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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 440x329, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20237219 No.20237219 [Reply] [Original]

Why and how did he become such a popular figure on this board? Is he even known outside of 4chan?

>> No.20237246

he is sometimes mentioned in footnotes to some of the french surrealists but outside the schizo-right which 4chan is the hight of he's next to totally unknown, as he should be.

>> No.20237264

There was one schizoid who constantly promoted him and a few nutjobs who support him.

>> No.20237275

Dude he is literally Evola's biggest influence.

>> No.20237284

I'm embarrassed to say that I was stringed along by guenonfag and kept some of those threads along early on.

Guenon and Evola are brainlets who's thoughts doesn't matter unless you are a schizophrenic nazi.

>> No.20237312

It was unironically spam-of-the-month, and eventually I read him for the meme. Now I actually understand and appreciate a lot of concepts like tradition/antitradition/countertradition.

>> No.20237313

>Guenon and Evola are brainlets who's thoughts doesn't matter unless you are a schizophrenic nazi.
Nazi's dont read either of these men, you must be a leftist.

>> No.20237327

ah yes, indeed. they are read by "traditionalists"

>> No.20237334

You both sound like homosexuals

>> No.20237375

He didn’t. Two guys roped in six or seven newbs for a little while before they gave up and now he’s just a weak meme. Stop spamming this encephalitic retard.

>> No.20237570

>Stop spamming this encephalitic retard.
Do you know where you are faggot?

This is the central Traditionalist hub on the entire internet, so you better get used to it and stop being a little whiny bitch

>> No.20237612


>> No.20237641

>a frogpost imageboard is the traditionalist hub

>> No.20237680
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>> No.20237682

He has the long autism face like HP Lovecraft, Newton and E. Michael Jones.

>> No.20237698

Because his writings are unironically interesting.

>> No.20237704
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>> No.20237719

People need to get to reading Dumezil, Eliade, Scholem and (to a lesser extent) Corbin

>> No.20237725

I can't speak for anyone else, but he showed me God and truth.

>> No.20238183

Guenon has influenced plenty of Muslim scholars and thinkers even if they take issue with his religious beliefs. Outside of that he’s generally obscure

>> No.20238272

One of his followers, Martin Lings, was the sheyk of the prince Charles. I think this tells you what you need to know.

>> No.20238306
File: 100 KB, 627x773, guenon routledge encyclopedia hinduism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, he's mentioned in the routledge encyclopedia of hinduism, which is anything but "totally unknown". I stumbled upon the lemma because I'm working on some 18th century eruopean ethnographer in S.India.
Two leftists faggots seething at right wing literary tradition. You both got filtered to hell.
Unlike marxism or enlightenment liberalism, traditionalists do not care if the masses can't read their works and get perma-filtered.

He's just a very interesting and well-read writer. He is known - see pic related - but he filters a lot of people and his subjects are sometimes esoteric and obscure.

>> No.20238480

I think anyone who looks into esotericism knows about guenon. He’s popular on this board because some autist shilled him for years and there’s still interest in him because of his elitist and antimodern sensibilities

>> No.20238577

truly these are the end times

>> No.20238763

/lit/ - René Guénon

>> No.20238925

Russian psyop. Few of you will know exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.20238935


>> No.20239032
File: 135 KB, 367x407, 1400125802544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 2018 there appeared a figure unaffectionately known as "guenonfag". Now guenonfag wasn't your average anon: he was mexican. But more importantly, he was severely autistic. In fact, it is difficult to understate his autism. Everyday he would create 10 threads about guenon. He would bump them all day, replying to himself and faking conversations, making every image edit imaginable, faking a rivalry with Whitehead and accelerationists, and spouting the great ESLism "retroactively refuted" to mean an argument by a past thinker that refutes a future one (yes, the exact opposite of retroactive). During this time, /lit/ had almost zero moderation so he would never get banned. After 2 years of this spam he stopped posting. This was around the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, where it is theorized that he caught the virus and died.

>> No.20239042

>thinking Seguro was guenonfag

>> No.20239312


Evola is probably the single most important influence on the NS movement in my country, and I'm not even Italian.

>> No.20239343


>> No.20239424


What I read of Eliade seemed kinda uninteresting after reading Guenon desu

>> No.20239440

I got you stuck off the realness, we be the gnosis
You heard of us, official non-dual murderers
The Trads comes equipped for memetic warfare, beware
Of my autodidact family who got nuff tomes to share
For all of those, who wanna profile and pose
Retroactively refute your favorite philosopher, make you give on your role as their expositor
You all alone in these threads, hylic
Every man for they self on this board we be postin
And keep them shook pseuds running, like they supposed to
They spam pastas but they never come close to realization
I can see it inside your face, you're in the wrong thread and finna get an education
Buddhists like you just get they religion laced up
With retroactive refutations and such
Speak the wrong words man and you will get debunked
You can put your whole Guenonfag screencap collection against my team and
I guarantee you I'll be the very last one postin
Your modernist assumptions just don't move me, you're minor, we're major
You're all up in the debate and don't deserve to be a poster
Don't make me have to call your maya-based delusions out
Your theory is refuted, my Guenon (pbuh) quotes make you hesitate
I'm only eternal and unborn but my mind is old
And when the things get for real Brahman dawns in my heart removing the cold
Another Process philosopher destroyed, another story gets told
It ain't nothing really, hey, yo dun spark the opium
So I can get my mind off these duplicitous materialists
Why they still posting I don't know, go figure
Meanwhile back on the Guenonian discord the realness and foundation
If I attain fanāʾ I couldn't choose a better location
When Shankarcharya's arguments penetrate Buddhists feel a burning sensation
Getting closer to Allah (swt) in a tight situation
Now, take these words hylic and think it through
Or the next rhyme I write might be about you

>> No.20239494
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top fucking kek.

>> No.20239763
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>Don't read Guenon, we wouldn't want you to get any dangerous ideas like thinking material progress and equality are not the highest aims in life

>> No.20239783

He has been consistently shilled here for years.

>> No.20240078
File: 12 KB, 270x186, 1635770267917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he even known outside of 4chan?

René Guénon’s influence on the literary and intellectual life of his time has been recently documented in an impressive 1,200-page book by Xavier Accart, Guénon ou le renversement des clartés, which spans fifty years of French history and demonstrates the pervasive, if sometimes subterranean and implicit, impact of the works of the French metaphysician on personalities as diverse as André Gide, Simone Weil, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, and Henri Bosco. Upon going through the pages of Accart’s impressive volume, one is literally astounded by the breadth, and sometimes the depth, of Guénon’s presence in the intellectual landscape of France between 1920 and 1970, a presence that a cursory, conventional consideration of the French intellectual history of the time would not betray. Who would suspect prima facie that Guénon’s works have been known and appreciated by personalities as diverse as André Breton and Charles de Gaulle?

>> No.20240210

There are masonic lodges in France following the Traditionalist way, apparently the upper levels are split between Guenonfags and Evolafags. There was an article summarizing a book written by some Shudra who was initiated and was shocked when he got near the upper levels and discovered everyone had nothing but contempt for democracy and were elitist Tradchads. If I lived in France I would have already joined them to see what was up. If anyone's interested I'll find the article again and post it.

>> No.20240316
File: 16 KB, 399x400, 16482764872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guenon probably knows that a bunch of mega autistic degenerate losers are shitposting about him on 4chan
He is out there somewhere, probably ashamed. Let us behave.

>> No.20241519

>If anyone's interested I'll find the article again and post it.
Yes, I would like to see it

>> No.20241528

He is no longer in any form of manifestation. In that sense he is nowhere.

>> No.20242072

bumping for the article

>> No.20242151

indeed, his real being is no longer here but his "psychic residues" (ghost) might still be around

>> No.20242746

God I wish I could read French

>> No.20242764

Really unlikely, they may claim influence but even the top National Socialists in my country (Australia) are shudras who have maybe read only a book of Evola and are loyal to scientism, IQ differences etc. Etc.
Evola works are literally encoded with top tier takes, somehow these people who claim to read him are total materialists, the caste system is literally manifested in Evolas work, he is so hierarchical, that it reflects in his work, such an elitist that even the best of shudras like the Nationalists I refer to get giga-filtered and do not understand the true meaning, but read him nonetheless for the Aesthetics and curiosity, Evola is aristocrat only and incredibly aphorisitic in the sense that his work scales to the readers comprehension, dare I say even caste.

>> No.20244544

largely because of Guenonfag
but /lit/ is better of because of him


>> No.20244546
File: 384 KB, 700x394, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you are a schizophrenic nazi.

>> No.20244549

2019-20 /lit/ truly was peak 4chinz

>> No.20244556

sounds fucking based
do you think American masons are like that at its highest levels?

>> No.20244694


>they may claim influence but even the top National Socialists in my country (Australia) are shudras who have maybe read only a book of Evola and are loyal to scientism, IQ differences etc.

Ha, I'm Australian too. I personally knew a lot of the people that you're referring to. I think there are two main reasons why Evola's influence seems less than it actually is.

Firstly, pretty much everyone who came out of AR got their political education from Ironmarch, and its unholy mashup of Evola, Hitler and the post-war Anglo NS movement (Rockwell, Pierce, Jordan, etc). Since ex-AR guys play the most prominent role, that worldview tends to be the most predominant. The basically Evolian worldview is thus buried under old fashioned Anglo racism and NS mysticism.

Secondly, they're playing the game of practical politics. Evola's ideas are difficult to convert into propaganda because they're almost the complete opposite of mainstream Australian politics and society. Topics like the Great Replacement, social degeneracy and the anti-White agenda of the government are just easier to explain to the average person.

Regardless, the guys at the top of the Australian NS movement (Sewell, Hersant, etc) definitely view it as first and foremost a spiritual struggle.