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/lit/ - Literature

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20204059 No.20204059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most hypocritical thing you’ve posted on /lit/?

>> No.20204062

I dunno I'm pretty straightforward

>> No.20204063


>> No.20204079

>hypocritical thing you’ve posted on /lit/?
I post about what I read, when no one in /lit/ reads.

>> No.20204080

i've posted on /lit/, yes.

>> No.20204081

I said I read books and I really don't.

>> No.20204083

I argue about books I haven't read

>> No.20204084

I once responded to a philosophical argument with machine-generated text. I don't think anyone noticed.

>> No.20204088
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Oh, that’s easy, I tell people here, I actually read.

>> No.20204091
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Almost everything and I don't seek absolution

>> No.20204096

I don’t think I’ve stooped so low as to try to earn brownie points from people on this board because I actually respect the idea that there are people here who want to learn value of decency.

What do you even stand to gain from lying on an anonymous forum? Especially one about books?

>> No.20204100

You actually come to /lit/ to discuss books? What's wrong with you.

>> No.20204116

I offer advice on overcoming porn addiction when I still suffer from it (less so than I used to though)

>> No.20204132

This and opinions about writers you’ve never read are unforgivable

>> No.20204134

>less so

>> No.20204136

I hope you guys are joking and don’t really believe people on /lit/ read. Because that’s sad if true.

>> No.20204140

Writing against lust organizes the mind to act against it. Experience is the greatest teacher so someone struggling with it would be able to offer the best advice.

>> No.20204153
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>> No.20204154

Makes me feel drained, and is generally a waste of energy (especially if you do it once a day or more, or if you spend hours a day edging).
Plus I met a nice girl recently

>> No.20204159

It’s fun

>> No.20204167

I know what it does man.
I see..

>> No.20204169

I post actual lies, that's different.

>> No.20204171

Projecting my thoughts onto authors I clearly have misunderstood

>> No.20204174

godspeed anon, YGMI

>> No.20204176

I call people fags regularly.

>> No.20204184

Plenty of anons have said plenty of insightful shit on here about the books that I come here to discuss. I’m no longer amused by the whims of teenage trolls, it’s always the same 5 jokes and the shit ain’t even funny.

>> No.20204203
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sometimes i make a good post
then reply to it saying it's a bad post

>> No.20204224

This. It’s easy to separate the wheat from the chaff, but too many anons ruin threads. If you aren’t going to read, why be here? There are many ulterior motives for like certain books/writers, and some anons use them as an accessory or signal, the way a woman uses a handbag

>> No.20204238

For a laugh, I encourage people to read the Bible and embrace Christianity.

>> No.20204241

My Myrefly piracy threads. By all accounts, I want to sell copies of my books to get out of being an office wagie. It feels counter intuitive taking on the mantle of janny and "doing it for free". Bold strategy, we'll see how this plays out.

>> No.20204246
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I accuse people of being retarded while being retarded myself

>> No.20204261

We know, don't worry about it

>> No.20204262


>> No.20204266
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I dont believe I implied I was worrying, retard

>> No.20204269


>> No.20204276


>> No.20204295

Everything I've ever posted on /lit/. I'm a recurring, nightposting tourist.

>> No.20204380

It wasn't that long ago that a much larger proportion of posters did

>> No.20204426

"Racism is bad"
I do not particularly care for the Japanese.

>> No.20204436

Giving advice to coomers about how to quit even though I haven't been able to myself.

>> No.20204538

I automatically hide soijacks and frogposters even though all I do is shitpost.

>> No.20204540

"I am a Christian".

>> No.20204596 [DELETED] 
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I know

>> No.20204610 [DELETED] 
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I know

>> No.20204622

I condemn degeneracy while fapping to Japanese Incest Game Show porn

>> No.20204663

Everything. I don't come here to be consistent, I come here to shitpost.

>> No.20204698
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I know

>> No.20205437

I constantly give advice on shit I know nearly nothing about or experienced.

>> No.20206392

nothing, only others are hypocritical and never me :-)

>> No.20206739

i try to convert ppl to islam and then respond to my own posts with atheistic refutations then i gracefully refute those citing sufi mysticism. not only am i an atheist, but i genuinely hate all religion/philosophy talk on this board. i dont know if its addiction or bitterness from getting no responses when i try to actually discuss literature or what

>> No.20206745

I counter chuds by pointing out logical fallacies in their arguing, only to immediately follow them up with ad hominems and strawmen in the form of insults

>> No.20206770
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I often get annoyed at the same superficial understanding of writers/philosophers i used to have when i just started out. Being patient with dumb mistakes is hard, but doubly so when they used to be your mistakes.

>> No.20206801

Didn't do it on lit really, but on other boards I used to, when I was arguing and losing, wait a little and then "argue" for the other side but with retarded arguments, then I came back in a little and completely debunked "the enemy"'s arguements and made the other guy look like a retard by association. Can't be the only one who does it desu

>> No.20206830

gays are bad

>> No.20207686

I read but never anything people discuss so I mostly lurk threads and ask questions.

>> No.20208235

I've gone on about ethics when a couple summers ago I tossed a bottle bomb at a parked car.

>> No.20208265

it's fucked up that even making a molotov cocktail is a federal crime

>> No.20208290

I guess Feds want to nip things in the bud early… plus kids and retards losing hands, houses and lives…pretty good law. I wouldn’t trust most people making a bomb, socially or technically

>> No.20208300

That I hate black women
I am a black woman

>> No.20208314

There is no fallacy in tribalism. You can’t refute someone with fundamentally different values. I don’t value niggers or likes at all, I value Aryans. You don’t. There is nothing to say, violence will remain the ultimate authority.

>> No.20208324

>Writing against lust organizes the mind to act against it. Experience is the greatest teacher so someone struggling with it would be able to offer the best advice.
Explains why conservatives get caught fucking gay prostitutes. Straight liberals just haven't experienced the struggle.

>> No.20208468
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literally me

>> No.20208472

It is? Then all those youtube videos of people making them are evidence of crimes?

>> No.20208496

I have told anons to read my diary (desu), yet I never wrote a diary.

>> No.20208569

Every single one of my posts was a shitpost. I've hardly read, if I even know who they are, the authors who I post about, and when it comes to books, I just parrot some bait opinion or shitty female Goodreads review.

>> No.20208950

Oh anon, that's not hypocrisy at all. that's just pretense which is way more standard

>> No.20209072

Lol why do guys put effort in to pretend to be something? I always lurk rarely post anything just watch the shitfest that is you people interacting. I love the interactions you people have sometimes lol

>> No.20209237

It'd be pretense if I did it out of ego. I do it because I get my kicks out of it when people reply.