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20197062 No.20197062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there truly no right wing literature on the European Union and its future more recent than what the Nouvelle Droite writers produced?
I would be more than happy even with blog-form moldbuggery, in any major European language.
The inter-European discourse as experienced through living here and reading the news feels hopelessly unreflective, lifeless and reduced to "we must do current thing better" (than Americans).

>> No.20197064

Why do you need specifically "right wing literature"?

>> No.20197103

My first reaction was to answer: because I'm of the right - however, I expect nothing worth reading on the left from the center-right, inclusive. The major parties involved with actual power have spent the last 30ish years since the fall of the Soviet Union just grifting, reacting to events and importing noneuropeans*. I'm not very interested in what the actual Left has to say, there is nothing innovative in being a bioleninist, or in being Varoufakis. Yeah, debt bad, I agree.
I ask because after the Nouvelle Droite, it seems not much of note has been produced, while it seems American RW thought has progressed miles ahead.

*I'm also not very interested in the eternal, fruitless, immigration debates. We've voted on these measures with our ovaries.

>> No.20197114

He doesn’t want to burst his bubble.

Take France for instance. The “socialist” is universally hated for his rightwing policies. Yet somehow Le Pen is the only other option allowed. If you were French, you’d pick her because she’s rightwing on paper and that ticks that box for you. France is a lefty nation but they’re not allowed to pick their destination. Neoliberalism is your “true” rightwing. Trudeau, Obama, Clinton, Scholz, New Labour. And the father rightwing, is all the rightwing you’ve got. It’s all you. Everything is rightwing now. This is the world you wanted now.

>> No.20197121

>our ovaries.

>> No.20197127
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>Everything is rightwing now. This is the world you wanted now.

>> No.20197128


>> No.20197131

>"we must do current thing better" (than Americans)
Even that is a pathetic lie, as Europeans have eagerly let themselves become subservient running dogs to Americas attempts at conducting imperialism in a 21c. world. Take back your land from your heartless masters and then you might find the fire of life within you.

>> No.20197132

Do you assume all writers fall into one of those categories you made up?

>> No.20197142

No. The bubble has went *pop* after EU became a more formulated organization and the far right(which used to support it, mind you) recognized it's shit. Kind of why a lot of the ND figures dissociated themselves from it as well.

>> No.20197144

>posts leftwing dictator who was assassinated by rightwing western regimes

>> No.20197146

By all means, do recommend me books or primo autismo blogs, as I asked,
>on the European Union and its future,
by European authors.

>> No.20197154

Leftwing? The Green Book is just reinventing parliamentary democracy with hard nationalist elements thrown in

>> No.20197177

This seems to be the case. I'd still think there'd be some journals, some new ideas...

>> No.20197186

You didn't refute his facts

>> No.20197193
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I don't consider liberal democracies "rightwing", what is there to rephyoot? If you lack the shared context to follow this thread, get out

>> No.20197195

>it seems American RW thought has progressed miles ahead
Because America has the weird situation of being both
a. far enough away from major global geopolitics that it seems like something it can ignore
b. large and interconnected enough with itself (some states having economies larger than some Euro countries) to not understand how much better off you are with global market participation
Combine this with the fact that the average American is grossly undereducated, so that our brand of isolationist, just-throw-up-a-wall autarkism carries more currency. Only a full-blown lunatic in the EU would embrace that kind of policy and no populace would support it.

>> No.20197214

I love when lefties claim these obviously fascist-influenced leaders from the global south.

>> No.20197234

More probable is that the post-ww2 Right is actively surpressed in Europe. Look at AfD - under surveillance, yet vanilla liberal right wing.
American isolationism might be a factor, but I'm sorry, we're not speaking about
>the average American
>grossly undereducated
but about dissidents from the Coastal Elites like Moldbug himself (to take the most obvious example). How on earth does reactionary tradition find continuation on American soil and not in Europe?? After the German conservatives in the 30s and the Elite Theorists, there's complete pacification.
But I'm not interested in the 1930s

>> No.20197268

Problem with Europe is that a lot of that stuff is written in their own languages.

>> No.20197269

Regardless, it was the even more depraved right wing of the developed bloc that made sure to sodomize him with a rusty bayonet and plunge Libya back in time several centuries.

>> No.20197284
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I don't care - if you know anything worthwhile, spill the beans

>> No.20197295

Try /pol/

>> No.20197297
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how about this?

>> No.20197302

lmfao that cover, ok
I might or might not be a Slav and can actually read that, thanks. The first actual answer to my question.
Keep em coming!

>> No.20197339

Happening in Europe right now: the traditionally pragmatist bureucrat Germany is getting diplomatically badly beaten up by Putin's invasion of Ukraine because they refuse to stop giving Russia money. This will, without question, force Germany to change its traditional position of pure self-interest into a position that's more in line with other eurocountries and their interests. It took a war in Europe to end Germany's economic hegemony over the eurozone and it's probably for the better.

>> No.20197657

I assume you're already familiar with Jean Thiriart.

>> No.20197693

There was a proposal to insert a recognition of Christian heritage as a value in EU when it was being formed but they decided against it. EU is a masonic globalist project and will fail.

>> No.20197957

Jonathan Bowden started writing a book called Right which is concerned with the EU

>> No.20198238

>Why do you need specifically "right wing literature"?
>He doesn’t want to burst his bubble.

Why is it that asking for /theory/ never triggers these people but not-/theory/ does? It's such a faggy way to argue in this vaguely frankfurtian way of implying that the only reason people might want to read books that do not conform to your worldview is that "they're afraid of having their preconceived notions challenged" when such an argument could be made against /theoreticians/ just the same. If anything, lukewarm lefty ideology is the only ideology that can afford to insulate itself 100% in an ideological bubble because the people who might actually challenge them are definitely not going to get a platform in institutions or the media anytime soon.

>> No.20198644

>status quo = right-wing
retard take

>> No.20198679


try to find a translation of the works of gomez davila into german or french or italian if you can't read spanish

>> No.20198732

where do you people come from? Like what the fuck are you? How can someone so delusional exist in the information age

>> No.20198781

As for German RW literature, try Antaios and Karolinger. Antaios is the German new right's house publisher and well entwined with the eastern populist right, Karolinger focuses more on translating reactionary thinkers but has some contemporary ones too. These are the two major ones I can think of which I regularly buy from.

>> No.20198784

Europe had its fair share of history and influence fuck that shit, it's time to let it die already

>> No.20199008

>merchant rule is right wing
This has to be bait

>> No.20199041

the european union does not have a future. there is no point in writing about it unless you work for it

>> No.20199120


>> No.20199173

What? "I'm looking for Marxist interpretations of the stock market." "WHY SPECIFICALLY MARXIST?? HUH??? WHY NOT CHALLENGED YOUR PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS????"

What a stupid question. Reading their literature would be one way to see if what they have to say is insightful or not, therefore valid or not. The better question is why you only have this kneejerk reaction to right wing theory, since we both know you wouldn't have batted an eye if he had said "I'm looking for anarchist thoughts on collectives" or "I'm looking for neoclassical interpretations of Kondratiev cycles."

>> No.20199584

I know, it's weird. They only post this shit when the OP has something to do with futurist right, post right, or modern right literature specifically. It's so weird, I never see this kind of shilling when it's any other idealogy. It just makes me want to look into the topic more.

>> No.20199602

Holy pseud.

Incorrect. Everything is left wing now. This is the world you wanted. So everything bad that happens in the world is your idealogies fault not mine. You take all the blame for everything negative. And anything positive that happens is a direct result of the influence of my idealogy. And if mine ran the world then things would be perfect. Lolololol do people actually think like this?

>> No.20199752
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>> No.20199912

Don't pretend like people don't have reasonable reasons to be suspicious of right-wing shit in this day and age.

>> No.20199977
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>> No.20199993

I take it back. You can have him. But again, it was a rightwing neoliberal agenda to wreck his nation and steal their resources. The ones profiting off this don’t give a damn about the immigrant crisis it compounds.

It was genuinely a swipe. There’s nothing more ignorant than a 21st century fascist. The Ukrainian ones still think they’re getting into NATO.

>This is the world you wanted
>oligarchic war economics is leftwing
The stated goals of the left are to live in peace and freedom for all. The fascist goal is a boot stomping on the collective faces of the world, forever.

>> No.20200009

>*marching tune about killing children of the Donbass*
I don’t even know what’s parody anymore.

>> No.20200167

There is no left wing or right wing, only corporatism

>> No.20200210

The stated goal of the right is a Monarchy with just enough power to keep the merchant class in line (and yes the fact you can just assassinate the Monarch is a feature, not a bug)

>> No.20200268

That’s a tiny portion of elites in current royal families and a few deranged larpers like you. Pretty extreme.
A silken slipper on the necks of serfdom.
And the merchants maintained. Terrible hell even if you did manage to bring it back.

>> No.20200322

Now you understand the "left"

>> No.20200336

>ctrl f "jew"
>0 results
Lmfao. Merely by not being a massive pussy any 85IQ skinhead has a more accurate view of political reality than you faggots because he can at least vaguely identify his enemy. Pathetic

>> No.20200337

To lift the foot off and walk like men. To lift the foot off women and let them be women again.
The left want peace, freedom and happiness. Yes, I do understand the left. Even when they call themselves rightwing, I understand them to be left

>> No.20200349

Wow you actually don't get it, that's sad

>> No.20200409

So what has your brain been washed in?
Or are you trolling?

>> No.20200452

Only obtained through war and domination. Without domination there is always conflict, as it is simply inevitable given the conditions of reality (while there are beings which are naturally peaceable, the opposite also exist and are naturally inclined to be better at war than them).
> freedom
Meaningless, most people cannot even define it let alone establish it. You would have to first differentiate between negative and positive freedom, and in the former case use law (ie, domination) to limit it to an acceptable level. One would also have to demonstrate why negative freedom by itself is valuable, or how it could even be said to constitute freedom, rather than simply "random action", which many people today confuse with freedom (the ability to simply do anything without any determining preconditions). Alternatively positive freedom can be harsh but has its own justification within itself.
Which probably implies English happiness, ie one kind of supposed happiness. Not the kind of happiness many people can stomach without developing mental illness and all sorts of depraved habits to compensate for lack of "excitement."

>> No.20200531

Jews and their biddings are not my enemies.

>> No.20200558

Goal post moving

>> No.20200629

>trust liberals
>you get current world
>trust leftists
>they hand everything over to liberals
>you get current world plus trannies
>trust fascists
>no trannies
Fascists in the lead so far

>> No.20200648

>Hey, man! There are only two teams
>This world is 100% leftist. Haven’t you ever heard of cultural Marxism??
>Biden is the left (don’t pay any attention to that laptop!)
>One word. Trannies.

I’m rolling

>> No.20200652
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>> No.20200675

Are you really this self unaware?

>> No.20200807

>The inter-European discourse as experienced through living here and reading the news feels hopelessly unreflective, lifeless and reduced to "we must do current thing better" (than Americans).
That's literally Nouvelle Droite "thought."

>> No.20200883

There's Norman Lowell's Imperium Europa that came out just a few years ago. He's an interesting guy, I think Maltese, and was part of the London New Right scene for a while.

>> No.20200956

Thank you, much appreciated.
Is somebody finishing it?
You don't need to argue with them. They still live in a world where gheys and women are an oppressed class - a dystopian mashup of (every) White Terror, the 60's in Amerika, and current year.
I'm posting it just for fun:

>> No.20201100


The left are a mass of performing dogs who will do wonderful tricks whenever their (((master))) shouts the magic words "equality", "democracy" and "freedom". None of them ever pause to wonder what these words actually mean in practice, or why there has never been a truly equal, democratic or free society in all human history. The outcomes hardly matter, as long as the intention is right.

>> No.20201125

To answer to my own thread, one thing I read is the Austrian https://sezession.de , somewhat mild, Corona obsessed - but smart people.

>> No.20201142

I think a large number of people have grown up in a world where it's incredibly easy to get fully alienated from the idea of providing a living to oneself and others. This of course has lead to much absolute nonsense getting thrown around as politics, or political, the best example being modern identity politics. Apparently the wealth of many western countries makes this possible. In general, young people rarely need to confront the consequences of their actions or thinking because societies will provide wellbeing for everyone.

>> No.20201185
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Whya are fascists, so obsessed with male bodies?. Is it repressed homosexuality?

>> No.20201199

And I love when rightoids claim any moderately successful left-wing regime as le epic fascism because their 1000 year old Reich didn't last 20. All of these leaders were left-wing, supported more by the Soviet Union, and you still claim it's fascism? Get a grip. Fascism lost the world stage and you can just shit and piss all over the place. Cope.

>> No.20201200

>Real Right Wing has never been tried
>Why aren't there any right wing writers?? only communists and commies!!!
Maybe right wing cuckolds shouldn't have abandon culture, art, education and universities to make quick buck?

>> No.20201246
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I can't be homosexual - nobody molested me as a child.

>> No.20201259

"Real right wing" has been the norm throughout human history. You yourself agree - that's why you believe in Whig history, progress, and/or historical determinism, depending on how leftist you are. Projecting your leftist sectarian purity spiral on us really shows what level you're operating on.

>> No.20201283
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We all know the relation between the idiolization of male bodies and homosexuality and you can't hide it,pic related is sure to turn on every brain-dead rightoid in the vicinity, you /pol/graph posting retard.

>> No.20201294

Im not even a leftist. You are just a low iq cuck

>> No.20201303


>> No.20201304

What does it even mean to be rightwing or leftwing in current year?

>> No.20201343
File: 130 KB, 867x843, Fix B. - Stocks are up, Wages are down. What does it Mean (2020) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm looking for Marxist interpretations of the stock market." "WHY SPECIFICALLY MARXIST?? HUH???
You don't need no Marxist interpretation, when you already have one, giving actual result, and explanations why marxism just ain't gonna work.


>> No.20201347
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>I love when lefties claim these obviously fascist-influenced leaders from the global south.
Gaddafi showed up in Italy one time on a state visit with a photograph of a Libyan resistance leader Omar Muhtar who had been executed by the Italian fascists pinned to his chest. He had an eclectic ideology but I think "fascism" for Gaddafi was inexorably bound up in Italian colonialism.

Also a big movie the Libyan government produced in the 80s was the "Lion of the Desert" about Muhtar's war against the Italian fascists -- this movie was banned in Italy until 2009.


>> No.20201383
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I think the Western far right tends to mirror liberals in a way because they view illiberal, non-Western regimes as "fascist," which is to accept the propaganda line about how "Gaddafi supplies troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape" but thinking that's based instead of just CIA propaganda. They don't seem to fathom that their governments (from the CIA down to local police departments) lie -- a lot -- and take positions for deceptive reasons. And very few of the people weighing in on, say, Libya knows anything about the history involved here or probably even knew who Omar Muhtar was before I brought him up. So it's not a real place that exists but an imaginary thing which exists in a context-free void.

>> No.20201398

I'm American but my essays and books are more like Incelist treatises on philosophy

>> No.20201423


>> No.20201751

>The stated goals of the left are to live in peace and freedom for all. The fascist goal is a boot stomping on the collective faces of the world, forever.
You are late to the party, I already made a better bait copypasta. Here's mine from a while back.

Berserk is actually so based. I love it how so many chuddies love it, without realizing that it completely rails against and btfo Christianity. Quite honestly, Chuds recommending and spreading Berserk to other people is the greatest self own in modern history. It literally proves that Nietzscheanism aligns itself with the anti right wing instinct. The infinite struggle conveyed by Guts, is directly comparable to the infinite struggle of the proletariat against the right wing bourgeoisie. Guts is the modern day left wing. The right wing is the insane pyschotic Christians and clergy who goes around terrorizing and torturing people. It shows the importance of continuously resisting reactionary ideology. Their ideal world is the tyrannical one in berserk. They want tyranny, while the left fundamentally wants equality and freedom. Think about the right wing slave morality present in today. Imagine subjecting yourself to abstractions like virtues, morality, or whatever other idealism. The left wants to free people of that. Guts struggles against the status quo, he is literally progressive in definition. You have the tyrannical right wing Christian overlords ruling over people, and yet there are people that are still Christians, that still worship them. Same in Berserk, and the same in our world, except in ours, they are capitalists. Guts rejects that entirely. It's a perfect series to show how the Church is evil, and how religion and right wing dogma is used to control people. Why is left wing Nietzscheanism so based anons? If you think about it, The entire left, from Bush down, sublimates all that Gutz was is and will be. He is a great man who with his own hands enacts a society where one does not enact justice through their own will, but instead, pays deference to the collective. As he knows that any indivigual struggle is not only doomed to fail, but the ideology itself is silly. This is represented directly by the long boat trip. It takes the majority of the runtime to show that we all live one one big ship called the WORLD. And there are no heros, only the redistribution of the good by the commons to the commons. Gutz' fights are actually a very well constructed satire on the childishness and essential fascism in such wanton displays of masculine projection and coding. Because Ultimately he doesnt get anywhere. His perservierience means nothing, ideology means nothing unless backed by the material and epicurean satisfaction of the whole. he could have died. he could have got hurt. bad things.... dangerous things. but on the ship he goes to fairy land. the whole thing was a masterful deconstruction of the violence inherent in violence.

>> No.20202050

It's a mafia of Jews that has taken over the west slowly throughout the past millennium. There are many gentile collaborators, the freemason networks for example, but you don't see actual widespread "leftism" until Jews enter a country. Notice that Israel doesnt hate its own people, doesn't have mass immigration, has a 3.1 fertility rate? It's the only developed country on earth that has managed that.

Have you ever wondered why this is the literal only thing that is just straight up forbidden? You can say pretty much any right wing theory and be tolerated but you can't say this. It's outtight illegal in much of the west and is quasi-illegal in the US.

You ever tried to read the Talmud? They literally openly state all of this. They view you as subhuman cattle meant to be a slave.

>> No.20202067

Right-wingers have no morals

>> No.20202071

>The stated goals
Oh my god, the implication on this one...
you guys just can't help it do you?

>> No.20202078

>Israel doesn't have mass immigration
you're braindead

>> No.20202101

It doesnt, how many Syrian refugees did it take? Oh look at this lmao

It also sterilizes immigrants

The reaso you dont name the Jew is not that you have some better, more sophisticated theory. It's that you're a pussy and you know this is the one thing youre not allowed to say

>> No.20202151

>The reaso you dont name the Jew is not that you have some better, more sophisticated theory
So self-conscious, so insecure...

>> No.20202157
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>more dry heaves
It’s etched in stone often enough

>> No.20202167

No I'm just used to the framing you guys take out of fear(or dishonesty). That it's impossible for some reason for powerful conspiracies to exist(you never explain why this is lmao), that it must all be abstract, impersonal dynamics, which of course you never get in any trouble for talking about, conveniently.

Why was Epstein murdered in prison? Why did the FBI "lose" all the blackmail material he had on high level politicians and businessmen? Why are none of Maxwell's clients even named, let alone prosecuted, weeks into her trial?

>> No.20202185

Ask /pol/

>> No.20202210

You people are so dumb and brainwashed lmao. Right wingers don't love mass rape and Ghaddafi would have kicked you homos out of his state.

>> No.20202211

I dont post on /pol/. Just be a leftist you stupid faggot pussy. What is the point of dancing around with this gay nouvelle droite bullshit, when France IMPRISONS HOLOCAUST DENIERS. You're playing dress up rebel you imbecile

>> No.20202218

Prove him wrong. What western leftist ideas has Israel adopted? Its the only ethno-state that is allowed to exist making it probably the most right-wing nation.

>> No.20202224

Gadaffi is mentioned in the book A History of Central Banking as an example of someone who stood up to the system of international Jewish finance by creating a state bank and was murdered and had his country destroyed for it. So no, right wingers dont think that.

>> No.20202238

Those three principles laid down the basis for the insane leftism that we see today

Also, there is a discrepancy between "academic" leftism and what it is actually
Its so pervasive that it infiltrated the right, too

>> No.20202239

Not him but Israel isn't really an ethnostate in practice, and isn't Tel Aviv like the LGBT parade capital of the world?

>> No.20202245

Everything that happens out of the reach of the public can be defined as conspiracy

>> No.20203602

The good news is that based on past data the power index is going to nosedive very soon. Hopefully we reach an all time low this time.

>> No.20204986

More goal post moving.

Those on the right that hate the government and want their freedom are actually leftists. You liberals have us all diced up wrong.

>> No.20204994


>> No.20206176

Marginal groups and idealists do not count

Leftist today are anti freedom and anti western

>> No.20206251

>Not him but Israel isn't really an ethnostate in practice, and isn't Tel Aviv like the LGBT parade capital of the world?
I've heard Israel is like the one country where you can go from Borat to Bruno in 30 minutes. Like, if you want crazy apocalyptic Jews who trying to live like their ancestors in Eastern Europe in the 19th century, you can have that, and then take an Uber to Tel Aviv Pride with global superstar DJs:
