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20225171 No.20225171 [Reply] [Original]

just started reading. What am I in for?

>> No.20225177
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one of the hardest books ever written

>> No.20225244

Being a woman is an automatic filter.

>> No.20225283

Women need to be told what to do, by me, and what I'd tell them to do is to be quiet.

>> No.20225315

>romanticism, victorian gothica, voluptious vampire girls, FOUR blood transfusion scenes, gypsy child-eating, dracula as a gross weirdo, purity of male and female friendships as shown through intimate correspondences, “a large bat flapped against the window pane”

In short, a damn good book. Watch Coppola’s movie once you’ve finished. Absolute kino.

>> No.20226388


Life and times of a BBC (big balkan cock) fucking anglo whores.

>> No.20226397

Like all Victorian shit, 400 pages of nothing and 9 pages of substance.

I'm all for high-brow shit, and slow pace, and great prose, but when I sit down to read the best vampire novel of all time and one of the fathers of horror, you better give me some fucking horror and not 400 pages of train itineraries and paprika recipes.

>> No.20226407

You my friend are filtered.

>> No.20226410

I don’t even hate women anymore, at this point they aren’t human in my eyes.

>> No.20226414

Nah. I just want a book to deliver on its promises. When I sit down to read popcorn genre fiction, I should get exactly that. If I wanted poor man's Henry James, I'd read Henry James.

>> No.20226424

The book delivers its promise. It of course doesn’t deliver the promise you thought it would by watching its jewwood adaptations.

>> No.20226435

Nigger, there's literally like 4 pages of vampire shit in the whole book. Not even exaggerating. How is that "delivering on its promise"?

>> No.20226442

Go back reading twilight. This is a victorian classic. Not some capeshit for readers nor does it promise to be so.

>> No.20226474

Apart from the woman's diary entries it's great

>> No.20226543


t. uncouthed brute

>> No.20226556

i really am just awestruck at Christine Grant. i know she is nothing special and that there are millions of middle-aged women with no brains who read twilight. but imagine getting to that advanced age and having absolutely no maturity. imagine having so much life experience and thinking twilight was a better book than dracula

>> No.20226590

a lot of people forget that Bram Stoker was a romance writer, not a horror writer and it really shows in this book.

>> No.20226601

i love women so much it’s unreal

>> No.20226606

a lot of people forget that Bram Stoker was a romance writer, not a horror writer and it really shows in this book.

(ignore above wrong reply)

>> No.20226610

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>> No.20226615

Dracula has been an icon of horror for so long, it's practically impossible to not think it would be a horror story when you pick it up for first time.
There's a collection of short stories, called Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories, that might be more up the alley of those slightly overwhelmed.

>> No.20226635

thanks I don't come on here often
When people think of Dracula they mostly think of the character, but they don't really know about the actual content of the book he came from, so that's where the confusion comes from. regardless though, I still think there's a "creepy" aspect to the book. Dracula isn't in your face all the time but he is still an ever looming threat.

>> No.20226640

i loved it. based best friends team solving mysteries and fighting evil.

>> No.20226726

Reading is a fun activity but it will suck away a lot of ur time

>> No.20226735

The time you would rather do what?

>> No.20226798

Women and twilight faggots hate it?
It must be great then.

>> No.20227352

Cuckhold 101

>> No.20228417

This. I read it. It was all pomp and little substance. In the Victorian era, 90% of social relations was chest puffing and obsequious plesanttry slanging. This vanity of form is reflected by the work.

>> No.20228484

It’s almost as if the vast majority of women never advance past adolescence.

>> No.20228498

walking memes

>> No.20228505

skip all he bullshit about lucy and how much of a whore she is. seriously, it adds nothing to the story.

>> No.20229639

I have never seen anyone claim dracula is a horror story you dimwit, it's credited along with frankenstein as starting their own genre called gothic, the book has an entirely new genre to describe it and you're mad because it's not another genre? What? Also, this novel is still objectively one of the best horrors regardless because of the horrifying denizens of it's world: romanians.

>> No.20229766

I hope you read Vampyre, The Pale Lady, and Carmilla first