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/lit/ - Literature

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20215714 No.20215714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are some red flags books on a woman's bookshelf?

>> No.20215724

anything america-related that's been ranked highly by new york times. invariably batshit

>> No.20215726

Michelle Obama

>> No.20215781
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If she has stuff like "The Fault In Our Stars" or Nicholas Sparks, run, because that's what my mom likes

>> No.20215789

Is your mom 14 years old?

>> No.20215793

Best-sellers fiction or YA that got adapated into hollywood movies or Netflix series.
Harry Potter, Twilight, Bridgerton, Perks of Being a Wallflower, etc.

>> No.20215824

>um yikes sweaty
I hate women.

>> No.20215826

Feminism, pozzed SJW books, anything by an African American, too much YA, modern memes like critical race theory and that sort of thing.

>> No.20215830

No but she reads a lot of sugary YA shit as well as the token Danielle Steele novel every time she puts a new one out

This should go without saying

>> No.20215834
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>> No.20215877

If she has anything leftist political, leave instantly.
If she has kids books like Potter, be cautious and hope that those are just presents she got and never read.
If she only has books from publishers like Oxford University Press or other university/top scientific publishers and she says "yeah, I rally like to explore the mathematical ideas behind physics and I love to learn more about our economy/law/biology, then boy you have found wifey material right there. Impregnate as soon as possible.
If she doesn't read books at all do a 360 and walk away.

>> No.20215947

4 is infinitely better than 3. I’d much rather have an illiterate woman than a racist thrall.

>> No.20215959

Basically this but only 3 and 5. If any person of either sex unironically consumes false reality paradigm reinforcing literature in their leisure time that is a red flag.

>> No.20215965

My diary, desu. It happened once, she was a bit of a crazy but food fun.

>> No.20215967

>food fun.
Err, good fun.

>> No.20215972

Anything other than a cook-book, am I right or am I right fellas?
>cracks beer

>> No.20215977

Imagine not having a copy of Hélène Cixous' collected essays

>> No.20215996

Girls with first two are cute. I’ve never met a woman that reads actual literature btw

>> No.20216010

Generally, it's a bad sign if they like Vonnegut, de Assis, Infante, Heller, or Murakami. Brautigan might be okay depending on what else she has in her library, but it's a red flag for sure. Neruda is a hard no.

>> No.20216012

I don't care about the Catcher in the Rye, but I once spoke to a woman who said it's one of her favorite books. She was one of the few better women I have met.

>> No.20216013

I laughed in real life at this. Just thought you should know

>> No.20216016


why is this the case?

>> No.20216018

I've met plenty of women that read literature. It's just usually the case that they also read the standard YA shit.

>> No.20216027
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>> No.20216046

Demonstrative of intellectual frivolity, emotional immaturity, and political dissension. If a person of either sex and any gender has not grown out of Vonnegut's texts by age 20, there is little chance they are capable of maintaining a healthy relationship with anyone who is not their mother.

>> No.20216051

is vonnegut really so awful and juvenile, or is his reputation just tarnished by association with redditors? i haven't read him since high school.

>> No.20216057

These wouldn't bother me if she's open to discussing their ideas and is generally pleasant to be around.
Most feminists I've met tend to dress like grandmas and be personally conservative. It's kind of cute honestly. They would probably make good gfs.

>> No.20216060

>Girls with first two are cute
This is only true if they are still in university. After that point it becomes tragic.

>> No.20216072

>she doesn't have Mein Kampf (Stalag edition)

>> No.20216079

What did ol' Brautigan do to you?

>> No.20216083

The Sirens of Titans is a good book. I don't understand the hate.

>> No.20216091

Harry Potter was first published over 20 years ago, what if she read it as a child and is now keeping it out of habit and nostalgia?

>> No.20216099

Nostalgia is a reddit feeling

>> No.20216107

So this place is reddit in disguise?

>> No.20216112

4 doesn't seem inherently like a red flag. I get to feel smart and superior.

>> No.20216133

Like I said, whether or not Brautigan is a bad sign depends on the composition of the rest of her library. If there are other Beats on her shelves, then it is very likely she is a self-loathing commencialist with an affinity for watersports. If she owns a copy of Breakfast of Champions, Catcher in the Rye, or anything by Vollmann, she was probably sexually abused at some point in her life and is overly fond of depressants. If she has any Modernist literature, with the exception of Joyce, this is usually indicative she will go on to develop a schizoaffective disorder. In the case of Joyce, this is almost a certainty. French poetry, Kafka, and uninteresting nonfiction are all good signs in a Brautigan reader.

>> No.20216140

>What is saudade?

>> No.20216143

a made-up feeling

>> No.20216148

Neruda is a hard no, but Infante isn't? Sexual deviancy and Marxism are two sides of the same coin, my friend.

>> No.20216154

>If she has any Modernist literature, with the exception of Joyce, this is usually indicative she will go on to develop a schizoaffective disorder. In the case of Joyce, this is almost a certainty.

>> No.20216157

This has been my experience also.

>> No.20216163

Even Samuel Delany or Jean Toomer? Cool your fucking jets. To be fair, plenty of AA authors are SJW cunts, but a bunch are based as well.

>> No.20216164

4 is much better than all of the other options. also how do you know she doesn't use a kindle or something? i got rid of my physical books a few months ago and now i just use libgen and goodreads to keep track

>> No.20216173

No leftism? Liberal, I could understand. But anything left of center? What are you talking about?

>> No.20216185

>wicca, crystals, succulents, DFW, xNPRxcore nonfiction, Nabokov (Lolita), pastel colored onions based candles

>> No.20216186

Chicks from 2, if they're exclusively 2, are usually easy going, cute, and horny. They also won't bother you about your reading habits like 4 might. They're definitely the best of the 5. Then it's 4>>>>>1>3>5.

>> No.20216190

What are you on about? Liberalism is the way to go, mate. Less you're a Chinese or something.

>> No.20216204

Women shouldn't be literate

>> No.20216213

Wrong. Succulents are fucking awesome.
Also wrong. Lolita is a great novel that certain morons happen to enjoy. It means nothing.
You're such a fucking dumbass if you aren't asking her for a hit the moment you see that on her shelf, bro.

>> No.20216227

Infante's work is generally a lot more nuanced than Neruda's.

>> No.20216359

she's ngmi
>epic pomo tomes
that's a man

>> No.20216426

Anna Karenina, shes a cheating whore in her soul
Russian literature in general

>> No.20216443


>> No.20216448
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>"woman" can read
>only priests can read

Why the hell you trying to fuck your local priest?

>> No.20216449

You don't read

>> No.20216471
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>do a 360
>and walk away

>> No.20216476

Dalton edition is superior.

>> No.20216720

i want a woman to forcefully make me read feminist propaganda and also quiz me on it

>> No.20216743

Robert Caro

Especially the LBJ quadrilogy

>> No.20216856

Hypothetically, how would /lit/ feel about rotary power tools and taxidermy catalogues?

>> No.20216858


>> No.20216883

I just found out about feminist metaphysics recently thanks to Aristotle's wikipedia page

>> No.20217066

best answer for every thread

>> No.20217091

All of them. Women are not capable of actually thinking, so literature is wasted on them. Any woman who pretends to read secretly thinks they're a man and that their opinions matter.

>> No.20217114

Any "bestsellers"

>> No.20217125


>> No.20217244

Retard a 360 means a full turn you end up facing the same direction. I can't believe I share a board with you people

>> No.20217276
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All the best girls are in 3. Its more of a red flag if you get triggered by anti-racism shit

>> No.20217280

meant to reply to this

>> No.20217485

Newfags shut the fuck up. Lurk 1000 years before posting.