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20212027 No.20212027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the literary equivalent of Berserk's Golden Age arc?

>> No.20212077

Any generic fantasy with a bit edgier than average plot.

>> No.20212163

its clearly Nietzschean, Will to power

>> No.20212221

I’ve heard it compared to Hamlet

>> No.20212284

it isnt in any way similar to hamlet

>> No.20212309

The Hellbound Heart.

>> No.20212442

Filtered by berserk like a retard lol

>> No.20212462


I want to do a deep dive to Clive Barker sometime, Iv'e heard Imajica is his masterpiece , should I start with that?

>> No.20212471

When does this start? I just started reading Berserk

>> No.20212476

soon. Its the second arc

>> No.20212483

Lmao typical midwit

>> No.20212507

Try reading real books once weeb.

>> No.20212511

Unironically Gilgamesh

>> No.20212513
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>the only good arc in Berserk is literally called "Golden age"
truly kino

and yes, I've read the entire fucking manga and I hate the internet for memeing me into wasting time with that garbage

>> No.20212569

Is Berserk not literary because it includes pictures

But in any case I'm not sure. The wholehearted, entirely understandable but still fundamentally evil betrayal really is well done, even better than Devilman which was its obvious inspiration.

There are many stories that end in unflinching, complete dismay and loss. But the Golden Age is in fact an extended flashback, it informs the earlier story and later story. I need to read more, I'm guessing if anything exists similar it is Neo-Romantic.

>> No.20212730

Soulless, very contrarian of you anon

>> No.20212832

Do Weaveworld or The Great and Secret Show. I haven’t read Imajica yet but it’s on my list; Everville is probably my fav.

>> No.20212889
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None. Whatever qualities your deluded mind sees in this garbage have no relation to literature. Picrel is an infinitely more valuable contribution to literature as a whole than Berserk.
Now proceed to seethe.

>> No.20212917

It's funny how highly we think of ourselves with all our technological comforts but after thousands of years we've yet to one-up ancient Mesopotamians

>> No.20212928

Prove it.

>> No.20213041

kellhus and cnauir in r scott bakkers prince of nothing

>> No.20213050


Berserk is actually so based. I love it how so many chuddies love it, without realizing that it completely rails against and btfo Christianity. Quite honestly, Chuds recommending and spreading Berserk to other people is the greatest self own in modern history. It literally proves that Nietzscheanism aligns itself with the anti right wing instinct. The infinite struggle conveyed by Guts, is directly comparable to the infinite struggle of the proletariat against the right wing bourgeoisie. Guts is the modern day left wing. The right wing is the insane pyschotic Christians and clergy who goes around terrorizing and torturing people. It shows the importance of continuously resisting reactionary ideology. Their ideal world is the tyrannical one in berserk. They want tyranny, while the left fundamentally wants equality and freedom. Think about the right wing slave morality present in today. Imagine subjecting yourself to abstractions like virtues, morality, or whatever other idealism. The left wants to free people of that. Guts struggles against the status quo, he is literally progressive in definition. You have the tyrannical right wing Christian overlords ruling over people, and yet there are people that are still Christians, that still worship them. Same in Berserk, and the same in our world, except in ours, they are capitalists. Guts rejects that entirely. It's a perfect series to show how the Church is evil, and how religion and right wing dogma is used to control people. Why is left wing Nietzscheanism so based anons? If you think about it, The entire left, from Bush down, sublimates all that Gutz was is and will be. He is a great man who with his own hands enacts a society where one does not enact justice through their own will, but instead, pays deference to the collective. As he knows that any indivigual struggle is not only doomed to fail, but the ideology itself is silly. This is represented directly by the long boat trip. It takes the majority of the runtime to show that we all live one one big ship called the WORLD. And there are no heros, only the redistribution of the good by the commons to the commons. ideology means nothing unless backed by the material and epicurean satisfaction of the whole.

>> No.20213116
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>> No.20213151
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why do non chuds feel the need to shit out walls of text

>> No.20213176

>redistribution of the goods by the commons to the commons
This just seems like Christian/slave morality

>> No.20213195
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You've even started identifying yourself as a chud

>> No.20213208
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Seethe about the socialist Nietzschean synthesis

>> No.20213210
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>> No.20213216

That's a self own, you are outing yourself as an incel

>> No.20213225

But didnt Nietzsche say that sacrificing everyone was worth producing a superman? I thought he hated how modern people pulled down greater men to their level out of resentment. But you're claiming that a Nietzschean hero doesnt act out of his own will but through the woll of the collective and redistributes stuff to the majority? Where in Nietzsche do you find support for those opinions

>> No.20213232

Man, you have to feel for Marx. Man straight up made it clear, that he is NOT a philosopher but as usual the bourgeois "intellectuals" go on and ignore that wholesale. The only thing from Marx that they've read is probably the Manifesto, a fucking pamphlet mind you.

>> No.20213234
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>> No.20213240

Well I didn't actually read Nietzsche, just secondary sources, but regardless I have a strong feel for his work

>> No.20213246

Haha incel

>> No.20213247
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>> No.20213254
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>> No.20213262

Incel chuddy mad

>> No.20213265

Incredibly based and redpilled
Griffith also represents the American """"""left"""" selling out to neoliberalizim.

>> No.20213426

You are wrong, stupid, got filtered by a comic and on top of all, a commie.

And no, I will not elaborate, now seethe.

>> No.20214185

Should I watch the first anime or the second.

>> No.20214361
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A commie fag unironically using "based".

>> No.20214432

>Guts is the modern day left wing

Guts is an endlessly seething loser who got fucked in the ass by a nigger, so yeah that's pretty accurate. Griffith may have done some questionable things, but he was a natural-born aristocrat of the soul, and he won in the end.

>> No.20214527
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Robb's conquest in ACOK? Same themes of glory and purpose which culminates in betrayal and a cataclysmic massacre of everyone.

>> No.20215763

the best bait I've seen in weeks

>> No.20215921
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Someone said before Between Two Fires and so I bought it and am about to read it

>> No.20216382

count of monte cristo

>> No.20216386

My life is almost 1:1 of what Guts went through.

>> No.20216398

You have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.20216407

Non chuds dont base their beliefs on memes

>> No.20216413

you just need to get on BLACKED

>> No.20216421

what makes them better than us?

>> No.20216458

First actual answer.

>> No.20216514
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>pasta so stale and moldy nobody recognized it and just react as if it was shit

>> No.20217698

berserk is decent, but not because of the story or plot, that doesnt matter, its great because the art and flow of images. The story is generic manga power of friendship moralfaggin

>> No.20217749

Only Griffith was nietzschean
Guts is a loser and a cuck

>> No.20217751

Last volume is dropping in November. Do you think that Miura had time to finish the story or is gonna be up to editor-kun to finish the story by digging through his manuscripts? I just want an ending so bad. I won't even care if it's rushed or bad, I just want an ending.

>> No.20217753

No, prince of nothing is just edgy reddit shit.

>> No.20217797
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funny thread

>> No.20218547

Mainline Elric books.

>> No.20218580

Unquestionably based. Look at these seething chudist replies.

>> No.20218593

How far into Berserk should I read? should i stop after the golden age

>> No.20218633

Yes, that was my thinking. Griffith being able to sacrifice and shed things he loved or held sacred in the pursuit of ultimate power. I never read past the golden arc but that was my take away. Griffith is an ubermench