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/lit/ - Literature

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20195366 No.20195366 [Reply] [Original]

I have a good idea for a book. Now what?

>> No.20195371

Find a girlfriend?

>> No.20195375

Hire a ghostwriter,g

>> No.20195498

the belief that ideas are worth nothing is why our society is so shit

>> No.20195516

Write out a one page description of the story, summarize the plot and describe the style and themes. Write either a test chapter or a short story that explores the main characters. Now at this point you can go in three directions, you can outline it and then start writing your first draft, or you can just start free-writing even if it differs from your one page description and sort of discover where it goes, or you can start collecting notes and scraps, passages of dialogue, description, ideas for scenes and keep amassing material and then you can start ordering it into something that resembles a first draft.
Then you just keep redrafting. Seek feedback. Keep redrafting.
Good luck.