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20212269 No.20212269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this why there’s no good female authors?

>> No.20212288

Harper Lee wrote to kill a mockingbird incel

>> No.20212294

There are countless of better female musicians than Mozart imo

>> No.20212311


>> No.20212313

Women are good at dancing, singing and having sex, they can't compose or play instruments.

>> No.20212317

>they can't compose or play instruments.

>> No.20212321

>There are countless of better female musicians than Mozart imo

Proceeds to not cite a single one , because there isn't any really.

>> No.20212324

She's talking about the freemasons.

>> No.20212330

The best female writers seem disproportionately to be lesbian or bisexual. Seriously when I try to think of great women writers they’re mostly dykes. Sappho is the ultimate example of this

>> No.20212338

So do you avoid being good at having sex because you are a male?

>> No.20212341

You get less practice than your girlfriend

>> No.20212359

Good and excellent writers exist. Legendary authors whose fame overshadow their works and become mythyfied are created under historical contingencies. Charlotte Brontë definitely deserves her fame more so than Ayn Rand, whose work isn't that good and whose name serves it's author-function in certain discourses.

>> No.20212384

Some of them can write and direct though.

>> No.20212537

>women cant create exceptionally high-end transcendent art
>women cant be exceptionally brutish and violently vulgar either
wow these 'women' people sure sound interesting

>> No.20212621

Celtic Women

>> No.20212689

I once read about a statistical model that explained more male geniuses and criminals, and more male representation in certain fields. I can’t remember what it was called and I can’t find it searching on the internet (comes up with muh patriarchy articles, lol). This quote reminds me of the theory. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

>> No.20212710


>> No.20212747

Reading Edna St. Vincent Millay and she is becoming my new favorite poet. Hating women is like hating life. Similar outcomes.

>> No.20212779

When we induce this imbalance in them it's over for males. Sex robots are going to change women forever.

>> No.20212783

>hating women is like hating life. Both have similar outcomes
A cute phrase that means nothing, as expected of a woman respecter

>> No.20212792

Marguerite Duras, Hilda Hilst, Alejandra Pizarnik, Cristina Campo, Maria Zambrano, Virginia Woolf, Flannery O'Connor, Rosmarie Waldrop, Joan Didion, Barbara Guest, Lorine Niedecker, Gabrielle Wittkop, Leonora Carrington, Monique Wittig, Hilda Doolittle, Ingeborg Bachmann, Clarice Lispector
To name but a few good female authors. You should start reading books, OP.

>> No.20212797

>Hating women is like hating life
Hating women doesn't make me want to kms

>> No.20212798
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You sound happy bro, you really do.

>> No.20212821

Good List

I really liked reading Colette but I think she appeals to a certain kind of debauched bohemian regardless of gender.

>> No.20212823

reminds me of Christopher Hitchens saying the only funny women were bull dykes. Maybe an inclination towards masculine qualities in women leads them towards actually accomplishing things and improving themselves.

>> No.20212837

Ayn Rand has caused exponentially less human suffering than male incels like Marx

>> No.20212851

I read Joan Didon’s “White Album” recently, good stuff.

Also you forgot Elizabeth Barret Browning.

>> No.20212856

It's the greater male variability hypothesis. Women with masculinized sexualities often end up skewing male in other abilities because they need to (hypothetically, obviously they can't) attract a mate the same way a man does. That's why the most degen women are dykes too

>> No.20212871
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The best artists are feminine men and masculine women and feminine men. Note this does not include trans people as they seem to think the tension can be resolved in the social sphere.

>> No.20212880

She’s talking about the IQ variance. The average male is as smart as the average female (100 IQ), but males have a higher variance in their distribution. This means there’s more low IQ violent idiots and criminals like Jack the Ripper and also more geniuses like Mozart.

>> No.20212885

There have been plenty of female serial killers.

>> No.20212924

>serial killer that wasn’t caught
>low IQ

>> No.20212927

>Marguerite Duras
Duras was a cunt of unprecedented proportions, and was mocked throughout French intellectual circles as a shit writer. A journalist even famously rewrote her manuscript by changing only the names of the title and characters, submitted it to her publisher, and got rejected for the poor quality of it.
Also ironic since she may have been a legit psychopath herself. She once argued that a mother could not be accused of murdering her child, because if she gave him life she should be able to take it back (this was in the context of an actual child murder, she was literally accusing the mother out of fucking nowhere, but also saying she should be excused for it).

>> No.20212936

It’s not hard to get away with murder especially in those days. Even today around 40% of murders go unsolved. As long as nobody snitches and you don’t get caught on camera how are they going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you did it? That’s why they use so much pressure in interrogations to get you to admit to it, but if you merely say “I want a lawyer” they can’t get anything out of you.

>> No.20212957

“Women suck at comedy” “women can’t write”

Weird that the best female writers tend to be comedic in a grotesque way. Jane Austen, Flanders O’Connor, Emily Dickenson, the female sense of humor is macabre

>> No.20213034

Thanks for the blacklist, senpai

>> No.20213054

Didn't Camille Paglia advocate to legalize pedophilia?

>> No.20213061

Such as?

>> No.20213077

Overrated nigger lover garbage

>> No.20213125

Based femoid

>> No.20213156

Because its my opinion. Of course you guys are going to be dismissive so its not even worth it

>> No.20214018
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>Because its my opinion. Of course you guys are going to be dismissive so its not even worth it

>> No.20214081

Could be. Would dovetail nicely with the point that Paglia did nothing but plagiarize Freud and Nietzsche

>> No.20214247

Greater Male Variability. Alternatively, the Pareto distribution

>> No.20214457

They might not have killed as many people (which is most likely a result of lesser ability rather than lesser murderous intent), but there have been plenty of brutal female murderers, like that Japanese lady who cut off a guy's dick and balls just because, or that woman who murdered something like 5 or 6 of her husbands. Meanwhile, there are still no female Mozarts.

>> No.20214536

Then why bring it up in the first place? You really just wanted to talk even though you had nothing to say

I'd say you'll never be a woman but you already have the faggotry of one, so congrats, you're already halfway there.

>> No.20214715

Its actually kind of amazing how even the best female musicians can barely compare to their male equivalents. You can just go over youtube to find that out. For example even the best female guitarists fall far below their male equivalents. Firstly, they cant seem to reach the same level from a mechanical standpoint and then even when they play complex music, there is a distinct lack of color and ingenuity to it, especially when it comes to improvisation, they sound more like they're repeating patterns they've heard somewhere rather than actually improvising. The only part of music they are good at is singing and half of that is because female voices sound distinctly different compared to male voices.

>> No.20214726

lmao, men are better singers. They even got around the range issue through castrati which women selfishly forbade under the guise of it being "barbaric"

>> No.20214739

Red scare opinion

>> No.20214741

My theory is threefold:
1. Lack of technique is purely biological in terms of muscle power, quickness and memory
2. Lack of improvisational ingenuity is firstly due to lack of testosteronically informed risk taking and competitiveness
3. And due to lack of breadth of character that can only be formed by a distinctly male experience (lack of social support, worthlessness as default state of being male, a drive for greatness as an escape, all of which are distinctly male experiences, which results in a wider breadth of experiential understanding and heightened individual responsibility and anxiety and therefore wider improvisational ability)

>> No.20214756

Hildegard is the only one I can think of that might be better

>> No.20214810

But are there any better than Bach?

>> No.20214855

>men are better singers
Agreed, as far as technique goes. With that said, women have the natural advantage of having a female voice, which triggers a biological instinct in men to become the horny. A mediocre female singer is going to receive more praise and attention than a good male singer, because the former has an evolutionary advantage.

I think the second and third points are strong, the first point is flawed because smaller instruments exist to suit women, and you don't have to play fast to be a good musician. Granted, men probably are faster (as a general rule), but I don't think playing quicker = better musician.

>> No.20214856

I read Sexual Personae and it felt like a really long 700 page essay. What else would I like?

>> No.20214863

It depends. What exactly did you like about it?

>> No.20214872

It was entertaining more than scholarly. I also enjoyed her essays compilations but I don’t think I could get through Break Blow Burn.