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20225066 No.20225066 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any novels that show this?

>> No.20225159

It would be too boring to write about anon, sorry.

>> No.20225223

Most people don’t. The idea that adolescence ought to be fun or interesting is a lie invented to sell coca cola and Levi’s. You’re still a child with almost no freedom or means (unless you’re a trust fund brat I guess). Most of the memorable things happen in your 20s and 30s.

>> No.20225239

>memorable things in teenage years
Shut the fuck up

>> No.20225294

Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

>> No.20225314

I have poor memory of my entire life history, past six months to a year or so.

>> No.20225331

my teen years were 20 years ago so I can't relate.

>> No.20225370

having "fun" in your teen years is the least of your worries. i drank and smoked weed and did psychedelics and partied my life away from 15-20 and now i have worse than nothing to show for it.

if you actually want a truly good life you should be worrying more about your capacity to support yourself and structure your life, because that is how you gain the freedom and resources you need to actually enjoy the decades of your ACTUAL life.

>> No.20225553
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Catcher In The Rye?

>> No.20225577

Hardly anyone does anything memorable in their teen years. What exactly are you expecting?

>> No.20225621

You were supposed to go to parties and have sex, those memories last for a lifetime

>> No.20225633

Stfu faggot they're right. Unless you're gigachad QB rich dad then teenage years are retarded. Your brain isn't even fully formed until like 25. Life begins then.

>> No.20225635

I have been to innumerable parties and had more sex than you, and there's very little memorable about it
If drunken teenage fucking is a major highlight of your life you are an absolute failure

>> No.20225639

>things I did while still a teen:
>sex with two girls
>started a cult with six followers
>put under police surveillance for selling drugs
>saw god on acid
>dropped out of high school
>moved to another city 500 miles away by myself
>got into music school
>paid to move my high school girlfriend to me

>> No.20225732

By 'memorable' I thought you meant something like writing a book or a piece of music, or starting a company. What weird 30 or 40 year old would still be dreaming about the parties and sex they had as a teenager?

>> No.20225742

Wait until you're mid-20s and realize nothing changes, then you're really gonna have some fun

>> No.20225750


>> No.20225754

>only 6 followers

>> No.20225757

I'm turning 26 this week, did nothing memorable before I was 20 and have written a few books since.
You shouldn't do anything before you're 20, only secondary work (translation, for instance) and student exercises. If you try to do anything serious it will be shit.

>> No.20225834

>parties and have sex
what a sad life if that's its apex.

>> No.20225858

Anon I have a party every week and I don't even remember the one I had to weeks ago

>> No.20225872

Sex with a teenage hottie is the peak of human experience. Our whole evolutionary history has been focused on it and everything else is cope.

>> No.20225884

Holy shit I feel that way!
I hear of so many great men who started their journey when they where a teen. Now I'm 20 and actually want to do something with my life. But I've done nothing but masturbate and play vidya.

>> No.20225915
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Parties, sex, and hedonism aren't things to feel bad about having missed out on. What a sad existence people must have if they feel like they "missed out on" something by not being an animalistic degenerate.
Sex is for bringing glory to God through procreation.

>> No.20225919

I bet you would raise a cuck baby

>> No.20225921

>if you actually want a truly good life you should be worrying more about your capacity to support yourself and structure your life, because that is how you gain the freedom and resources you need to actually enjoy the decades of your ACTUAL life.
Yeah, life is about gathering resources in the most optimal way so that one day(!) you can buy commodified pleasure.

>> No.20225926


>> No.20225951

are you fucking retarded? im telling anon that if you work on your ability to support yourself and create structure in your life you will have the means to fully enjoy your free time with your peers or your family. why would you post this? your ability to "buy commodified pleasure" might mean the difference between owning a nice home and a plot of land to enjoy with your loved ones and invite your friends over to spend the weekend, and dying alone in a shitty apartment

christ this board is absolutely overloaded is pseuds

i can tell you first hand that those memories only get you so far when you still have decades of life to live. life is about LIVING not huddling around a the dying embers of your childhood memories trying to keep warm

>> No.20225961

I had plenty of sex and I don't remember any of it

>> No.20225974

Crime and Punishment.

I recall reading it at 19 and finding it completely relatable.

>> No.20225986

You're such a boomer.
>yeah, just hop on the gerbil wheel and sheckleburg might reward with enough imaginary good boy points to make it all worthwhile someday long after you've squandered your body, mind, and time filling in excel spreadsheets so that the rich can consolidate even more wealth and power!
How can you delude yourself like this?

>> No.20226012

My diary.

>> No.20226014
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Are you a NEET trying to validate yourself or something? If doing significant memorable things is so important to you (or OP in this case) then you need the means to go out and live life. raising a family is expensive. living it up with your friends is expensive. gaining the ability to choose the life style you TRULY desire, to life life YOUR way, requires you to actually work for it, unless you are born into wealth or miraculously lucky.

My post is directed at OP not you.

>> No.20226119

>The idea that adolescence ought to be fun or interesting is a lie
Now that's just fucking retarded. Your teenage years are meant for "first times". First love, first time having sex (or kiss, whatever physical expression you're not forbidden from), rebelling in whatever dumb way you can. Replacing your immediate kin with your friends as your main social group, learning whatever skills that you'll need in adulthood.
All of those things are fun and interesting. And very important. They're memorable because as a teenager everything feels much more intense, as do first times.
Sorry anon, but those of us who missed out on these are basically social cripples and people can smell it.

>> No.20226281


Pure ideology.

>> No.20226305

I get the upper comment being ideology, but I don't see how mine >>20226119 is. You feel things more intensely due to hormones, and first times in general feel important, and as such are usually baked into your memory forever.

>> No.20226307


Pure ideology.

>> No.20226328

>Sorry anon, but those of us who missed out on these are basically social cripples and people can smell it.
Anon, MOST PEOPLE did not spend their youth on wild partying, drugs and sex, even beyond the coddled first world. Your typical normie lost his virginity after 20, had several school friends, a got shitfaced like twice before graduating.

This bait stinks of a friendless neet basement dweller who thinks that humanity is divided between people like him and hypersocialized party animals.

>> No.20226333

teenage memories are just a prelude to your 20s. the entire reason they stand out is because you are just becoming mature and getting a sample of the world you are going to plunge into. everything teenagers do is done infinitely better by young adults with the means to actually do shit.

>> No.20226352

>Anon, MOST PEOPLE did not spend their youth on wild partying, drugs and sex, even beyond the coddled first world. Your typical normie lost his virginity after 20, had several school friends, a got shitfaced like twice before graduating.
Now when did I say that? Do you think it's a binary state of never having done anything or partying with drugs? You said teenage years aren't meant to be fun and memorable. It feels like you just skipped my entire post, as soon as you saw that I disagreed.
Why your brain can only associate fun and memorable with parties and drugs is beyond me, but I hope you get over that very soon.

>> No.20226360

>You said
No, because I'm NTA.

>Now when did I say that?
The thing is - by your own criteria most people would be social cripples, because a typical dude did not actually do much memorable in his teens.

>> No.20226391

>The thing is - by your own criteria most people would be social cripples,
No, they would not be. It's only due to media that you'd ever think something like something extraordinarily hedonistic needs to happen for it to be memorable.
>because a typical dude did not actually do much memorable in his teens.
How? I'm not familiar with American rites of passage, but over here most people would have had their first girlfriend (doesn't imply sex, implies some form of romantic connection with another person), a few friends they'd love hanging out with. So, almost implicitly, they'd have their first break up, their first kiss, their first real falling out with a friend, memorable jokes and happenings (even if they'd sound boring and vague to everyone that wasn't there). Their first rebellion, their first drive out with their friends, first prom. It's a never-ending list of first times and due to hormones they feel much more intense, and are therefore heavily imprinted in your memory. If you missed out on all those first times, then you almost certainly will be a social cripple unless you heavily compensate in your 20s.

>> No.20226402

Kek, the sheer amount of butthurt replies only proves you are right.

>> No.20226403
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lol, bro. I'm 30 and I did plenty of fucked up shit as a kid. I probably have some brain damage and it made my mental illnesses worse. I just spent my early 20s as a drug addict before I hit rock bottom, cleaned up, and got a functional job.

I just had so many problems fucking around with people that I avoid the fuckers like a plague now. People are bad news man. Fucking a bag of meat and danger. Lots of suffering, pain, trouble, mistakes, and it's like trying to somehow wrestle with a wild animal and somehow come out on top. Even if you're winning, you're still getting marred and fucked up in the end. You're not getting any prizes for doing that shit. You're just getting fucked up for no reason. It's needless danger, needless pain, and unless you're some sort of delusional romantic, there's nothing respectable about that shit.

Think of all the people in the dregs of society, the poor, the gangbangers, the antisocial criminals. All of them have "done plenty of memorable things", but the fact that something is memorable doesn't mean it is any way respectable or legitimate. Most people who lived a life lived one of short-sighted recklessness and paid dearly for it. Many of the people I grew up with are dead or in prison. There's not a "cool prize" for having memorable experiences, as most of these are generally just traumatic failures and exposure to a reality which is too sadistic to kill you because it would rather torture you to the point where you're forced to fight tooth and nail every day just to hold onto your life.

Though, sure, it is a "human" experience, there's nothing noble about a human experience. It's unremarkable, painful, pointless, and fruitless savagery. The only fruit the humans generally bear is offspring which are damned to the same fate of reckless shortsightedness and self-destruction their parents undertook.

I skimmed a few words in the thread. As for rebelling, that's just a way to get fucked by the police and have trouble holding a job. Criminality is a mental illness, and the greatest skill you can learn is how to conform. It's made my life much safer and much more comfortable. There's nothing "romantic" about being a criminal, an iconoclast, all of these things are just the wet dreams of edgelords, but in reality, they're performed by savages, antisocial idiots who are reckless enough to undertake self-destructive acts for shortsighted gains.

I'm alive only because I'm White. I'm not in prison only because I'm White. I've got 9 lives, and I'm on my 9th one, and it's hard to die 8 times and still find the will to live. Nothing will strip you of your bling optimism, your trust in humanity, your faith in the species, your hope for the future, and any of that rosy idealist bullshit faster than being forced to witness the raw, carnal, brutal, unforgiving, and cannibalistic nature of humanity when reduced to its natural form, free from the voluntary constraints of White civility and prosocial behavior.

>> No.20226412

>I skimmed a few words in the thread. As for rebelling, that's just a way to get fucked by the police and have trouble holding a job
My rebellion was keeping my shit grades a secret for too long, and staying up past my bed time bro. Sorry bad shit happened to you, but the 2 states aren't "spend your life in front of a computer, experiencing life through a medium" and "living life entirely, basically burn out by your 20s by having experienced all".

>> No.20226427

I did get to travel a bit at 17. Went to Italy for a few weeks on a school trip. Got to see the Sistine Chapel. Shook hands with the Pope. Saw Pompey, visited Assisi. Brief stay in Florence got to see the statue of David with his circumcised penis. Also got to Capri and got to see Tiberius’s villa and some topless German skanks’ boobies on the beach.

But other than that it was pretty uneventful

>> No.20226452
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>You’re still a child with almost no freedom or means

This is probably true for most people, but my dad was dead and my mother was a drug addict, so I didn't have anything stopping me from doing things other than the police.

>Most of the memorable things happen in your 20s and 30s.

So far as I can tell, this is some bourgeois shit. You need to have a stable life, otherwise it's just a lot of slaving and drudgery trying to eat. I don't know what you would consider a "memorable" or "meaningful" experience. From what I can tell, people just buy some memories out of a travel catalogue or something.

>I have been to innumerable parties and had more sex than you, and there's very little memorable about it

Exactly this, especially if you're fucked up for these parties. It's not some romantic, meaningful experience, it's just two shitty, broken people, addled by drugs and alcohol, using each other as some depersonalized bag of pleasure, despite the fact that they usually hate each other, but they simply have nobody else to turn to to give them some feelings of acceptance or stimulate them physically.

There's no feelings in sex other than narcissism at best, satiation of some instinctive craving, and romantic sex is something that's hard to come by when you're a down-and-outer because there's no hope for he future so there's nothing to romanticize.

Also, the people who say "money buys happiness", this doesn't work if you have a long history of drug abuse. Consumer pleasure feels like nothing when compared to street drugs. You can't really feel joy or desire for "capital gains" once you've realized that drug abuse provides much greater pleasure than any form of social, emotional, or capitalistic fulfillment. You're left without any sort of motivating forces because you've burned out your ability to enjoy the meager amounts of dopamine provided by cheap consumerist pleasures. This is why most clean drug addicts become extremely obese, because eating is one of the few things that can reliably provide chemical pleasure, since the psychological work->pleasure system gets so fucked from drug abuse.

Maybe it's different for people with money, or people who don't fuck themselves so hard, but it's easy to absolutely mutilate your life in your youth, then you're sitting there trying to stitch the pieces back up because there's so much social, legal, and economic pressure for you to do so, and human instinct and stupidity prevents you from killing yourself, despite having no rational reason to continue living, having no capacity to feel pleasure, having no hope for the future, and just staring blankly into the emptiness of the world while you wait to die.

Humans are vampires, and we drink each others blood just to survive. I've caused lots of suffering in lots of people's lives just to chase the dragon. We cannibalize each other in the fruitless pursuit, and I've nothing to show for my trials save for scars on myself and others.

>> No.20226460

>but the 2 states aren't "spend your life in front of a computer, experiencing life through a medium" and "living life entirely, basically burn out by your 20s by having experienced all".

I'm not saying they are, I'm just saying it's hard to be a Weekend Warrior with good times, especially when you're a kid.

Look at this picture. Life is like a bucket. We're like toddlers. Some people don't play in the bucket. A few people splash in the bucket, no harm no foul. A lot of people drown in the bucket.

>> No.20226511

If people in their 20s or older are still constantly obsessing about their teenage years, that indicates something has gone wrong with their lives. Idealization of the teenage years is a core incel trait because of this. Someone who had a good time as a teenager isn't spending their 30s thinking about it.

>> No.20226549

Most of my enjoyable experiences didn't really involve drugs and alcohol though. But I can see where you're coming from. Your idea of a good time ended with you getting drunk, high, or with some woman, or all at once. That's a rabbit hole. My idea of a good time ended with dropping off a friend, getting invited to the front porch, talking about stuff we felt was "real" over a beer. The nights that ended in debauchery were just nothing but regrets for me. But your experiences did make you an infinitely more interesting person than me.