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20205481 No.20205481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have read a couple of books by Julius Evola and I like his political-cultural vision with respect to traditional doctrines, what other authors do you recommend?

>> No.20206171

Leon Degrelle

>> No.20206233
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Death to fascism. Death to Nazism. Trans rights are workers' rights!

>> No.20206249
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>> No.20206256

The black sun was a popular belt buckle and jewelry design for women in the 6th century. Imagine worshipping the middle age equivalent of a Gucci belt lmao

>> No.20206266

>Imagine worshipping the middle age equivalent of a Gucci belt lmao
I can't wait until fascists in a thousand years are wearing grillz like Nelly


>> No.20206274
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>> No.20206283

Did he ever explain why Jeffrey Epstein gave him $25,000?

>> No.20206294

Carl Schmitt and Oswald Spengler are your best bets

>> No.20206299

Also you might want to try works by Oswald Mosley, and Georges Sorel. Oh and Giovanni Gentile.

>> No.20206608

The idealism of Giovanni Gentile By Roger W. Holmes (1937)

>> No.20207034

Not defending him really because I've barely come across his work and it seems quite autistic but Epstein gave to all sorts of writers and researchers to draw them into his sphere of influence. Not everybody got pulled all the way into the lolita express mossad ops.

>> No.20207252 [DELETED] 
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The sun wheel has been used across cultures for tens of thousands of years you subversive kike

>> No.20207301

Sun wheels have been used for tens of thousands of years across cultures in decoration and elsewhere you subversive kike

>> No.20207537

Fascism =/= Traditionalism

Julius Evola did not like italian fascism, although he saw potential in natsocialism.

As fascists, we are modernists and thus we cannot, by definition, be traditionalist.

>> No.20207645
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>> No.20207680

Now this is a new one.

>> No.20207702

Source on Evola not liking Fascism? My understanding is that he had the same attitude to all of them.

You can be modernist and traditionalist. Look at Yeats and Pound. Tradition doesn't mean dead dogmatism, it means living tradition. Evola saw the potential in all fascist movements to reconstitute traditional structures. Fascism doesn't have to be threatened by this because these structures have no necessary dogmatic forms, they don't have to be brahmans from India or ordained Catholic priests necessarily.

>> No.20207716

Lenin would have had you shot.

>> No.20207719

Not that anon but he wrote books on it (A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism, Fascism Viewed From the Right, Notes on the Third Reich). Basically he did not support fascism but saw it as the most likely (compared to liberalism and communism) vehicle to grow something greater out of it. But he never supported them, and the SS did not like Evola at all.
>You can be modernist and traditionalist. Look at Yeats and Pound
I would not call Yeats and Pound traditionalists in the same sense as Evola (capital T). In Evola's sense, you cannot be a modernist and a Traditionalist. Evola left his Dada phase behind him quickly.

>> No.20207783
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>> No.20207811

Fascism is and always will be a meme cope for people who cannot see any light in the future. It is the death drive amplified to the national level, to the point that every last soul is drafted into an involuntary mass suicide so that the leaders can look around and say "wow such SOVL, much aesthetic, how beautiful our death". Get out before it's too late.

>> No.20207823
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>> No.20207828
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>> No.20207830

tom kek

>> No.20207833

But people are drawn to it for a reason, what do you suggest they do instead?

>> No.20207846

>all the people against fascism are always cringe posting faggots
thank you

>> No.20207857

people are also drawn to abuse drugs, promiscuity, and suicide. I don't really know what they should do instead, but I think being drawn towards an ideology as extreme and self-destructive as Fascism points to a deeper dissatisfaction that should be addressed through less insane means

>> No.20207861

Okay so you're just here to whine about things you don't like without offering anything better? Amazing.
>an ideology as extreme and self-destructive as Fascism
How is it more extreme and self-destructive than any other ideology?

>> No.20207941
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waow! and greek gods were like superheroes too! and jesus was a socialist!

>> No.20207995

He wasn't asking for marxist books

>> No.20208023
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>> No.20208042

Look at all the insecure triggered trannies crawling out from their discords

>> No.20208057

always at the same time too, it's a group of literal actual discord trannies

>> No.20208094

if a little criticism makes you sperg out like this, I'm thinking you're the le ebin redditor discord fags. It's no surprise you're gobbling up the Fascist meme like little pigs.

>> No.20208098


>> No.20208115
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>> No.20208126
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Homo erotica

>> No.20208159

>Fascism is and always will be a meme cope for people who cannot see any light in the future

That would be nihilism, fascism as a doctrine is the exact opposite of said.

>It is the death drive amplified to the national level, to the point that every last soul is drafted into an involuntary mass suicide

Complete nonsense. You're playing with vague perceptions and caricatures of elements present within all revolutionary movement.
Completely overlooking causality and circumstances of the time.
You're lying, really.

>so that the leaders can look around and say "wow such SOVL, much aesthetic, how beautiful our death"

Get a grip you retard.