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/lit/ - Literature

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20212704 No.20212704 [Reply] [Original]

>Bro, are you forging social contacts and get strenght in non-physical ways?! BRO THATS SOI AND CRINGE, LIFT SOME WEIGHTS SENPAI!
Literally gymcuck cope.

>> No.20212717

I always find it funny that gymbros think they're at all like ancient warriors.

>> No.20212720

i dont remember lifting weights being suggested even once in this book

>> No.20212728

good thing the two above posters are discussing it without having read it

classic /lit/

>> No.20212733

Was Caeser mighty or were his soldiers? Or were the opponents weak? Why not say Weakness makes right since those who go under provide the foothold for the overman? Without the vanquished would there be any victory?

>> No.20212758

Might imposes

>> No.20212844

So many "gymbros" or strongmen I see are painfully insecure and feminine in character. It is sad to see. There was this giant weightlifter guy I met at a party, who commanded respect by his mere physical presence, but everytime somebody said or did something moderately impressive he would be like "ha ya actually my brother did that" or "ha ya it's actually not that uncommon to get that, I actually can do that too". Then he was talking about not knowing how to handle a woman he was texting and getting advice from sleazy guys who were physically and mentally inferior to him. I wish I could sit down with some of these people and teach them how superior noblemen are to behave. Outwardly very strong, inwardly often quite weak. This is of course the result of the shitty and highly degenerated judaicised culture we unfortunately live in.

These men are feminine in that they have no center. You need to be a "center" in and of yourself as a male, not allowing the exterior to have any effect on your inner composure, and in that way you will naturally excude confidence and superiority. Also worth noting: many of these men are motivated by vanity (a very feminine trait) instead of a true desire to overcome.

In high school I would have random bro conversations with ultra-chads at parties and we understood each other well despite being quite different in many ways. The brads and other chad underlings didn't get it. It would be cool to have some sort of group where wise autists share their introspections and philosophies of overcoming/power with gymchads who help us to become physical beasts. I suppose I could just make friends with a chad who would appreciate my autistic ramblings while we workout.

>> No.20212868

But if you're just comparing things in terms of relative weakness you won't have anything truly superior, basically jews jewing jews, instead of building a strong society for your people. This is why the West was so great and still is in some sense, at least in terms of material satisfactions, to an extent.

>> No.20212894

To a very limited extent if any. How can we even define strength without comparing it to weakness though? To transfer it into aesthetics already falls into the demiurgic simulacrum trap, which leads us to today where soichuds proclaim a hollow affect of strength. Strength comes from conquest and for that you need someone or something beneath you. Maybe this is the Death Drive, that makes so many more men than women actually kill themselves. Suicide is only considered unheroic by slave moralists.

>> No.20212923
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Both are important

>> No.20212944
File: 60 KB, 640x633, 78a0ef76c40502963c7a351ac021f592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are pussy.

>> No.20212959

Idiots for soldiers or cowards for leaders or something like that

>> No.20212972
File: 243 KB, 1600x2254, fitfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antifit threads drive antijungerfag insane.

>> No.20213003

Physically decrepit people are disgusting.

>> No.20213012

darwinism for brainlets

>> No.20213233

the be nothing part makes this tryhard cring

>> No.20213277

>How can we even define strength without comparing it to weakness though?
To put it simply I would just say strength is the ability to exist (to varying degrees of course), while weakness is the absence of this or maybe its negation. Strength is the ability to exist in and of oneself, while weakness relies on dependencies to exist. God is the almighty, I AM HE WHO IS, immortal and invincible. This already implies an overcoming. So I would also say instead that conquest comes from strength. All the irrelevant brown tribesmen are not even known to us, but the names and deeds of conquerors are still known and admired thousands of years later. I coyld definitely be wording this better but I on 2 hours of sleep. For me, there is only strength and positive existence (truth, order, form, light) and its negation (chaos, darkness).

>> No.20213287

>t. Molested little boys

>> No.20213306
File: 22 KB, 250x290, 08294DDC-CDB8-4131-8906-607E0CEBD909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one talks like that or thinks like that, you’re arguing with a strawman who lives in your head

>> No.20213307

didn't read

>> No.20213309

You might really like DH Lawrence. He saw existence itself as a sign of God's favor. He is in English at least the best proponent of the Vitality cult (maybe Emerson if you prefer an American) that is also expressed by writers like Nietzsche, Hamsun and other late or post Romanticists.

>> No.20213899

My worldview comes from the Traditionalists/ancient beliefs

>> No.20213932

So you're 12 and have never read a classic author.

>> No.20214957
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>*lich voice* that's pretty spooky bro

>> No.20215554

Skilled violent men are followed by unskiled violent men who then corrupt all teachings having internalized nothing but license to destruction. Warriors are then advised to be as peaceful as possible where brawlers are raucus in abandon to the protection of life limb property or future prospects. The Right of Might defeats itself in the long term. Genghis Khan's dipshit sons all adopted different religions and broke the family apart.

>> No.20215822

youre getting wrapped up in mind narratives and attaching identity to the thoughts that bubble into awareness. Get into zen.

>> No.20217214

yeah, I've had the same experience, dealing with the same sorts

>> No.20217383

The poems are gay and the constant insistence that Anglo's are the superior race is comical. Other than that, most of the ideas contained in the book are quite sophomoric.

>> No.20217408

It insists upon itself

>> No.20217441

>He unironically belives Socrates got democracy'd because he diddled little boys and not because the gave the precious gift of education to the open public.

>> No.20217584

>to the public
lol no. Socrates was elitist and and the youth he was "corrupting" was a clique of aristocrats. He was killed because he was a threat to our democracy.

>> No.20217598

Given that Faglexander had to return from India because his SOVLDIERS rebelled clearly the latter.

>> No.20217599


>be super tall, strong, and have a deep voice

>obvious microcephaly, completely bald to boot

>normies are terrified, they can neither speak to mediate potential disputes nor can they all overpower me even as a crowd

>they start excluding me, even though they know it will make me angry

>one day realize what they're doing despite my tiny brain and savagely murder my whole HIGHSCHOOL biting their fingers off, tearing out their orbs (eyes, testes), I ripped a sluts head off and humped her neck stump, etc etc

lmao xd. Wish my prose wasn't so bad

>> No.20217605

You sound very jealous. I suggest going to the gym, you fat, smelly faggot.