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20214334 No.20214334 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20214344
File: 152 KB, 1000x1600, 71-G6+ZNqWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a call from the based department

>> No.20214345

You mean put on my good reads not read list?

>> No.20214364

>one five star review on GR
>it's from the author
Based as hell

>> No.20214377

They're proud of what they wrote. Simple as.

>> No.20214418

Anon, I...

>> No.20214422

Author is a tranny core

>> No.20214428
File: 20 KB, 232x346, binladen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This read was actually very based and red-pilled. He understands the JQ better than almost anyone in the modern day, and understand that's the US is totally enslaved by billionaire Jews. No wonder the mainstream media never put out any of his statements in full, instead they want you to think "dey hate us cuz our freedoms duh"

>> No.20214435

Literally written by giggling CIA agents

>> No.20214533 [DELETED] 

>nice, a groundbreaking review from that highly respected periodical, "Schizophrenia Weekly"

>> No.20214542

>Read 25 pages
>It's PG-13 American Psycho
Does something happen that I miss? You can tell me because I'll never pick it up again.

>> No.20214543

nice, a groundbreaking review from that highly respected periodical, "Schizophrenia Weekly"

>> No.20214570
File: 437 KB, 2005x3000, meinkampf-56a48cb73df78cf77282ef30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically one of the best poltiical manifestos ever written. No wonder the Germans all loved him and got behind him. His analysis of all the problems with a parliamentary democracy system is spot on and hasn't been topped by a writer before or since. His views on everything is red-pilled af, and it's written in a very calm, logical, easy to read tone. He explains complex ideas with great ease and comfortability, it's also literred with cool and apt references to European culture (plays, operas, poems etc.).

No wonder this book is still banned. Anyone who reads it cover-to-cover (or even just the first half) will come out of that experience knowing that all the claims about him being a lunatic madman must be 100% bullshit. He was more intelligent and formidable and courageous than any elected official in a Western nation in the last 80 years. Truly a once in a century, or once in a millennium man.

>> No.20214753

>first half
Dumbass the first half doesn’t even have any of his politics in it that’s only in the second part. Read the fucking book before posting here nigger

>> No.20215216

That I am.

>> No.20215290
File: 141 KB, 726x682, 80969A26-92B0-4708-A2AA-82090EB36512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20215394

Even if that were the case, it wouldn't make the ideas wrong. But I suppose their interest in the matter would be turning public opinion against those sentiments even further. Every now and again, the ZOG does something that reveals too much of their plans.

>> No.20215565

I will rate one star

>> No.20216394

120 days of sodom

>> No.20216598

But it does. He talks pretty extensively about the Habsburg question and German unification

>> No.20216600


Siege by James Mason. Largely because feds think it's a work of "accelerationist terrorism" and not 500 pages of Jimbo bitching about the state of the American NS movement and shitposting about how great serial killers are.

>> No.20217199

Mike Ma is so hot

>> No.20217203

>Does something happen that I miss?