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/lit/ - Literature

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20236449 No.20236449 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this latest /pol/ boogeyman?

>> No.20236457

Obsolete. It's WW3 fear mongering once more.

>> No.20236462

They say that inflation after lockdowns won't happen and that Israel will move on from covid faster than anyone else because of early vaccine access.
Basically, two failed professors-charlatans have created a NGO that takes money from rich peodphiles (Gates and others) and employ the enablers the enablers of said pedos (Ghislaine and her sister were members).
They have a new book out, which I haven't read.

>> No.20237230

I plan to read this and The Great Narrative some day (I’m busy with personal stuff atm).
It’s probably a lot more mundane than eating ze bugs and owning nothing

>> No.20237818

I prefer the CoR.
Dude flat out states his master-plan to permanently destroy western economies while profiting off an investment boom in China like some sort of James Bond villein, and less than 10,000 people even care enough to hear him out.

>> No.20237825

Everything is a "/pol/ boogeyman" until it becomes true.

>> No.20237862

Not really a boogeyman, every megacorp and world leader meets at these events and talks about how to bring world government about and abolish our rights.

>> No.20237873
File: 151 KB, 977x867, Schwab-Klaus-World-Reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy reminds me of Milton from Office Space. He's telling everyone he's going to burn the building down but nobody takes him seriously.

>> No.20237912

Yes. A lot of great reset stuff you see online must come from other material or simply be made up because it has nothing to do with this book. Many of their short term predictions turned out to be wrong as other anon pointed out, and I don’t think their proposed longterm solutions will come to fruition. But many of the problems they point out are real.

Frankly not a book worth reading though, it’s a pamphlet for their Davos griftees to jerk each other off over

>> No.20237939

The politicians and CEOs who are really calling the shots love setting up retarded creepy boogeymen like Schwab to take the heat.

>> No.20238011

>le great reset
>it turns out to be just a continuation of the same retarded neoliberalism we've had since Nixon left the gold standard

Why are righttards such scared pussies?

>> No.20238110

We don't think about you at all.

>> No.20238171

you are so retarded it is impossible to find where to start

>> No.20239092


>> No.20239130

just skimmed through.
It's really boring, and already outdated. It has has tons of predictions that have immediately been refuted. Just another neolib compendium. It's part of their philosophy to keep believing in The Great Leap™. Fundamentally, they're short-sighted wave chasers who were filtered by philosophy; barely anything more than money-having rabble.

>> No.20239143

this except you're a retard if you think Nixon was a neoliberal or that Nixon wanted to leave Bretton-Woods

>> No.20239148

Outcast Island, and soon you'll reach a cave with a Rocket member standing outside. This is the Altering Cave, and the only Pokemon inside areZubat. However, the Pokemon changes if you use Mystery Gift.

>> No.20240229

not him but it isn't at all the same, he talks about how the world will become multipolar in the next decade, how there is an increasing need for world government and "stakeholder capitalism" which means corporations taking social issues into their hands explicitly, how we will need to give up rights for more safety, how global issues like the climate scam and lab-generated viruses will require global government, etc. They are getting rid of the new system and bringing in highly centralised corporate-government tyranny (fascism) but don't worry, it is going to keep us safe. Then there is the whole transhumanist angle, but I think he talked about that more in the 4th industrial revolution, the faggot.

>> No.20240238

shit's pretty gay, bro

>> No.20240239

The problem with this one is it's not just another boogeyman conspiracy theory, it's right here in front of everyone, and nobody is calling it false yet nobody seems to really care? I don't exactly know what to make of it either.

>> No.20240394

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
you are a subhuman hylic npc who just ingests bluetick tranny opinions regurgitated by women on twitter
there is literally a world economic forum youtube channel which regularly mentions the great reset in its videos and even the british royal family features in them

>> No.20240512

I read half of it. It's mundane

>> No.20240518

What makes you think Nixon wasn't a Neoliberal? He pushed heavily for China to join globohomo and was a big proponent of globalization and greater international trade.

>> No.20241020

We must burn ze building down

>> No.20241289

not /lit/

>> No.20241456
File: 580 KB, 1312x1969, 1649931667514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you vil eat ze bugs