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/lit/ - Literature

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20222017 No.20222017 [Reply] [Original]

>enjoy literary canon and canon of philosophers (from ancient to 20th-century)
>only watch 21st-century movies and listen to modern music, but not old movies or classical music
Explain yourselves.

>> No.20222027

I watch tons of old movies, but there is a difference between a medium that was perfected in the 19th century vs one that didn't exist at that time... As for music I thunk a lot of us here listen to classical

>> No.20222032

I love classic rock
Zeppelin rules
Old movies are slow and the action scenes look like shit

>> No.20222062

I'm the exact opposite
I mostly read modern shit (20th century - present, a lil 19th) but I enjoy a lot of old music like Baroque/Romantic era, blues and country music from the 1920s, early jazz...

>> No.20222104

Different mediums
Odds are you’ll have different tastes across each one.

>> No.20222799

Most of the thread will be pretentious faggots claiming "well akhshually i DO in fact listen to classical music and watch silent cinéma!", and faggots trying to legitimise their disinterest with cancerous logic of "well they just didn't know how to do it well back then, hurr". (I belong to the former group, thank you for asking.)

Taste is not about the odds, but about how you cultivate it.

>> No.20222812
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Classical? No, I'm more of a baroque fan. Glenn Gould's Bach... Amazing!

>> No.20222982

My taste is spotty.
I don't like philosophy.
I mostly read stuff from late 19th to early/mid 20th century, but have no problems going beyond if the premise is interesting.
I have more patience for books than movies and only really like detective series and thrillers, but on rare occasions the latter is shown on TV, they seem to think midnight is a good time slot for it, so in the end I don't really watch movies.
My taste in music floats between 80s hits, synthwave, jazz, some classical, and that zen stuff you can find on youtube.
Thank you for reading my blogpost. Now go back to reading and stop worrying about what other people like.

>> No.20223108

Seriously though, fuck that stupid humming faggot. I was at home with headphones on and thought someone fucking broke into my room/house. Glenn gould is a stupid bitch.

>> No.20223398

I enjoy both popular and western art music and no pseuds will ever stop me.

>> No.20224085

>Explain yourselves.
People here are lying when they say they read the literary canon

>> No.20224275
