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20226491 No.20226491 [Reply] [Original]

When should one drop the Wheel of Time? I've heard 6-10 are a chore. Robert Jordan was a fine writer, but are the last three Blanderson books worth reading?

>> No.20226508

Just read all of it or don't even bother starting

>> No.20227325

Last 3 are sanderson's best work I think.
The first one he did "The Gathering Storm" is still my fav WOT book.
Though I was very disappointed when I read his other works.
The slog in WOT is shit but if you are deeply invested like I was, you might get through it.

>> No.20227341
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>When should one drop the Wheel of Time?
Last time I heard they're all a bore. Go read Well of Darkness instead.

>> No.20227377

The problem with WoT is that Jordan keeps repeating things, like he assumes people didn't read the previous books so every book he reintroduces everyone and recaps everything they've ever done and how everything works. Reading the books back to back is frustrating because of this.

>> No.20227390

Only in the first few books, and that’s a symptom of being published in the early 90s when retards would pick up the third book in a series. But with the sheer number of named characters, even on my second reading of the series, I was grateful for some of the repetition.

>> No.20227669

I read these in high school and stopped around book 8. Picked up book 8 years later and finished it with some reminders from the wot wiki. Got halfway through book 9 and had to stop. There is so much other real stuff I'd rather read so I don't want to waste time reading hundreds of pages of fantasy where NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS until the last few chapters. I really want to read the last 3, I'll get through them all eventually.

>> No.20227675
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>> No.20227722

Yeah... Sanderson does an admirable job of tidying up Jordan's mess. He even mages to create meaning out of events that Jordan probably just farted out. Like Birgitte comments on how Elayne caused the death of hundreds of soldiers because she wanted to confront the black ajah sisters on her own and got captured. Jordan never reflected on this in any way. Sanderson makes it a thing that Elayne is reckless and remorseless about it. A little thing, but still.

Jordan's skill was mostly in the worldbuilding and dramatic events. When the world was built and he couldn't come up with more dramatic events the series started to meander something fierce. I say read it all, but be ready to skim and speed-read through the last four of Jordan's books. Like, it's OK to just push through it. You wont miss anything critical.

>> No.20227783

Regarding the WOT wiki, the chapter summaries are an excellent way to get through books 8-11.

6 and 7 I did not find to be too slow. Not as good as the first couple of books, but still worth reading.

>> No.20228302

Avoid these. They are so bad and boring

>> No.20228307


>> No.20228488

Call me a faggot but the Amazon series were so awful that if I ever bring myself to read fantasy again these will have to be the last fucking books on earth

>> No.20228660


>> No.20229263

Any good?

>> No.20229330

Yeah, definitely. The only classic fantasy I can recall where the main character is a legitimate anti-hero through and through, and even the world building is quite decent, though not as original as in Ian Irvine's The View from the Mirror (another solid recommend).

>> No.20230451

>it's OK to just push through it. You wont miss anything critical.
This. After a while you get hang of how to skim through the text without missing important details.
Overall I really enjoyed it and after reading other fantasy series, my appreciation for WOT has increased a lot.

>> No.20230471

Sanderson's books are literally the best in the series.