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20228442 No.20228442 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books on how to build your will? I wonder what that would even consist of? Meditation or walking or something?

>> No.20228600

>Are there any books on how to build your will?
yes there are loads
but if your estate is quite large, it would probably be better to take some legal advice and get it done professionally to avoid squabbling amongst your relatives

>> No.20228610

That not what i meant

>> No.20228616
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Jules Payot

>> No.20228652

i know anon
but you weren't getting any replies so i thought i would help you out
anyway writing a will is important

>> No.20228662

Thank you

>> No.20228730


>> No.20229223

Is it still relevant?

>> No.20229830


>> No.20229857

Reading, is by definition a passive act. The will can only be expanded through the suffering of exertion, and as all reading is essentially recreational, there is very little value for expansion of the will in this domain. One can learn from Hesiod or the Zweites Buch, but it is meaningless if it does not become an active practise. Go outside and dig a hole for 2 hours. You will gain a stronger will in this than from reading any frivolous novella.

>> No.20229869

read the stoics

>> No.20229936

>Willpower - by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney
Read the book notes here if you lack the will to read it all,
Basically it explains how willpower is a finite resource and you have to prioritize what things you use it on (probably related to blood glucose levels among other things) and that things like stress or illness can cause complications that we end up depleting our willpower on which means we can't 'spend' it on other things. Ensuring you eat well, and keeping that blood glucose up can help with your Willpower but since it is finite, your best bet rather than trying to make more of it is to deploy what you have more effectively. Narrowing what the goals are in your life and focusing only on a few.
Unfinished tasks it seems to say can deplete Willpower because they keep 'nagging' you.
Stress is the Willpower eater: stress creates complications that cause us to deploy our willpower which takes it away from other aspects of our life, such as: emotional regulation. This of course can cause cascade effects.
It also goes on about how "Why" questions encourage long term thinking which opts for less immediate rewards, while "How" questions are more immediate and can indirectly lead to poor self-control.
Another interesting aside: East Asian parents through their high expectations of their kids are implicitly showing faith and acknowledging their children's potential, the Western 'participation trophy' style however leads to a tyranny of low expectations and implicitly shows little faith.

>> No.20229957

This. Write your will by the time you're 45 and update it every so often, don't let anyone know about it.

>> No.20229970

Most retarded post of the day award goes to you.

>> No.20230074
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does stretching really improve the fortitude of the will?
Probably find out what you find most important fundementally then continue to test yourself in situations where those principles are tested on pains of something else.

Such as if you keep your word sacred, you will go out of your way to keep it even on pains of, idk, something common, having to run to class because you are almost late. This is a common example, but the point is continuous testing of ideals I guess where there are challanged to maintain them. Physically, emotionally, materially etc.

>> No.20231784
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The book which has worked wonders for me is “The Mind Illuminated”.
The author studied Tibetan and Theravada Buddhism and it definitely has dogmatic elements from those religions but the practice advise is top-notch.
The second thing you can do is regular cardiovascular exercise.
The third and most important in today’s day and age is reducing distractions, see picrel.

>> No.20232369

>Anon, honey, can we talk?
>While I was looking for documents to renew the passports I found your will.
>I think it's sweet and a good idea just incase, for my and the kids' sake.
>But it only reads: "To the strongest"
>Honey are you gay?

>> No.20233777


>> No.20233792

Vidya and action movies

>> No.20233793

I plan to leave my entire estate to the chaddest of my boys. The daughters will presumably be married to decent men by then or if they are spinsters their brothers will do their familial duty and support and protect them.

>> No.20233797

That's illegal you dumb incel.

>> No.20233826

Relaxation Response by Benson. A no-nonsense manual on a secular, science-backed version of transcendental meditation that will probably change your life forever if you actually stick with it for just a few months. The basic threshold of willpower you will have to enact just to stick with it and reap the benefits will "click into" the practice of meditation itself, and reveal a whole side of your conscious life that you were previously blind to and letting drift this way and that.

Even people who end up not valuing meditation should learn and experiment with a practical method like TM at least once in their lives. It should be as standard as trying to exercising and sports to see if you like them. Not everybody will, but damn can it change your life if you do. And probably 95% of people would value meditation if they just knew what it actually is. TM is so easy to start with.

>> No.20233841

Says who. How is it illegal to instruct my sons to engage each other in fisticuffs after my death and whoever is the last man standing gets all my loot.

>> No.20234367
