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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 828x1053, F3539754-3D25-467F-8707-F99188D84E46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20206610 No.20206610 [Reply] [Original]

I’m writing a philosophy anime and the first arc deals with epistemological concepts in order of their history. However since animation is very expensive I obviously cannot delve into every single epistemological concep throughout history but I’d rather focus on the most important and interesting ones

So far I’ve got:

>Plato’s Socratic Method
>Pyrrohnian Skepticism
>Descartes Cogito
>David Hume’s Causation
>Kants metaphysics
>Hegels Dialectic

What other concepts having to do with our theory of knowledge would you like to see in the show? Anything particularly cool or interesting I could be missing? Thank you in advance.

>> No.20206678

cute girl, i hope she has a penis

>> No.20206737
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x3024, 99327C63-706F-41E6-B517-AD26DE70707A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m glad you think so. She’s based off of Nietzsche and is severely autistic

>> No.20206967

once radical skepticism btfos epistemic certainty thereby retroactively refuting kant and descartes and making hume redundant, there is really only intuitionism left, so maybe put ghazali in. and it could be cool to put epistemic tools into the story. muchausen trillemma, humes fork, occhams razor etc

>> No.20207094

You’re a genius!!!

I will definetly have a section on intuitions about knowledge. Afterwards to accompany the pyrronhism section I’ll incorporate the muchausen Trillema, For The section on Hume I’ll incorporate hume’s fork and I can easily integrate occhams razor somewhere in here as well.

Of course radical skepticism will btfo epistemic certainty but I will have an episode where I make fun of true pyrrohnian skepticism by having the characters act as such and almost get killed several times such as by not looking both ways before crossing the street and walking into active construction zones so at some point they realize they must have some basis of knowledge if they want to live reasonably safe lives.

>> No.20207134

An LN already exists where all the philosophers are schoolgirls. I think Heidegger is the main heroine. Forgot what it was called.

>> No.20207139

Boku to Tsundere to Heidegger

>> No.20207167

Yes you are correct, however that is a coomer light novel (pic related) that is on the nose and direct without any real plot
>The main character, reincarnated as a high school student after a fatal accident, is summoned by the 7 characters for secret after-school lessons.

Mine is more grounded and comedy focused with emphasis on story and character about a group of girls creating a philosophy club. It’s also much bigger in scope and will be an actual fully realized comic.

>> No.20207174
File: 77 KB, 700x525, 04A7B6D5-5613-4821-AE36-B626438901EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related

>> No.20207187

empiricism - berkely? karl popper?
rationalism? spinoza/leibniz?

>> No.20207188
File: 77 KB, 700x525, Philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF? That's so retarded...and they didn't even bother to visually characterize the characters by their philosophers, they all just look like generic anime girls; I mean, could you even tell picrel is supposed to be * * * * Kant * * * *? do you see it at all?

>> No.20207214

>make fun of true pyrrohnian skepticism by having the characters act as such and almost get killed several times such as by not looking both ways before crossing the street and walking into active construction zones
So you haven't actually read any of these philosophers? The coomer light novel is probably better written since the nips like a bunch of continental philosophers.

>> No.20207217

Yes! Thank you I have added George Berkeley’s idealism in there.

However I don’t care much about popper or Leibniz /:

Also Spinoza’s epistemology / metaphysics is meh but I will discuss his ideas, namely his ideas on death, free speech and the passions but that’s for later arcs.

Yes, Mine has actually unique character design and triangle noses!!! And they’re not supposed to BE those philosophers they’re just characters who happen to be obsessed with them.

>> No.20207225
File: 37 KB, 381x380, 1627531031303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she looks like she is some sort of obnoxiously tidy student council member/hall monitor type

>> No.20207238

What do you mean anon? There are stories (although they are most likely fictional) of Pyrroh needing to be saved constantly from getting run over by carriages and there’s a story where he comes across one of his disciples stuck in a hole but instead of helping him he just walks by, it’s sort of a joke following that story

>> No.20207240 [DELETED] 

So explain how these two could possibly Hume and Berkeley?

>> No.20207241
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>> No.20207245

>they all just look like generic anime girls
Yes. That is the point.

>> No.20207246
File: 95 KB, 700x525, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So explain how these two could possibly Hume & Berkeley?

>> No.20207250
File: 81 KB, 700x525, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, you read the book? that was the point? why?
Hegel btw

>> No.20207266

/a/ will not help me with philosophy not one bit

>> No.20207273

I always new Hegel would have big tits

>> No.20207280

You sound really triggered over anime girls. No one is going to read your comic with its Eizouken-wannabe art.

>> No.20207290


>> No.20207309
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-4979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're on the subject what does /lit/ think of. my take on the "cartoon characters based off of philosophers" trend?

>from right to left

>> No.20207313
File: 503 KB, 1613x2151, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from right to left
fuck meant to say from left to right

also bonus diogenes

>> No.20207320

If you read Sextus Empiricus, who is the main source on Pyrrhonism, it is clear that it was not about ignoring common sense and walking into traffic but mainly an attack on dogmatic claims to knowledge/truth/etc. If you just want to riff on various legends about Pyrrho then I suppose you could but that's a very shallow engagement with the philosophy. Another approach could be to have the character(s) decide for instance that laws are arbitrary because the state doesn't truly exist, and they end up running from the cops after shoplifting or something, at which point they realize even if the law is arbitrary, law enforcement seems to believe it, and that leading a life of equipose would require one to at minimum faithlessly respect the customs of their community.

>> No.20207327

I like this! I might just use this instead. thank you anon! I have some planning to do ...

>> No.20207352
File: 75 KB, 700x525, ICcMZ3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even OP, retard. I think anime is cringe for the most part. I just hate that they didn't characterize them enough, seems like a wasted opportunity and a testament to it's soulless lack of creativity to me.
Seriously, this >>20207174 is supposed to be Spinoza and picrel is supposed to be Descartes.
You can still make a sexy/cute anime girl that's reminescent of the philosophers photo/painting or that includes visual references to the philosopher's philosophy or something or at least their religion or nationality! anything!

>> No.20207364

Pretty fucking ugly, ngl. You have arthoe aesthetics.

>> No.20207383

I think it's very obvious from Hume's work that he was an anime lesbian. I haven't read Berkeley but I would assume that holds true for him as well.

>> No.20207393
File: 81 KB, 700x525, Nietzsche-anime-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they're in an incestuous relationship? their philosophies are almost polar opposites but in this light-novel they are indistinguishable.
Nietzsche btw.

>> No.20207397

>their philosophies are almost polar opposites but in this light-novel they are indistinguishable
Yes they are tsundere for each other. This LN is reading philosophy on an entirely different level than you are

>> No.20207423

Please read the clouds by Aristophanes. It's a philosophical comedy based around making fun of sophists and Socrates.
It involves the people at the school staring into the ground with their asses in the air. A farmer asks them what they are doing "we are investigating the dirt" he responds "I know what's in the dirt it's onions."
So he doesn't 100% accurately portray the philosophy and instead slanders them for comedy and for politics
The punchline of the whole play is the son of the farmer joins the Socratic school and learns that equality must exist so that if a father beats his son so then later in life the son must beat his father. Which is morally reprehensible, but don't worry the son hasn't made it equal yet he still must beat his mother. ( Aristophanes was a conservative and believed Socrates was infecting the youth.)

Finding a balance between comedy and accuracy is hard, but I'm sure you could do it. Think of how funny and entertaining Schopenhaur is with his philosophy

>> No.20207440

That sounds hilarious I will most definitely make this a part of my nightly reading, thank you for the suggestion! Reminds me I need to turn up the satire and make fun of Philosophical ideas as well as showing their usefulness.

>> No.20207459

I'm in the midst of writing a Pythagorean comedy/tragedy on the creation of irrational numbers. Because the greks are so dramatic in their character it's entirely possible to set your series just within that scope, but I understand that isn't fun for most audiences.(something I struggle with considering no one, even at the university I go to, wants to see the tale of Hippasus being cast into the sea.)
Also it's a bore you aren't considering Leibniz you are massively missing out. A funny rivalry between him and Newton would be great. Their alchemy and chemistry coming up similar, but they are going in separate directions.