
I’m not angry that you’re “successful” and I don’t even agree that having sex with women makes you successful. We were having a discussion about whether women are capable of love in the same way as men and then you waltz and say “guys I’ve had lots of sex so I know everything about this topic” before contributing utter nonsense. All I said was the fact that you’ve had lots of sex makes you a part of the degenerate modern dating scene that we were expressing discontent with.

>> No.20243078

I mean, she stays with the Scottish guy for the entirety of the series. You know people can fall in love with other people right? Also, she doesn't get raped.

>> No.20243079

>Merely at the very notion of someone acquiring what you could not do

What I couldn’t acquire you bastard? I already said I’ve fucked plenty of pussy and if you don’t believe me I can even tell you the names of some of the models I’ve bought so you can go to their ig and confirm with them. Why do you put pussy on a pedestal thinking that it’s something which is SO HARD TO GET when basically EVERY MAN can get ANYTIME they want for the RIGHT PRICE?

>> No.20243086

he wasn't just talking about sex, he was talking about life affirming experiences with women.

>> No.20243094

>life affirming experiences with women
Lmao. Shut the fuck up. He was talking about sex. His exact words were getting “mad puss.”

>> No.20243098
File: 26 KB, 499x500, e8d1d3d1a0fd6e0eff593a066b3dd4d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The discussion was on women's capacity for love or their lack thereof. Then the fuckless autist began raging. I'm happy to resume back to the actual topic.

>I’m not angry that you’re “successful” and I don’t even agree that having sex with women makes you successful.

It makes you successful in the very domain that is pertinent. I didn't say it made you successful at life, nor was it ever insinuated.

>What I couldn’t acquire you bastard? I already said I’ve fucked plenty of pussy and if you don’t believe me I can even tell you the names of some of the models I’ve bought

LMAO good god

>> No.20243102

>Women are perfectly capable of profound love. They just love in different ways.

>> No.20243103

Isn’t making a woman beg for your cock a life affirming experience in your view? You put pussy on a pedestal so much that this seems like the apex of life for a man right? Or do you mean going out with a fish? Don’t you think I haven’t done that? Do you even know how the escort and model business works right know? You can book them even for a weekend.

>> No.20243118

I don't put them on a pedestal, and i want more than sex from a woman. sex is not the apex of life for a man, although it is probably a good adjunct.

>> No.20243123

>I'm happy to resume back to the actual topic.
You’re happy to resume back to the actual topic, are you? I find that hard to believe since when I criticised what you said you instantly derailed the conversation by resorting to mock me for my assumed sexlessness. Speaking of your original post...
> If it were the case that women are just garbage subhumans incapable of love, humanity wouldn't have in its wake a history of lifelong loves and marriages.
The reason history is full of lifelong marriages is because of religious superstition and traditions that stem from religious doctrine. In times before civilisation the default was for 4+ women to reproduce for every one man. There was even a point in time where 17 women reproduced for one man. Hypergamy is natural and religious traditions were opposed to human nature. What we are seeing today is people move away from traditions into what is more natural and, along with that, the destabilisation of society.

>> No.20243190

Dreadful post, truly dreadful.

>> No.20243283

The fact the romance is centred around an extramarital relationship is the problem. Also, she does get raped a lot. I’ve watched the series and there is a lot of rape. In the first season she gets raped by the river by an officer and in the season where they go to America she gets gang raped by a redneck who thinks women shouldn’t be doctors (based).

>> No.20244034

Thanks for the recommendations. I figured this thread would attract incels but I'm trying to keep an open mind.

>> No.20245119

only ugly women can love because they are at least in a male's position of having something to prove
attractive women have nothing to prove

>> No.20246426

who cares what women want

>> No.20246536

The real question is why do you blame women when you are yourself a mental tranny? No normal female likes a man who's into identity politics whether he's a a feminist or "incel". The weird autistic whores is all you deserve really and there are a lot of them. If you would like to regain your humanity start blaming men. There are so many of them running around right now with bitch tits and pathetic scared personalities who couldn't be any more eager receiving some dangerous vaccine as if they're some diseased geriatrics gambling their last years. It's impossible for women to take men like this seriously, I know I wouldn't if I were a woman. If you desire a female talking to you as if she were a history nerd obsessed with a subject then you never liked women in the first place. You're far too broken for this, on your way to be a greek pederast. Men like you are so obsessed with intelligence and who is superior to who that you turned women into wageslaves who believe wasting their life for some stranger's business is freedom. Many couples hire people to care for their kids or force the grandparents to look after them every other day because similar idiots like you were complaining about women not being men. You're a feminist in reality, the previous patriachical system was just a prelude to feminism. With their "women are dumber" stick they set modern faggotry in motion. Just like how Muslims are utter fags who can't sexually satisfy a vagina so they beat women up and cover them up. Men really are everything wrong with the world, I'm ashamed that I belong to the same sex as closet homosexuals and boring autists who can't even appear charming to a nice hole. All a cope to avoid facing your incompetence.

>> No.20246597

This thread is a psyop to demoralize and emasculate estranged young men by removing any autonomy for their actions and pining all their problems on external factors (first and foremost being women). Very common on /r9k/.

>> No.20246702

Family Happiness by Tolstoy. One of the best I’ve read