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20214633 No.20214633 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most antisemitic book I can buy online today? I want to read it so I can learn of the dangers of antisemitism and see how far it's uglyness really goes

>> No.20214644

The Bible

>> No.20214651

some stupid turner diary shit

>> No.20214721
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1648104159139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merchant of Venice

>> No.20215211

culture of critique has been incredibly influential on antisemitism
esau's tears if you want to learn about gentile-jewish relations and where antisemitism comes from

>> No.20215235

The Bible (Kosher slaughter is literally about feeding blood to a demon that lives in a volcano).
The works of Georges Dumezil (completely decimate "Choseness")
You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel.

>> No.20215278

Jews Must Live by Samuel Roth

>> No.20215297

Where do you find CoC? I know it's on archive.org but reading digital copies kills my eyes.

>> No.20215314


>> No.20215323


>> No.20215438
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>> No.20215588

The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein was a huge eye opener for me.

>> No.20215616
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>> No.20215729


>> No.20215753

My diary desu

>> No.20215983


>> No.20216003

i dont know how jones gets away with it

>> No.20216042
File: 942 KB, 999x3158, suicide note condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to read 'Suicide Note' by Mitchell Heisman and share it with as many people as you can. It is the best explanation of the Jewish problem ever written.

Here's the link to the text:
(Read pp. 32 - 625)

TL;DR: https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview

Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA

Part 2:

TL;DR: Jews want to transcend biology so that AI can enslave humanity.

>> No.20216135
File: 174 KB, 907x1228, Celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trifles for a Massacre by Celine
Jewishness in Music by Wagner
Culture of Critique series by MacDonald

>> No.20216141

Proudhon's On Jews, the first to call for a jew holocaust

>> No.20216217

Why are the French so much more antisemitic than the English?

>> No.20216279

Because Catholic griping about jews has never amounted to anything more substantial than peasants seething 700 years ago and he regularly countersignals National Socialism which has

>> No.20216284

>What's the most antisemitic book I can buy online today?

Uhh, the librettos of Wagner? How about some germanic epics? If those are too passé, why not read Homer? Anything which is "rooted" or is attempting to find a root suffices.

The english are protestants and protestants are (re-)judaizers.

>> No.20216340

the New testament