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20208229 No.20208229 [Reply] [Original]

the western mind is absolutely diseased by an obsession with the greeks. it’s time to accept our real history and stop pretending like we’ve inherited these classical empires. you, as someone of european descent, have as much of a connection with socrates as you do with confucius. not to say that you shouldn’t read either, but you need to end your obsession with “western” culture (delusion).

the greeks and romans were embraced by people who loathed their own histories and demanded a rewritten one. look how it’s repeating now. retarded women write these stupid ass books where it’s like the iliad but gay or some greek myth but from the perspective of a woman. completely brainrotted, and you are enabling it.

your heritage is the renaissance and the vulgate. accept it and live by it.

>> No.20208236

Wrong, read the first chapter of Werner Jaeger's Paideia right now or I will fucking beat the shit out of you

>> No.20208240

Your last sentence contradicts the rest. The renaissance was gay.

>> No.20208270

I'm reading Greek and Roman mythology, most of it is honestly pretty stupid and I much prefer the Biblical Hebrew stuff

>> No.20208281

t. literal retard

>> No.20208291
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>> No.20208303

To me, the Greeks feel extremely strange and foreign. I see little connection between their world and mine.

The same could be said for all ancient people, really.

>> No.20208317

That's strange, the more I'm delving into ancient Greece the more parallels I see with our society and how little has really changed

>> No.20208394

they stole from the greeks too lmao

>> No.20208404
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>> No.20208417
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> you, as someone of european descent

>> No.20208434

This is really stupid anon. The Greeks had a massive influence on many Church fathers and Saints and European intellectuals in the Renaissance. Confucius not so much. Roman civilisation too exerted a huge influence upon Europe. To deny this is ludicrous.

>> No.20208448

The smartest Greeks were all atheists anyway who believed the sun was a heavenly burning rock they could calculate the motion of with geometry and not some god like Helios and/or Apollo.

>> No.20208458

>stop fantasising about achilles and patroculuses bussys.

Make me.

>> No.20208477

Could you recommend something you found particularly relatable?

>> No.20208493

The Renaissance is the peak of obsession with the Greeks and Romans unto the point of forsaking your own heritage. It's called the rebirth because it's a rebirth of classical culture, having been interrupted by the middle age of gothic barbarism. This is the most oxymoronic thing you could've said, OP.

>> No.20208499

>the renaissance
Literally built upon Greek writings. You either don't know what you're talking about or you want to be the contrarian who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.20208501

this was based up until the final sentence
fuck you

>> No.20208533

There were very, very few Greeks who subscribed to atheism, but a fair few Greeks were charged with being ἄθεοι, or godless people, in other words. It was a criminal offense in many cases, and meant some irreverance towards the pantheon of Greece, but for the vast majority of those philosophers who were charged with it, it didn't imply a rejection of any sort of divinity in general. Even the Christians were called atheists in the Roman Empire because they were indeed godless, in their view, since they rejected all the pagan gods.

>> No.20209308

>women write these stupid ass books where it’s like the iliad but gay or some greek myth but from the perspective of a woman
That can happen with anything.

>> No.20209325

Atheism didn't mean the same thing as it does now, and the gods weren't the same thing as God.