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/lit/ - Literature

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20233820 No.20233820 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Muslim of Arab-Iranian descent
>Sitting watching Television with Grandad
>Advert for new Dune movie comes up
>Grandad tells me how he saw the 1984 David Lynch movie and bought the book afterwards to read it, said the book was far better as the movie would need to be at least 4-5 hours long to fit everything in without cutting out major plotpoints (which the 1984 film did)
>Offers me copy of book
>I accept, put on shelf for a while, began reading a few weeks ago
>Finish last night, almost 600 pages whew
>Decide to look for communities online to discuss the book with.
>Find a Dune Discord, join.
>Discuss the book and the islamic influences behind it. Mention the use of Arabic words and religious rituals of Islam, also how the Imperium is inspired by the Persian Empire
>Get attacked for having a homophobic and racist interpretation of the book
>Explain that the writer (Frank Herbert) was homophobic and disowned his own son for being a fag. Also that the "heroes" of the book are based off Muslims and the Islamic perspective on homosexuality lines up with the way Herbert portrays it in the book
>Server full of "Dune fans" go haywire on me, for simply spelling out the author's thoughts on his own works.

What the fuck happened? The main antagonist is an obese homosexual; the "good guys" are fanatics of a religion that is descended from islamic traditions, the book heavily encourages Darwinism/shows strong support for Eugenics. Also unborn children are shown to have consciousness in the womb in the book (thus today would be seen as pro-life). The Author was also known to despise faggotry, as stated above.

So why is the fanbase of this book full of homosexuals, spiteful mutants and fedora-tipping atheists? Why do they like this book and its' sequels when it inherently opposes all their central beliefs and they hate the opinions of the author (opinions that are clearly shown in the book itself). They've ruined the series for me and I doubt I'll read the following books, despite how much I read Dune, because it seems I won't have anyone to discuss it with who isn't cognitively dissonant to the themes, philosophy and meanings of the book.

Have you ever encountered such a thing with other works of fiction and the surrounding fanbases?

Also take this as a general discussion thread for Dune. What were your thoughts on the dichotomy between the Fremen and the Imperium (Poverty vs Luxury. Harshness vs Comfort. Spiritual Fanaticism vs Materialism).

>> No.20234505
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Bumping for dune discussion.
>The Author was also known to despise faggotry, as stated above.
Do you have a heckin sourcerino for that?
WRT homosexuality, I'll also guide you to this handy dossier in meme format (pic related). Do you not think contemporary Islam is holding itself back by way of condoning the extreme kinds of homophobia championed by its acolytes in recent decades?

>> No.20234521

OP needs to read further in the series. Your interpretation of all this shit is wrong.

>> No.20234529

>Muslim Arab iranian descent
I already disregarded your disgusting mudblood opinion for being the descendent of vermin. Tork e khar, bi nāmoosi
t. the non mutt iranian who isn’t spitting on the graves of my ancestors

>> No.20234534

>Decide to look for communities online to discuss the book with.
that was your first mistake dumb phoneposter

>> No.20234548

You sound like a bitch

>> No.20234557

>despite how much I read Dune, because it seems I won't have anyone to discuss it with who isn't cognitively dissonant to the themes, philosophy and meanings of the book.
That's what we're here for OP! We hate fags (groomers)!

>> No.20234604

>t. the non mutt iranian who isn’t spitting on the graves of my ancestors
You're going to Balkanize the country with your retarded chauvinism.

>> No.20234625

That's your problem. Discord is a "safe space."

>> No.20234665

problem is they're manchildren like all fantasy/scifi readers

>> No.20235114

>They've ruined the series for me and I doubt I'll read the following books,
Good. For a sandnigger you are easily influenced by meaningless shit. You are just like the vermin discord-tranny you despise. Mud keeps mudding I guess.

>> No.20235388

>Have you ever encountered such a thing with other works of fiction and the surrounding fanbases?

all the time. People interpret things differently and there's disagreements within communities. Not really a big issue. just enjoy the book for what it is. Other fans' thoughts don't matter

>> No.20235411

I thought dune was inspired by the Russian Empire and their wars in the caucasus

>> No.20235474

you are just as schizophrenic as the people you despise. You got so butthurt by irrelevant discord users that you made a seething /lit/ thread looking for validation. Please seek mental help.

>> No.20235499

Frank Herbert was a crypto-Jew and Arrakis and Paul Atreides symbolise Jewish conquest of the Holy Land.

>> No.20235564

the Arab world was the most homosexual place on planet earth for the past 2,000 years. Just look at all their boy love poetry

>> No.20235728

It primarily was. But Herbert took inspirations from a lot of places anyway.

>> No.20235744

Morrowind is the pathway to discussing Dune with lorechads. Dune Discord is going to give you cancer.

>> No.20235799

Spotted the fags

>> No.20235808
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>>Find a Dune Discord, join.
You chose your own hell, anon.

>> No.20235866

>Find a Dune Discord, join.
>Have you ever encountered such a thing with other works of fiction and the surrounding fanbases?
Every fanbase is 90% cancer. The internet portion of every fanbase is 95% cancer. The discord servers/various chats portion of every fanbase is 100% cancer.

>> No.20235876

Based af i will check out dune now

>> No.20235898

Not getting into the fanbase at hand, but generally it's a work of fantasy fiction. It doesn't have to fit your "politics" and "views" to be enjoyable to read. It's a fantasy world, anybody arguing about real world politics should just stop reading fiction. Or at the very least refrain from commenting and shut the fuck up.

>> No.20235911

What the fag are you on about with your fixation on superficial degeneracy like homosexuality. One of the worst parts of the books is their humanistic nihilistic and atheistic (covered up by a pseudo religious mask) tone. The main protagonist of the first books literally chickens out and cries like a faggot because of a great war instead of embracing it like it would be proper for the posed tradition.
Dune is a book for faggots so it is no wonder it attracts even worse faggots.

>> No.20235914

Is it just more or are there more and more people getting fag derangement syndrome on 4chan lately

>> No.20237065

You n'wah..

>> No.20237178

>Muslim of Arab-Iranian descent
the humans living in arrakis called fremen, practice a fictional imaginary Zen-Islam hybrid Zensunni, existing thousands of years in the future in another planet far away, in which they are warriors, meditate Zen Buddhist style, pray and are pretty ritualistic and its all about the tribe and survival.

Ultimately eugenics and spirituality in one.

They just have a superficial element, which is cool and adds to the aesthetic, that is islamic. They have samurai elements and many other elements.

Herbert did not like homosexuals. And other things.

Paul Atreides, and his bloodline, are supposedly Atreides ancestors from Ancient Greece. His planet is like a greek paradise planet "lush oceanic world". All water, very pretty etc. The Harkonen planet is a filthy and ugly industrialized place.

Fremen are Zensunni earthlings "Sunni branch of Islam, with Zen Buddhist influences" racially "arrived on Arrakis from many different planets". In Children of Dune, this is confirmed as Leto and Ghanima speak to each other in Egyptian.

If the emperor was a symbol of Persia, Paul was a symbol of Greece and as Alexander he came and smashed them and then things decayed and then the story continues with his son and so on.

Sweden as a derivation of Hakkon - but it is likely that it is indeed from Finland, as Härkönen is a 20th-century Finnish name. Moreover, the family name Härkönen is derived from the Finnish word.

Herbert used all sorts of stuff.

Finns in space, Greeks in space, Zen Buddhists in space, Sunni Muslims in space, Egyptians in space. Of course seductive telepathic sisterhood of bitches in space.

I liked the book and the setting.

>> No.20237194

here's your answer

>> No.20237216

>>Muslim of Arab-Iranian descent
the metaphysics in the book are clearly Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist etc. and not Islamic in the least bit. Bindu etc are mentioned and the martial arts and "supernatural powers" are clearly of the above traditions.

>> No.20237381

dubs of truth

who cares about shitty fanbases just don't associate with them