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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 384 KB, 1024x485, how to degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20213134 No.20213134 [Reply] [Original]

Old Bread: >>20203603

I'm Gonna Scam Patreonbux Edition

Reads related to honing the craft:
>pastebin.com/krJFfUfK (old reading list)
>pastebin.com/1KA24gny (new reading list)

Aditional related reads:

Youtube playlist on storytelling:

Self publishing websites:


/wg/ author pastebin + anon flash fiction anthology

Previous flash fiction anthologies

>> No.20213146

No one writes in /wg/.

>> No.20213274

I will only ever release 1 series in my entire writing career.
I may write more, but if the first isn't a success then it proves that the world does not deserve the fruits of my effort and is beyond saving.

>> No.20213285

Getting unwanted feedback is so fucking awkward. I gave you my novel for you to read, not critique. It's 7 years old and you can't write your way out of your prologue.

What criticism, too.
>I don't know how but the prose feels anxious. Too desperate to keep the reader engaged.

>> No.20213290

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.20213300

>noooo you can't say bad things about my writing! you have to compliment!1

>> No.20213303

>you have to compliment
Whomst've are you quoting?

>> No.20213317

>just read it and shutup!! don't say anything about my writing!!!1

>> No.20213344

I'm introducing the main character to four characters, two of whom aren't very vocal in the scene. I think I also subconsciously "staggered" the intros in a way by leaving one of the other cast members out. I think the scene flows decently, it's the one I've polished the most out of all of my work. If nothing I think I've tried to make the characters fun and entertaining, I just hope I haven't been too ambitious in how eccentric they are.

>> No.20213352

It's a helpful breakdown of how to properly show and not tell, a thing that people say but never really explain, but it's not always applicable. I have it bookmarked but sometimes a thing just needs to be told.

>> No.20213427

This general has become genuinely fucking embarassing. My god I guess this is the future of the artform, everyone who gives a shit just gave up, drowned under waves of anime watches who've never touched a binding of pages writing their glorified isekai screenplays for 30 dollars of patreon money, no talent no effort no beauty just a miserable mockery. Kill yourselves. Kill yourselves and then me.

Or, instead, read a fucking book. Christ. None of you have any fucking talent. Im not even being mean here, none of your writing justifies its existence. Read books. Stop writing fantasy prologues because you watched The Witcher last week. IT's gross. You cannot write. GOD. You'll roll out reams of your fucking schlock to no fanfare to total irrelvance and wonder what you've done wrong and you'll think you should have fucking marketed better and at no point will you ever red a fucking book.

>> No.20213435
File: 55 KB, 890x548, Edward 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be able to take a look at the climax to this short story I'm writing? For context, Edward is a robot and his "wand" is a lazer that comes out of his hand.

>> No.20213438

No, since no one writes, it would be no use.

>> No.20213441

Yet another overly extreme "show never tell" spiel. Notice how all his examples of the right way to write are 3x the length.

Yes, when writing a scene it's good to provide lots of specificity rich sensory information. No, that does not mean you should NEVER write something telly like, "Beth hated Jerry." because sometimes it's helpful to give fast and efficient info to set a scene, or if the info isn't especially core to the story, or because that tone fits the narrator/POV voice.

>> No.20213448

No one *reads

>> No.20213455

Shut the fuck up with your tired and unsubstantiated adage of simple descriptions. Post your writing when asserting things like this, Ive seen Chuck's writing, and it's certainly beyond whatever YA light novel wastewater you're pumping out to hawk this dogshit advice you piece of shit

>> No.20213472

Hey you fucking shit wallowing hack pumping pig, why the fuck are you giving anyone anything to read without expecting them to say something about it? A seven year old story? Why the fuck would anyone even want tot read that, you're no good now and you were certainly worse a fucking decade ago. What's that? That's the last thing you fucking finished? Seven years ago? Your life is spinning by you you old Yakubian ape you piece of shit better get busy

>> No.20213475

Try again my dear mongoloid, that wasn't an argument.

>> No.20213482

Argue with your mounting failures as an artist and your poorly attended funeral, closed casket because you blew the northern hemisphere of your fucking cranium off with a pump shotgun you talentless transvestite.

>> No.20213485

Yeah, I could see this becoming an occasional pasta.

>> No.20213489

I miss when we had anime in the OP pic. At least then, people actually wrote.

>> No.20213500

No one *reads

>> No.20213508

Second paragraph feels a bit tricky to follow, the language and pacing just doesn't really feel like it works, and the opening line of the third doesn't quite flow well, it seems too abstract for something as down and dirty as "shooting a robot until it dies". Rest is pretty solid though.

>> No.20213523

hey you fat piece of shit no one finds your little jokes funny and we all know you're a samefagging rodent

>> No.20213543

No one sneeds

>> No.20213544

This is terrible and turgid. Completely overwritten as well. Why specifify that he'd thrown the gun in front of him, are you writing for an audience of paste eating retards? Why the fuck are you describing shooting as Dungas' two barrels continued to explode behind the prone outlaw? What the fuck are you even trying to say? You've replaced beauty with overdevelopment, dumbass, read that sentence again, what is being done here for the reader? Is this being described in an exciting way, is the way you've described this beautiful in any way, is it novel at all besides the fact that you've described a man laying down as "the prone outlaw"?

This is shit buddy

>> No.20213550
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>> No.20213593
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Is 21 too late to start writing? I feel like most people start in their teens. Of course anyone can write but will I ever be able to be proud of my works starting so late?

>> No.20213598

You know this is a retarded question. 21 is too old, too old to be asking retarded questions like is 21 too old to be writing. You are entrusted by my government to drink. This is worrying

Read a single book and you will surpass the talents of every piece of shit in this general.

>> No.20213600

No it's not. If you're committed and not retarded, you can get skilled enough to be traditionally published in a couple years.

>> No.20213602

I think you should be more careful about the order in which you say things.

>The speckled head shot from the rims of the case like a geyser.
By the end of the sentence I've changed my mind about what "the speckled head" could mean, and it only really comes into focus by the end of the paragraph, when you say it's a snake. I should be able to picture the "speckled head" as soon as you describe it that way, otherwise I have to backtrack.
And the action starts with the case, from which the head then emerges, therefore it's natural to lead with the case and not the head, i.e.
>From the rims of the case shot a speckled snake head like a geyser.
(This is assuming that you haven't explained the weapon before, I realize I'm missing context.)

>Cullen dove for the revolver he'd thrown in front of him
The past perfect tense is a sign that something's off. Don't say that he threw the revolver, go back to the previous paragraph and describe him throwing it.

>> No.20213622

Any writing discord worth joining? This general is going to shit.

>> No.20213632

It's been terrible since royal road posters became the norm. You are not writers anymore that a watery shit stain on my toilet bowl is an art piece. You are killing this art form.

>> No.20213654

Gotta love the comments:
>ChiefBananaNightOctober 11, 2021 - 11:49pm Some believe ebony love dolls designed by kids as merely cute miniatures for their pages on MySpace or Facebook. On the contrary, these little sex toys are intended to heighten your sexual pleasure. These toy dolls come in various shapes and sizes, and you can buy one according to your liking. Plus, mini sex dolls do not exceed the height of 150cm, and many of them are now 100 cm in height.
>ChiefBananaNightOctober 11, 2021 - 11:46pm
A place where you can talk freely: https://www.hugedildo.com/
>Junior AvenueApril 8, 2021 - 3:01am
This is an amazing story. A well written and an amazing content has gone through my eyes just now. fat sex doll The lesson I got from this story is that we should learn from our mistakes. We should not become arrogant and should accept our mistakes.

I Junior Avenue really has some advice we in the /wg/ should all take to heart.

More seriously, I'm going to try this out. I read some of Palahniuk's stories and disliked most of them for their content and their weird style but his book on writing wasn't too bad. I'll do a before and after and post it here. Wish me luck.

>> No.20213669

Before the royal road posters it was just nothing but shit posting. Exactly like you're doing.

>> No.20213680

so nothing has changed?

>> No.20213683

Since you came here, yes.

>> No.20213699

Challenge: IF one single person posts a better piece of creative writing than I can find by hitting the random button on Fanfiction.net I'll fuck off forever.

>> No.20213711

Okay. You start.

>> No.20213722

why would i grace this dungheap with the first piece of quality writing it's seen since 2020? Dance for me fat boy, if you do a split I may post a snippet.
You misunderstand me retard, I'm not a reformist, this place is a mockery of writing and the literary spirit, it should not exist. This is the final solution for all royal road posters. Get to fuck

>> No.20213728

kek. I accept your concession.

>> No.20213738

Regarding the fanfic ban, what do you think is not allowed?
1) talking about the portrayal of a character. example: best personality for daphne greengrass
2) discuss the fanfic itself instead of the original work. example: how methods of rationality likes to see itself as a great piece of work but it's shit
3) anything related to fanfic at all. better not talk about dante's inferno boy
4) something else i didn't describe

>> No.20213739
File: 50 KB, 640x751, twinkchud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek. I accept your concession
Heres the truth lad, you wont post a single piece of your writing for the duration of this thread. Because you don't write and if you do you know it's shyt and if I get to seeing it ill fucking shred it down to its bare foundation and you know you're one more blow to your little tranny muppet ego from tossing nylon over a beam and going for a swing.

>> No.20213745

Why would anyone try to prove themselves to some random retard? First you have to prove yourself as someone worth proving to. Until then, I accept your concession.

>> No.20213746

Shut your ratchinned mouth you fucking trick. This place is low quality enough without your tranny slash fiction populating the fuckign server houses If you want to talk fanfiction go to /trash/ or better yet find a dumpster and throw yourself into it.

>> No.20213775
File: 105 KB, 694x473, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write for ten minutes and then post a screenshot of what you have. Start from scratch, and don't edit it. Let's see what people come up with.

>> No.20213788

Here's one I've been working on. https://pastebin.com/eTyJwUxY
Fire away.

I've posted complete stories before as well, but to little response. Guess they fell into that valley of mediocrity that inspires indifference, but I don't know how to get better.

>> No.20213796

You damn Europeans have to stop putting interesting ideas in the threads while I'm wageslaving.

>> No.20213806

Writing tip: Start catfishing people and after a couple months, develop a deep dark secret. You now have to write as if you are that person hiding that secret

>> No.20213816
File: 115 KB, 640x883, azh1t2tlwlf71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead, read a fucking book.
My favourite book series?
Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon.

>> No.20213861

stop with the cutesy writing prompts. read a book and write a normal story, develop some fucking talent you fat prostitute.
Have you read Chess Story? I think this is a bit flat as a short form piece simply because you introduce a few characters without actually characterizing them. I mention Chess Story due to the subject matter of your piece, but also because Zweig was a master at this, when he introduced the Scottish businessman, or the jewish Chess master, or the dumb brickheaded slav, these people had immediately recognizable traits that sang on the page, that immediately fattened your mental picture of them. Compare that to your depiction of the mother, unnamed, which isn't a crime, but besides her neglect I'm not really reading anything off her. Same for Bella, these don't read as characters with characters as opposed to narrative stand ins

I'd disagree with your own assertion that your writing rests in that realm of unnotable mediocrity. It's focused and competent if a little underdeveloped, lacking in the way of flair or flavour, but again, that's not a crime.
Don't care for ping pong dialogue, Im not anti dialogue but every piece should establish or cemend something about a character, the setting, the circumstances etc. Having a character simply respond to a prompt in the most basic fashion doesn't really serve these purposes, I'd say.

After their initial games the piece smacks of obvious unfinishedness, basically becoming a screenplay, which is common for early drafts.

Do you think you're funny you little faggot? Here's a suggestion
You Will Never BE a Jap
You know no Kanji, your countenance is the fat and pasty patchy beardedness of an anglicized mutt. Your friends laugh at you when you leave the room, the echoes of your mispronounced dattebayo still in the air. Your parents are embarrassed by you, they tell their friends that you've died by suicide instead of the truth; that you're an ugly weeb virgin who tells people he's a writer when he's written nothing anyone has ever or will ever read. Kill yourself now.

>> No.20213896
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>> No.20213911
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Accidentally set my alarm for 10 hours so I went a couple minutes over by the time I noticed.

>> No.20213928

I've had some decent feedback on here actually.
Thanks for the help anon, appreciate you reading. Trying to make the action scenes interesting by keeping it a little vague but might go a bit overboard.
>shooting a robot until it dies
I guess I should've probably clarified that he had thrown the gun in front of him earlier too. I am trying to make it exciting but may not be coming through as well. Thanks for reading it either way anon.
Thanks for the feedback anon. I always have trouble noticing anything that's unclear in my own writing so this is helpful to hear. I actually did say it was a snake at first but thought keeping it a little vague might work better and wrote speckled head instead. From what you and that other anon said, though, that might've been a mistake.

>> No.20213951

>Chess Story
Haven't even heard of this book before. Thanks very much for the rec and the response. I'll take your advice to heart and try to do better. A lot of my work ends up clipped, like screenplays as you said, because I myself don't pay much attention to description when I read and so there's a kind of insecurity when I try to add any description or characterization or flavor beyond what is absolutely necessary to tell the story. I don't really know how to overcome this either, it feels like that faculty has been permanently crippled by reading too many writing books that emphasize the all-importance of structure and plot.

Here's another one that I wrote that I think suffers from the same problems: https://pastebin.com/ZH52bdnA

>> No.20213952
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unreal that i had to asterisk out every single instance of cock, foreskin, and penis before p*st*b*n allowed me to post. fuck you, kikes!

>> No.20213956
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>> No.20214010

Here's a thought. Write something worth reading. Write something funny. Write something that requires a single modicum of skill. Here's a another thought, kill yourself. Is this a curse cast upon the reader meant to trigger a powerful suicide inducing disillusionment with literature and the human race? IF that's the case it failed because no one would read the entire extent of this waste of data. Whatever hard drive this is forever ethced upon should be thrown into a fucking volcano to make sure this doesn't infect anything else. End your life

>> No.20214031

that'd probably hurt my feelings if it had any substance to it. that approach works on people less cocksure than me. pun intended.

>> No.20214035

I'm glad it's helpful!
>From what you and that other anon said, though, that might've been a mistake.
It's fine if the reader doesn't understand what's going on, but bad if they don't understand what you're saying. The confusion should be about the scene itself, not about the meaning of your sentences.
Your reader is living in the narrator's head. To keep the reader in the dark you should keep the narrator in the dark. A narrator who only half-knows what's going on might say that something slick and speckled shot out of the case, and only realize later in the paragraph that it's a snake's head.
I usually prefer third person, but writing from a first person perspective might be helpful as a writing exercise, to get used to thinking about the narrator's point of view.

>> No.20214134
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>> No.20214137

>i am SO much better than ALL of you haha look at me i'm awesome and you suck
>"ok post your writing"
>haha! there's no point because i am so much better than ALL of you haha look at me i'm awesome and you suck
someone help me out here. is there any possible interpretation EXCEPT insecurity here?

>> No.20214180

You are shit. Read the objective truth one two three as many times as it takes until it's fucking sediment in that emptyhead gorilla skull of yours. I can be the most knucledragging cro magnon on the planet and it changes fucking NOTHING about the quality of writing here. It's fuckign garbage, none of you have every penned anything that should see the light of day. What's awful is how little shame you have about pumping out dreck. Kill yourself now.

>> No.20214193

Why are you here?

>> No.20214197

Because you're here. Because this place used to be good. Because there used to be artists here and now it's just you.

>> No.20214210

If you post your writing I'll link back to the last time I posted mine and you can tell me exactly how shit it is.

>> No.20214223

Imagine the pinnacle of your study of human expression culminating in you anonymously telling people on the internet to kill themselves. Might as well be writing on bathroom stalls, you'd probably have more fun.

>> No.20214228

i have sympathy for you -- i really do. i've spent a lot of time myself trying to raise the standards of this general, back to around the 2020 era you referenced earlier. i'm just on my off days today. don't get me wrong. i care pretty deeply about the quality of my writing, and i actually meant what i said a few posts up. it really might have hurt my feelings if there were anything of substance to it. the objective truth is that my skin is just too thick at this point to take anyone at their word. if you want me to think i'm shit in some specific way, i'm definitely open to it. you just need to give me more, or i'm going to discard your opinion.

>> No.20214249

There's no direction to bathroom walls. Maybe I'll mortally offend the one person in the world who knows what scabies is or my sloppily drawn backwards swastika gives some fat jew a mid shit heart attack

Here I can look the people ruining the world in their face and tell them to kill themselves. Can't beat that.
You all need to be beaten . You all need to be cowed. Youve been allowed to stomp about like retard kids streaming off the midget bus for too long. Someone needs to let you know you shouldn't be acting the way you are.

>> No.20214257

>You all need to be cowed
so post something you've written that's actually-good. we're all writers here. we all know how easy it is to adopt a certain tone, throw around a couple witty turns of phrase, and try to convince people that you know what you're talking about. it's just hard to be convinced by that in this day and age, amigo. it's really hard.

>> No.20214272
File: 63 KB, 569x472, 1644868914190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sloppily drawn backwards swastika gives some fat jew a mid shit heart attack
I know it's popular to hate you right now but goddam you're funny

>> No.20214431

>writing from a first person perspective
That's actually a really good idea. Always write in third person myself, and I think point of view is something I need to work on.

>> No.20214443

>It's been terrible since royal road posters became the norm.
Blame the retards shilling litrpgs for weak minded writers who only want easy patreon money. Most of you don't even like writing, only the rewards that come out of it.

>> No.20214460

Nice to see that the worst poster in this thread is still going strong.
If you wanna gatekeep so hard you can set up a discord and gatekeep that. This thread has never been about fetishizing the idea of writing. It’s about actually writing. Post your writing and stop throwing a tantrum.

>> No.20214472
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This fell apart at the end.

>> No.20214486
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I know, I was just fishing for a bit of motivation. After I finish The Castle (only got 16 pages left) I'll write something. I want to make a habit of writing. Any ideas for a short story? Thanks bros, I'll keep trying

>> No.20214488

>only the rewards that come out of it.
Only a few make it. Most would be lucky to get 10 dollars from it.
I've seen his writing, it's great. Problem is it's gay erotica and he's shy. Anons claim the balls touching is gay but you've never read angry anons beautiful descriptions of a 69er sandwich.

>> No.20214514

POV doesn't HAVE to be a thing, of course. Omniscient narration is perfectly valid too, though omniscient often occasionally drifts into POVs.

>> No.20214538

You hack shit how dare you even show your face. My god all you have to do is thumb through the retard dribbling of the manicured poofs who moan about gatekeeping to know that gatekeeping is fundamental need of any worthwhile society. Kill yourself in an ugly way you fag

>> No.20214544

It's fucking pathetic. I never use this thread, I fled when the litrpgs mongs took over and occasionally check to see if it's healed at all but the fucking OP with the patreon bux is too much. It's sickening. You people are slugs

>> No.20214546

I'd like it to be mostly omniscient but I'd also like to throw some surprises in there too. I think the biggest problem I run into is usually switching between character's viewpoints which can make my writing feel awkward.

>> No.20214555

Trying too hard.

>> No.20214556

Im the first person who's tried hard in this dogshit general since 2020

>> No.20214558

Show don't tell is a good rule of thumb, until you put that thumb up your ass and begin to show too much, and tell too little. Overstuffing your writing with indirect descriptions of events, thoughts and actions can very easily make it turgid and purple, since it's very hard to balance being brief when adhering to "show don't tell". The thing you posted has some very good examples of show don't tell in action, but, if you only use show don't tell and can't be very brief or weave it seamlessly into your writing, it runs the risk of looking like word bloat, or becoming boring to read. On the flip side, it's extremely boring and gay to nonstop always flat out state how your characters feel.There's a place and time for long descriptions, and there's a palce and time for terseness.

>> No.20214559 [DELETED] 


>> No.20214577

This isn’t the place to build a persona. Try Discord or Reddit.

>> No.20214579

Why are you fleeing when you hate this? That's basically asking them to take over the general. Stand your ground and drive their shitty writings out. It has no meaning, no intent behind it and only exist to be consumed by retards who can't speak English.

>> No.20214587

Reddit is where you faggots belong. I know it's where half of you come from. You don't read books. You don't want to write novels or stories, you want to story board an anime but you don't have half the talent so you believe you;ll go about it the "Easy" way by writing, because you scraped by 10th grade English so surely you can write a story? Problem is nobody in this babyshit world will tell you you're bad. I get no joy out of shitting on a man's efforts but these aren't efforts. You are not writers. If you popped into /ic/ with your chickenscratch doodles they'd tell you to kill yourselves. I'm doing what your absent father ought to have done 15 years ago.

>> No.20214589

Are you the fucking faggot who incessantly cries about people not being allowed to make money with their shit? What kind of nigger do you need to be to get this asshurt at people profiting off of what they write? And this dumb nigger spiel about hurr durr writing for money is....... le bad!!! is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Who gives a fuck if its litrpg or gay nigger thug romance? If people like reading it, and people like writing it, who gives a fuck. Scurry off back to your cave you crab bucket faggot.

>> No.20214591

Still trying too hard. Get a trip so everyone can filter you.

>> No.20214593

This is the first one of your "talentless hacks who should kill themselves" anonymous meetings I've posted in since Trump was in office. I've come here from a place where the shit isn't knee high to tell you to end your lives.

>> No.20214599

Maybe learn. Maybe see that if you put a little effort into something it'll illicit a response besides boredom or pitiying half-hearted congratulations for "trying".

>> No.20214601

You don’t get it anon! Muh late stage capitalism. You can’t support that and be a REAL artist.

>> No.20214607

I don't care if you get so rich you can actually afford to install a synthetic pussy and live out all your transvestite pervert dreams. I hate you because you cannot write and insist on co opting this art form. Same reason why any self respecting woman wants to bash your fluorescent head in.

>> No.20214638
File: 280 KB, 565x476, do_it_or_else.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here's my line by line refutation.
>Reddit is where you faggots belong. I know it's where half of you come from.
Never used it.
>You don't read books.
Read 5 this year.
>You don't want to write novels or stories, you want to story board an anime but you don't have half the talent so you believe you;ll go about it the "Easy" way by writing, because you scraped by 10th grade English so surely you can write a story?
4 books written. Fifth finishing.
>Problem is nobody in this babyshit world will tell you you're bad.
I've been told that plenty of times. I've still tried harder.
>I get no joy out of shitting on a man's efforts but these aren't efforts.
Yes you do.
>You are not writers.
Yes we are.
>If you popped into /ic/ with your chickenscratch doodles they'd tell you to kill yourselves.
We're not doodlers. We're writers.
>I'm doing what your absent father ought to have done 15 years ago.
I've got a father I talk to weekly.

>> No.20214649

Here's my line by line refutation
You avatarfagging little shit, I'll come pull your little testes out of you torso for you you little dyke.
I wont engage with your cult your little threadly posts or your in group culture for the same reason my ancestors didn't play tongue kiss the goat head with African savages they just killed them.

>> No.20214653

I appreciate the effort anon but don’t bother with the pseud. He’s just trying to make a name for himself to shitpost with. Not the first time, likely won’t be the last. Report and ignore.

>> No.20214658

who was conversating with your tranny ass, who requested a pop in from thinwristed panty wearer #45, I don't remember asking for a consultation from the world's biggest faggot so I don't know why you're talking right now

>> No.20214680

Man these threads were doing so great until like 2 threads ago and now this (non writing) faggot has a wild hair up his ass. Hey faggot, fuck off or post something you've written.

>> No.20214686

No faggot i am on your ass like a burr until you admit to God, yourself, and me, that you hate writing. That you don't give a flying fuck about art. That you're a nothing nobody hack piece of shit who like the world's gayest retard thought writing fiction was a great way to scam some money out of other retards. Renounce your claim to being a writer. Renounce your claim to being an author. Then find your nearest ledge and take a dive. After that I'll go

Also it's multiple guys. Queer

>> No.20214692

This image is missing The Wanderin Inn, 4.800 patrons and likely to hit over 5k as the volume is ending. To think people forget about Pirateaba only a year after she deleted TWI from Royalroad and went to her own website.

>> No.20214728

I think the image is only about RR things, and that one's not on it.

>> No.20214773

god doesn't real

>> No.20214780

God, I wish I could write a series and get sweet patreonbux.

Sadly, everything I write turns out garbage and my self esteem is below the bottom of the barrel.

Tell me folks, am I being delusional when I think that others were able to write well from the start?

>> No.20214796

most of that stuff is slop. others were able to write better than you because they read more books than you

>> No.20214800

What you think is shit may be good to another. Webtoons are shit, but kids love them and would gladly pay to read another 10 panels.

>> No.20214803
File: 532 KB, 1211x708, angryenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this passage make the Yankee angry enough at the Irishman?

>> No.20214816

Christ, first /sffg/, now /wg/. Why are the /lit/ generals so shit?

>> No.20214817


>> No.20214818
File: 3.87 MB, 2160x2680, 1250FEB0-646F-43A4-AF5D-CD93530D432F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice or sources for writing essays? Not school or college 5 paragraph essays, though. Closer to political essays such as the Federalist papers, Common Sense… maybe “nonfiction prose” would be an appropriate term?

>> No.20214823

Buzzfeed. Because the only argumentative essays today are to generate as much clickbait as possible

>> No.20214828

Kek, I just check /sffg/ and it’s just /pol/ bullshit. Having a general just to read books seems to much for /lit/.

>> No.20214835

everything ends up being /pol/.

>> No.20214845

Post your writing faggot.

>> No.20214861

it makes the irishman seem like a pooftah

>> No.20214867
File: 335 KB, 1052x678, pinnacl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished writing the soliloquy of my lead character at the climax of my novel. Thoughts?

>> No.20214868

REMINDER, this list is:
>fantasy (urban)
>honest to god period fiction, oh my fucking god finally

>> No.20214893

I think it's just 4chan in general.

>> No.20214899

They were okay a few weeks ago. I've been around long enough to know every general on 4chan cycles through shit like this. It'll go away in a while.

>> No.20214904

great! That means I get another checkbox to send to a publisher.
>and now you're what you like to call yourself a chef, what the rest of hte world calls hamburger flipper.
The sentence sounds off for a guy that's supposed to get angrier and angrier. The next sentence is good because it's getting shorter and shorter.

And then he was a pro football player, so he's actually very accomplished. He needs a better insult. Some shit like
>You love to harp on and on about making it to pro football. But what actually happened? you got cut within 3 weeks. You didn't do shit!

I'm not buying it with him staring to be "cool"' and calm at some points, then angry at others.

>> No.20214907

I think the issue is that you have one fag who replies to the shitposters despite knowing they're derailing and posting /pol/-tier shitposts. Which incentivize them to continue.

>> No.20214916

Pretty much this. Dumb fucking idiot just can’t ignore them, he has to reply to them for whatever reason. Even when it’s clear as fucking day it’s just /pol/ bullshit.

>> No.20214927

Our issues with shitty posters has nothing to do with /pol/

>> No.20214946

No, the issue is one fag who can’t stop replying to them.

>> No.20214952
File: 24 KB, 650x227, jhgdcfvbnm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll just go to bed.

>> No.20214978

For anyone using Royalroad. Do any of you actually like Mother of learning? It's one of the most Overrated pieces of trash on the site and I'm surprised that it has such a high ranking.

>> No.20214982

Yes, it’s the best thing written there and no one on here can compete with it.

>> No.20214987

no I mean he sounds like a simpering faggot. I'm trying to picture this scene in the old west - that is why a chinaman and an irishman are in the same room, right - and I just don't see it. that irishman is one weak kneed sissy

>you're over the hills, buster!
I dont like this line

>prematurely ejaculating piece of dickshit
sounds like the kind of insult a woman would use

>> No.20214991

Anon, please don't bait me. I'm trying to be serious here.

>> No.20214993

Not baiting. It’s the truth.

>> No.20215000

stop shitposting

>> No.20215004

1870's San Francisco. Hmm.. how would you write a defeated Irishman losing his job to a Chinaman? Should I include more cursing?

>> No.20215009

Am not.

>> No.20215013

I don't read any of the top rated or popular stories on RR

>> No.20215019

The last thread was going slow and comfy until this dumbfuck, >>20212925 which I'm beginning to think is you, kept on baiting them.

>> No.20215021
File: 461 KB, 1228x3089, pvw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edited my pancake story. Is it any better?

>> No.20215028

A gang weed classic. After reading this, I realized that we live in a society.
Lovely scene and character. Excellent last sentence. Definitely got a strong idea of the kind of images you presented.
A great philippic for the ages. My wife's son loved reading this.
I thought this was pretty funny. The image of Elena melting in the snake's stomach did it for me.
Interesting character development in this one. Definitely worth pursuing. The descriptive words are all good, and it reads pretty well.

>> No.20215040
File: 653 KB, 1070x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing a scenario where the two MCs have to infiltrate through a masked ball so they can break into the vault underneath the manor
>FemMC allows herself to be snapped up by a nobleman so I have an excuse to say she's looking around for an exit
>MaleMC is mistaken for a personal attendant by a noblewoman so I have an excuse to give the reader some exposition about the world
>something snaps inside me while I'm writing and suddenly the noblewoman has been trying to get the nobleman to court her for two years and she's instantly consumed with jealousy when she sees the nobleman with FemMC and drags MaleMC off to attempt to revenge-fuck him (whilhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fanimesher.com%2Fentry%2Fjealous-anime-girl-woman-1231617%2F&psig=AOvVaw0UThEPuXIMH-dXVypZ7gqK&ust=1649896768318000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAoQjRxqFwoTCJiuu8vmj_cCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAbe showing him the exact secret passage they need)

Can this be sensical at all if I characterise them correctly or should I have just jacked off before I started writing today?

>> No.20215042

No that is not me. I don't bait post or try to shit up the thread

>> No.20215043
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I'm moving along.

>> No.20215046
File: 248 KB, 869x756, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with the wave of this crimson butcher's knife-hand he could dispatch a million men to their deaths
utterly badass line, anon.

>new browser made me shit up my post

>> No.20215052

New thread has gone to shit, since apparently the fag just can’t help himself but reply to the /pol/ posters.

>> No.20215073

This is a terrible place to post one's writing. Nothing but snakes and amateurs, with a few people trying their best to get something genuine out of it. Join your local writing group. You'll get infinitely more out of it.

>> No.20215076

People who are serious about their writing don't post their work here.

>> No.20215077

I think the offending lines I'm having trouble with are
>We ju' wan' a fari wage you Yankee ba'tards
He should say something like you're a cheap yankee bastard. Not focus on himself.
>We ain't ev'n aski'n for much
He should talk himself up more. This is him saying he knows he's a worthless piece of shit and he just wants scraps.
>Ya'll yankee crooks jus' care mor' 'bout money t'en a fellow mna's well-being
I mean, no irish no niggers no dogs. Irish in 1870 aren't even viewed as human.
Basically my issue is the irishman is focused too much on himself in a why me type way and not enough on this dumb yankee cunt is hiring this slope eyed fuck how dare he. He doesn't have enough sense of injustice directed at the other guy.

>> No.20215090

>your local writing group
oh you

>> No.20215093

Nobody worth a shit will ever cast pearls before you lot.

I gave real feedback to the one genuine writer in this entire thread. The rest of you clowns can honk into the void as you will do for the rest of your lives.

>> No.20215096

>I mean, no irish no niggers no dogs. Irish in 1870 aren't even viewed as human.
That's the heart of the story. Why the hell would someone like Thomas Nast or Mark Twain be more favorable to the Chinese than the Irish. There had to be something wrong with the Irish in the 1870's for other White men to rather work with the Chinese than the Irish.

>> No.20215104

>I gave real feedback to the one genuine writer in this entire thread.
Who would that be?

>> No.20215110

glad to see my work has been done

>> No.20215117
File: 186 KB, 1400x700, Cthulhu-Public-Domain-Header-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we were NOT the same person.
I wouldn't ban myself.
But the pseud got me banned.
And what's more...it was for trying to counter his middle-school tier ranting. (Which continues in this thread, sadly.)
Do you really believe the mods couldn't tell that he was the troll?
That leaves only one reasonable conclusion.

Friends, our pseud is a moderator.

But where does one go to report abusive moderators?

>> No.20215124

So this is how /wg/ dies..
with thunderous autism..

>> No.20215128

It dies the second we stopped having anime op.

>> No.20215148

It's been dead. All the isekai vomit has been the death rattle. You need to be buried

>> No.20215243

What once dies will be reborn again!!!

>> No.20215269 [DELETED] 


So I just saw this in my recommendation feed

>> No.20215289

You may want to clear those cookies.

>> No.20215296 [DELETED] 


>> No.20215309

Make /wg/ write again

>> No.20215315

You could also stop whining and post something.

>> No.20215324

Speak for yourself, m8.

>> No.20215330 [DELETED] 

Tell that to F Gardner

>> No.20215339

The old (new) thread got deleted due to the amount of off-topic posts. Shame the new thread is about to be deleted due to the posters not realizing it.

>> No.20215342 [DELETED] 

Kek. 10/10
“The /wg/ doesn’t write meme has been destroyed.

>> No.20215344

Thank you anon

>> No.20215352

isekai has saved the thread
it may have taken me days of constant posting, but i finally did it
lit-rpgs are surpreme

>> No.20215353
File: 103 KB, 674x609, end of chapter 15 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiiiiiiine, anon.

>> No.20215373

Well, you posted something. Thank for dispelling the notion that /wg/ doesn't write

>> No.20215396

I have a character named Harper, too. Twins! Mine's not a guy though.

>> No.20215399

>female character
never post any of your work in this thread

>> No.20215411
File: 273 KB, 1006x1738, Screen Shot 2022-04-12 at 6.58.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just passed 500 pages. Feels good.

>> No.20215417

I went for Harper since I wasn't sure if I wanted MC to be a boy or girl when drafting, eventually leaned towards boy since I haven't seen enough male Harpers.

>> No.20215421

So its Lady(boy) Veronica, I take it?

>> No.20215425

My Harper's surname was originally Summers but the apostrophe ess situation made me change it.

>> No.20215431
File: 76 KB, 608x745, metal-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any feedback for what I posted earlier?

>> No.20215445
File: 46 KB, 183x137, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my own Harper's surname was originally Winters
are you just me posting from an alternate earth?

>> No.20215449

I think it would work a little better without the descriptors like, "intimidating him with his size." If you show him intimidating Fei-Ming in a way the audience can relate to that might make us sympathize with the character a bit more.
Nice, obscure taste with the Irish vs Chinese sentiments by the way anon.

>> No.20215479
File: 158 KB, 966x1500, foxmulderfbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Berenstein Bears in your universe, right?

>> No.20215488

>concrete mixing truck losing its load on the highway.
I personally find this metaphor a little too wordy and dramatic when concerning 'flooding'
>Relief continued to pump through his arteries like menthol mixed with Jack Daniel's.
maybe change this to a describer of an actual physical reaction, like how wide he's smiling or how his heart slowed to a comfortable rate
>but that would take him in the wrong direction
this gave me a giggle

>> No.20215603
File: 261 KB, 285x431, smile-camouflage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see it's just little nitpicky stuff, as opposed to huge problems with the bulk of the content.
I'm purposefully trying to use ludicrous metaphors/similes in the larger work.
For instance, elsewhere: "His willpower had not only failed, but was dancing a happy jig through a public fountain as respectable citizens strolled by with disapproving glares."

>> No.20215614

Is there a particular reason, just a whimsical style or the perspective character has a weird mindset?

>> No.20215632
File: 1.30 MB, 326x279, skeleton-shuffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whimsical style, I guess.
I'm writing what I call a "ludicrous mystery".
The details and the clues will all be there; they're just insane.
I have no idea why the muse is leading me down this path, but I'm not fighting it...whatever keeps me productive.
(It's ~56k words right now, and could go another 20k-25k.)

>> No.20215730
File: 3.29 MB, 498x373, screw-you-guys-im-going-home-eric-cartman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to carry on without me, gang...I need to crash.
The responsibilities of day-jobbery call like a septuagenarian whore with a visible rash.
Hopefully someone knows how to report our seething pseud moderator.

>> No.20215754

Is this a grotesque enough description? Remember, this thing we’re looking at is fucking gross
>Seeing this thing up close was something he would never consider. Not in a million years. Why, even being in the same area as it was an immediate turn off to him. Yet here he was, hiding and watching from a distance that wasn’t exactly far or safe. His pencil, shaking like a leaf, scribbled down note after note after note about the beast before him.
>The first thing he really noticed was that the creature was more grotesque than he previously thought. Even the distant images of it he had previously seen made him feel slightly repulsed, which was something considering the awe-inspiring size of it was what people normally noticed first. And now that it was basically right in front of him, it was taking every ounce of willpower he had to not vomit, as the faces of its thousands of victims adorning its wet skin had done so with their own organs.
>It continued to walk, with its skin emitting a sound that was like leather rubbing, and a footstep that sounded like a wet squish combined with a bomb going off as it continued on its path of consumption. When it moved, it wasn’t like joints and muscles contracting and rotating, no. It was like the skin and flesh itself was forcing itself to move in that exact way, which became apparent considering all the features that shifted around during even the slightest motion

>> No.20215767

Appreciate it. I'll think of something to show big scary Irish man. I also want to add a German guy. But can't figure out the accent.

>> No.20215772

I can appreciate you're going for the "describe reactions to it rather than the thing itself" approach, but it doesn't really inspire a grotesque feeling, moreso that it's an unknowable feeling.

>> No.20215779

Not forme. Because when you're discribing gross things I hate the word "like".
>It was like the skin and flesh itself was forcing itself to move the exact same way
What does this mean? Is it crawling? Inching? Slopping? Circular motion?

>> No.20215818

It’s more like all the bodies that compose it are individually moving to make the whole mass move

>> No.20215829

Please turn off spell check or at least resolve the mistakes please do this

>> No.20215845

Yea... i didn't get that at all

>> No.20215854

Probably should have worded that better, yeah. It’s really hard to describe what I’m talking about.

>> No.20215922

What is a “Thing” you like to do in your story? Like, a sort of element you like to bring into play.
For example, most of the characters in my story have multiple useful powers and skills, but more than a couple have something I like to call a “Secret weapon” in that it’s something that sounds kind of inconsequential compared to their other skills, but is actually really good. A couple examples are
>The protagonist having good lower body strength. In comparison to his other abilities, such as the power to breath underwater and small bone spikes, it sounds stupid and kind of useless. But what are you going to do when he starts swinging his legs around like a god damn monkey man?
>Another character is just really angry. This results in insane hyper aggression and brutality that completely surpasses that of a chimpanzee
>Yet another has “Strong pinches.” Like I said, it’s stupid, but try saying that after they crush your windpipe with one hand or tear off chunks of skin

>> No.20215942

>it taken me 3 days to write 1 chapter
I'm never going to make it

>> No.20215957

that's not bad. how many words?

>> No.20215968
File: 59 KB, 655x527, Spreadsheet Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statistics time!
Last year I wrote my first manuscript. It took me eight months to write the first draft, which I finished in August. It was 140k words long and of course shrank considerably in editing.
In the eight months since then, I've written 92k words of short fiction, 28k words for a second novel and 20k for a third, which comes up to the same 140k. Thus my daily word count comes to around 580 words a day, consistently for over a year.
I may suck but I'm trying and I will keep trying. You can keep trying too.

>> No.20216061

only 6050 so far. Not even enough for 2 chapters.

>> No.20216094

How is the intro for my new novel?

Her tender lips had transformed into a monstrosity, a mess of blood and cheap lipstick, a form of pain an horror echoing indescribable moans. I touched the dress, not only to desperately try to calm her, but mainly to put the reallity of what was happening inside my poor scared brain. After all, mother was laying there, painfully dying and cursing that heinous short life. The convulsions started after the doctor had gone, and the overwight nurse was left to deal with that screeching. After all these years I still remember the smell of that dark red vomit, with those little droplets of clotted blood feasting on that putrid soup. It scared the five years old brain of mine. So many fucking nights having those same anoying nightmares inside that smelly orphanage. Mother wearing the dress, floating above me, pale like a shit from someone with terminal pancreatic cancer. Then the screams, oh the screams. Many nights I had wet my bed because of those, attracting the wrath of Dolores the orphanage's caregiver. If I search inside myself I can still feel the pain of the beatings she did on me..

>> No.20216106

Don't let "writing gurus" warp your mind.
2k words a day is a lot (unless you're just churning out artless shit). Many professional authors do under 1k per day.

>> No.20216118

Too many adjectives.

>> No.20216132

>my poor scared brain
>the smell

Replace these with specific experiential language/sensations and it will be much stronger

>> No.20216142
File: 682 KB, 1000x1347, FA95A5ED-C07F-4B3E-AA40-AF7DC145D681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to get a Missouri Ozark mountain accent myself so I can sympathize. In addition to books I find watching tv shows or movies can help. For German, there’s also this old comic strip, The Katzenjammer Kids, that had characters speaking with an accent.

>> No.20216146


>> No.20216158

Writing out accents is really bad. It's better to just say "in a heavy German accent ". Or better, thier accent indicated ze/zhe was from east Germany.

Accents are very poor taste today

>> No.20216181

I bet you thought this was good, too.

>> No.20216193
File: 690 KB, 314x314, 69bb4a85903980dde215d894d93ed577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"My Lady, what are- ack!"

>> No.20216196
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, 4_Bic_Cristal_pens_and_caps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Four colours
What do you use each colour for?

>> No.20216237

How about something like this.
>Her tender lips had transformed into a monstrosity of blood and cheap lipstick. I touched the dress, desperate not only to calm her, but to hide the reality of what was happening. My mother lay dying, cursing this heinous short life. The convulsions started after the doctor had gone, leaving the nurse to deal with the screeching. After all these years I still remember the smell of red vomit, with little droplets of clotted blood feasting on that putrid soup. Five year old me could never forgot. Ten year old me woke from that same nightmare in the orphanage. My mother wearing the dress, floating above, cold and pale and dead. Fifteen year old me still occasionally wet the bed, attracting the wrath of Dolores the orphanage's caregiver. Twenty year old me still wakes up in the middle of the night, phantom pain from the belt unforgotten.

>> No.20216263

Don't worry anon, I'll think it's terrible by tomorrow
What were your thoughts, regardless?

>> No.20216296


the road ending at the margin
the trees on the side of the road and some grass
the sun overhead
me, with a backwards baseball cap

>> No.20216305

To this date, I haven't found a single story on RR that had me go like, "hey, this is pretty good!", or at least made me want to know what happens next despite the problems.

I got furthest with Metaworld Chronicles, which took until chapter 5 to bore me into quitting. Most I dropped before the end of chapter 1. I gave up on MoL after about five paragraphs. Even the shittiest traditionally published books hook you better. I really wish I could understand what normalfags enjoy, but I just can't.

>> No.20216312

>start chapter 1
>instant ironic lolicon combat
This raised 160K on kickstarter for a physical release run? Am I high right now?

>> No.20216319
File: 46 KB, 1117x168, Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 4.41.14 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20216324

I like it.
Some sentences could be tighter. I might write:
>As she drew closer, she allowed her mask to drop to the floor.
>She smelled like roses.
>, right above his heart hammering against his ribcage.

>> No.20216337

Touch grass bro.

>> No.20216412

“Have you ever eat a fart?”
Basically the four of us burst out laughing.
“What the fuck man?” Syd was the first to exclaim something.
Dave put down the beer. “Eat a fart?”
George proceed to explain. “Yes. For fuck’s sake dudes. Eat a stinking fart. Hell, it’s not hard to comprehend. You see, me and Lisa started doing it fairly recently. You’ve got to have the girl on all fours, we do it before doggystyle usually. When she’s ready to pass you put your open mouth on her butthole and then feel it fill with gas. Depending on the force, it goes straight through your mouth down on your throat. The best is that all the taste lingers on your mouth and tongue.”
“No way bro that’s fucking disgusting.”
“What’s your fucking problem? Do you eat crap too?” I said it still cleaning the spilled beer on the table.
“Dudes, everyone in our age group is doing stuff like this. Do you guys remember Bob? The doctor who sometimes played soccer with us down on Julio’s. Me and Lisa met him with the wife last year when we were dining at Difano's and…”
“Oohh, fucking Difano's? What illegal shit are you doing man?”
“Fuck off. The point is that the motherfucker works with some kind of ancient dude who’s into that gastro-whatever medical speciality and he’s never seen so much patients with intestinal parasites. Mostly young people.”
“So what?”
“Can’t you see? People are licking ass so much nowadays that those butt parasites are infecting everyone. It’s like a std or something, one passes to another, who passes to another, and on and on”.
“But aren’t you afraid of those parasites? Weren’t you the guy who eat farts?”
“Nah, I have a monogamous relationship with Lisa, I trust her.”

>> No.20216425
File: 122 KB, 800x598, thestory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submitting this soon, as part of a larger short story.

>> No.20216693
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Everything I write turns into endless dialogue with mild descrptions inbetween.

>he said and leaned backwards in his chair

>> No.20216707
File: 2.60 MB, 1715x1302, scary duck aba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't let "writing gurus" warp your mind.
>2k words a day is a lot (unless you're just churning out artless shit). Many professional authors do under 1k per day.
I believe saying such things to people only hurts them. Write that much at first, but as you go on and acquire experience and know-how, you should be able to do several thousands a day. Pirateaba manages to do even 20k on some days, and her fiction The Wandering Inn is considred one of the best webnovels on the internet.
Is it peak fiction? I don't think so, but it's one of the best I've ever seen, both on the internet and in published stuff, even if it's not exactly to my tastes. But the author writes around 2.5k words an hour, and she even fucking streams it so you know it's just her. Even if she's some insane prodigy of writing, it's reasonable to believe that a mortal able-minded person should be able to do half of that at the very least.

You guys put the bar too low while you should be reaching as high as you can, and only then adapt to what you can grasp. Grow some fucking spine.

>> No.20216794

>Even if she's some insane prodigy of writing, it's reasonable to believe that a mortal able-minded person
This is impressive to zoomers in current year: managing to churn out a huge volume of words that (mostly) make sense and without grammatical error. I suppose this is what happens when you grow up and your major exposure to the written word is the subtitles on anime and instant messages on your phone.

There's nothing impressive about speaking English sufficiently well such that you can write without making grammatical mistakes. Do not focus on word count.

>> No.20216805

>"bro gramma"
>stop writing

>> No.20216824

Someone who can't write has to focus on wordcount, because you can only improve though practice.

>> No.20216880

Honestly, if this were about anything other than vulgar phallic crap, I would love to read this for an entire novel or story. It’s very enjoyable to read and just envelops you into this world with every sentence you read. This was woven with genuine skill and talent. My only advice is to write about something, anything else, as the other reply said. You can write the best literature able to be conjured but nobody’s gonna read that shit if its about dicks. Hope that helps

>> No.20216926

And what are you practicing by focusing on word count? If you practice pumping out as many words as possible, you will only get better and more efficient at pumping out as many words as possible. It's a poison to focus on word count. It's a puerile obsession with a false productivity metric, pulled straight out of corporate workplaces. Focus on the QUALITY of your words. Spend the most time focusing on writing quality words and you will improve more than just your typing speed.

>> No.20216930

>nooooooooo!!!! i don't wanna edit my work!!!!! i just want to post it and let you do it for me!!!!! help im being oppressed!!!!

>> No.20216995

this is completely valid, and i can't mount any rational defense, primarily because the subject matter is indefensible. i'm still struggling with the whole "trees falling in isolated forests" problem, but right now i think that it does indeed make a sound. i appreciate the input, fren.

>> No.20217015

Hope you guys are building that following and not dropping your several months long project into the wind.

>> No.20217069

I appreciate being able to read your work anon, it was a pleasure to read. God bless you

>> No.20217178

Ok smart man how does one work on quality?
If you only write shit you will just become more effiecient at writing shit.

>> No.20217191

>edit work
>"bro did you even edit that"
>stop writing

>> No.20217197
File: 112 KB, 511x788, 1631477607775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to write a ranma 1/2 fanfic but I'm really struggling
So I want this relationship dynamic between girl ranma and ryoga, I have some ideas of how the dynamic came about, I have the idea of starting out displaying this dynamic from the first chapter and then having a flashback to how it came about, I have a conclusion in mind but the rest I'm just so confused

>> No.20217236

>giving up

>> No.20217258

Which of these sounds the most powerful?
>His blow struck not a soul, yet the air in front gave way with a sound that could be heard for miles around
>His punch tore a clean chunk out of the stone in front of him. Not a single part was cracked or fell off, like his hand was an ice cream scoop taking out some neopolitan.
>His kick slamming on the ground, accompanied by a noise that was like a bomb dropping, caused something to vibrate up the spines of everyone present.

>> No.20217282

I just read a sample and she writes even more Sandersonesque than Brando himself- extremely simple "prose" and (plain) dialogue heavy and with endlessly spinning Soap Opera plots.

But I am not bashing anyone who gets high hourly word count, sometimes I do too, what I'm warning against is the mindset behind saying - I wrote THREE WHOLE DAYS in a row and only have 6k words :'( - not to pick on that anon but because I've been there before.

I've seen the product of this mindset - anons post samples here with regularity of their chapter 30 of a 100k word work of unintelligible fantasy drek, a dizzying kaleidoscope lazily tagged dialogue, huge casts, convoluted yet aimless plots, bereft of any flowery description or flavorful simile/metaphor.

If the first 5k words aren't solid enough to hook readers, what value will the next 95k be? You learn by revising and improving, not finding more and more shortcuts to meet wordcounts that readers are only vaguely aware of.

>Grow some fucking spine.
Go suck pirateape's hairy cunt.

Amen. I still check wordcount on a weekly basis to see how fast I'm progressing but it should not even be on your mind while writing unless you're under a deadline

>> No.20217309

can't remember who but someone said before that show don't tell only really applies to feelings (and even then not all the time). but that is when it stands out the most, when you read something and it goes "Billy felt awful for being picked last in PE all the time".

>> No.20217315
File: 30 KB, 1000x563, The-Devil-Rides-Out-1968-banner-1000x563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random poem figure i'd send it here

Evil looks at me with its name,
True is myself.
True is the devil.
Fire burns bright yet I do not burn.
Screams around me go on deaf ears.
I look at him,
His square eyes blink
And he says
“Will you embrace Evil?”
I shake my head
“Seems you already have,”

>> No.20217321
File: 52 KB, 500x500, avatars-AgK91UwEldtW5Qmc-ohqF7Q-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you come up with ideas that you actually like?

>> No.20217329

I dream a lot and go through at least a new idea every day. The good ones stick around for a long time and the ones I can't stop thinking about get turned into stories.

>> No.20217331

Only giving up can ease the suffering of mediocrity. Having ideas and being hindered by writing ability is torture.

>> No.20217334

The second one sounds fantastical rather than powerful. I don't think stone would do that no matter how hard you hit it.
Whichever you pick, I'd advise trimming it down:
>He struck the air with a sound that could be heard for miles around
>His punch tore out a chunk of stone like an ice cream scoop, not a single part cracking or falling off
>His kick was like the impact of a bomb, sending a shudder through everyone's spines
Some of it might be personal preference. But you should be on the lookout for superfluous words, and if you're describing a sudden powerful action then your sentence should ideally be short and snappy to match it.

>> No.20217340

It's often half instinctive feeling and half analytical thinking. When I get an idea, it rarely works as it is, so I take a lot of time thinking about exactly what about the idea is unlikable to me and what do I have to replace that element with to make it more enjoyable.

Many times, the idea that clicks ends up being a combination of two or more ideas that were meant to be separate works at first.

>> No.20217352
File: 61 KB, 700x980, Bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think about cute girls and how it makes me feel when they smile. Then I write something I think would make a pretty girl smile.

>> No.20217379

I agree. Quality > quantity. If you can make a good quantity, i.e. can pump out a lot of words, you gotta go back and work on your quality. Line edit, improve your prose, and most importantly READ.
Line editing and reading, mostly. If your story is lacking, take a look at sucessful authors in your genre and see what they're doing right. Oh, and READ.

>> No.20217387
File: 365 KB, 373x602, thugger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music. I listen to songs. I'm ultra retarded with a hyperactive imagination so I can glean a lot of inspiration from random lyrics, or songs that have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm trying to write / my story. That's how it started, and that's how I keep farming new ideas. They're rarely cogent at the start, but the more I listen and the more I think about them, especially after I put them to paper, they coalesce into something (somewhat) usable.

>> No.20217402

I don't like anything. It's all just varying degrees of hate.

>> No.20217531

"This study aimed to untangle X's incomprehensible behaviour concerning the EU's Bla Policy..."

Is this sentence grammatically correct?

>> No.20217534

How does one truly give a fuck you to existentialism/cosmic horror?
Many beings are nauseating and terrifying cosmic horrors who act on alien logic, but plenty of other characters are a lot more grounded and sapient. Guess who wins.
Basically, reality triumphs over delusion

>> No.20217537

Or something like "This study seemed to untangle the puzzle of X's incomprehensible behaviour concerning the EU's Bla Policy"

>> No.20217592

I usually start with a title that I like the sound of and work out plot from there.

>> No.20217601

I just think of some cool thing and expand on it

>> No.20217618

My current idea's groundwork came from kinda a random flash of "Oh that could be good" and I've since been working on it in my head for a while. I'm trying to sort out at least the first third of the story before I set it down.

>> No.20217652

That explains why every idiot I showed my writing to generally said it was good, except for the one haterchad that exposed the truth we mutually understood.

>> No.20217690

>am I being delusional when I think that others were able to write well from the start?
No, some people definitely have talent. Talent is a real concept; it accurately represents a real phenomenon by which some people are just inherently "better" at certain things than others. You might not have talent at writing. This is a distinct possibility. That doesn't mean you will never be skilled. Many, many of the greats across multiple arts weren't really considered to be talented when young. Youth is, of course, where talent is the most apparent. These people are the ones who put the most effort in. You could be one of them, as long as you put the effort in.

>> No.20217776

>Definitely worth pursuing
Thanks anon. It's semi-based on a real person, though, so I don't know if I could.
I think if they're done well they can really add to the prose.

>> No.20217940

Why are you waiting for it to be written? Why not write it yourself?

>> No.20217976

What's the correct preposition?

"By enacting Law X, Country Y could further reduce its dependence ON/FROM/WHATEVER a European solution"?

>> No.20217979

on. this is an exceedingly poor use of this general though. i'd suggest going to /int/ or whatever board hosts language-learning threads. people there will hate you less for asking questions like these.

>> No.20218047

I'm too busy trying to convince my irl friend not to give up on his dreams of writing

>> No.20218442

wasted effort. If someone needs another person to convince him, he was NGMI

>> No.20218447

>How does one truly give a fuck you to existentialism/cosmic horror?
Read Lovecraft's Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath

>> No.20218475

oh but i am
>1.3k in the most recent episode

>> No.20218681

I mean in a narrative sense. For example
>Character is an ancient guardian deity, corrupted into an eldritch abomination by the collective unease of humanity. And now it sets forth to basically assimilate the world into a mind where there is no unease. It destroys a lot, kills thousands, and fucks up quite a few characters, even killing two.
>Then a character who has a much more grounded, earthly origin comes along and actually manages to kill it, despite being equally monstrous.
Basically the character spends it's final moments throwing a mental tantrum because it's not winning, despite being an eldritch horror. It's wrong genre savvy in a sense

>> No.20218709

I get it's Marvel shit, but Doctor Strange's handling of Dormammu is a fairly decent concept of how to do it. Have it be utterly baffled and unable to even grasp the concept of what is being done to it, because the "normal" thing is as unknowable to it as it is to mortals. It should be mostly confused and frustrated rather than actually angry, because it doesn't even realise it CAN die, or some such.

>> No.20218742

That's an interesting way of doing it, actually. Also, don't deride something for being from somewhere. Only deride if it's shit.
Basically, this thing expected to steamroll everyone because of what it is. It did not expect to be violently strangled and corroded to death by the arm of a being who is so utterly toxic that just being near him puts a strain on it's own self healing abilities.

>> No.20218771

It's a fun thing to actually be from the perspective of the eldritch being in that case, showing its alien thought processes steadily descending into sheer panic. Depends how you do your narration, of course.

>> No.20218781

Does anyone know of books where the author hides a side character's gender well? I'm writing a historical piece where a woman is disguised as a man for a while, and using he/him pronouns to describe her, even while she's in disguise, feels disingenuous.

>> No.20218851

If your perspective character doesn't know the character's true gender, using he/him works fine. It's a trickier proposition if you're using omniscient narration, though.

>> No.20218882

Check out Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett. It does that a lot, both for the protagonist and for other characters. The narration's pronouns match the knowledge of the point of view character. I think that's by far the best way to go.
If your narration is particularly omniscient I'd still stick to the reader's knowledge.
Avoiding third-person singular pronouns grates even at a scale of hundreds of words. If you write in the first person you can keep it up for longer but that's a hefty change and not an option for a side character. Those tricks can be appropriate sometimes but I wouldn't recommend them for your situation.

>> No.20218920

Fair enough. Is it impossible to do it in omniscient narration though?

>Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett
Thanks. Is that part of Discworld? And yeah, looks like this'll be tough to do.

>> No.20218946

Like, he thought this guy would be as easy to beat as the others, but he didn't expect to be completely shitstomped as he's basically going up against a guy who's made of his weakness.

>> No.20218949

Monstrous Regiment is part of Discworld, and also the last standalone one (though Watch characters do show up, they're not the focus) so you can deal with it without reading much else. Omniscient narration can be cagey, but you can pull off dramatic irony with it if you're doing that.

>> No.20218950

I think that in omniscient narration you can stick to what the reader knows and it won't be too jarring when you switch.
>Is that part of Discworld?
It is, but it's stand-alone. No preliminary reading necessary.

>> No.20219039

Advice on pacing? I'm at about 20k words (5 chapters in) and have no clue whether a reader would find this breathlessly fast or painfully slow.

>> No.20219048

Anime faggots burn in hell

>> No.20219051

Any opinions on my writing?

>> No.20219053

Who cares? If you read enough you'll know intuitively whether or not YOU like the pacing. If you don't read enough, nothing anyone says will ever be able to help you.

>> No.20219054

The writing exercise thread disappeared so now this thread has to have this post

I love watching women pee. I collect pictures and videos and drawings and animations of women peeing. I want to make a game or simulation about women peeing, just for me. It's exciting and secret and personal and warm and relaxing. I get shaky secretly when a woman says she has to pee. I even love the sounds of a woman peeing. All I want out of life is a wife who lets me watch her pee, pees in her clothes for me, lets me tie her up and wait until she's desperate to pee, who will hold it until she actually loses control physically, who I can tickle and push on her bladder unexpectedly so she pees when she doesn't mean to, who will stay in bed until she wets it if I ask, drink a lot of water before bed so she pees in her sleep, who will keep all of this a secret from everyone else. Who will wait for me to come home, legs spread, to pee for me. Who will struggle when I don't show up and stay there until she pees out of necessity, and not be angry when I planned and filmed it. Who will pee in the shower or even the bath with me. Pee in her nice dresses. Pee on houseplants or whatever objects I say. Pee in the sink exclusively if I say to. Stay tied up in the basement for a week pissing and re-pissing the same outfit until I'm satisfied. Will stay naked around the house and just pee casually down her leg whenever the urge strikes, shamelessly.

I love watching women pee. I want to feel her wet her thigh and my hand on it. I want her to pee on my dick and balls.

I love watching women pee.

>> No.20219066

Was there a prompt for the exercise or are you rambling?

>> No.20219070

Precisely zero literary merit. There's an anon here who only seems to write about dicks, but he almost kinda-sorta gets away with it because the prose is actually pretty uncommonly decent. There's nothing meritorious about this section. It just reads like some random, average guy writing in his journal about his piss fetish. You need to actually try to write well if you want this to be good. Accurately portraying a pissing fetish isn't impressive or interesting—it's banal.

>> No.20219076

Hello, is there a number I can reach you at? I'm a talent scout at Penguin. I've just showed your post to the head of my division, and we're interested in making you an offer.

>> No.20219260

Shut the hell up.

>> No.20219323

So glad the shit poster has gone for hormone injections and anti psychotic medication refill.
Now we can not write in peace.

>> No.20219334

we hate description
we only write dialogue

>> No.20219351


>> No.20219366 [DELETED] 


New thread

>> No.20219388

>This little African American propane'd too soon
I-it'll be ok little guy, the women will stop laughing soon.

>> No.20219393

nigga. my nigga. what are you doing my nigga? don't get so ahead of yourself my nigga.

>> No.20219398

I'm so sick of Frank and his turbo Discord autism shitting up this fucking board. I know even mentioning him gets his rocks off because he's a sociopathic retard but God dammit can he please eat a God damn bullet already

>> No.20219507

When I was trying to kick my 100 dollars-a-week heroin habit there would be those awful chills following me around. Not to mention the diarrhea. Sometimes I would wake up with my bed literally full of liquid shit. The boys in the clinic all said that cold turkey was the deal, but I simply couldn’t imagine it then how badly it all would feel.
Waking up burning at three AM while trying to break the horse isn’t a pleasant experience. An old buddy once told me of a way to rapidly decrease your body’s temperature and somehow it seemed like a good bet in those moments. So I would walk all fucked up to the kitchen, and, almost falling on my knees. I would open the freezer and take a big cube of ice and put it inside my underwear, most precisely inside my anus. After a couple of minutes feeling a mixture of this shaky burning cold all over things would calm down. Those questions of why I got hooked after all would even arise, but nothing else beats the feeling of it. Not even sex and orgasms. It’s like someone you love giving you a hug and swearing everything will be alright.

>> No.20219587
File: 72 KB, 882x624, reply-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, ease up on yourself!
6050 words in 3 days is awesome!

Write the so-called non-quality stuff anyway.
Maybe you'll figure out how to fix it.
At the very least, you'll get it out of your system & potentially make room for quality stuff.

Confirmation bias. Don't let the haterchads get you down.

Stop asking us to do your homework. LOL

Too dudebro for my tastes. But don't let that stop you.

I suspect he'll be back after his mommy ends his time-out.
And I suggest we make his formal name "Seething Pseud".

William S. Burroughs already wrote that novel.

>> No.20219671

I do generally feel it's good, only the second chapter feels more "here's the plot" driven, the rest are rather sumptuously paced if I say so myself but I'm still on track for 80-90k total.

And I do read (currently reading The Nigger of Narcissus) so I'll assume my pacing is perfect until proven otherwise.

>> No.20219986

why do you guys write? Like what part of writing do you derive joy from?

>> No.20219993

He's spamming multiple alternate /wg/'s and getting them deleted now. I hate shills and I hate discord fags.

>> No.20220125
File: 122 KB, 500x500, 59aa3f759c3dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing characters and making people feel bad that they're dead.

>> No.20220134

I have a lot of stories in me.
I want to get them out, so I can share them with others.
And if I ever write something popular enough, maybe I can quit my day job and do this for a living instead.
A job where I just make stuff up all day is my idea of heaven.

>> No.20220135

Escapism and love for the craft. I get to exist in a fun little world with my fun little characters and tangibly improve with every new word I put to paper

>> No.20220142

Passing the time, and wanting to leave some sort of lasting work, however minimal.

>> No.20220199

It's a bit over the top, anon. Not just too many adjectives, but beyond that. It is I guess you can say melodramatic. If you read a lot, you will notice that literature is far more restrained than this.

>> No.20220225

Not sure if you wanted feedback, but I would completly drop the first paragraph and start with:

"The woman in this room across has followed him the entire way from London..."

>> No.20220233

How do you make hard concepts fun and push readers to engage with it?

>> No.20220252

>Get rejected by my crush
>lost all will to write tonight
How do i cope?

>> No.20220264

Is it okay to come up with a cool scene idea and try to crowbar characters into it?

>> No.20220281

write about a fggt gay boy who can't write because he got rejected by his crush
works for me

>> No.20220288

Nothing's coming up.

>> No.20220298

>wrote 1.5k today
>got 1 read on my book
feels good to be living the dream

>> No.20220301
File: 32 KB, 500x396, pepe-hysterical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then write it as yourself instead. Or, better yet...
...write it, imagining yourself to be this seething pseud, and add lots of humiliating details.

>> No.20220306

Whomst is growing their following?

>> No.20220310

not me good sirest

>> No.20220318

I write so I can imagine myself having sex with, and unimaginable power over, beautiful women

>> No.20220324

Please don't post shit like this it makes me want to kill myself

>> No.20220362

How does this sound?
>It looked upon the being approaching it with a form of morbid curiosity, scanning up and down every greenish, oozing inch of it, from the skinned flesh that exposed darkened bones, to the oversized, kelp-textured left arm, to the sludge-spewing hole where it's head would be. In it's quest to join the world together it had encountered several obstacles, from the lights that blew holes in it, to the large statues sent to try and stop it, to even the other two guardian spirits. All of them weren't very good at stopping it, that was all there was to it.
>But with this thing, it felt strangely intrigued, as this wasn't anything it had ever seen before. A man's corpse, somehow grown to around it's own size? This was almost preposterous. But it would fall just like the rest. As a plus, it was made out of flesh, unlike the others it had fought, so it could be joined with it's own collective mass.
>Yet, as it drew closer, a strange feeling spread through it's own body. Like it was deathly ill, along with numbness and a buzzing warmth. And the closer it got, the more this feeling grew. It ignored the sensation and, the moment it got close enough, extended it's tail to stab into the festering hole in it's foe. The moment it made contact, a pain unlike any other spread not just from the tail touched it, but throughout it's entire body. It felt like hot, sharpened coals had been shoved through every organ in it's body, and this caused it to immediately withdraw.
>It quickly looked at the tail, and it had been corroded to a nub that emitted greenish steam. Before it could do anything, however, it's face was grabbed by the insanely large hand of the one who opposed it, and with it the pain returned, but worse. It was so severe that it didn't even notice that it was being lifted into the air. All 120 meters of it's body length were thrown like a noodle, as it wildly flailed around midair before landing on it's back with a wet thud. It stood up and felt it's face falling to pieces, which it rectified immediately by forcing both it's face and tail to heal.
>It WOULD join this creature to it, regardless of what happened.
Words it would soon come to regret, you think?

>> No.20220447

Yeah I wrote today. I wrote a new password for my new QueryTracker account. Turns out I have no place on MSWL.

>> No.20220463

I think I have someone who follows me and then unfollows me every week. Its uncanny. Personally I'd rather have it be different people joining and then leaving later because then I'd know my story was both attractive enough to get people to follow and also tasteless enough to get them to quit later. I don't think that's what's happening, though, I think its one singular retard who's amusing himself.

>> No.20220507

Hey frens
What’s a word (verb) for presenting a thing as being harmless or innocuous when it is in reality very dangerous?
I’m looking for something stronger than “trivialize”

>> No.20220515


>> No.20220609
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1635982234881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is referring to a character by "they" weird? The character in question is supposed to be a revered figure and I'm thinking of using the plural pronouns to make "them" stand out from everyone else.

>> No.20220689

I don’t like reading or writing why am I here

>> No.20220735

Go home you're drunk >>>/ic/

>> No.20220819
File: 203 KB, 828x1280, E7A82BA1-FC08-40B8-B267-AE9A8C20F991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post there but my art sucks.

>> No.20220831

Now color it

>> No.20220843

That’s what they call polishing a turd.

>> No.20220885

Are you kidding?
If I could draw that well, I'd have my own webcomic!

>> No.20220898

/ic/ tells me I suck. You guys have also told me I suck. I suck.

>> No.20220911
File: 866 KB, 2500x1667, CFC24B4A-AB8B-49A6-A53A-EC69C297D9DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any anons writing a fantasy story, did you draw or write out a map of your world? How did you go about it?

>> No.20220933

You're a very talented artist anon. The style is a bit more cartoony than I would like, but it's better than most stuff out there.
I think it's worth a shot anon. You'll have to be careful to make it not sound awkward but I think you can definitely do it.
Minimize, talked down, absolve?

>> No.20220936

By deleting the same post you made in the /sffg/ thread.

>> No.20220940

lol, no

>> No.20220942

Did he really post the same question on /sffg/? Why?

>> No.20220949

Well thanks.
It seems /sffg/ related.
I use they/them for a species which lacks gender.
Although they use the title “Dread Lord” for high ranking ones. Shit.

>> No.20220952

I fail to see how the question isn't relevant to the subject, I can post wherever the fuck I want

>> No.20220963

Not without the proper paperwork.

>> No.20220993

are you asking if we created the map before we started writing? in that case no. it would have limited the story. I created my 'map' - still haven't drawn it out - one decision at a time following natural rules, i.e. rivers need a source, either from a mountain range or from a lake, and they flow toward the sea. cities and towns are dependent on water first and foremost.

>> No.20221004

Fair enough, I haven't had much issue getting my nations and towns developed but it's figuring out WHERE to put them in the world that's getting me stuck.
At the very least I have a loose order of events for the party to follow narratively, it's just coming down to figuring out their route.

>> No.20221075

Is it still rape if the character announces to my mom that he’ll rape her?

>> No.20221093

New thread?

>> No.20221125

I get my kick from being told by /wg/ that what I wrote is bad.

>> No.20221130

Not much of an accomplishment.

>> No.20221261

You could also capitalize the pronoun, a la God. For transcribed dialogue that's a little iffy of course.
In an extreme case you could add a PBUH-style postfix.
Plural at the very least works for making them sound different, but as a reader I wouldn't feel safe assuming a high position until that's made explicit some other way. Once I do know that I think it'd work as a reminder.
Terra Ignota has a character who's given capitalized He/Him by the narrator and indicative nicknames by several other characters ("Anax", "Jehovah", " Taikun"...). Worked well there, but the nicknames only worked because of different characters respecting him in culturally different ways.

>> No.20221365

Come brothers and sisters! Let us all partake of this new bread! >>20221362

>> No.20221381
File: 2.33 MB, 1553x847, map_sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went further than that. I made a 3D model.

>> No.20221395

>I mean in a narrative sense
Yes. I meant that you would read the story and see how it's done, because it has that sort of twist. How did you not understand that?

>> No.20221965

Since I was a lil boi, I wanted the stuff I imagined to be real. Magic, my characters, my stories. And although that's super autistic to say now at 21, I still sorta have that same want. Writing is the best I can do to bring them to life, even if it is on paper. Also what >>20220134 said, I'd absolutely adore to do this for a living. Might take years, but it's worth a try.

>> No.20221988

Well, a big part of my story is pathfinding, people exploring new places where their kind has't been yet. Frontiersman type shit. So, they have to log their travels and sketch out their own maps, which I intend on making at the end of each ~10 chapters when they've finished exploring that part of the world. I kinda wanted to make them very rudimentary at first, kinda shit looking but not too bad so that it seemed like the characters are still pretty new to cartography, then as the story goes on the maps become better and better, until they eventually look like a real, proper map. Though, it might take a bit to get em all done, and I still havent breached 20 chapters, so that's still a ways away.